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- From: Area51Dir@aol.com (Glenn Campbell)
- Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.area51,alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research.alt.paranet.skeptic,rec.arts.movies.current-films,rec.arts.sf.movies,
- Subject: INVASION OF THE POD PEOPLE: ID4 Conspiracy Revealed (Long)
- Date: Thu, 04 Jul 1996 18:43:03 -0700
- Organization: Area 51 Research Center
- Lines: 427
- Message-ID: <Area51Dir-0407961843030001@pa3dsp20.vegas.infi.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pa3dsp20.vegas.infi.net
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.conspiracy.area51:12176 alt.alien.visitors:91864 alt.paranet.ufo:55810 rec.arts.movies.current-films:60811 rec.arts.sf.movies:23198
- By Glenn Campbell
- Area 51 Research Center
- http://www.ufomind.com
- Copyright 1996 (Version 1.0)
- Las Vegas, Nevada
- July 4, 1996
- I write this account not knowing if anyone will ever read it.
- Strange things are happening that I cannot explain, and no one
- seems to see them but me. I am posting this message to the
- internet in the hope that someone - anyone - might have made the
- same observations and know what to do.
- America is now in the grip of "ID4" fever. "Independence Day,"
- the big budget Fox movie about an alien invasion of earth, opens
- this week at theaters around the country. Some are showing it 24
- hours a day as hordes of humans line up to see their planet nearly
- destroyed. Pre-release publicity has been massive. ID4 appears
- on the cover of the current Time and Newsweek, and ads seem to run
- on all the TV networks every hour. Every review I have read has
- been laudatory - even in the New York Times - and everyone I know
- wants to see it.
- The thing I don't understand is why? I have not seen the movie
- myself. Something tells me I MUST NOT see the movie. I have read
- the script, however, and the script sucks. ID4 is a remake of
- "War of the Worlds," with credit neither to H.G. Wells, the
- author, or Orson Wells, who made history with his 1938 radio
- broadcast. Once you catch on that ID4 = WW, then the script
- becomes lifeless and holds no surprises whatsoever. Producers
- Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin proudly acknowledge they wrote it
- in four weeks - and it shows. The characters are one dimensional
- and the dialog predictable. The only deviation from the "War of
- the Worlds" plot is that, in the end, the aliens are not killed by
- a natural virus after landing on earth. Instead, they are done in
- by a COMPUTER virus delivered to the alien mothership by our stock
- Hollywood heroes. That's creativity.
- Here's a synopsis of the script. (Please don't read it if you
- think it will spoil your fun.)
- FADE IN. After being detected by radiotelescopes on July 2, a
- huge alien ship approaches Earth and is at first thought to be
- benign. It splits into multiple ships which hover above Earth's
- major cities. Naive UFO buffs gather on rooftops with signs
- welcoming the aliens, but a cable TV technician sees danger in the
- signals emanating from the otherwise silent ships. He manages to
- alert the President, for whom his ex-wife happens to be press
- secretary. Based on this new information, the President
- immediately orders evacuation of all the cities. Just then, the
- ships unleash the WALL OF DESTRUCTION - the main character in the
- film. After many futile attempts to stop it, the WALL decimates
- most of the world's metropolises. Billions killed. The President
- and a few other survivors take refuge at Area 51. In a final all-
- or-nothing battle, the cable guy joins forces with a fighter jock
- to fly a captured alien scout craft back to its orbiting
- mothership. The President, piloting a fighter jet, provides air
- support. A computer virus, designed by the cable guy, is
- delivered to the mothership. Mothership destroyed. Earth saved.
- Heroines fall into arms of heroes, as pieces of the mothership
- rain down in "Fourth of July" fireworks. FADE OUT. ROLL CREDITS.
- In short, these are not friendly aliens. Their only significant
- line in the script is "Die, Exterminate... We kill you all!"
- (which I understand has been shortened to "Die!" in the final
- cut). Fortunately, the aliens move at a slow enough pace to allow
- the human plot to proceed. The majority of humanity is
- exterminated in this movie, but viewers can rest assured there is
- still time for romance. Of course the main selling point is not
- the plot but the special effects and the spectacle of seeing all
- those cities blown up. In the TV ads, we see the White House and
- Empire State building exploded from within. The aliens must have
- great respect for our culture to hit those landmarks first.
- In half-hour promotional specials on Fox and the SciFi Channel,
- more clips were shown. Huge, ominous spacecraft loom over New
- York and Washington in prelude to the invasion. For each scene, I
- say to myself, "Wow, those are really great special effects!" I
- experience no illusion that the scenes are real, even for a
- moment. The Fox TV special was presented as a mock newscast, in
- the vein of Orson Wells' radio broadcast that caused widespread
- panic. This rendition, however, did not even begin to look real.
- The "correspondents" reporting from the field looked like actors,
- and the quality of the video was either too clear or had an
- artificial shakiness that was also unconvincing.
- ID4 appears to be merely a "product," cranked out by the Fox
- entertainment factory according to time-worn formulas. It is a
- 50-cent script surrounded by $70 million in special effects and
- probably an even bigger marketing budget. What is a mystery to me
- is why the press, public and especially the community of UFO
- believers has fallen for it so heavily. To me, if the script is
- mediocre, then it is hard for the finished movie to be any better,
- no matter how many special effects you layer on top of it.
- Audiences ought to be immune to special effects by now. In the
- era of computer graphics, a moviemaker can suspend a spaceship
- over any city and blow up any landmark without leaving the office.
- This script seems mainly an excuse for connecting together these
- scenes of destruction.
- With its spider-like aliens and their blandly evil intentions - in
- no way resembling anything in the credible UFO literature - it is
- surprising to also see ID4 on the covers of two of America's most
- respected UFO monthlies: MUFON Journal and UFO Magazine. Fox's
- money buys influence, in this case a Las Vegas junket and paid
- speaking engagements for UFO Magazine's editors and the MUFON
- director. They were brought here to visit "Area 51" - a major
- setting for the movie and a place you can't get to from here. In
- April, Fox organized a press tour from Las Vegas, cleverly timed
- to coincide with the National Association of Broadcasters
- convention attended by thousands of journalists. At least a
- hundred signed on for this free Fox day trip to the military
- border. Most of them seemed to go where they were told, reported
- what Fox wanted them to and asked no skeptical questions.
- It is my conviction that the conspiracy runs much deeper than
- anyone else suspects. I cannot believe that the American press
- can be bought off so easily. Some other kind of influence must be
- at work beyond the normal money and power of Hollywood. I worry
- that it could be something subliminal, and this is why I have
- declined to see the film.
- ID4 and its popularity would not disturb me except for the unusual
- deal between Fox and the State of Nevada. Nevada is the home of
- Area 51, a classified military facility about 90 miles north of
- Las Vegas. This large Air Force base was the testing ground for
- the U-2, A-12 and early versions of the F-117A Stealth long before
- these aircraft were known to the public. Area 51 is also the
- center of many UFO stories, most of which are nonsense but a few
- that I see as plausible. Several witnesses of varying credibility
- claim to have directly seen or worked with alien spacecraft in
- this vicinity, and because the government won't talk about the
- area or let reporters visit, these stories have never been
- resolved.
- The filmmakers have attempted to exploit this existing lore by
- setting the final third of ID4 at this secret base - but theirs is
- Area 51 in name only. The script contains not even the smallest
- bit of technical accuracy about this facilty, and I am told there
- is none in the finished product either. In their four weeks of
- script writing, Emmerich and Devlin conducted no research into
- this part of Nevada, but that did not prevent the Fox marketing
- armada from descending upon it when time came to promote the film.
- Fox would have bought Area 51 if it could, but since it was not
- for sale, they settled for a nearby highway, State Route 375, a
- popular hangout for UFO watchers. In a secret deal with Nevada's
- Governor Bob Miller, Fox essentially purchased the highway as a
- promotion for the film. It would be called the "Extraterrestrial
- Highway," a designation that had previously been proposed in the
- state legislature but failed. Early this year, Miller bypassed
- the legislature and approved the measure through the state
- Transportation Board, which he chairs. He then flew to Los
- Angeles to finalize the deal with Fox.
- In spite of Nevada's public records law, the Governor's office has
- declined to release the details of this contract. Apparently,
- Nevada provided the highway signs, the state dignitaries, an army
- of highway workers and official sanction for the E.T. Highway
- unveiling. Fox organized, scheduled, publicized, funded and
- otherwise controlled the event itself. It was free to do whatever
- it wanted there to promote the film, with no regard for the
- interests of the state or its citizens.
- It a mystery to me why the governor entered into such an
- agreement, in which the State of Nevada all but officially
- endorses the movie and gets little in return. ID4 wasn't even
- filmed in Nevada; the parts supposedly taking place at "Area 51"
- were shot in Utah instead. All the citizens of Nevada got from
- this deal was some vague promise of "economic development" by
- attracting tourists here, yet the services here are inadequate and
- the tourists have nothing to do when they arrive. The people who
- got the shortest end of this deal were the residents who must now
- live with this name and the many wackos it attracts. Locals were
- never asked about the drawbacks or whether they wanted an E.T.
- Highway at all. No local notice was given; no local hearing was
- held; and written objections to state officials have never been
- acknowledged. This is strange considering that the E.T. Highway
- was supposely intended to serve the local community. Most
- residents were not even invited to their own party and were barred
- from the Fox unveiling ceremonies if they tried to enter.
- The governor never considered the impact of attracting average
- tourists - the sort who normally pull slot machine handles in Las
- Vegas - to this tense and poorly marked military border where many
- tourists have already been arrested. On behalf of Fox, the State
- of Nevada was now implicitly endorsing the generally flimsy UFO
- "sightings" along the highway. This is a disturbing precedent
- especially to those like myself seeking credibility for the UFO
- movement. I regard the the "E.T. Highway" as false advertizing,
- since I have never seen a UFO there in three years of looking.
- Fox's concern was not the safety of tourists or the future of the
- highway. They were interested only in the herd of captive
- journalists and purchased UFO experts who they were shipping up
- from Las Vegas. The ceremonies were held in Rachel, the only town
- on the highway and the center of a fledgling UFO industry. To
- manage their flock, Fox set up a controlled compound and closed
- tent, guarded by hired security, local sheriff's deputies, state
- police and about a dozen state highway workers in orange vests.
- Security was tight because word had reached the Fox executives
- that I and a few of my colleagues planned to protest the
- unveiling, and Fox wanted to keep the journalists away from us. I
- am told that paranoia was rampant, especially among the Fox
- V.P.'s, who were no doubt alarmed by the fact that you can't get
- cell phone coverage in Rachel. No one knew where the "E.T.
- Highway Counterinsurgency Forces" would strike.
- We had something that no one from Fox could ever understand:
- creativity. We bypassed their security altogether and abducted
- part of the convoy before it ever got to Rachel. This involved
- placing professional looking signs along the roadway on the 150-
- mile route from Las Vegas to Rachel. Our signs, which started
- near Las Vegas, said "ID4/E.T. Highway Dedication" with a big
- arrow indicating the direction to go. We were providing a useful
- service, because no one at Fox or State of Nevada had thought of
- this, and many late stragglers in the convoy of buses and cars
- would have gotten lost without them.
- At a junction about 25 miles before Rachel, we executed "Operation
- Coyote (Wile E.)." The head of the convoy was allowed to pass,
- because presumably the people leading it knew where they were
- going. Then several cars approached whose occupants we
- recognized. They had inserted themselves in the convoy at the
- appropriate place for a cut-off. The arrows on strategic signs
- were quickly reversed, and our confederates turned off onto a long
- dirt road. The rest of the convoy obediently followed. This was
- not intended as a frivolous or malicious act. It was designed to
- illustrate an important point. Unprepared tourists can easily
- become lost here, and the military boundary, although heavily
- guarded, is also poorly marked. The road we sent the convoy down
- lead directly into the secret base, and if the tourists had kept
- on going, they would have soon been surrounded by men with guns.
- Fortunately, the signs directed the cars to make a turn just
- before the border, and the convoy proceeded in clouds of dust back
- to the highway from which it came. We captured one of the press
- buses and about a third of the cars. All emerged safely from the
- ten-mile diversion, some motorist still thinking it was part of
- the plan. Their only souvenir of the trip was a heavy layer of
- dust both on and inside their vehicles.
- Later, at the unveiling site in Rachel, we tried to mount a more
- traditional protest. This was "Operation Tall Picket."
- Certainly, we were within our constitutional rights to picket this
- event, because there were a number of unresolved concerns about
- visitor safety and improper contracts between the state and
- private enterprise. Instead of conventional picket signs, though,
- we constructed very tall ones, on extendible poles that could
- reach over 20 feet. At the top of each pole we attached a blank
- board about three feet wide. To this we planned to clip temporary
- signs printed on poster board, and we had stayed up all night to
- draw about a hundred for use in a variety of situations.
- The idea is that we would stand behind the podium or stage but far
- enough away that we were out of range of security. As the
- governor or any other dignitary spoke, signs would appear above
- their head bearing slogans appropriate to the context. Since we
- had three picket poles, we could work them in unison, like Burma
- Shave signs, and we had written a script for each speaker. "E.T.
- Gov" would appear above the governor's head as soon as he
- approached the podium, and a creative series of political
- statements would follow. We would also give the audience
- instruction on when to "Applaud!" "Laugh!" and "Boo!" The aim was
- not to heckle or ridicule the speakers, although this might have
- happened incidentally. What was important to us was to get our
- message to those captive journalists that all was not as it
- seemed.
- Unfortunately, high winds and the unexpectedly closed tent pretty
- much wiped out Operation Tall Picket. We got in a little bit of
- light picketing near the tent's heavily guarded entrance, but it
- wasn't very effective. However, we did mill about the area in
- fluorescent orange T-shirts that read in big, bold letters: "ID4
- BUYS E.T. GOV." Although nasty-looking Fox employees were
- carefully checking everyone's credentials at the entrance, one of
- the members of our protest team was somehow able to slip past and
- into the tent wearing her orange T-shirt under her jacket. She
- positioned herself just behind and to the side of the governor's
- podium. She then discretely took off her jacket and held it in
- front of her, obscuring the slogan. As the governor began to
- speak, she dropped the jacket and exposed her chest to the
- audience and all the cameras. "ID4 BUYS E.T. GOV." Thugs from
- Fox immediately moved in her direction. They tried to stand in
- front of her at first, but she continued to maneuver for a better
- position in front of the audience. She was then physically
- removed from the tent by Fox personnel.
- Curiously, although our operative and her T-shirt appeared in
- perfect juxtaposition with the governor in front of dozens of
- credentialed journalists, photographers and TV cameramen, no
- picture or account of the incident has ever been published or
- broadcast. I conclude that journalists, as a rule, do not like
- conflict; they would rather be told what to report by the
- Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp. Either that, or they were
- somehow being controlled. It may not mean anything, but those
- same journalists had seen clips of "Independence Day" in Las Vegas
- the night before. Could there be a connection?
- A third operation had been executed successfully earlier in the
- day. It was "Operation Alternative View." When the convoy first
- formed in Las Vegas, our confederates were there, making sure that
- nearly everyone in the convoy got our "E.T. Highway Alternative
- Press Kit," a thick document of fact sheets, news clippings about
- tourist arrests and essays opposing the highway renaming and deal
- between Nevada and Fox. The people on the buses should have had
- two hours to read the material on the long trip to Rachel, but
- again a reaction was surprisingly absent. Most articles and TV
- news spots on the unveiling reported no conflict at all. They
- said that Rachelites unanimously supported the name change. The
- only reasonably skeptical article, which was also the only one to
- report the abduction of the convoy, was written by a reporter from
- the Las Vegas Sun. It so happens that she was one of the few who
- had not see the screening of the film clips the night before.
- Coincidence?
- I have not begun to put the whole sinister scenario together until
- now, but I recognized other unsettling clues at the unveiling. I
- had printed more T-shirts than I needed for the dozen members of
- our protest team, so I sold some of the extras at the unveiling to
- anyone who wanted one. I charged only what they cost me: five
- dollars each. A man came up to me and asked for one. I
- recognized him as Brent Spiner, the actor who plays "Data" on Star
- Trek and an eccentric scientist in ID4. I told Spiner that the
- shirts were five dollars. "Five dollars?" he said with sarcasm.
- "It isn't worth THAT!" Right then, I saw something disturbing in
- his expression and heard it in his voice. This wasn't "our" Data,
- the lovable, logical android. This was Data's evil twin brother,
- Lor.
- Also present at the unveiling was Ambassador Merlyn Merlin II, an
- alien in human form who hails from several different planets at
- once. The Ambassador, who says he represents the "Saucerians of
- Avalon," is Carson City's only active alien lobbiest. For two
- years he haunted the hallways of the state capital, knocking on
- doors of the governor and legislators to push this E.T. Highway
- through. He says it will help prepare us for the coming arrival
- of his space brothers, scheduled to take place on this very
- highway before the end of the millenium.
- Another alien on hand was Darth Vader, dark lord of the Star Wars
- universe. He was smaller than I had pictured him and had a pot
- belly, but the black plastic head was definitely the same, and I
- experienced an appropriate feeling of dread as he approached. He
- held out his hand to me and said, "Hi, Glenn. Assemblyman Bob
- Price." Price is a senior legislator from Las Vegas and one of
- the original sponsors of the E.T. Highway Bill - the one that had
- failed because some "sour grapes" senators thought it was
- frivolous. Lord Vader tried to put his arm around my shoulder for
- a photo opportunity, but I shrugged him away. Here I was with the
- virtual embodiment of evil - with or without the mask - and he
- wanted to be my friend! He never took off that mask during the
- whole event. Later I saw him again, milling about alone near the
- buses, looking downward. I saw him as a small, sad, lonely little
- Darth who no one fully understood.
- It was then that it began to dawn on me that something in my
- universe had gone terribly, horribly awry.
- I do not know how to deal with the immensity of what might be
- occurring. I'd like to confide my theory to someone, but I do not
- know who I can trust. All my friends want to see ID4, even those
- who participated in the protest. Some of them have already gone
- to it and have come back somehow... changed. I am trying
- desperately to think things through and come up with another
- explanation, but the alternative is even more disturbing. If
- there is no conspiracy here, then I would have to believe that all
- the journalists, state officials, legislators and UFO experts who
- have been involved in this promotion are both incompetent and
- utterly ignorant of their professional responsibilities.
- Occasional incompetence I might believe, but not this. I think
- this whole thing is big, really big, and I am just at the verge of
- putting it all together. I almost have incontrovertible proof;
- all I need is someone who will listen.
- It is now 3 AM in Las Vegas, July 4, Independence Day. I have
- been staring at this computer screen for hours. I need a break.
- I need to take a walk. A visit to the Las Vegas Strip is always
- amusing, even though I don't gamble. A late-night buffet or steak
- special might lift my spirits. I hope it will also clear my head.
- The tourists who aren't lined up to see ID4 are inserting coins
- and bills into slot machines. I stop to watch as a woman wins
- $1000 and is paid off by the attendant in new $100 bills. The
- lights on the machine are still blinking, and it plays a happy
- rendition of "I'm in the Money." The woman is not smiling,
- however. I see no emotion at all in her face as she takes the
- first of the hundreds and inserts it back into the same machine
- from which she won the jackpot. This must be part of the
- conspiracy, too. It is my thesis that Las Vegas, if not all of
- Nevada, is controlled by the Fox entertainment conglomerate.
- Back on the sidewalk, I look up. A giant alien spacecraft, miles
- across, hovers silently above the casinos. I don't think anyone
- sees it but me.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Copyright (c) 1996, Glenn Campbell, PO Box 448, Rachel, NV 89001.
- May be freely distributed by internet email and newsgroups, but
- only through Aug. 31, 1996. May not be reproduced in print, on
- CD, as part of any other newsletter or compilation or in any for-
- profit medium without written permission of author. Whenever this
- document is copied or forwarded, this copyright statement must
- remain attached.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- For other contrarian info on "Independance Day," see....
- http://www.ufomind.com/area51/events/highway_bill/id4
- Note: Our server may become overloaded in coming days as the
- ID4 "Wall of Destruction" hits. If you get a "Transfer Limit"
- error message, try again tomorrow.
- --
- Area 51 Research Center - Las Vegas & Rachel, Nevada
- http://www.ufomind.com