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- From: Cluster User <cluster_user@yale.edu>
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,alt.ufo.reports,alt.paranet.abduct,sci.skeptic,alt.paranet.science
- Subject: Re: Are all believers crackpots?
- Date: 19 Jun 1996 15:55:59 GMT
- Organization: Yale University
- Lines: 21
- Message-ID: <4q97uf$j53@babyblue.cs.yale.edu>
- References: <31C5A845.1319@compuserve.com> <4q4dll$rlk@cwis-20.wayne.edu> <31C5DC53.14D0@students.wisc.edu> <4q527r$g3b@cwis-20.wayne.edu> <31C63394.7AB6@students.wisc.edu> <Dt89DA.EJA@eskimo.com>
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- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:88398 alt.paranet.ufo:53781 alt.alien.research:26175 alt.ufo.reports:9485 alt.paranet.abduct:5878 sci.skeptic:72659 alt.paranet.science:3204
- Michael Bonnes <gobo@tscnet.com> wrote:
- >After 50 years of sightings with no--I repeat NO-- proof of ufos, you
- >might think people would grow up. But no...it's like a persistent
- >infection. Some spend their whole lives pursuing myth. Some believers
- >just need something to belong to. --- Mike
- How can you say there is no proof for UFOs? That is simply a crazy
- statement. Of course there are UFOs, the question is what the hell are
- they. Maybe you were just being sloppy. But I see that kind of
- sloppiness coming from Skeptics all the time in these groups. If
- you've got a strong point, present it. By tossing flippant,
- emotionalized verbage out, it looks like you don't really have a case.
- But on one thing, I'm appreciative. You've given the first explanation
- I've read as to why Believers such as yourself feel moved to post
- here- you percieve people not sharing your beliefs to be "infected" or
- even "infections."
- Hows things in the Aryan Brotherhood these days?