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- From: rudiak@garnet.berkeley.edu
- Newsgroups: sci.skeptic,alt.alien.visitors,alt.alien.research,alt.paranet.ufo
- Subject: Re: Hypothetical constructs are sneaky even to experienced SaucerZealots!
- Date: Sat, 08 Jun 1996 03:20:46 GMT
- Organization: University of California, Berkeley
- Lines: 46
- Message-ID: <4pautc$c57@agate.berkeley.edu>
- References: <4kk2gf$6m5@alterdial.UU.NET> <31AA9D42.30B7@students.wisc.edu> <4omicp$k6q@macondo.dmu.ac.uk> <31AF4228.2C3E@students.wisc.edu> <4p1j5i$cm7@macondo.dmu.ac.uk> <31B4AB8F.3978@students.wisc.edu> <31B49BD2.436A@fc.hp.com> <31B4E5E2.37FF@students.wisc.edu> <31B4DD64.ADA@fc.hp.com> <31B50E80.751D@students.wisc.edu> <31B5036B.4590@fc.hp.com> <31B52C09.7DF2@students.wisc.edu> <31B518C6.4771@fc.hp.com> <4p4jjk$9sh@agate.berkeley.edu> <31B622FF.22A3@fc.hp.com> <4p5nh0$oju@agate.berkeley.edu> <31B717D3.296F@fc.hp.com>
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- Jim Rogers <jfr@fc.hp.com> wrote:
- >Okay, if there was a collision and the bodies were from the less-damaged craft,
- >where is it? No large pieces were reported at all. Only small bits.
- Basically true at Brazel's ranch, except for a large piece about 10 feet across
- that Brazel reportedly hauled into a shed.
- However, the possible crash of a mostly intact craft comes from multiple
- witnesses. Originally it was engineer Barney Barnett's story of a crash on the
- Plains of San Agustin near Socorro. Later Randle and Schmitt dug up various
- witnesses claiming it was about 35 miles north of Roswell near the main highway.
- These include Frank Kaufmann, Provost Marshall William Easeley, radio reporter
- Johnny McBoyle, archeologist W. Curry Holden and geologist/paleontologist C.
- Bertrand Schultz who says he heard it from Holden, CICman Lewis Rickett who
- worked out of Marcel's office, William Ragsdale, Lt.-Col. Albert Lovejoy Duran,
- Sgt. Thomas Gonzales (one of the guards), and Oliver "Pappy" Henderson who said
- he flew the bodies to Wright Field.
- >An ejection
- >system is plausible, but seems to be reaching-- this fantastic technology that
- >carries them across the galaxy and pulls amazing stunts in our air would seem
- >to be so safe a place to stay I'd wonder why they'd pop their unprotected
- >bodies out of it while up in the sky on some (our) alien world.
- One story of possible ejection came from Roswell mortician's Glenn Dennis'
- story. He said a Roswell base nurse who assisted in the autopsies told him the
- bodies were found in ejections pods out on the range. Two were in bad shape
- from exposure and being torn by predators and one wasn't so bad. Dennis says he
- saw the "pods" in the back of the ambulances as he went into the base hosptal.
- In 1982 Pappy Henderson described 3 bodies to his WWII flight crew that "were
- bady deteriorated from exposure and gnawed at by predators." This was 5 or 6
- years before Dennis starting telling his story. The MJ-12 papers told the same
- story, except it was four bodies. These weren't made public until 1989.
- > Would you
- >imagine our astronauts "ejecting" to a soft landing on the moon or Mars while
- >letting their return craft get destroyed? Think of the same scenario again,
- >with a native race of intelligent beings there who don't yet know we exist, and
- >who we were going there to sneak an up-close peek at.
- If there's no possibility of rescue then ejection is pointless. If there are
- other craft around and rescue is possible then ejection makes a lot of sense.