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- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic
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- From: taranr <>
- Subject: Re: Dr. Paul Hill's repulsive force field
- X-Nntp-Posting-Host:
- Message-ID: <DtCKpr.Cpq@avenger.daytonoh.ncr.com>
- Sender: news@avenger.daytonoh.ncr.com (News administrative Login)
- Reply-To: (taranr)
- Organization: AT&T Global Information Solutions
- X-Newsreader: DiscussIT for MS Windows [AT&T Software Products Division]
- References: <31C97C95.71C9@fc.hp.com>
- Date: Fri, 21 Jun 1996 11:17:51 GMT
- Lines: 45
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:88785 alt.paranet.ufo:54024 sci.skeptic:73204
- ==========Jim Rogers, 6/20/96==========
- taranr wrote:
- .....
- > The Tremonton film is so well known that it is shown in many different
- vidios
- > that are available at the local vidio store. I'm not sure but I believe
- that
- > a new vidio now available at Blockbuster Vidio called the "Sightings UFO
- > Report" shows this and the Mexico City sightings. I have seen it but I've
- > seen so many documentarys I get them confused, however I remember that this
- > one is definitly worth watching, and can be rented for less than four
- bucks.
- > Also, I believe that Kevin Randall may have written something on this case
- in
- > his book "The UFO Casebook" although its been a while since I read it.
- Sorry,
- > but the only people who actually study UFOs are people who take it
- seriously,
- > but don't think that serious analysis is not done or that organizations
- such
- > as MUFON or CUFOS are a bunch of crackpots, because I have read some
- reports
- > from these organizations and investigations are usually quite detailed.
- On the chance your memory's right, I'll look for that tape; of course the
- original film would be needed for a useful analysis, I doubt frame-capture
- from
- a secondary videotape would suffice.
- I don't knee-jerk dismiss a reported MUFON/CUFOS analysis because of the name;
- it's the quality of the study itself that matters (and "quite detailed" can
- disguise shoddy research for those who don't look too critically at it).
- You can take "UFOs" seriously without taking the "ETH" seriously, you know.
- Jim
- Please see my post the Tremonton film. I admit I am not an expert on
- investigation.
- -Bob Tarantino