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- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic
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- From: taranr <>
- Subject: Re: Kevin Randle (was Re: John Mack, MD on Pacifica Radio!)
- X-Nntp-Posting-Host:
- Message-ID: <DtKCn9.Hr@avenger.daytonoh.ncr.com>
- Sender: news@avenger.daytonoh.ncr.com (News administrative Login)
- Reply-To: (taranr)
- Organization: AT&T Global Information Solutions
- X-Newsreader: DiscussIT for MS Windows [AT&T Software Products Division]
- References: <4ql2rv$28b@nntpa.cb.lucent.com>
- Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 16:04:20 GMT
- Lines: 39
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:89609 alt.paranet.ufo:54505 sci.skeptic:74299
- ==========Kenneth Almquist, 6/23/96==========
- Scott A. Munro wrote:
- > "Timothy P. Banse" <middlecoast@avalon.net> wrote:
- >
- >> I suggest that Mr. Almquist by suggesting the Kevin Randle lied about
- >> cattle mutilation, has commited libel.
- >
- > In fact, Mr. Almquist was simply quoting the opinion of
- > Bob Tarantino (or someone posting under that name).
- Thanks for pointing that out. In fact I anticipated the problem and
- wrote what I thought was a sufficently clear disclaimer:
- I'm not familiar with the Larry King interview, so I have no opinion
- on whether Keven Randle lied in that interview.
- I guess I should have used smaller words.
- > http://www.eznet.com/~sm3527/
- Nice site.
- Kenneth Almquist
- I believe I said that it was probably a lie. I do know, having read four or
- five of his books, that Kevin Randle believes that if you want to know the
- truth about UFOs, then learn the facts about Roswell. It may be true that
- Kevin Randle does not believe one iota in Cattle Mutillation (he is quite
- skeptical in at least one of his books that I read), however I'm sure he does
- not care. It is my opinion that UFO researchers stray away from any of the
- more "bizzare" UFO related occurances because of fear of ridicule. In other
- words, we get mixed opinions from such people because of the true objective
- which is to educate the public.
- -Bob Tarantino (this is my name.... really!, I don't fear ridicule, I welcome
- it)