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- From: w.smith@ix.netcom.com(Bill Smith)
- Newsgroups: alt.paranormal,sci.skeptic,alt.paranet.skeptic,alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo
- Subject: Frager, Go to Hell
- Date: 7 Jul 1996 20:56:22 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 89
- Message-ID: <4rp89m$pl8@sjx-ixn6.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <4q21er$7lh@dfw-ixnews2.ix.netcom.com> <4q2c7i$a7h@sjx-ixn5.ix.netcom.com> <4qlom0$h2v@macondo.dmu.ac.uk> <31d42de2.59386603@netline-fddi.jpl.nasa.gov> <31D45E1B.5927@students.wisc.edu> <31D4C1DD.2B0E@k2nesoft.com> <31D5752F.837@students.wisc.edu> <31D56D73.59EA@k2nesoft.com> <31D5A439.4198@students.wisc.edu> <31D62140.1E9A@k2nesoft.com> <31D6FD54.5D01@ix.netcom.com> <31D71559.6C6@students.wisc.edu> <4rjnv1$mm0@dfw-ixnews4.ix.netcom.com> <4rm2dt$q9o@sjx-ixn3.ix.netcom.com> <4rnf3a$a26@cobweb.aracnet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: frm-ma3-05.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Sun Jul 07 1:56:22 PM PDT 1996
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.paranormal:21044 sci.skeptic:77829 alt.paranet.skeptic:4390 alt.alien.visitors:92357 alt.paranet.ufo:56058
- In <4rnf3a$a26@cobweb.aracnet.com> "Dr. R. X. Frager"
- <naretres@aracnet.com> writes:
- >
- >w.smith@ix.netcom.com(Bill Smith) wrote:
- >
- >[Me]>Unlike you Brian, I do not have bottomless reserves of time to
- give to
- >>this question.
- >["DR." F]--neither does he.
- Have you read his latest request for help to raise money to pay the
- cost of acquiring 117,000 pages of radar tracking data from the Air
- Force? This sounds a lot like someone with too much time on his hands.
- >> I am trying to establish my own law practice, I own a
- >>house, I have a family.
- >
- >Well- whoop-de-do.
- What is the import of this statement? That you don't give a damn that
- I am a normal human being with a busy life. Well, that wasn't the
- reason I bothered to mention the fact. The point of my statement
- regarding my personal and professional obligations, which you would
- have seen if you were not a Saucer Zealot, determined to traduce the
- personal and professional qualifications of anyone who dares to
- question the validity of your precious ET theories, was that my failure
- to respond to Brian's posts was not due to cowardice, dishonesty and
- stupidity as Brian had stated to the ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD, but that it
- was due to the fact that I have a busy professional and personal life
- and I do not have time to respond to every psychotic rant, or even to
- read them all.
- > Now go and defend another blood-sucking, polluting
- >Corporation like Shell Oil, so they can make the World an even worse
- place.
- >I'd rate lawyers (or professional liars) about as high as I would rate
- >toxic-waste dumps. Next time you are playing golf with your
- >lawyer buddies, remember that we are one-step closer to nuclear and
- >environmental destruction because your breed protects the
- >real criminals; the elitists who really don't give a damn about
- >Earth and the rest of humanity.
- Typical Saucer Zealot Logic: Because I ask hard questions about Saucer
- Theory, and because I am a struggling member of a noble profession the
- "Dr." doesn't understand and therefore doesn't like, he assumes I am
- allied with all his favorite villains. You know NOTHING about my life
- or my law practice. You have never met any of the 200 people whose
- lives I saved when I was with the Coast Guard. You know nothing of the
- years I spent enforcing environmental, fisheries, and boating safety
- regulation, the military exercises in the North Atlantic in every kind
- of weather, the hundreds of times I placed my life in peril to save
- someone else.
- You know nothing about my law practice or the practice of law,
- generally. Most of my clients are small businessmen who are themselves
- just barely keeping their operations afloat. When they deal with big
- multi-national corporations like Shell Oil, they tend to get beat up
- pretty badly. I try to help them negotiate a better deal-- I try to
- level the playing field for them. I am trying to do more admiralty and
- environmental work right now. The clients I most actively seek are
- fishermen who are trying to convert their operations to aquaculture
- because they know the wild fish stocks are badly depleted and getting
- worse. They face a myriad of federal, state and local government
- regulation and sometimes downright hostility from assholes who are
- afraid that an active fisheries operation just offshore will spoil
- their view from their summer cottages. I try to help recreational
- boaters who have been injured in accidents recover from the insurance
- company of the guy who injured them. I try to help injured seaman
- recover lost wages and medical expenses from the greedy shipping
- companies who would otherwise leave them stranded.
- If you knew any of these things you wouldn't care, because in Saucer
- Zealot Logic the only noble and decent human activity possible in late
- Twentieth Century America is exposing imagined conspiracies of
- government officials to cover up the "truth" about the alien spacecraft
- you all just KNOW are visiting the Earth on a regular basis.
- >Good day to you
- A very strange way to close a message that is a libel on myself and my
- profession. I shall close my message in a more appropriate fashion:
- Wm G. Smith
- Attorney at Law
- http://www.netcom.com/~w.smith/