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- From: density4@cts.com (Blue Resonant Human)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo
- Subject: Re: "Dark Skies"
- Date: Sun, 09 Jun 1996 18:47:30 GMT
- Organization: CTS Network Services
- Lines: 156
- Message-ID: <4pf6ab$ju5@news2.cts.com>
- References: <31B69C2C.18AB@students.wisc.edu> <fmm1-060696101555@fmref.library.cornell.edu> <31B71A4B.20D4@students.wisc.edu> <4p8v1u$dtn@nyx10.cs.du.edu> <4pbapa$6f@dfw-ixnews3.ix.netcom.com>
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- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:86176 alt.paranet.ufo:52267
- creepie@ix.netcom.com(creepie ) wrote:
- >I wouldn't be surprised if the whole
- >damned aviary rears its dusty head and makes an appearance.
- Aviarians -- the most UNsecret SeekritAgents(tm) extant. ;-)
- - - - - -
- by Richard J. Boylan Ph.D.
- Since sometime in the 1970's, a small group of individuals with
- extremely high security clearances, who were working on various
- aspects of UFO research and policy, began to interact
- unofficially on a regular basis to pool information. Their
- objectives were to coordinate data, see the big picture, analyze
- the meaning of UFOs and extraterrestrial contact with Earth, use
- this knowledge to gain access to additional information on
- the hyper secret Majestic-12 (MJ-12, the government's ultimate
- UFO-information control and policy group) and gain special
- influence through their collective power. This elite group of
- roughly a dozen individuals working on national security
- assignments gave themselves code names, using mostly bird names.
- Collectively, they came to be called the "aviary."
- The relationship of Aviary members to MJ-12 group is murky. More
- than one UFO researcher estimates that some overlap in membership
- has occurred, in other words that MJ-12 has quietly infiltrated
- the Aviary to keep it under control. Dr. Steven Greer, Director
- of CSETI, has reported that the MJ-12 Group is now designated PI-
- 40. This hyper classified group deals with the most sensitive
- compartmented information regarding extraterrestrials and is so
- covert a special-access program that, reportedly, the President
- and Congress exercise no control over it and know of it only
- through rumor. Dick D'Amato, National and International
- Security Specialist for Senator Robert Byrd and a member of the
- N.S.C., stated in 1991 that an incredibly powerful "black arm"
- of the government has been keeping UFO information secret and
- has also been illegally spending enormous sums of money in
- this operation. D'Amato said that the NSC is trying to identify
- this "blackarm." Ironically, the answer may be right under
- their noses. It is quite possible, that PI-40 exists within a
- highly, compartmented, special-access program, yet with informal
- informational links to the National Security Council's "5240"
- (Black Projects) Committee. While there may be some overlap
- between the Aviary and the PI-40 group, they remain two
- separate entities. PI-40 is clearly at the top; it is the policy
- and decision group which has orchestrated the UFO cover-up since
- 1947, simultaneously releasing little fragments of UFO/ET
- information to gradually condition the American public to the
- slowly-dawning realization of UFO reality. Leaked reports from
- sources close to some Aviary members, suggest that there is a
- split within the group (which may well mirror a split within
- PI-40). On one side are Aviary members who feel that information
- about UFO and ET contacts should be broadly disclosed. They feel
- that the public is ready for this information and generally can
- handle it. Others within the Aviary resist such disclosure.
- They do not want to lose the power their "information monopoly"
- gives them. They do not welcome close public scrutiny of their
- role in the UFO cover-up, either. Additionally, some have
- reportedly engaged in illegal and sometimes injurious projects
- and operations. The split over disclosure is creating a climate
- in which leaks are increasing, as some try to force disclosure
- and establish a track record for themselves of (belated) candor
- with the American public. Most Aviary members appear to be well-
- intentioned scientists or former military or intelligence
- officers with careers spanning the Cold War, who no doubt
- sincerely believe that secrecy about UFOs was once vital.
- Following is a list of reported Aviary members:
- o BLUE JAY: Dr. Christopher "Kit" Green, MD, Ph.D; Chief,
- Biomedical Sciences Department, General Motors, former head
- of the CIA's UFO files at the "Weird Desk."
- o SEA GULL: Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D., research scientist in
- optical physics and laser weapons applications at the U.S.
- Naval Surface Weapons Lab, Maryland; MUFON physics/photo-
- interpretive consultant and prolific author of andconsultant
- expert on selected "leaked" or disinformational UFO cases/
- topics.
- o PELICAN: Ron Pandolfi, CIA Deputy Director for the Division
- of Science and Technology and current custodian of UFO files
- at the "Weird Desk"; may be involved in the White House
- initiative to promptly release UFO informationto the public.
- o OWL: Hal Puthoff, physicist with the Institute for Advanced
- Research in Austin, Texas, who specializes in Zero-Point Energy,
- a quantum/resonance physics phenomenon with reported potential
- for above-unity ("free") energy.
- o PENGUIN: John Alexander, Ph.D. in Death Sciences; Lt. Col.
- U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, which is
- undoubtedly the military cover for the National Security Agency,
- Col. Alexander is director of the Non-Lethal Weapons Department,
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, and has been reportedly involved
- in counter-intelligence remote viewing, psychic warfare,
- psychotronic and mind-control projects with military/security
- applications.
- o HAWK: Ernie Kellerstrauss, security cleared for UFO information;
- worked at Wright-Patterson AFB in the 1970s and reportedly lived
- with an extraterrestrial for a while.
- o CHICKADEE: Cmdr. C.B. Scott Jones, Ph.D., USN (Ret.), former
- officer with the Office of Naval intelligence and other
- agencies; 30 years service in U.S. intelligence overseas;
- involved in government research and development projects for
- the Defense Nuclear Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency,
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and other
- organizations; former aide to Sen. Clairborne Pell, who has
- had a long-standing interest in UFOs and the paranormal and
- has tried to arrange Congressional hearings on UFOs.
- o CONDOR; Capt. Bob Collins, USAF (Ret.); Special Agent, Air
- Force Office of Special Investigations, engaged in UFO-related
- intelligence operations, reportedly appeared clandestinely on
- the 1988 Kodak-produced network television disinformation
- program "UFO Cover-Up Live"
- o FALCON; Sgt. Richard "Dick" Doty, USAF (Ret.); Special Agent,
- Air Force Office of Special Investigations; reported to have
- engaged in UFO disinformation projects, including reportedly
- hoaxing TV producer Linda Howe concerning availability of a
- tape showing a UFO landing at Holloman Air Force Base, N.M.
- and allegedly waging psychological warfare on Albuquerque
- defense electronic contractor Paul Bennewitz.
- o CHICKEN LITTLE: Dan Smith, civilian UFO research/volunteer
- liaison among sources within the Central Intelligence Agency,
- the Congressional Intelligence Committees and civilian UFO
- researchers. Smith continually exchanges information and
- networks with key UFO researchers, serves as their interlocutor
- and shares their findings and his own with his sources at the
- CIA and on Capitol Hill. Undoubtedly, other "assets" and low-
- profile intermediaries of the Aviary operate for the UFO-
- interest community as its ears and surrogate mouthpieces
- among the general public.
- The above was edited from the November/December issue of
- "Perceptions" available in Portland at various locations:
- Barnes @ Nobel, Tower Books, 6th and Washington News and
- Rich's Cigar Stores. OR by sending $4.95 to
- Perceptions Magazine
- 10734 Jefferson Boulvard
- Suite 502-IS 12
- Culver City, CA, 90230
- E-Mail: perceptions@primenet.com
- Internet:http//www.primenet.com/perceptions.