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- From: ab801@james.freenet.hamilton.on.ca (Charles Gregory)
- Newsgroups: alt.paranormal,alt.paranet.psi,alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.out.of.body,alt.astrology
- Subject: Re: "SKEPTICS" What they do, and why. (revised 5/26) 3 of 3
- Date: 18 Jun 1996 21:28:07 -0400
- Organization: Hamilton-Wentworth FreeNet, Ontario, Canada.
- Lines: 65
- Message-ID: <4q7l38$q65@james.freenet.hamilton.on.ca>
- References: <4o9s97$9jp@sjx-ixn2.ix.netcom.com> <4oinai$hq@alterdial.UU.NET>
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- NNTP-Posting-Host: james.freenet.hamilton.on.ca
- X-Newsreader: NewsWerthy 2.04 (unregistered)
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.paranormal:19661 alt.paranet.psi:5481 alt.alien.visitors:88295 alt.paranet.ufo:53714 alt.astrology:50784
- dkettler@ix.netcom.com(Bruce Daniel Kettler) wrote:
- > >: TO TWITCH:
- > >: I offered to take your name out,
- > >: I offered to cease all reference to you personally on USENET, if you
- > >: discontinue the same.
- Yes, and as of the date he received your E-Mail, he stopped posting
- references to you, and made a specific point of not calling you anything but
- "Bruce" when he mentioned it to me in his E-Mail to me about the Marfa
- Lights. It seems that you have not waited for the various postings to wind
- their twisted way through UseNet. I could be wrong. The proof will be in the
- pudding.
- STARTING NOW. When YOU (whoever you are, Bruce, Twitch, Dan, ME) read this
- on your newsgroup(s), conduct a one week moratorium on posting about other
- people, or responding to "personal attacks". There is a giant circle of "he
- started it first!" going on here, but I am more concerned with who finishes
- it first! Bruce has made an excellent start, let's not lose it for some
- lousy timing on the net.....
- > Yes, I did offer it, and he has continued his attacks. The offer
- > is over. I will write about TWITCH, and I will repeat what he has
- > done, all the obvious distortions about what I'd allegedly done.
- No you won't. Not if you are the considerate person you seem in your private
- corespondence to me. This has gone on long enough. Maybe people didn't take
- me seriously, but I MEAN it when I say that your own words condemn you far
- worse than what others say about you. You do not hurt Twitch with your
- postings, he dismisses them as lies, and merely "retaliates". Look at your
- own attitude! "He didn't stop." So you feel JUSTIFIED in continuing to take
- shots at him? He feels the same way! Your continued "shots" are excuses for
- HIM to take more "shots".
- > Dan Pressnell was given the same offer. He placed another posting
- > with my name on it. So, I assume Dan Pressnell has also
- > refused my offer.
- Don't "assume" to fast. Wait til the dust settles....
- > I've tried to end this. However, these RABID, fanatical fundamentalist
- > so-called "skeptics" have continued to slander my name over USENET.
- And you have continued to slander theirs. Now the question is, shall we all
- give each other TIME to let it STOP?
- > The references to TWITCH and to Dan Pressnell will be carried out all
- > over usenet by OTHERS. I offered to stop it, to take all personal
- > references out, but now I will be sure it continues.
- No.
- You are the person who sent "nasty e-mail". The onus is on you to make
- allowances, if only for that act. Give it that week. If Twitch or Dan are
- still posting about you (and/or are stupid enough to answer other people's
- postings about you), THEN go get 'em. But I suspect they will really stop if
- they have the chance.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Charles Gregory
- E-Mail: charles@freenet.hamilton.on.ca
- Home Page: [J]ump to "http://www.freenet.hamilton.on.ca/~ab801/Profile.html"
- --