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- From: mcknighl@ix.netcom.com (Lawrence E. McKnight)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic,sci.physics
- Subject: Re: Dr. Paul Hill's repulsive force field
- Date: Sat, 15 Jun 1996 22:46:36 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 46
- Message-ID: <31c2fccf.1427555@nntp.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <31B24188.2488@students.wisc.edu> <Pine.SUN.3.91.960613195612.19503H-100000@garcia.efn.org> <31c1bc5c.14009445@news.primenet.com> <31C1E4E1.497@fc.hp.com> <4psvot$ru0@pentagon.io.com> <31C211FE.1CFA@fc.hp.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: sjx-ca56-45.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Sat Jun 15 3:49:30 PM PDT 1996
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99e/16.227
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:87575 alt.paranet.ufo:53106 sci.skeptic:71538 sci.physics:78093
- Jim Rogers <jfr@fc.hp.com> wrote:
- >Bill Peterson wrote:
- >> In article <31C1E4E1.497@fc.hp.com>, Jim Rogers <jfr@fc.hp.com> wrote:
- >....
- >> >To the SaucerZealots, though, such things simply don't happen. If it's not an
- >> >aircraft, bird or balloon, and it's bobbing around in the air, it must be ET.
- >> >We all know that cardboard can't fly.
- >>
- >> I guess that explains the radar track of 1800 mph, the several ground
- >> and air witnesses, the Navy plane in pursuit, being outmaneuvered, the
- >> subsequent sightings on the next day, and the wierdo military
- >> guards who, after seeing it up close, described it as a small ball,
- >> perhaps 1-3 feet in diameter (similar to a "foo fighter"). Thanks.
- >
- >> To the Skepti-lame-heads, this is the behaviour of cardboard!
- >
- >Well, let's stick to the context. Did this 1800 mph thingy that
- >outmaneuvered Navy planes use the "falling leaf" and "wobbling coin"
- >maneuvers? What does a ball look like when it "wobbles" like a silver
- >dollar or a leaf? I can't explain abduction tales with drifting
- >cardboard, either. Is that relevant?
- You just don't understand SaucerZealotLogic. To successfully 'debunk'
- any one sighting, you must produce a mundane explanation that explains
- ALL sightings.
- >
- >> BWAHAHAHAHA! Fooled the FBI too! Rich, very rich! Jim, is this your
- >> idea of a joke? Certainly you're not going to ascribe every sighting
- >> (like the above one) to cardboard or newspaper, are you? And why
- >> chime in with the "SZ" bullshit? It makes you look bad. As far as I
- >> can tell, you're calling *me* an SZ, in which case I challenge you
- >> to reproduce the above, documented sighting, using newspaper
- >> or cardboard, or retract your use of the term "SZ", which term is
- >> clearly meant as a denigrating, derogatory comment. The use of this
- >> racist-like term is the hallmark of the demagogue. And, Jim, I'm
- >> wondering if that's you?
- >
- >Is it *necessary* to explain every sighting with cardboard? Why do
- >you expect one-size-fits-all explanations?
- >
- >Jim
- ---------------
- Larry McKnight
- (this space unintentionally left blank.....