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- From: Marc Forrester <mef4@aber.ac.uk>
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.research,alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy.area51,alt.paranet.abduct,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.sci.time-travel,alt.ufo.reports,alt.alien,alt.bermuda.triangle
- Subject: Re: How UFOS travel thru space ?
- Date: Thu, 20 Jun 1996 23:55:55 +0100
- Organization: University of Wales - Aberystwyth - Prifysgol Cymru
- Lines: 30
- Message-ID: <31C9D6FB.70DF@aber.ac.uk>
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- Maury Markowitz wrote:
- > > over come infinate mass thus we can never acheave the speed of light
- > > but Isoc Neuton said that "energy can not be created or distroied".
- > > So if we can harnes useable energy from all places
- >
- > The amount of energy you can harness is limited by the size of those
- > causually attached objects. Right now that's a sphere about 15
- > billion LY in radius. This is large, but certainly not infinite.
- > Just look up at night, if we have infinite energy, the sky would be
- > bright, not dark!
- This would only be the case if:
- 1/ The universe has existed forever, giving the light from
- infinitely far stars enough time to get here, and..
- 2/ Hubble expansion is not linear. If Hubble expansion is
- linear, then if you go far enough, you'll find everything
- moving away from us at rates much greater than C.
- Which would mean nearly all of the universe was in fact
- entirely outside our light-sphere, and invisible to us.
- Now personally, I think the universe does contain infinite
- energy in infinite space, because it just seems like the
- least hypothesis to me. OTOH, surely it would take us an
- infinite amount of time to gather it all up, and in using
- it we would erase the whole universe?
- Seems like a hell of a way to go just to
- get a spaceship to hit lightspeed.. :>