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- From: Tachyon <tachyon@mindforge.com>
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.alien.research,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.anthropology,alt.paranet.paranormal,alt.paranet.metaphysics,alt.paranormal,alt.paranet.psi
- Subject: Re: The Mother of All Paradigm Shifts!
- Date: Sun, 09 Jun 1996 20:48:14 -0700
- Organization: Future Primitives Consortium
- Lines: 36
- Message-ID: <31BB9AFE.217B@mindforge.com>
- References: <4o0u8m$sv1@bermuda.io.com> <4omdph$1a64@elmo.cadvision.com>
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- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:86258 alt.alien.research:25139 alt.paranet.ufo:52317 sci.anthropology:10523 alt.paranet.paranormal:7477 alt.paranet.metaphysics:3779 alt.paranormal:18939 alt.paranet.psi:5321
- Charles Gregory wrote:
- >
- > billp@io.com (Bill Peterson) wrote:
- > > UFO's have been common since the 1940's. At least, prior to that, they were
- > > not usually considered as "technology", but as "magic". Actually,
- > > it appears that both the Sumerians and Indians (of India) considered the
- > > gods as having "chariots", but that is not this thread's subject.
- >
- > Is now.... <G>
- >
- > An interesting explanation for some UFO sightings, particularly "close
- > encounters" was the discovery of electrical fields/plasma emitted by rocks
- > under stress. It turns out a great number of sightings, and prior to the UFO
- > age, a lot of relgious miracle "sightings" occurred just before earthquakes.
- > The famous apparition of the Virgin Mary at Lourdes (?) was supposedly just
- > a few days before an earthquake. The theory is that massive quantities of
- > this released electricity/plasma forma ball-lightning kind of phenomena,
- > which is just a light when seen form the distance, but when viewed up close
- > intereferes with the brain sufficiently to prudce hallucinations of whatever
- > the observer was thinking about - hence it used to be religious and is now
- > "alien".
- >
- > Obviously this doesn't fit ALL observations, but it sure demonstrates that
- > nature has lots of suprises left. We don't know it all.....
- > Charles Gregory
- This phenomenon has been filmed in Japan prior to their earthquakes. It is thought to
- be a piezo-electric effect. Another measured phenomenon prior to earthquakes is high
- amplitude extremely low frequency electromagnetic radiation spikes. These frequencies
- are known to cause temporary confusion and hinder higher cognitive functions in the
- human brain at high amplitudes. (The military has tried to design weapons based on
- this principle to render the enemy "stupid".)
- :::tAchyOn:::