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- From: rutkows@cc.umanitoba.ca (Chris Rutkowski)
- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
- Subject: Mini-FAQ for this group
- Date: 20 Jun 96 14:32:53 GMT
- Organization: The University of Manitoba
- Lines: 42
- Message-ID: <rutkows.835281173@asimov>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: asimov.cc.umanitoba.ca
- Summary: What NOT to post in this group!
- Keywords: mandate,FAQ,UFO,reports
- X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #2 (NOV)
- Subject: MANDATE FOR alt.ufo.reports
- Summary: The Mandate and intentions of this group
- Keywords: mandate,UFO,newsgroup
- To all posters, readers and lurkers:
- Once again, I have to explain the purpose and reason for this
- newsgroup.
- This group was created with the intention of allowing people to post
- their personal UFO experiences/sightings, without any bias or
- subjective interpretations. This does not mean that posts here are
- necessarily about observations of alien spacecraft. Most UFOs turn out
- to be misidentifications - honest mistakes. Some could be aircraft
- (secret or otherwise), others are bolides, others are balloons or
- anything else you might want to include in a category of IFO.
- The reality is that *a small percentage* of UFO reports do not have a
- simple explanation. This does not mean they are spaceships, but only
- that they cannot be explained easily. Basically, we need the data
- before we can interpret them according to various theories.
- The only way this can be achieved is through the collection of UFO
- reports in an objective, organized manner. It seemed that allowing
- witnesses to post on the I-way was a logical possibility.
- It still is, but discussion threads about John Lear, MJ12 and the Mars
- Face outnumber UFO reports here.
- PLEASE TAKE THESE DISCUSSIONS TO alt.alien.visitors or alt.paranet.ufo
- or alt.alien.research or sci.skeptic
- --
- Chris Rutkowski - rutkows@cc.umanitoba.ca
- University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, Canada
- --
- Chris Rutkowski - rutkows@cc.umanitoba.ca
- (and now, also: Chris.Rutkowski@UMAlumni.mb.ca)
- University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, Canada