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- From: searcher@ivtech.com
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.research,alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy.area51,alt.paranet.abduct,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.ufo.reports
- Subject: Re: Does Clinton Know ?
- Date: Sat, 15 Jun 96 13:27:38 GMT
- Organization: Investigative Technologies, Inc.
- Lines: 40
- Message-ID: <4pudsb$vrg@tiger.avana.net>
- References: <4ose4p$h44@news2.qtm.net> <31b449f4.4167702@news.gate.net> <4p8g0e$3o4@mochi.lava.net> <4pdadm$rct@tiger.avana.net> <31BA4E5B.118D@students.wisc.edu> <31BEF300.54FB@student.uq.edu.au>
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- In article Brian Zeiler wrote:
- >
- > searcher@ivtech.com wrote:
- >
- > > The powers of the president are limited. If he orders a subordinate to
- > > reveal secret information the subordinate will do so. However, if the
- > > president were to begin requesting clssified information that does not
- > > directly pertain to his job there are specific actions that congress can
- take
- > > against him.
- >
- > Like what? Do you have ANY legal/Constitutional citations that these
- > "specific actions" of Congress really exist? Do you have any examples of
- > such actions being taken to prevent the President from obtaining material
- > above his classification?
- First, the level of classification an individual has only determines the type
- of information they COULD receive. I will grant you that there is no
- "classification level" above the president. That does not mean that the
- president can have access to anything he wants.
- Before you start whinning....
- Look at the fallout from these rather low-level background files that the
- White House requested improperly. Look at what Congress is beginning to do.
- They will investigate and if neccessary begin impeachment hearings the same
- way they did with Nixon. BTW, Brian, do you know what one of the counts in the
- Nixon impeachment indictment was????? The misuse of his power.
- So to directly answer your question....
- The Constitution makes no mention of classified materials. Congress has
- oversight and investigative authority of the government. It is called checks
- and balances, perhaps you haven't had civics yet.
- > Please give some evidence other than your opinion that the President can
- > be denied access to certain highly classified pieces of information and
- > that Congress can restrict the President's access. Your opinion that
- > contradicts federal law is not very convincing.
- >
- > --
- > Brian Zeiler
- BS.