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- From: Robert Collins <rmcoll@rmi.net>
- Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
- Subject: Revised:WPAFB,Underground Vaults?
- Date: Sat, 22 Jun 1996 00:07:47 -0400
- Organization: Consultant
- Lines: 252
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- The Vaults at W.P.A.F.B ?
- The reader is directed to URL: http//www.qtm.net/~geibdan/framemst.html
- for Drawings and Images.
- From: Robert M Collins
- Subject: WPAFB: Underground Vaults ?
- Date: May 29, 1996
- "As a preamble note I wish to emphasize to the reader that this "Vault
- Report" is just the tip of a greater iceberg that contains "truths" from
- many sources: These include many of the dedicated UFO researchers as well
- as our "Government" which is reported to have enough "Special Compartmented
- Information" (SCI) documentation to fill a full size Mayflower Moving Van
- from front to back, bottom to top. This of course doesn't begin to touch
- the amount of information our supposed "Aliens" have."
- Special Compartmentalized Information Facility (SCIF) Underground Vault
- System at WPAFB where "Alien" artifacts were kept ? ? 05-29-96
- After the reported Roswell recovery of "Aliens" and their "Flying Saucer"
- in July of 1947 the many stories and rumors suggested that these
- "Artifacts" were brought to WPAFB in Dayton OH. If this was the case then
- the next logical question would have been where ? The folklore rumors state
- that it was "Hangar 18." But, through the many years of intensive effort
- the only evidence we found to support such stories was a series of
- buildings called 18 a,b,c etc but no Hangar 18. The evidence does not
- support the idea that Bldgs 18 a,b, c etc had anything to do with our
- "Little Green Men" as the stories go. But, from all this investigation it
- appears that Hangars 4 a,b,c may have been our famous Hangar 18 and even
- today there are classified projects still being conducted in these hangars.
- Note: On a 1954 area "B" map of WPAFB Hangar 4 is identified as Hangar 4
- instead of 4, a,b, c etc. If Hangar 4 was just a "holding area" until they
- found a place to put these recovered "Artifacts" then where did everything
- go ? With the help of "Hi Level Sources" and "Tech Support" we believe that
- we may have found underground vaults (Fig 1 24k) in area "B" of WPAFB(45k)
- and it is believed that this is were the recovered "artifacts" went: And
- from all the investigation up to this point it appears that this
- "Underground Vault System" was quite extensive and very well kept thanks to
- "Black Funds" up until 1982/83 when the remaining "artifacts" were
- reportedly moved out and the "Vaults" permanently sealed: See "Far Out"
- magazine, Spring 1993, for an initial discussion of this "Vault System." On
- a historical note, these "Vaults" were already reportedly present at the
- time of Roswell: And were used to store Nitrate Film considering its
- potentially explosive nature. What better place than 40 ft below ground in
- a cool place ?
- Directing the reader's attention to " Figure 1:(24k)" This figure is based
- on "source" data and "overhead imagery." Between these two sources this
- "vault overlay" was developed. As time goes on this could change but we
- suspect from what we know it will do so only slightly. More details on this
- overhead imagery later.
- By starting first with Building 620 (Avionics Bldg) on the ~ South end of
- area "B" we will work our way ~ North, then West, and then North again
- along this tunnel system connecting this reported underground "Vault
- System."
- According to a retired AF Lt Colonel and "other sources" who have worked or
- been in Bldg 620 have stated that one entrance to this "Underground Vault
- System" was down a set of stairs under the Avionics Tower: Stairs are now
- blocked. There were two freight size elevators under this Avionics Tower:
- One was used to go to a second basement area. This "other" freight elevator
- was reportedly removed in the mid to late seventies. The Col said he was
- down in this area in the 1972-74 time frame: There were key inserts in this
- elevator: One was used for basement access: The Col said he used the stairs
- and not the elevator at this particular time.
- Figure 2 (16k) is a detailed rough drawing of what was reportedly the north
- 1st floor entry and entrance to this "underground Vault System" through a
- second basement. Figure 3 (20k) shows a picture of this north entry on the
- west side of the building under the Avionics Tower with the West Auditorium
- off to the right: The reader will note the new construction taking place in
- 1995. Those walls go down about thirty feet and if the reader will notice
- this new basement area avoids the area were this tunnel and vault would
- have been approximately 40ft down. The parking lot under which this vault
- is located is out of view and off to the right: See figure 1.(24k) An
- interesting fact is that the construction team was complaining of the walls
- rolling on the new construction and the reason given was a poor foundation
- filler. But privately, they said that they suspected underground
- structures. Perhaps one more reason for the walls rolling in this case is
- when an unknown drawing or Site Plan surfaced for the years 1972/73 as an
- addition to Bldg 620. This plan was not a proposal according to CE because
- proposals are not kept on file: This addition sits exactly where the new
- addition to Bldg 620 sits today. We don't know if this 72/73 addition is
- well below ground or if it in fact exist at all: But then, there is a
- blueprint for it.
- A WPAFB Civil Engineering (CE) source attempted to gain access to this
- blocked area in December 1992 by accessing the basement through a vaulted
- door under the West Auditorium: Ref drawing #( AW-35-06-43) not shown and
- also figure 3 (20k) for West Auditorium. By going through this west entry
- to the east basement they reached the area they were looking for: But, it
- was blocked by 2 inch steel bars placed there for security reasons
- according to the Security Manager in Bldg 620. The steel bars blocked a
- tunnel leading approximately west-northwest back to where the double
- vaulted doors would have been in the reported 2nd basement area: See Fig 2.
- (16k) It was reported that this set of double vaulted doors led to a long
- hallway with a 2nd set of double vaulted doors to an "Ante Room," elevator
- and stairs, and then a long tunnel that led to one of the main vaults under
- the north parking lot of Bldg 620: See bottom Fig 2 and Ref drawing #
- (35-06-48) not shown. Shown in this drawing is an unidentified extension in
- silhouette going away from the building on the north side just under the
- Avionics Tower: WPAFB CE sources stated that they had no idea what this
- extension meant but this "silhouette" is in the shape of a hallway going in
- the direction of the reported Tunnels/ Vaults. This extension away from the
- building also showed up on a NASA image that was taken at the request of
- Wright Labs to test a new Synthetic Aperture Radar System: See bottom of
- last page.
- Now going back through this vaulted door under the West Auditorium: Behind
- this vaulted door there is test equipment area and access to the steam and
- electrical inputs to Bldg 620: But, not mentioned before and sitting at the
- back of this large room elevated at the 1st floor level is a vault: This
- vault is located in exactly the same area as the reported freight elevator
- used for basement access. The only access to this vault is down a utility
- ladder and then back up: Note; 99 % + of the people in Bldg 620 did not
- know that this vault existed. See Fig 2 for steel ladder location and
- vault. This utility ladder also gives access to the steam pipes and power
- buses for Bldg 620: Note, these same power and steam lines were believed to
- supply the Tunnel /Vault System at this south end of area "B." Additional
- item on Bldg 620: It has been reported that there was built a means to
- enter the vault next to Bldg 620 through one of the classified labs in the
- east basement of this building: This entry was built as the only way in
- after the vaults were sealed up: This same type of "alternate entry" was
- also reportedly built through a vault under the stage of the West
- Auditorium in Bldg 620. Added historical comment: Before Bldg 620 was built
- in the early sixties the primary reported entry at this end was through an
- old wooden building called 618 which has been since torn down after 620 was
- built. Bldg 618 appears on a 1954 area "B" map and was directly in line
- with the reported north-south tunnel. And Bldg 618 was just a straight shot
- right up the road from Hangar 4. There has since been a new Bldg 618 built
- which is attached to the east side of Bldg 620: This new 618 is not lined
- up with the reported north-south tunnel.
- Moving west over to building 45 (Wright Lab Headquarters): See Figs 1 ,
- fig5 (28k) & fig6 (18k): Note, arrow points in the direction of another
- reported "Vault," not shown, within 90 to 120ft of Bldg 45 in a southerly
- or northerly direction: Can't be sure at this point from data. But, here we
- will deviate from the previous way of reporting things and instead let a
- source give you a description of a visit he made to WPAFB on a rainy day in
- May of 1982. "We had lunch at the WPAFB Officer's Club: We then drove over
- to the "Foreign Technology Division" (FTD) now the "National Air
- Intelligence Center" or NAIC to pick-up an AF LtCol at Det 22. The LtCol
- and others escorted myself over to a huge red brick building (Bldg 45) in
- area "B" of WPAFB: This building was about a half mile from the Fire Truck
- Wash Rack. We parked by some trees on the side of the building. I went up a
- set of brick stairs and through a pair of heavy doors with glass windows
- (note: this entry way is now blocked). Then, I went down a Secured Hallway
- past an Auditorium and then two flights of stairs to the basement. Then
- into a small vaulted room and then up another set of stairs into another
- vaulted room: And then down again using the stairs even though there was an
- elevator available. At the bottom we went through another check point
- before going through a very long tunnel about 90 to 120 ft with multiple
- bank size vault doors: Note, this tunnel system was reported to have
- carpeting all along its length and wide enough to drive a pick-up truck
- through. We then entered an "Ante" room where we were checked again: There
- were a lot of people working in this area (Bob F accompanied me on this
- trip). We then proceeded down the remaining tunnel which forked at a guard
- duty station. We forked to the left down another tunnel into a huge vaulted
- room estimated to be 100 X 100 ft at least. In this huge vault room I
- estimated there to be at least 20 vats and I couldn't be sure all the vats
- were in use: This huge room had vertical tanks that looked like missiles on
- the opposite side of the room. On the right as you entered the huge room
- were 4 to 5 horizontal tubes that looked like lung breathers." The vertical
- "missile tubes" were surrounded by what looked like cryogenic liquid" ie,
- liquid Nitrogen?? "The vertical tubes extended to the ceiling approximately
- 10ft high." Source stated that this "Vault" was very similar to the one he
- had been in a remote area of Washington DC. He stated that he had been to
- so many of these type facilities that he would get the particulars
- mixed-up: My comment; it seems that the Air Force builds these underground
- SCI Facilities like they build Chow Halls or "there all the same." Source
- stated that (don't know whether this was at WPAFB or DC) they opened a few
- of the "lung breathers" or caskets up: In the first one the "Alien" body
- was so badly cut-up from all the autopsy work that he got sick to his
- stomach.
- Note : It has also been reported that most if not all of the MDs who did
- the "Alien Autopsy" work are being paid "Hush Money" by the Justice Dept
- out of "Black Funds:" An MD by the name of Robert T. Crowley is one example
- of this. Dr Crowley was born in 1910 and is more than likely deceased: Bill
- Moore and I have a personal transcript of Bill's interview with Crowley
- back in Dec 1981 or abouts in which Crowley admits to getting a check from
- the Justice Dept. End Note...
- In the second "casket" he stated that the "body" was in much better shape
- and looked exactly like what was shown in the "Alien Graphics" which
- reportedly came from the "Foreign Technology Division, Wright Patterson Air
- Force Base."
- Here are some links to what are considered "Real Aliens" from Roswell. The
- information allegedly came from the "Foreign Technology Division, Wright
- Patterson Air Force Base, OH."
- Site 1 Roswell Aliens From WPAFB ? Not the Santilli Junk !
- Site 2 Roswell Aliens from WPAFB ? Not the Santilli Junk !
- Site 3 Roswell Aliens from WPAFB ? Not the Santilli Junk !
- Our research on Bldg 45 did find a previously "Secured Hallway" and a stair
- path that matched the path the source said he took: But, this path dead
- ended in a vaulted Mezzanine between the basement and first floor: Ref
- drawing( WA 3288). In Figs 5 (28k) & Fig 6 (18k) one will notice a vault
- door in a bricked-up area: In Fig 6 one will see this vault door off to the
- left and west backside of Bldg 45. This corner of the building is where our
- Mezzanine sits between the ground and first floor. This bricked-up area
- around the vault door once had an extended structure there and represents
- one of our "sealed entry points."
- Moving north we come to building 450 (Flight Dynamics Lab): See Figs 1 &
- Fig 4. Not much is known about this building other than it does have a
- second basement: Also, see Fig 1 again: There is a reported tunnel going
- off in the direction of Bldg 30 (close to Med Bldg 29): Close to this
- building and Med Bldg is a reported small vault that was used for VIP
- viewing. This VIP area was reportedly used all the way back to the
- Eisenhower era.
- In Sept of 1995 an Aircraft over flew area "B" equipped with "Synthetic
- Aperture Radar" or "Long WaveLength Ground Penetrating Synthetic Aperture
- Radar:" The wavelength is classified. The image from this scan turned-up a
- large number of underground structures in area "B:" The first image overlay
- showed "tunnel" structures near both Bldgs 620 & 450. The underground shots
- only went down 20 to 30 ft: The second scan went down 50 to 100ft in April
- 96: These two images scans come in two versions: Sanitized and Unsanitized.
- USAF will say there is only one version.
- Finally, there is one question which has been brought up repeatedly: Its,
- "why just don't you find a way to get into those "Vaults" and take a few
- pictures and there would be the evidence? " I ask the reader to think about
- that and then think about the signs around "Area 51:" "Deadly Force
- Authorized." In the case of these reported "Vaults" although reportedly
- sealed the mere existence of them is a threat to the security of this
- subject area. On October 13, 1994 a pair of AFOSI agents walked into the CE
- office at WPAFB and presented the CE person there with a complete
- transcript of our phone conversations for the last several days. The agents
- then told the CE person to stay away from me: And they informed the CE
- person that they knew me well. I hope this will give the reader an idea of
- just how closely the Air Force monitors security in this area: Even for
- reportedly "sealed-up" vaults: Quite something for for an area that
- "Doesn't Exist."
- And lastly, This has been a five plus year effort dating back to 1985: This
- effort would not have been possible without the needed sources and tech
- support. I would like to dedicate this effort to the people who supported
- me and many of those unnamed sources in seeking the "truth" whatever that
- might be.
- As more information becomes available with new projects the readers of the
- appropriate NewsGroups and WebSites will be kept up to date.