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- From: mcknighl@ix.netcom.com (Lawrence E. McKnight)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,sci.skeptic
- Subject: Re: SaucerZealotLogic, Chapter 3
- Date: Sun, 09 Jun 1996 18:43:54 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 92
- Message-ID: <31ba1cf4.6147096@nntp.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <4ovsuv$qju@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <31B62D45.617E@fc.hp.com> <31B66258.5789@students.wisc.edu> <4p9t95$7vj@daffy.sb.west.net> <4paq08$8io@bermuda.io.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: sjx-ca11-03.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Sun Jun 09 1:46:36 PM CDT 1996
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99e/16.227
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:86177 alt.paranet.ufo:52268 alt.alien.research:25108 sci.skeptic:69339
- billp@io.com (Bill Peterson) wrote:
- >In article <4p9t95$7vj@daffy.sb.west.net>,
- >Fredric L. Rice <frice@stbbs.com> wrote:
- >>Brian Zeiler <bdzeiler@students.wisc.edu> wrote:
- >>
- >>>>> Do you see why aliens are not "invoked" just for fun?
- >>
- >>>> Obviously not just for fun, but for sheer paranoid delusional ecstasy.
- >>
- >>> Did you just switch to decaf today or something?
- >>
- >>You know, being incapable of debating an issue rationally and
- >>calmly would seem to be a warning sign to most people that there
- >>is something wrong or otherwise unviable with your posistion.
- >>
- >>Come down from that tree, Brian, and explain to us all why you
- >>think there are aliens traveling in space ships in our skys. If you
- >>can do so rationally, I sure would like to read it.
- >>
- >>
- >
- >Ok, I'll make a stab at it. Here goes:
- >1) we have reports, or observations of something apparently unknown
- Yup, many people see things which they can't identify. Just saw
- something today.
- >2) what is it? many reports indicate a metallic craft of some type
- Ah, are you including all the reports of lights which 'looked like'
- light refecting from metal? Or are you claiming that there are other
- observations which identify these unknowns as 'metallic craft'?
- >3) reported behaviour beyond Earth technology
- Hmm. Well, if you assume that 1) it was a physical object observed, and
- 2) the _estimates_ of range, speed, etc. were accurate, you would manage
- to score a point here.
- >4) appear to be evasive when spotted
- Ah, yes. "appear to be evasive". See #3.
- >5) experts are baffled, and some propose ET
- Ah, no explanation, and _some_ 'experts' propose ET.
- >
- >So, we seem to have a true unknown that appears to be advanced
- >technology, ie, alien type craft. Is this reasonable?
- No. We have a mishmash of reports which _some_ people interpret as
- 'alien type craft'.
- >
- >1) planets appear to be common, star formation predicts planets
- Well, currently popular theories of stellar evolution predict that
- planets would be common. Planets have been 'detected' around a few (two
- or three) stars. Unfortuneately for your position, those few seem to
- incompatible with life.
- >2) life appeared extremely rapidly on Earth, from universally common
- > elements
- Yup. Stuff like blue-green alga appeared very early. And that is all
- there was for a couple of billion years.
- >3) it is reasonable to assume that other life exists, although
- > the evidence is not in
- Hell, it isn't all that unlikely that stuff analogous to blue-green alga
- has appears in other star systems. Anything beyond that is a stretch.
- >
- >QED: to explain the observations of the unknown, apparently metallic
- >craft, it is not inconsistent with scientific theory to propose
- >ET visitation. The problems involved with interstellar travel
- >are mainly engineering type problems, there is no scientific
- >fundamental reason that rules it out.
- Hmm. What does 'QED' mean in SaucerZealotLogic?
- Well, it is not 'inconsistent with scientific theory' to propose ET
- visitation without any of those 'observations'. Why do you even bother
- bringing them up?
- >
- >BP
- >--
- >Disclaimer: I only speak for myself, and sometimes I wish I hadn't!
- ---------------
- Larry McKnight
- (this space unintentionally left blank.....