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- From: alleycat@eastky.com (Alleycat)
- Newsgroups: alt.paranet.abduct,alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,alt.paranet.abduct
- Subject: Re: ET's Give Reasons For Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions/"Necessity Supersedes Diplomacy."
- Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 14:01:24 GMT
- Organization: Mikrotec Internet Services, Inc. (MISNet)
- Lines: 81
- Message-ID: <4prqqu$6sr@netnews.mis.net>
- References: <4p9kql$13i@host-3.cyberhighway.net> <4pa2ue$4og@cwis-20.wayne.edu> <4pe744$fpl@swifty.cfa.org> <4pf7p9$ju5@news2.cts.com> <4plfnl$1n8@host-3.cyberhighway.net> <4pmdje$8ik@cwis-20.wayne.edu> <31BED174.1D2F@ergonomica.com> <4pmnrh$ip2@cwis-20.wayne.edu> <4pnoia$j4p@canyon.sr.hp.com> <31BFBD72.7094@ergonomica.com> <4pp26s$evr@cwis-20.wayne.edu> <31C0381A.43AF@ergonomica.com> <4prm2p$jue@cwis-20.wayne.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: footh10.mis.net
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.paranet.abduct:5765 alt.alien.visitors:87577 alt.paranet.ufo:53108 alt.alien.research:25707
- >mje@pookie.pass.wayne.edu (Michael Edelman) wrote:
- >I think I saidf the typical abductee fits that profile, although
- >after reading a few books and web pages I'm tempted to extend that
- >hypothesis.
- >Then again, the profile seems to be changing. It used to be the case
- >that the typical "abductee" was a troubled individual looking to
- >blame their condition on aliens. Now we see the emegence of a new
- >type of aductee who suddenly remembers abductions that took place
- >years ago and were pleasant experiences.
- >But then, fashions do change over time. I predict we'll see a spate of new
- >books about benificial abductions, and though the books will be new,
- >the abductions descrtibed will all have taken place many years
- >ago, and the memories of them recently recovered ;-)
- >: ..... And how many books on
- >: the subject have you actually read, not skimmed.
- >Damn few. As a wise man once saiud, you don't have to eat the entire
- >apple to know it's rotten. ;-)
- > BTW, there is plenty of
- >: information on the net concerning the psychological health and normalcy
- >: of "abductees." You don't even have to crack a book.
- snip
- >: Chris Alexander
- >: Founder, Extraterrestrial Anti-Defamation Organization (ETADO)
- >: <http://www.ergonomica.com/amoon/ETADO.html>
- snip
- >--mike
- OK, you're right that most of the earliest reports of abductions
- were made by troubled people. But in most cases the people were
- troubled because of the abductions. The abductions came first,
- then the troubles. These people came forward for help in
- dealing with the things that had happened or were happening to
- them.
- Even now, the people who are most likely to go public with
- accounts of thier encounters, or more often seek out help and
- then are "discovered", are those who are very troubled by it all
- and are often suffering from PTSS. Thier "trouble" is not the
- cause of the encounters, the encounters are the cause of thier
- "trouble".
- The majority of people who have had encounters, usually for most
- or all of thier lives, are not uneducated. And, yes, many are
- only now beginning to remember these encounters that happened in
- childhood, and often from then up until now. There are far more
- of them then you are likely to ever know. They are very
- reluctant, for the most part, to talk to anyone about thier
- experiences.
- The reason they are not at liberty to discuss this openly is that
- many, if not most, of them are very well educated, well adjusted
- individuals who don't dare to let it be known that they have had
- encounters with aliens. Why? Because they cannot risk thier
- jobs, thier careers, and the well being of thier families by
- doing so. If it were not for the same attitude that you exhibit
- here, maybe, just maybe, they would feel free to discuss this
- openly.
- I know what I'm talking about because I know many of these people
- and have spent hours chatting with them. They are not prone to
- hallucinations, or stupid, or looking for attention, or any of
- the things that you seem to think. They simply need to talk to
- someone about the things that have happened to them. Many do not
- even feel free to discuss this with thier own families. Through
- the internet they can maintain some privacy and still speak
- freely of the events in thier lives.
- It's a very sad thing when fine, upstanding people, are afraid to
- tell the truth in the open because of ridicule, loss of thier
- jobs or reputations, etc.