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- From: rudiak@garnet.berkeley.edu
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,sci.skeptic
- Subject: Re: SaucerZealotLogic ( was Re: Skeptics stay away from Hill's UFO Book)
- Date: Sat, 08 Jun 1996 04:05:41 GMT
- Organization: University of California, Berkeley
- Lines: 82
- Message-ID: <4pb1he$eei@agate.berkeley.edu>
- References: <4o05qc$itl@pentagon.io.com> <31B470DF.4A83@fc.hp.com> <4p9p8e$9or@pentagon.io.com> <31B87915.2EB8@fc.hp.com> <4paqs9$90o@bermuda.io.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: laputa.hip.berkeley.edu
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:85910 alt.paranet.ufo:52097 alt.alien.research:24988 sci.skeptic:68902
- billp@io.com (Bill Peterson) wrote:
- >> Jim Rogers <jfr@fc.hp.com> wrote:
- >>.....
- >>Was "the majority of the craft" recovered anywhere? Which witness mentioned
- >>that? All we ever hear about are the scattered little bits, the largest
- >>being one of these balsa wood sticks about three feet long or so, and the
- >>odd larger piece of sheet material. A crashworthy chunk protecting the
- >>occupants, found intact would be necessary to support that idea.
- >>
- >No, I believe the story is that Brazel filled up his truck and
- >stored some of it in his barn.
- The story goes that Brazel gathered a bunch of the material into a corral.
- Brazel dragged a large chunk about 10 feet across with a tractor and stored it
- in a shed.
- >Then Marcel went out and filled
- >up several jeeps with the bigger pieces, and these went back
- >to the base.
- Marcel went out with two vehicles, a car and a jeep carryall. Marcel says that
- when he returned to Roswell with CICman Sheridan Cavitt, both vehicles were
- filled with debris. An entire Mogul balloon train could have easily fit into
- one vehicle.
- > They were then flown to Wright Field, by way of Ft.
- >Worth I think, in a B-29. Hardly the plane to use for transporting
- >a kite.
- Robert Porter was with Marcel on the flight to Fort Worth, and said he was
- handed several packages of debris wrapped in brown paper. These were
- apparently the debris samples Marcel took to show Gen. Ramey in Fort Worth. But
- according to both Porter and Marcel, there was additional boxes of debris in the
- cargo hold. Porter said it was under armed guard. This was probably the two
- carloads of debris Marcel brought back from the debris field the night before.
- Both Marcel and Porter have been corroborated by 1st Lt. Robert Shirkey, who saw
- the plane being loaded with boxes of metal debis and the wrapped packages.
- Shirkey remembers seeing one of the metallic I-beams, about 2 feet long with
- strange writing on it. He also saw an 18 by 24 inch piece of metal, brushed
- stainless steel in color. Shirkey says he was told the metal was from a flying
- saucer. He also says he later heard about the recovery of bodies and that the
- desert was swept clean of debris by a recovery operation. Within 2 weeks, he
- and many others who had been involved were transferred off the base and
- scattered.
- Porter also says he was told on the flight to Fort Worth that the debris was
- from a flying saucer. He was also aware that the crash material from his flight
- was then transferred to another plane and flown to Wright Field. This was all
- happening while supposedly ALL of the debris (according to the current Air Force
- version) was being photographed in Ramey's office and later shown at a press
- conference. But the plane with the real debris was already on its way to Wright
- Field. This has also been confirmed by Marcel and Gen. Thomas Dubose, plus a
- teletype message of a Pentagon/Ramey press release early in the afternoon saying
- the material was being transported to Wright Field.
- Another very interesting aspect of Porter's story, largely overlooked, is the
- pilot of the Roswell/Fort Worth flight. It was Lt.-Col. Payne Jennings, the
- Deputy Commander at Roswell, under Col. Butch Blanchard. But at the time of the
- flight, Jennings had just signed an order making him acting Commanding Officer
- at Roswell, while Blanchard supposedly went on leave. But according to
- Operations Officer Joe Briley, the "leave" was just a ruse, allowing Blanchard
- to avoid the press while he went out to the debris field to make a personal
- determination. This has also been confirmed by Gen. Exon, who knew Blanchard
- well.
- So why would the C/O of Roswell (Blanchard) suddenly go on leave in the middle
- of a media feeding frenzy over the recovery of a flying saucer, while the new
- acting C/O (Jennings) pilots a plane of "balloon" debris to Fort Worth? Is
- this the job of base commanders?
- >I'm hoping rudiak will jump in here, since I only remember
- >this from several years back.
- Your memory is still holding up pretty well in your old age. I'm constantly
- referring back to my reference material, as I did in this post.