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- From: jaeschke@concentric.net (Wayne Jaeschke)
- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
- Subject: Re: UFO's and Project Apollo
- Date: Thu, 20 Jun 1996 15:11:13 -0500
- Organization: VFMA-333 Tres Equis =<XXX>=
- Lines: 62
- Message-ID: <19960620151113281436@cnc019044.concentric.net>
- References: <4q7bob$6k@news.campus.mci.net> <492@writer.win-uk.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: cnc019044.concentric.net
- X-Newsreader: MacSOUP 2.0
- OnLine <win@writer.win-uk.net> wrote:
- >
- > Perhaps we went for the Moon too soon...perhaps we should have developed
- > a better and cheaper way of doing it and aimed for a Lunar landing in the
- > 80s or 90s..that's what the cancelled APOLLO flights and the fact that
- > no-one has been back to the Moon suggests to me.
- >
- While I am very familiar with this story, as well as the "Santa
- Claus" story which supposedly indicated that the lunar orbiter had made
- visual contact with an alien craft, I am not so quick to ascribe to any
- of it. I am a firm believer that we are not alone in this Universe --
- to believe otherwise is too arrogant (even for me <G>). Further,
- believing otherwise defies the statistical probabilities that life, in
- some intelligent form, could have developed elsewhere.
- However, the moon-men story has always been alluring. There
- have been the fabled "sounding" test which indicate that the moon is
- hollow (and therefore must be an encampment for extra-terrestrial
- intelligence). There have been the stories that the lunar astronauts
- have been watched by beings in control of massive, threatening
- machinery. Further, there have been many, many stories that expand on
- this in great detail. Yet, none have made me, a firm-believer, buy into
- the story. Here's why:
- As "online" stated, there may have been other reasons why the
- lunar-landings were stopped -- cost being a major factor. However, the
- lunar project was, as I saw it at the time, President Kennedy's "Grand
- Mission of America and Mankind", which would bring together a nation
- that had been plagued by War. It was his vision that we turn our great
- warmaking infrastructure in a more peaceful, positive direction.
- Perhaps we did go too soon, because the cost was high in dollars and the
- patience of the American People. Further, once we arrived at the moon,
- our science had yet to reach a level where we were fully able to
- appreciate the profound impact that exploration of a new world would
- bring; especially since we had yet to fully explore our own. In
- addition, since most of the expense and effort of the Apollo mission was
- put into being able to safely place a man on the moon and return him
- safely to earth, many of the possibilities for scientific exploration
- were not possible. Now, in the 90's, we are finding that small,
- cheaper, faster missions are providing much more scientific data per
- dollar spent that any manned-mission could provide (a wonderful example
- of this is the Clementine Lunar Exploration Vehicle which surveyed the
- moon with greater precision and resolution than had ever before been
- achieved). The Apollo missions proved that with enough of a push we
- could "run", but we had not yet learned to crawl, let alone walk.
- Interestingly, no spacecraft or land-based scientific apparatus
- has ever detected signs of life on the moon: no radio emissions, no
- electromagnetic fields, and no evidence of any kind. Given the
- antagonistic nature of the media, in this country, it is doubtful that
- such a conspiracy of silence could be maintained, had evidence existed
- such as the Clementine spacecraft sending back terrain maps showing that
- the lunar surface had been distrubed -- terrain data which covered over
- 90% of the moon's surface with a resolution of just a few meters.
- By the same token, incidences such as roswell/aurora have given
- much more to be curious about -- eyewitness account, conflicting
- stories, admitted government cover-ups, GAO investigations, etc., etc.
- And while the "true hard evidence" that the critics call for is,
- apparently lacking, how often does your son have to come home stinking
- of beer before you believe he's been out drinking?
- wj