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- FIRE FROM THE SKY: Battle of Harvest Moon & True Story of Space Shuttles
- by "One Who Knows"
- PART 11:
- The Reagan-Begin Axis of Bolsheviks and Zionists intended to manipulate
- those crises, and more to come, to pave the way for war. Suddenly, certain
- crises would combine to trigger a chain of events leading to Nuclear War
- One. The joint military junta of the United States Pentagon and Israel were
- working on a fast timetable for all of this. They were aiming for deadline
- time of midsummer 1982 for the final war sequence to begin; fulfillment of
- the plan was set for September.
- This would involve regional conflicts in the Middle East and elsewhere
- which gradually would escalate to engulf the superpowers. The whole thing
- was being set up to make nuclear war appear unavoidable. At last all-out
- nuclear war itself would break out between the United States and Russia. It
- would be made to appear accidental, but as we have detailed in the past,
- Nuclear War One would actually begin with an AMERICAN FIRST STRIKE AGAINST
- Up to that point, the secret war planners in the U.S. had been expecting
- that it would take many months for the final war buildup to run its course.
- For example, a Mideast war might be triggered by the summer of 1982, but it
- could take until the spring of 1983 for the resulting nuclear war to
- actually erupt. That plan had actually been changed and by winter 1982
- drastic changes took place in the secret war planning under way in America.
- The timetable for Nuclear War One was speeded up by many months in order to
- render the oncoming winter an ally. This was when the target date was set
- for mid-September 1982. That was little more than six months from the third
- Shuttle launch and thus the desperate need for intelligence surveillance
- information regarding the Soviet Union. Well, then a major intelligence
- coup was scored by the American Bolsheviks which would allow for fairly
- accurate targeting.
- Two high-ranking soviet generals were spirited out of Russia and brought to
- Washington. Those two men were Bolsheviks whom Russia's new non-Bolshevik
- rulers failed to detect and weed out. In Intelligence parlance, they
- remained as "moles" in Russia's military apparatus.
- Now they had been brought to America, and they brought with them a wealth
- of data about Russia's current military posture. Thanks to those two former
- Bolshevik Soviet generals the secret war planners in the U.S. now had
- enough information.
- If they could get more data from Space Shuttle flights Nos. 3 and 4, so
- much the better, but if neither of those two flights was successful, the
- war planners intended to wait no longer and go with ground intelligence.
- They wanted to make use of the intelligence obtained from the Soviet
- generals while it was still fresh and changes could not be made in the
- Soviet Union who would suspect treason. Therefore, the deadline to attack
- the Russians was rescheduled.
- If the U.S. had realized and listened, we would have all realized that the
- fourth launch was a crossing line to countdown to war.
- In early 1982 there was a tremendous hidden struggle for power that was
- dividing the U.S. government. On one side were the American Bolsheviks
- whose chief government operative was Secretary of Defense Caspar
- Weinberger. On the other side was the Rockefeller cartel whose chief
- government spokesman was Secretary of State Alexander Haig. Weinberger and
- Haig were constantly at each other's throats in the news, and worse, in
- private. Caught in the middle was the puppet, President Reagan.
- Reagan was installed by the Rockefeller cartel but came to be largely under
- Bolshevik control after the assassination "attempt" in March of 1981. By
- February of 1982 the American military was dominated by the Bolsheviks, but
- that had not always been so.
- By 1982 a plan for a Rockefeller cartel-backed military coup was being set
- in motion (again) and this time it was a crash program. The Rockefeller
- cartel could not afford to let their Bolshevik enemies succeed in setting
- off nuclear war; therefore, the military coup must take place before the
- American Bolshevik surprise attack against Russia. If possible, the coup
- would be carried out before the fourth Space Shuttle flight planned for the
- summer of 1982, because the war was scheduled immediately following that
- flight.
- The man who was in charge of the military coup preparations was a four-star
- Army General who was also Secretary of State - General Alexander Haig. If
- you remember the Falkland Islands War occurred about this time and the
- Bolsheviks foiled the coup. Haig was fired and Bolshevik George P. Shultz
- took his place, on June 25th.
- You need to know the facts behind the Falkland Islands War, the shooting of
- the *U.S.S. Liberty* by the Israelis, the turmoil in Central America,
- developments towards the Iran-Iraq war, Libya's Kadhafi, Afghanistan,
- Poland, etc. Things were and are not as you think they are, friends!
- I have mentioned about doubles. For example, on March 6 the BBC quoted a
- *London Times* article questioning whether or not Khomeini was still alive.
- The article expressed suspicions that fake pictures were being used showing
- the "double" for Khomeini.
- I remember, I believe, the article was in *Reader's Digest,* an article
- that said that when Khomeini went into exile to Paris, he was missing a
- finger. When he later returned to Iran, Khomeini was not missing any
- fingers. Khomeini was quite a miracle worker, don't you think? Or could
- somebody be pulling a fast one?
- The Reagan-Begin Axis, in cahoots with their Zionist partners in Israel,
- were going all out to try to start a nuclear war.
- The Manhattan Project went from a decision to make the bomb (on the day
- before Pearl Harbor in December 1941), to a working bomb exploded on
- Hiroshima in August, 1945. And this was before computers.
- In 1982, a new program was started similar to the Manhattan Project. It was
- called the "Stealth" program, and, surprise, surprise, it succeeded the
- same year! It succeeded because of the immense computing power of the
- Control Data Corporation Star 100 and Cray computers (an offshoot of
- Control Data).
- The most secret branch of the Stealth Program was developing aircraft that
- would be invisible to more than just radar. They must be invisible even to
- the eye. These invisible "Phantom" war planes would carry special
- electromagnetic gear.
- You see, there was already the capability, for Russia had the know-how to
- cause the Cosmos Interceptors and Cosmospheres to be invisible. All that
- was really needed was to get defectors and most defectors had a "price"
- under which they will bargain.
- The equipment included superconducting magnets which were maintained at
- temperatures close to absolute zero. The cryogenic equipment creates an
- enormously powerful electromagnetic field around the aircraft. The field is
- designed according to the principles of Einstein's "Unified Field Theory."
- Einstein never completely finished his Field Theory, but it was studied by
- numerical techniques using the Star 100 and Cray computers and others and
- integration became a simple game. By this method, enough could be learned,
- coupled with stolen information, to apply the Unified Field Theory to the
- new "Phantom" war planes.
- Think of the magnificent possibilities. Time is a function of the
- measurement of movement of "things" - atoms, matter, and stuff. At absolute
- zero, atoms stop moving. Time stops. When atoms speed up in relation to
- surroundings, time speeds up. Frequency is everything.
- When you understand the rules, wondrous things are possible. For hints of
- the possibilities, study the Philadelphia Experiment and Project Montauk.
- Read *A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME* by Stephen Hawking or *HYPERSPACE, A
- DIMENSION* by Michio Kaku.
- This is why the government must keep the Stealth aircraft a "national
- security" secret. They have revealed the part of the secret telling that
- the shape of the surfaces affects the radar signature, to explain the
- strikes in Iraq and so on, but they don't want you to know the rest of the
- secrets. By revealing this much, they kept the Stealth program from being
- scuttled by Congress.
- Under this program they can send 22 planes into battle, and 22 planes
- return. Mission accomplished! You do not see all the others that also went
- into battle, and those that are lost are made up for so that you see the
- same number return.
- When the invisibility field would be turned on, a "Phantom" war plane would
- be encased in a sort of electromagnetic bubble. Light that strikes the
- field from any direction divides, passes around the plane, comes together
- again on the other side, and goes on. The effect is like a boulder in a
- stream - water flowing toward the boulder divides, goes around it and then
- comes together again on the other side.
- When you "see" something, light bounces off the object and strikes your
- eyes. Your eyes then recognize the pattern. If something comes between you
- and the object, you can no longer see it. But if the light from the object
- goes around the obstruction, you see the original object, but not the
- obstruction. This is how Phantom planes work, although up close they can be
- dimly detected, while farther away they are totally invisible. Do you now
- understand why so many "UFO" sightings are blurry?
- Radar behaves the same way as light, it just has a different wavelength, so
- Phantom planes are invisible to both light and radar, unless they turn off
- their fields. This explains some of the reported sonic booms where there
- was no visible airplane.
- The Russians, however, can see through these fields using sophisticated
- infrared beam detectors.
- Phantom war planes are totally immune to lasers because a laser is just a
- beam of intense light. An invisibility field also would give protection
- against the Russian Particle Beam system in tracking ability but the plan
- backfired because the Russians had already developed anti-invisible shield
- technology. Ordinarily, charged particles are far easier to deflect than
- light, so the charged particle beam is no match for the light-deflecting
- shield. Ah, but when you get into pulsed neutron beams - you have a real
- handful of troubles.
- And so that leaves only neutron beam weapons. Russia's neutron beam would
- penetrate the invisibility shield, but ways were thought to have been found
- to shield against neutron radiation well enough to make neutron beams
- ineffective in stopping a Phantom war plane. This was conceived as true
- because extremely effective shielding would be part of the basic design of
- the Phantom war plane whereby the plane would have to first be "located" in
- order to be fired upon. The basic design would require such sophisticated
- shielding in order to prevent derangement of the electronic instruments as
- well as the crew, if it were a manned craft.
- So the result of the program would be craft which would be undetectable by
- conventional means, and it was believed to be invulnerable to all of
- Russia's beam weapons. Those beam weapons had been the key to Russia's
- military superiority since late 1977, so the Phantom war plane was the
- hope-for weapon to attack Russia in the upcoming planned nuclear strike.
- The Phantom war plane had one recognized major drawback. In a way, its
- greatest strength would also be its greatest weakness. When the
- invisibility field would be turned on, incoming light waves would not
- strike the plane; instead, the light flows around the plane. That is what
- makes the plane invisible to observers at a distance but, at the same time,
- the field prevents light waves from the outside world from reaching the
- cockpit of the plane. In other words, the pilot cannot see anything outside
- the invisibility field. He is required by physical law to fly blind.
- There was only one technique known in the West by which a Phantom war plane
- could be navigated. It is called "Inertial Guidance," a technique used for
- ICBMs. In Inertial Guidance, a computerized system keeps track of all the
- forces and maneuvers experienced by the vehicle. By adding these up over
- time, the system calculates where it is without reference to the outside
- world. For a Phantom war plane, the Inertial Guidance problem is very
- difficult. The guidance system must operate for as long as several hours
- while the plane flies to its target. That gives lots of time for errors to
- build up which would send the plane off course, but the problem was thought
- to be solved sufficiently to utilize the Phantom planes in the attack.
- New Inertial Guidance technology had been developed using lasers in place
- of the old mechanical gyros used in ICBMs, and so the supersecret Phantom
- war plane project had basically succeeded in concept - and, for all intents
- and purposes, we now had a new superweapon. It was revolutionary,
- prototypes were flying and a rush production program was already under way
- by the early 1980s. The secret war planners expected to have an operational
- fleet ready by summer, 1982. This was the "pacing item" in the short war
- timetable.
- Because of inertial guidance, absolutely accurate reconnaissance data on
- Russian targets was totally critical to the war planning. When Phantom war
- planes would take off to attack Russia, they would have to know ahead of
- time exactly where the target would be. Therefore, for a year the Space
- Shuttle had been making a desperate attempt to obtain the needed target
- information from space. It would be the first new data since Russia
- destroyed our Spy Satellites in 1978. The first two Shuttle flights were
- NOT successful in their secret military mission, but in February, 1982,
- Shuttle No. 3 was more successful. The war planners now obtained the most
- crucial target data needed for a Phantom war plane attack against Russia.
- As a result, a whole new war plan was being prepared for the coming planned
- nuclear war.
- America's war strategists were eager for war because they believed they
- could achieve victory over Russia - the concept of victory, however, DID