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- From: moleary@dmu.ac.uk (Mark O'Leary)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic,sci.physics
- Subject: Re: Dr. Paul Hill's repulsive force field
- Date: 20 Jun 1996 12:17:47 GMT
- Organization: De Montfort University Leicester UK
- Lines: 35
- Message-ID: <4qbfhb$oue@macondo.dmu.ac.uk>
- References: <31B24188.2488@students.wisc.edu> <4pk874$4fu@agate.berkeley.edu> <4q6llt$cbn@thorn.cc.usm.edu> <31C70FA0.B0D@students.wisc.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: helios.dmu.ac.uk
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:88565 alt.paranet.ufo:53899 sci.skeptic:72908 sci.physics:79004
- In article <31C70FA0.B0D@students.wisc.edu>,
- Brian Zeiler <bdzeiler@students.wisc.edu> wrote:
- [snip]
- >First of all, the qualitative data contains *patterns* throughout the
- >decades with respect to colors and maneuvers. This is undeniable. You
- >may flee in terror because these events are nonreplicable and
- >qualitative, but the patterns remain. Deal with it.
- I don't think many deny that there are consistent features over the history
- of sightings.
- The real trick however, is to show that this '*pattern*' is a result of
- consistent real phenomena, rather than the self-reinforcing effect of the
- publicity of case A causing case B to reported as similar to case A, and
- then case C being reported in the same way, just because A and B were, and
- so on for decades.
- Thats where the problem lies.
- This forum seems split about 50:50 between those who say there must be a
- real correlation because the reports are so similar, and those who say that
- they there is no way to tell the difference between 'real' correlation and
- 'cultural contamination' of the accounts - the latter group does have
- evidence such as the 'appearance' of greys just after the Outer Limits show
- with 'grey-type' aliens on it to support their 'cultural contamination'
- case.
- M.
- --
- -=-=-=-=-=- -.-. .- .-.. .-.. -- . -.-. --- --- ... .-.-.- -=-=-=-=-
- Mark O'Leary, Voice: Extn. 6201
- Network & Communications Group. Email: moleary@dmu.ac.uk
- De Montfort University, UK.