ocr: Firstv wehave he unverse ve knowandbove: sapa plg elg 13 .2 16dos .11xd0 Bohr ndis = 128-9cm Hydroganbinding enengy = 1264V Nucion. adous = t03d0bcm Anwesonbuningentegy == 18.76MeV munumum: stthr: die tume == 577et8yr Masofstur == Depets0kg Radin orpanet == vo km Massorptnet == 5+23kg Lengthotdy == 6hr Lengthotyear == 6dy NI == 2.2#20 H, == 60#F0 The factthat te day is shown: as 6 hours: and te year as 6. days shoud notworry tereader. We have a day ona ypial planeto1 he order of 10 hours and: a year of he order of 10 days. Earh may be a bitaypical, vit a year of te order of 100. days, but tats ...