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- From: stephen@PEAK.ORG (Stephen Bastasch)
- Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.visitors
- Subject: Cabal Of The Nebulous Skeptics
- Date: 22 Jun 1996 16:56:21 GMT
- Organization: CS Outreach Services, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
- Lines: 50
- Message-ID: <4qh8jl$b5j@bashir.peak.org>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: peak.org
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.paranet.ufo:54161 alt.alien.visitors:89010
- On June 21, NPR's "Science Friday" showcased a panel of skeptics from the
- current conference. Most, if not all, of the speakers I heard were CSICOP
- associates. Nothing new or unexpected was said by anyone; the purpose
- (esoteric) seemed to have been to drum up business for The Skeptical
- Inquirer, and to promote critical thinking among the masses (exoteric).
- Repeatedly, the panelists perpetuated typical nebulous skeptical
- "thinking" by lumping every "pseudoscientific" item together, without
- regard for the need for obvious distinctions. Ufo's were mixed in with
- spontaneous human combustion, astrology, ESP, and other
- rationalist-unfriendly categories.
- What none of these CSICOP-associated skeptics seemed to understand is
- that ufo's have nothing to do with belief, delusional or otherwise. The
- "core phenomenon" of ufology are reports, observations, and measurements
- of seemingly anomalous aerial objects. Nothing more, nothing less. The
- reports, observations, and measurements are susceptible to empirical
- investigation and evaluation, when taken together as the "core
- phenomenons'" data. They are not wish fulfillment, hallucination,
- optical illusion or "New Age superstition".
- In and of themselves, they have nothing whatsoever to do with ghosts,
- auras, mind reading, telekinesis, or the ascension into glory of Mr
- Presley. To dismiss, as the NPR panelists did, an entire phenomenon
- because of its attendant sensationalistic social effects, is arbitary and
- illogical. Many scientific and technological entities were met with
- exactly the same type of hysteria and superstition that the "ufo core
- phenomenon" has been and continues to be met with. Apparently, CSICOP
- skeptics buy into and promote the fallacy of "guilt by association", a
- tactic practiced by such defenders of conventional thinking as Donald
- Menzel and Carl Sagan. As long as skeptics allow this lazy-minded type
- of enculturation ("ufo's, astrology and all that stuff believed in by
- kooks and crackpots - count met out!") to stand as a cognitive criterion,
- they perform a disservice to science, to the public - and to skepticism
- itself.
- The panelists voiced the tired old skeptical cliche, "Extraordinary
- claims demand extraordinary evidence." None of them seems to be aware of
- this statement's missing middle term: "Extraordinary evidence demands an
- extraordinary investigation." To date, this investigation has not yet
- occurred, in no small part due to the "bullshit quotient" surrounding
- ufo's which the skeptics themselves perpetuate with their "guilt by
- association" fallacy. Not only are ufo's guilty by association with
- crackpots, but implicitly, so too is anyone who attempts to perform "the
- extraordinary investigation" guilty by association with a field judged a
- priori to be "goofball".
- Perhaps the "real truth" about ufo's will emerge from the courageous
- efforts of "real skeptics" who put aside the guilt-by-association social
- stigma and contribute to the as-yet unperformed extraordinary investigation.