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- From: rkrouse@inow.com (rkrouse@inow.com)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.fan.art-bell,talk.religion.newage,alt.conspiracy
- Subject: COA#40 UFO NEWS
- Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 04:26:12 GMT
- Organization: NSI/INOW
- Lines: 212
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- DON'T LET THIS BE YOUR LAST ISSUE! (this is only for those who are receiving
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- Subscription price for email is 13 issues, every two weeks
- for $22 or $26=snail mail. Email credit card info or mail check to COA,
- 2221 Bowers Ave., Santa Clara, Ca. 95051 or call Barbara @ (408) 241-7981
- Center of Attention Newsletter #40
- 2221 Bowers Ave. Santa Clara, CA.
- (408) 241-7981
- email: jason@iptcorp.com
- On Saturday, May 25, 1996, at 10:45 p.m., a couple
- parked on the outskirts of Lyons Falls, New York spotted a
- "large fireball" in the sky.
- "It was pretty impressive," the male witness said. "It
- took about 25 seconds to cross the sky, moving from east
- to west. It was kind of a dull yellowish-white."
- Lyons Falls is on Route 12, just west of the Adirondack
- Mountains, approximately 36 miles northwest of Utica.
- Note: Conventional meteors are visible for only 5 to 10
- seconds. The Lyons Falls "fireball" was visible for twice
- the maximum time.
- On Sunday, May 12, a man out walking at 1:30 p.m. in
- Sonoma, California looked up and spotted seven white
- lights hovering in the clear blue sky. He described them as
- "a cluster of about seven yellowish-white lights hanging
- motionless in the air a good distance away. They were ar-
- ranged like seven coins might look in your hand, some
- overlapping the others."
- Near the lights the witness saw "a deep red light that
- was very active and bounced around a lot. It also had a
- silver sheen to it. Then it started moving, still bouncing,
- towards me."
- The red-and-silver UFO "got to within a block" of the
- witness. At that distance, it seemed "to be about the size
- of a baseball. At that point, I got very nervous. I wasn't
- ready for any spaceship rides."
- The red-and-silver UFO zipped away, and the lights
- winked out at about 1:45 p.m. Sonoma is on Highway 12,
- just north of San Pablo Bay and twenty miles west of Travis
- Air Force Base.
- On Saturday, April 27, 1996, at approximately 6 p.m., a
- man, standing on the eastern shore of the Quabbin Reser-
- voir, just west of Petersham, Massachusetts, spotted three
- UFOs in the sky over the huge man-made lake.
- "I saw them moving in a circular, sweeping sort of mo-
- tion," the man said. "They made no noise and produced
- only a brightening light that seemed to silhouette them
- against the sky." At first "the UFOs appeared as lines in
- the sky," he added, "but by their appearance I judged them
- to be flat or concave in shape. The area (of flight) was
- west of my position looking over the Quabbin. The objects
- were moving at what I would say was 30 miles per hour in a
- north-south rotation, switching directions in the air. I
- watched them for about five minutes until the objects
- zipped over the (Berkshire) hills to the west."
- In UFO ROUNDUP #12, we told the story of Mrs. X and
- her 11-year-old son, who saw a disc-shaped UFO over their
- farm the night of April 27, the same night as the Quabbin
- sighting mentioned above. Mrs. X has now provided us
- with more details of her sighting. Mrs. X's farm is on
- Highway 10 in Andover, Minnesota, about thirty miles north
- of Minneapolis. The saucer, she reports, "was 45 degrees
- above the horizon and very bright. Its brightness remained
- constant and it was totally silent."
- "I have served in the U.S. Air Force in the past," Mrs. X
- said. "And I worked around aircraft and flight lines. It was
- not like anything I'm used to seeing in the sky, including
- satellites. My son was very excited about it, and it was his
- idea to go online. Also, the weather was very good and
- there were very few clouds."
- The zigzagging saucer was seen at 8:50 p.m. Central
- time on April 27 and was last seen headed for Ramsey,
- Minnesota.
- The newspaper El Expreso of Lima, Peru ran a story
- about a UFO landing high in the Andes in its February 3,
- 1996 edition.
- According to El Expreso, six UFOs appeared over a
- remote mountain meadow, Pampas Lampa, near the town
- of Recuay, which is 79 kilometers (47 miles) south of
- Huaraz. The UFOs badly frightened a group of Quechua
- Indian shepherds tending their flocks. Pampas Lampa is at
- a very high altitude, 4,200 meters (13,650 feet) above sea
- level.
- Eyewitness Silvio Cancio Bedoya, 40, said the UFOs
- appeared before 8 a.m. local time on Wednesday, January
- 31, emerging from the Lago (Lake) de Cococha. Cancio
- said the UFOs formed a protective circle about a larger
- "mothership." Then the flight proceeded north to the Rio
- Santo. The UFOs "illuminated the whole valley with a se-
- quence of lights ranging from deep purple to light violet."
- The "mothership" landed upriver from the village of
- Romatambo. Two occupants emerged from the UFO. The
- Quechua Indians described them as "one meter tall" (3
- feet, 3 inches) with large, oversized heads, long, spindly
- arms and short bandy legs. The occupants were wearing
- gunmetal gray helmets and matching one-piece coveralls.
- Cancio said the UFO occupants took out transparent
- containers and, ignoring the shepherds, collected many
- samples, including soil, grass, mountain flowers, plus water
- and algae from the Rio Santo. At about 8:40 a.m., the oc-
- cupants reentered the "mothership," and then all of the
- UFOs "zoomed straight up into space."
- >From the X-Chronicles
- Edited by Jason
- In August of 1962 there was an event that nobody
- heard about! In Buenos Aires a UFO landed on the runway
- of the airport. According to the newspaper, La Razon, air-
- port manager Luis Harvey was warned by radar operators
- that an unannounced plane was about to land. Harvey
- then saw a UFO hovering four feet off the asphalt. It was
- completely spherical and emitting blinding orange, green
- and blue lights. Then months later, in Dec. a similar UFO
- landed on the main runway while a DC-8 was coming in for
- a landing. The DC-8 was waved off, "That's no truck! It's a
- UFO!"
- Then the occupant of the UFO, a short person, got
- out, walked around the UFO, then got back in and zoomed
- off toward Uruguay.
- Ever wonder why they just don't come down and
- land in some conspicuous place? Well... they do! I won-
- der what kind of idiot thinks it makes sense not to say any-
- thing?
- UFOs Sighted at Gulf Breeze/Pensacola Beach Florida
- On May 22nd, four people on the fishing pier witnessed 2
- black triangular shaped craft flying in formation at about
- 5,000 feet. Each had a small orange light in each corner.
- The objects flew west to east toward EGILN AIR BASE.
- The witnesses reported that the craft were completely silent
- as they passed over the unsuspecting heads of about 150
- people who were near the dock on the beach boardwalk.
- One of the witnesses was an intern for The North American
- Paranormal Network/TERRA NOVA.
- Those who have tried contacting Pensacola Airport
- and EGLIN have received no "official" response as of yet.
- We will pass along more information as we investigate.
- One important note is that the same two craft were
- reported the previous night further down the beach at
- 9:45pm by two witnesses. We do stress that these craft do
- not appear to be the AURORA which is supposedly being
- used out of EGLIN right now. More information as we re-
- ceive it. Thanks.
- If you would like subscription information to either
- monthly publications, EXODUS, or THE X CHRONICLES,
- just call:904-476-4441 in the USA or 905-688-3607 in
- Salida, Colorado Follow-up
- from unknown source
- I have just finished watching the tape from UPN
- (Paranormal Borderline Show.) On Aug 27, 1995 Broad
- DAYLITE Salida, Colorado Over 1 hour of footage by Tim
- Edwards and his 6 year old daughter. Same ship recorded
- in Phoenix, AZ by T. King. Same time frame. Video foot-
- age taken to Village Labs in Phoenix. They have been in
- business since 1970 and worked for Jet Propulsion Labs for
- NASA on Voyager. Computer analyzed by Jim DeLa-
- tosa(sp?) Results:
- Cylindrical shape(like a cigarette) "The lights had
- structure, two rows of moving lights, moving with a pattern,
- moving with intention" says, Jim DeLatosa. Computer says
- object is 2-3,000 feet long (1/2 Mile) "The length of two(2)
- Sears Towers put end to end" 75,000 feet in the air (15
- miles)
- The same ship was in Salida Colorado exactly 78
- years ago to the week. They had old news clippings re-
- ported by a minister. Jim Delatosa says possible reason for
- the same place same time is. "method of travel requires
- coordinates that specify physical properties such as polar-
- ity, resonance, Magnetism to lock on to earth and that is
- where they arrive"
- There you have it. What an amazing video.
- AND LATER........
- We believe the cylinder may have been shot again,
- it looks that way, on May 12th 1996, though it is a much
- smaller version of the huge cylinder that you have seen.
- We have many daylight encounters that we find amazing.