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- From: rkrouse@inow.com (rkrouse@inow.com)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.fan.art-bell,talk.religion.newage,alt.conspiracy
- Subject: COA#40 Barbara's Realm
- Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 04:29:10 GMT
- Organization: NSI/INOW
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- DON'T LET THIS BE YOUR LAST ISSUE! (this is only for those who are receiving
- a complimentary copy or subscription has run out.)
- Subscription price for email is 13 issues, every two weeks
- for $22 or $26=snail mail. Email credit card info or mail check to COA,
- 2221 Bowers Ave., Santa Clara, Ca. 95051 or call Barbara @ (408) 241-7981
- Center of Attention Newsletter #40
- 2221 Bowers Ave. Santa Clara, CA.
- (408) 241-7981
- email: jason@iptcorp.com
- Barbara's Realm
- Some of you have been waiting for our evaluation
- of the Wesak Festival held in Mt. Shasta, CA, (May 3, 4 &
- 5, 96). I am still processing the events that took place and
- probably will for quite sometime. I am still wondering why,
- with 1300 people, the energy felt dead!
- The accomplishment of bringing together 1300
- people from all over the world goes to Dr. Joshua David
- Stone and his associates. Thank you all for your efforts.
- The delivery of the channeled information in my
- opinion lacked HEART energy! I did not resonate with the
- information being given, it seemed like the old third di-
- mensional stuff that has kept us subservient to a hierarchi-
- cal chain of command. We are masters, all of us, even
- though we sometimes don't acknowledge it. We should be
- addressing each other as such.
- The reviews are mixed some people thought it was
- great and others thought it lacked something.
- The last night was the best when all of the guest
- speakers took the stage. The love, laughter and joy filled
- the room and was felt by all!
- Channeled by SANDIA (The Angel Group)
- Last week on Thursday, Gabriel came to me and
- said "Soon an Annunciation will be given to the Angel
- Group". Today it was given. As I began repeating, "I am
- the Light (breather), "I am Love" (breathe), the Truth
- (breathe), the Light (breathe), I am the open door(breathe),
- I am, that I am, I am the way, and breathing, I could feel
- the connection.
- I began to hear, "Elahrok, daughter of Zion, listen
- to what we speak". The four Archangels came in all with
- their swords drawn, placing them together with the points
- touching, forming a 4 sided pyramid above their heads
- with the brilliant flame of golden light as the apex of the
- sword tips. They spoke as one. "We have been commis-
- sioned for a holy war. The darkness must be pushed out". I
- could see the flames move from the North Pole to the
- South Pole.
- I asked, "How can we assist? "You will tell the
- world. More messages like Mary's will be coming. You will
- share them with the world. I asked "Will you show us the
- way?" "You will listen to Spirit and do as Spirit commands.
- The energies of manifesting are being increased in the
- group. The darkness will not stand". I replied "I have no
- doubt".
- Gabriel then moved in front of me - sword tip on
- the ground - "Elahrok share this message with the world
- that we are going to war against the darkness on this
- planet. Tell them the darkness will not stand. Know that as
- we battle, literally for the soul of this planet, many earth
- changes will be increased. Lightworkers are not to fear.
- They are to smile, knowing the real cause of these
- changes - the erraticification of the darkness on the planet.
- I speak this to you Elahrok with great love." I then saw the
- 4 swords of a teepee effect around me, and was given a
- symbol. "Know that you are protected, nothing can harm
- you, share the light".
- Love, Light, Laughter & Joy to All