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- From: billp@io.com (Bill Peterson)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo
- Subject: Alien Dreams
- Date: 15 Jun 1996 13:10:21 -0500
- Organization: Illuminati Online
- Lines: 148
- Message-ID: <4puuad$h53@bermuda.io.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: bermuda.io.com
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:87542 alt.paranet.ufo:53089
- I've been reading "The Catcher in the Rye" again, and
- thought I'd type this in, as a sort of practice. I'm making
- no claims about anything in this writing. I consider this a
- literary work and wish to copyright it; please feel free to comment,
- criticise, or chime in. To skeptics and debunkers, consider it a work
- of pure fiction.
- BP
- ------
- Copyright 1996 -- Bill Peterson -- Austin Texas
- When I was little, about ten, I went fishing and ended up
- jumping in. Back at the old pond in Colorado, I just jumped in
- and swam under. The fish were real brightly colored, and looked like
- some kind of orange angelfish or something. I didn't even take the
- pole in, but seeing the fish up close was a lot better than
- catching one anyway.
- We went fishing again, down at the docks. There was a
- large crowd down there, people jostling and elbow to elbow. The
- fishing poles were lined up, and it looked like every foot there
- was another pole. Nobody seemed to be catching anything. Then I
- noticed another dock, right next to the crowded one. This dock
- had nobody at it! I couldn't believe it, and felt like trying to tell
- the other people: "Hey! Look over here!", but then went over there to
- fish. Never did understand why nobody else seemed to notice that dock.
- I used to go fishing a lot back then, and trooped around looking for
- that best place.
- One time, I learned to fly. At first it was hard, and I kept
- floating back down. It takes a certain confidence, or something. If
- you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you can't. Anyway,
- there was a fence, like one of those power-line towers with a fence
- around it. I was stuck in there, and couldn't run to take off. I
- used to have to run to take off. This time, I sort of had to jump,
- and then there were some people on the ground telling me it was
- impossible to fly. Well, I knew already that if I listened to them,
- I'd float down, so they were ignored. I flew a lot back then, and
- one time flew over a strange city at night with the lights on. There
- were some hills (I lived in the flat), and a Safeway store nestled in.
- Actually, there used to be a Safeway store in Austin, where
- I moved to. It's right out in the hills, with a creek beside it. At
- night, well, it looks a lot like that strange city back then. One time
- I was flying, and there seemed to be a destination. And the next thing I
- knew, there was this wooden looking platform on the edge of a mountain.
- There seemed to be about six to ten of us, and then I noticed these
- Shining White Beings. They were obviously Teachers, and I figured out
- that I had been brought here as a test or as part of a class or
- something. These invisible little guys brought me; they are always like
- just out of sight in the corner of your eye. At least, they are dark
- compared to the Shining White Beings, and compared to me. Well,
- they wanted us to fly off this mountain! So, I flopped onto my belly
- about a foot off of the wooden platform, and floated around. No
- problem, a couple of others were doing it too. Then it occurred to me
- that if I could float here, I could just as easily float without the
- platform being there!
- Well, the next thing you know, I was zooming all around this
- huge canyon next to the mountain. I was ecstatic, and saw some kind of
- farmer working down on the fields. I zoomed down and asked him if there
- was anything I could do for him, seeing as how I had this ability to zoom
- all over the mountain. He said that he had everything he needed, and
- seemed to understand that I could fly, and not be really impressed.
- I zoomed away, and later felt a little embarrased, sort of like a
- kid cavorting around after learning to ride a bike. Those Shining
- White Beings, though, you never forget them. I tried to avoid
- direct contact, and fit in with the group. They look right through you,
- and are too bright for me to look at.
- I went back to the mountains again to go fishing. These mountains
- are not my home ones, but they aren't too far away. Very comforting.
- One time, the little invisible guys came again and asked me to
- run an errand for them, since I could fly. This time, I had to fly far
- away. I zoomed, and eventually came upon a massive overpass, lit up
- at night. I walked right through this doctor's office, and got some
- kind of medicine thing. Walking through a wall was interesting, but I
- wasn't really paying attention. I was concentrating on the errand. I
- usually fly outside at night, and not through walls. I zoomed back and
- that was that.
- They took me again to learn how to run like the Flash. There
- were probably 25-50 people either running or flying around. I could
- run like the Flash, but it takes a lot more effort than flying. Then
- I started kind of flying back and forth over the tops of these
- standing stone things. Like Stonehenge or something, except all in a
- row. Suddenly, they took me to the top of the mountain! Just me and
- the Shining White Beings, about six of them! They wanted me to jump
- off the very top of the mountain. I chickened out. Story of my life.
- They took me back down and I zoomed around a little with the
- rest of the class. Those Shining White Beings make me fall on my
- knees and tremble!
- As a kid, we always used to go camping in these mountains,
- in the 1950's and 60's. It was right outside of Roswell, New Mexico.
- Back then I never heard about the crashed flying saucer over on
- Brazel's ranch. Recently I went camping there and I flew twice in a
- row. I don't fly very often, probably only like twenty times in my
- life or so. Two in a row is exceptional. Somehow that seems like home
- up there, but I'm sure the Apaches wouldn't agree. They have a beautiful
- place, and don't need me.
- Suddenly, out of nowhere, this blinding white light starting
- shining. There was nothing, except a feeling of vast space, and the
- light. I couldn't see anything, it was too bright. Then a huge
- voice said: "It will be alright."
- It reverberated and made me feel unbelieveably relieved and
- happy. Then I woke up and my entire body was tingling, like
- an electric shock. You don't forget these kind of things.
- I was going to fly, and there was this terrific surge. Wham!
- And it looks like I'm in space. I mean, I just zoomed up like a rocket.
- I've never done that before. There was this planet or moon or
- something, and it seemed to be lit from behind. It was kind of grey or
- green color. I realized that it was dead. I mean dead. A friend of
- mine said that description looked like the back of the Moon. If so,
- I can tell you, I've been there, and it's dead. I was alone on
- this trip. Just a big zoom, really.
- I pretty much think they don't like me anymore. I had to
- threaten them. I don't know what made me do it. They were talking to
- me and then suddenly I started saying stuff like "Leave me alone"
- and stuff. I even threatened to hurt the other humans that were in
- my care if they didn't leave me alone. I hope I would never do that,
- but I never knew how many seemed to depend on me. At least six to
- ten people. Anyway, I'll bet the little guys don't come back,
- and the Shining White Beings must have written me off by now.
- I'm sure my bad habits are repulsive to them.
- The other day I flew, but there seemed to be some new kinds of
- people or whatever. A couple of people told me that stuff was happening,
- soon, and then introduced me to two different looking guys. One
- seemed vaguely familiar, and fuzzy, like I've seen that kind before.
- The other was this new kind, sort of rounded and hard looking. They
- both glowed a little, probably about like me, and the human looked normal.
- The human was conspiratorial about the whole thing, I guess the lid's
- about to come off. These new types look to be about four feet tall,
- and they aren't dark like the invisible little guys. These kind glow.
- I think they're all busy now; everybody, including me, was bustling about.
- Copyright 1996 -- Bill Peterson, Austin Texas
- --
- Disclaimer: I only speak for myself, and sometimes I wish I hadn't!