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- Path: news.demon.co.uk!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!usenet2.news.uk.psi.net!uknet!usenet1.news.uk.psi.net!uknet!EU.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.compuserve.com!newsmaster
- From: <>
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,alt.conspiracy,alt.news-media,alt.war,alt.politics.org.nsa
- Subject: Re: Boycott The Pentagon-Produced Film "Independence Day"/Learn the Facts NOW!
- Date: 7 Jul 1996 15:28:17 GMT
- Organization: CompuServe Incorporated
- Lines: 25
- Message-ID: <4rol2h$943@arl-news-svc-5.compuserve.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: hd42-217.compuserve.com
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:92305 alt.paranet.ufo:56030 alt.alien.research:27925 alt.conspiracy:126174 alt.news-media:19524 alt.war:21001 alt.politics.org.nsa:5215
- megalomaniac@earthlink.net (Blair Tarleton) writes:
- > On 5 Jul 1996 00:01:18 GMT, "Dr. R.X. Frager" <naretres@aracnet.com>
- > wrote:
- >
- > >Boycott The Pentagon-Produced Film "Independence Day"/Learn the Facts NOW!
- > >
- > other wackiness snipped to save bandwidth/ sanity.
- >
- > Kook. Man, the lengths some will go to to get some
- > acclaim/attention these days. 1. Go see this great, witty, effects
- > extravaganza. 2. Go home. 3. Go on with your life. Boycott whatever
- > you want, it's not going to mean a hill of beans. Funny thing is, I
- > have the feeling the government has you, me and "Dr X' right where
- > they want us, and there is nothing we can do about it. The "Truth" may
- > be "Out There", but I have a strong feeling it isn't in this
- > newsgroup. Blair
- >
- > Next thing you know, someone's going to tell me that Gloop and Gleep
- > from the Herculoids (remember them?) are the puppet rulers of Rwanda.
- Actually, ID4 was a GREAT film! If you boycott it, it will
- be cutting your nose to spite your face. If you REALLY want
- to boycott something, try peanut butter: the stuff sticks to
- the roof of your mouth, has way too much fat, and looks like
- .....well, you know...