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- Path: news.demon.co.uk!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!iol!maury
- From: maury@softarc.com (Maury Markowitz)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.research,alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy.area51,alt.paranet.abduct,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.sci.time-travel,alt.ufo.reports,alt.alien,alt.bermuda.triangle
- Subject: Re: How UFOS travel thru space ?
- Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 17:22:45 +0000
- Organization: Atria Software
- Lines: 27
- Message-ID: <maury-1906961722450001@news.iol.ie>
- References: <4ma9gu$8tb@info.abdn.ac.uk> <4msecr$c7l@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4n06ho$gmu@lastactionhero.rs.itd.umich.edu> <conrad4-1105962343160001@dal25-29.ppp.iadfw.net> <4n7lf8$dvr@lastactionhero.rs.itd.umich.edu> <31BD644C.3803@goodnet.com> <31C035B6.719C@inforamp.net> <4pqnvb$jmj@mtinsc01-mgt.ops.worldnet.att.net> <31C1D943.2781E494@lolita.colorado.edu> <4q4uo0$bvo@newstand.syr.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- X-Newsreader: Yet Another NewsWatcher 2.2.0b7
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.research:26170 alt.alien.visitors:88393 alt.conspiracy.area51:11294 alt.paranet.abduct:5875 alt.paranet.ufo:53777 alt.sci.time-travel:5430 alt.ufo.reports:9482
- In article <4q4uo0$bvo@newstand.syr.edu>, jcwallac@mailbox.syr.edu
- (CyberWolf) wrote:
- > fee as though worm holes and other such anonimlys are caused by the great
- > gravitational pull of extreamly large bodies such as Suns, Black Holes, Etc.
- > thus creating a temperal rift in the space+time plane...
- Actually most would say that wormholes do not exist at all, and there's
- some good research to support this (notably Wheeler's stuff). The gravity
- of such a construct would make it collapse.
- > Also I beleave that we can acheave the seckret of light speed travil
- > because Einstein said that e=mc2
- No he didn't, he said that E^2 = m^2c^4 + p^2c^2. Big difference.
- > over come infinate mass thus we can never acheave the speed of light but Isoc
- > Neuton said that "energy can not be created or distroied". So if we can
- harnes
- > useable energy from all places
- The amount of energy you can harness is limited by the size of those
- causually attached objects. Right now that's a sphere about 15 billion LY
- in radius. This is large, but certainly not infinite. Just look up at
- night, if we have infinite energy, the sky would be bright, not dark!
- Maury