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- From: rkrouse@inow.com (rkrouse@inow.com)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.fan.art-bell,talk.religion.newage,alt.conspiracy
- Subject: COA#40 Scalar Technology the "Wave" of the Future
- Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 04:21:12 GMT
- Organization: NSI/INOW
- Lines: 119
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- DON'T LET THIS BE YOUR LAST ISSUE! (this is only for those who are receiving
- a complimentary copy or subscription has run out.)
- Subscription price for email is 13 issues, every two weeks
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- Center of Attention Newsletter #40
- 2221 Bowers Ave. Santa Clara, CA.
- (408) 241-7981
- email: jason@iptcorp.com
- Scalar Technology the "Wave" of the Future
- by Jason
- I really hate bringing this up, but your responses,
- regarding anything I put out there about "new technolo-
- gies", tells me that everyone is more interested than I
- thought. The problem is, that I am not capable of putting
- enough of my attention in that area, so I need someone
- else to handle the logistics. I should point out that there is
- much material available regarding Tesla, scalar, and other
- so-called, "new technologies". For those of you with the
- strictly technical interest, I recommend going to a book
- store and picking up anything on the subject, then just call
- some of these people up and they'll lead you to other re-
- sources. The Internet is also filled with many articles and
- contacts. Most of the responses I've been getting are from
- those of you that see the enormous potential of these tech-
- nologies and want to know more about it and how to invest,
- get one for yourself, or get involved in some way. I honor
- you for your insight.
- Understand that scalar wave technology is a theo-
- retical science and in the scientific community is consid-
- ered nonsense. However, I want to point out that science
- is ignoring this for the same reasons they ignore UFOs.
- They are pressured by their peers to not involve them-
- selves in anything controversial. It's a wonder anything
- new comes along!
- Scalar wave technology is being used, and kept
- secret by our own government. The HAARP project is one
- of the most visible technologies and it is designed to do a
- lot of useful things for our military, as well as control
- weather. That's what it is designed to do, but in fact, it
- could bring colossal disaster if left in the hands of our
- power-mongering military and their lackey scientists. The
- Kryon, as well as, other notable people have condemned
- this project, located in Alaska. They intend to transmit gi-
- gawatts (that's a lot!) of scalar, microwave energy into the
- ionosphere, to see what will happen. They know that scalar
- waves are real and that they represent a profound depar-
- ture from conventional science. That's why mainstream
- scientist are being convinced it's a waste of time. The
- Russians have been experimenting for years!
- There has been a couple of Free Energy Fairs this
- year where several different devices proved that magnetic
- motors, scalar wave generators, and cold-fusion are legiti-
- mate products. These fairs were attended by some noted
- scientists, and one invention, "the Patterson Cell", proved
- beyond doubt to be capable of creating vast energy from a
- relatively simple, small device. At this time, the Patterson
- Cell has been bought up by a huge Texas Corporation who
- I'm sure promised to make Mr. Patterson rich, and will
- make it available to the public in 20 years, I'm sorry to say.
- There was also a magnetic motor attached to a scooter that
- apparently drove around London for several hours on a
- single battery that never needed charging! I also, know of
- a person who claims to have a working magnetic motor
- that he's installing in a small car, that will not need any
- conventional power! Plan to contact him soon. So this
- stuff isn't just a "pipe-dream", but on the other hand it is not
- perfected, safe technology at this point.. of course neither
- was my first soap-box derby racer.
- I have had a good meeting with J.T., our Scientist
- of the Realm, to get a clear idea of what progress he has
- made, and what the next step in creating a "free-energy"
- device is. Currently, all the mechanics of a scalar motor
- are built, I've seen it, and it looks feasible. The electronics
- system requires a few hundred dollars of parts and testing
- can begin. J. T. has no resources, including money, to
- pursue his project any further. I've told him that I will ask
- for financial support from you readers, only if he puts to-
- gether a professional proposal for the next step in the re-
- search. I believe if he proves he is capable (and I'm sure
- he is) of continuing this project in a professional manner
- that it is a worthwhile endeavor. One of the main reasons I
- intend to support J. T. is because he believes as I do, that
- getting patents and trying to nail down contracts with major
- manufacturers is a waste of time. It will take years! He is
- in favor of making something that will work, start building
- and selling them and letting the technology secrets move
- into "public domain". That means anybody can use the
- technology. For those of you that truly want free-energy to
- become a reality, you must be willing to take a little risk.
- My estimate is that we need to raise about 3-5 thousand
- dollars for about 3 months of research and then we'll know
- where we are at with it. I'm suggesting that upon receiving
- his proposal, that people can donate $40 or more to the
- research with no expectation of a return on investment. If
- the research bares fruit, however, those that donated will
- have the first opportunity to truly invest and get a return on
- their investment.
- DON'T SEND ANY MONEY NOW! Let's just wait
- until we get a few "ducks" lined up, as they say. First I will
- set up a bank account for this project, only, and get some-
- one to manage the project, (besides myself), who will jus-
- tify and budget the money. Further, agreements will be
- signed by everyone that all research results, plans, etc. will
- become the property of everyone involved and exclusivity
- will be held by no one. COA will then publish monthly pro-
- gress reports, and details of how to do what is being done,
- so anyone else can get in on the act if they want to.