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- From: frice@stbbs.com (Fredric L. Rice)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic
- Subject: Re: My FOIA requests
- Date: Fri, 07 Jun 1996 17:45:03 GMT
- Organization: The Skeptic Tank
- Lines: 35
- Message-ID: <4p9t4v$7u6@daffy.sb.west.net>
- References: <31AABAA5.5BD7@students.wisc.edu> <dadamsDs67xs.H92@netcom.com> <4oilkn$ka6@cheyenne.iac.net> <4oin5q$mn3@tribune.concentric.net> <31AD134A.15F9@students.wisc.edu> <4ojc47$847@news.tiac.net>
- Reply-To: frice@stbbs.com
- NNTP-Posting-Host: term3-10.vta.west.net
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:85797 alt.paranet.ufo:52036 sci.skeptic:68727
- conover@tiac.net (Harry H Conover) wrote:
- > Brian Zeiler (bdzeiler@students.wisc.edu) wrote:
- > : aikido@cris.com wrote:
- > : My request pursuant to FOIA, 5 U.S.C. 552, is for a complete and thorough
- > : search of all filing systems and locations for all records maintained by
- > : your agency, either originating within the agency or received by the
- > : agency, pertaining to and/or captioned: unidentified flying objects
- > : (UFOs), uncorrelated targets, uncorrelated observations, fastwalkers,
- > : unidentified aerial phenomena, unidentified aerial vehicles (UAVs), IACs,
- <smile> Might as well ask for them to mail off some pizzas while
- they're paying the bill for this one.
- > ...And you act surprised when they ask $150K for a search?
- > ROFL. Brian, you are funnier than any stand-up comic!!!!!!
- I seriously doubt whether Brian is even trying any more. If he were
- at all serious he would have accumulated copies of the requested
- materials from individuals who have already acquired them, made
- his requests a little piece at a time, and paid for the cost of
- reproduction and mailing.
- More: He's ignoring all the materials that are already officially part
- of the public record; the truth about the Roswell balloon "crash"
- has been made available to anyone who wants to simply go to
- the library and check out a copy of Skeptical Inquirer.
- > I really think that you should combine forces with Ted Holden.
- <laughing!> That poor fool couldn't even discern the difference
- between hydrocarbons and hydrogen.