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- From: rudiak@garnet.berkeley.edu
- Newsgroups: sci.skeptic,alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo
- Subject: Re: Roswell is sneaky even to experienced debunkers!
- Date: Sun, 09 Jun 1996 22:25:30 GMT
- Organization: University of California, Berkeley
- Lines: 124
- Message-ID: <4pfiuv$pmf@agate.berkeley.edu>
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- gribble@primenet.com (Mr. Fun) wrote:
- >If you read the large posts from rudenick on the debris and the
- >statements it's clear that there was a MAJOR difference of opinion
- >between the two people who were the closest to the initial look see of
- >the site (other then Brazel). That would be Marcel and Cravitt(sp?).
- Sheridan Cavitt, who was with the Counterintelligence Corp (CIC).
- >Cravitt very clearly has said that while Marcel went to great lengths to
- >try to talk him into the idea it was a UFO,
- Absolutely not! As usual, Mr. FunGus just makes up the "evidence" as he goes
- along to suit his prejudices.
- I have actually read the complete 1000 page Air Force Report on Roswell
- including the complete interview with Cavitt and the affidavit that was typed up
- immediately afterward by Col. Richard Weaver, who conducted the interview and is
- an Air Force counterintelligence agent with OSI. Weaver altered some key points
- of Cavitt's testimony in the affidavit.
- In the ACTUAL interview, Cavitt denied ever going out to the debris field with
- Marcel or meeting rancher Brazel. He claimed he went only with his assistant
- CICman Lewis Rickett. Cavitt was contradicted by Marcel, Brazel, and Rickett.
- Marcel named him specifically as accompanying him to the debris field. Brazel
- noted in his press conference that Marcel was accompanied by a plain clothesman,
- whom he didn't name (the CIC people didn't wear uniforms).
- Further, it would have been virtually impossible for Cavitt to have found the
- crash area without Brazel leading him there. Brazel lived in an extremely
- isolated area without roads or landmarks, and Cavitt claimed seeing only an
- extremely tiny debris area (see below). How was he supposed to find it without
- Brazel's help?
- Cavitt further claimed that he and Rickett were completely alone and there was
- no other recovery operation. Rickett in several interviews completely
- contradicted Cavitt. He said he accompanied Cavitt on a second trip by Cavitt
- the day AFTER Cavitt was with Marcel on the debris field. Rickett further
- stated there was a major recovery operation going on at the time involving
- several dozen soldiers, most of them standing guard. The fact that MPs were
- guarding the area and that there was a major recovery operation has been
- corroborated by numerous other witnesses.
- In the body of his interview, Cavitt NEVER stated that Marcel tried to convince
- him the debris was a UFO. Remember, he denied ever being with Marcel. Further,
- he never accused Marcel of making up debris descriptions. In fact, he showed
- unusual respect for Marcel's integrity and intelligence, while ridiculing
- several others in the intelligence office, including Rickett, who who called a
- big story teller.
- But when Weaver wrote up the affidavit for Cavitt to sign, he has Cavitt stating
- that BOTH Marcel and Rickett liked to make up stories (completely contradicting
- what Cavitt actually said). He further has Cavitt stating that he went out to
- the debris field with BOTH Marcel and Rickett at the same time, whereas Cavitt
- never said this, and which is again contradicted by Marcel, Rickett, and Brazel.
- > Cravitt saw nothing special about the debris and thought it was just a crashed balloon train of some
- >sort.
- That's what he claimed, but he is contradicted by many others about the
- extremeley unusual nature of the debris, including both Marcel and Rickett.
- Cavitt was asked specifically about the tape with purple patterns on it, the
- supposed one clear tie-in with Mogul. But Cavitt denied ever seeing anything
- like that. He claimed these were the stories of UFO fanatics describing some
- other incident. And this is the Air Force's star witness!
- Cavitt also claimed that the debris covered a small area, no bigger than the
- small room he was being interviewed in. He claimed they quickly gathered it up,
- it easily fit in one vehicle, and they immediately returned to base.
- Cavitt's description of the size of the debris field is ludicrous and an utter
- lie. If this had been all that had crashed, Brazel could easily have gathered
- it up himself, taken it to Roswell, and that would have been the end of it.
- Cavitt's story is contradicted by EVERYBODY, including the Mogul people and the
- Air Force itself. The supposed crash balloon was 500 or 600 feet high. The two
- dozen or so weather balloons were connected in a line, followed by an alleged 3
- to 5 radar reflectors, with the payload and ballast on the bottom. For Cavitt's
- story to be true and to be consistent with the photos of one weather balloon and
- one radar reflector in Gen. Ramey's office, the bottom weather balloon and top
- radar reflector would have had to selectively detach themselves from everything
- else, and everything else would have had to vanish.
- The Air Force now claims that the small quantity of debris in Ramey's office was
- the totality of the crash debris recovered. But the Air Force also claims that
- Brazel's story in the newspapers (the one he told while under military custody
- for a week) was also the unvarnished truth, and Brazel's story was of a much
- larger area of debris, covering at least 7-9 ACRES. Marcel described an area at
- least 3 times this size (several hundred feet long by three-quarters of a mile
- long), Brazel gave a similar description to his son Bill, except Bill Brazel
- remembered it as being one-quarter mile long, and several other witnesses place
- the debris zone as covering a region at least one-half to three quarters of a
- mile long.
- Cavitt's story is an utter lie. He was telling the old 1947 weather balloon
- cover story and wasn't briefed before his 1994 interview of the Air Force's new
- "explanation." Towards the end of the interview, Col. Weaver tried to prompt a
- change in Cavitt's story to make it more consistent with Mogul by giving him
- some of the details about Mogul. But Cavitt didn't take the hint and stuck to
- his old story.
- >If you read rudenick long posts it's rather clear that there has
- >NEVER been any mystery to what happened or what was found. The entire
- >"mystery" is a self-generated one by people with overheated imaginations
- >looking for some excitement.
- Ha, ha, ha. The Air Force's chief witness is a retired intelligence officer
- telling lie after lie in a story riddled with internal inconsistencies and
- contradicted by everybody involved. Cavitt has even been recorded in the past
- as saying he was never at Roswell at the time and never involved with anything
- that ever happened.
- And why didn't Cavitt when reporting back to the base commander (Blanchard) tell
- him it was nothing but a balloon crash and save him the embarrassment of issuing
- a flying saucer recovery story? Why couldn't Blanchard (later a 4-star general)
- recognize rubber debris, tin foil, and balsa wood? Later he admitted to both
- his wives that the material they recovered was nothing like anything he'd seen
- before, and which he believed at first to be Russian.
- Cavitt's entire story is ludicrous. Only the extremely gullible, ignorant, or
- feeble-minded could possibly swallow it.