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- by "One Who Knows"
- PART 17:
- In studying what the truth is behind many of the events in recent history,
- you will find some amazing interconnections. Once you realize that the same
- "elite" groups of conspirators are behind many of our problems, it should
- not be surprising that there are connections because it is the same people
- involved.
- A better known example that could be given of this is E. Howard Hunt. Most
- researchers know that Hunt was involved in such seemingly unrelated events
- as the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Kennedy assassination and Watergate. If
- you "do your homework," you will find connections between the Jonestown
- massacre, the Waco massacre, and the Oklahoma City federal building
- bombing.
- To understand the Jim Jones Jonestown tragedy, you need to understand some
- of the background.
- In 1976-79, I worked in the classified section of Control Data Corporation.
- Control Data had the world's most powerful computers at that time, and they
- were used by the U.S. in its most secret and most important projects. I was
- also coordinator for the Mensa Special Interest Group called the "Doomsday
- Club."
- I wrote a newsletter called the *Doomsday Club News and Intelligence
- Report.* I learned some things that concerned me about what Russia was
- doing and quoted an article from the Oct. 2, 1978, *Aviation Week and Space
- Technology* magazine in my October newsletter.
- I learned, for instance, that Russia had been shooting down our spy
- satellites. What I did not know at the time was that Dr. Peter David Beter
- was also concerned because he was getting information superior to some of
- our intelligence services about what was really going on.
- For example, in June 1976, Dr. Beter received information that Russia had
- planted a nuclear bomb on Mt. Desert Island, Maine, near the Seal Harbor
- home of Nelson Rockefeller. He reported the information to General George
- S. Brown, Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, who had the information
- Nelson Rockefeller immediately put his home up for sale, although it had
- been in the Rockefeller for two generations. Dr. Beter said, "But my report
- of June 1976 about the Seal Harbor bomb led to far more than the present
- unsettled real estate conditions there. It proved to high intelligence that
- the Dr. Beter Audio Letter could be trusted to tell the truth; and from
- that point onward, I began receiving large amounts of intelligence
- information that is not entrusted to any other public information channel."
- (Dr. Beter Audio Tape #39 recorded 10/29/78.)
- Dr. Beter continued to give Gen. Brown such information as the precise
- location of Russia's secret missile and bomb emplacement, including some
- that had been planted on American soil and in U.S. rivers, near dams, etc.
- Russia would plant them, Dr. Beter would tell Brown, and Brown would have
- them removed.
- The Bolsheviks in our government who were working with Russia arranged to
- have Brown replaced, and the bombs were no longer removed. On October 1,
- 1976, President Gerald Ford (a secret Communist and member of the Michigan
- Mafia) signed what has been called the treasonous Red Friday Agreement and
- the Russians were allowed to continue without interference.
- In Beter's Audio Letter #39, recorded 10/29/78, and printed in *Wisconsin
- Report* of November 16, 1978, he quoted the same October 2nd article from
- *Aviation Week* that I quoted in *my* October 1978 newsletter, about Russia
- attaining Particle Beam weapons technology. In his letter he said, "Last
- September 1977 I reported Russia's first operational use of Particle Beam
- weapons in space.
- On September 20, 1977, the Russians blasted an American Spy Satellite into
- a huge fireball in space as it passed over the Petrozvodsk Observatory in
- northern Russia. And barely a week later, on September 27, 2977, the secret
- American Moon Base in Copernicus Crater was silenced by Russia's
- neutron-beam attack from Earth orbit. America had just lost the Battle of
- the Harvest Moon. Immediately America was forced to stop short in her
- secret Beam-weapons race with Russia, for suddenly our Unseen Rulers were
- teetering on the edge of war itself - and Russia suddenly was calling the
- shots."
- And now, friends, you know what the Apollo Moon Landing (hoax) was about -
- it was a cover for the real above-top-secret military missions. Although
- top secret, hints of the base have appeared here and there. The December
- 1993/January 1994 issue of *Air & Space* magazine, in the article "Securing
- the High Ground," said:
- "Details of the moon base, which were contained in a thick secret report
- called 'Military Lunar Base Program or S.R. 183 Lunar Observatory Study,'
- were revealed by the Air Force Ballistic Missile Division's Directorate of
- Space Planning and Analysis *in April 1960.* The heart of S.R. (Study
- Requirement) 183 was an underground lunar-Based Earth-Bombardment System
- that would insure 'positive retaliation' in the event of a Soviet attack
- against the United States. Although the report said that construction of
- the missile complex could be postponed for three or four years, it called
- for active planning for the base to begin '*immediately* if maximum
- military advantage is to be derived from a lunar program."
- The broad outlines of the moonbase plan had been published in the April and
- September 1959 issues of *Aviation Week.* Richard Hoagland, R. RenΦ, Bill
- Kaysing, and others have determined that the NASA moon landings as
- presented were hoaxed and they discuss what might really have happened.
- Hoagland has found evidence of the remains of highly advanced structures on
- the Moon AND Mars. What Hoagland does not know is that *some* of those
- structures could be American built. This is a story that remains to be
- told.
- You will wonder where Beter got his information, including information that
- not even our highest intelligence services knew. Most of you are not ready
- for the answer to THAT QUESTION, but for those of you who are ready, I will
- tell you that the answer is revealed on page 204 of *Missing the Lifeboat?*
- Phoenix Journal #86 and page 29 of *Ascension or Never-Never Land?* Phoenix
- Journal #98. [Call 1-800-800-5565 to order.]
- On May 25, 1961, President Kennedy (in his state of the union address, not
- the inaugural address as sometimes reported) made the famous speech in
- which he said: "I believe that this nation should commit itself to
- achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon
- and returning him safely to Earth."
- Apparently he did not know at the time, although he soon began to learn,
- that at the time he made that statement, there was a base already on the
- Moon. A year later, on May 22, 1962, a space probe landed on Mars and
- confirmed the existence of an environment which could support life. Not
- long afterward the construction of a colony on the planet Mars was begun in
- real earnest.
- If you want to learn more, I suggest you research the subject known among
- the UFO crowd as "Alternative 3" (the book by that name is about 75% true
- and 25% disinformation). "Bob Grodin" was a pseudonym for an astronaut who
- saw the real base. The moonbase was set up by our *actual* rulers, known as
- Bilderbergers (this project was headed by the particular group known as the
- Jason Society), with headquarters in Switzerland.
- They have meetings to make their plans and *Spotlight* newspaper likes to
- brag that it is able to penetrate the meetings. What *Spotlight* doesn't
- know is the main meetings were conducted on a nuclear submarine under the
- Polar ice cap. There are fewer party crashers there. For proof that NASA
- has lied to you, contact Richard Hoagland of the Mars Mission. While you
- are at it, ask him about Dan Quayle. *(The Mars Mission,* 122 Dodd St.
- Weehawken, NJ 07087).
- The RAND Corporation developed nuclear powered machinery for creating the
- underground tunnels at the base. The machinery was also used in the U.S. to
- build a huge network of underground tunnels and complexes. You might want
- to read *Underground Bases and Tunnels - What is the Government Trying to
- Hide?* by Richard Sauder, a book available from *Spotlight* newspaper.
- People who worked on the Apollo programs and in NASA will say that I do not
- know what I am talking about, after all, they were "there," they "know."
- For serious open-minded researcher, those who realize that something is
- fishy with NASA and want to know the real truth, I will tell you that the
- *REAL* Moon vehicles operate out of S-4 in Nevada (and sometimes Area 51),
- not to mention the Russian bases.
- In 1962, it was learned that Russia was deploying nuclear missiles in Cuba.
- The information was obtained from photos taken by a U2 aircraft piloted by
- Roger Chaffee. President John F. Kennedy, thanks to information provided to
- him by the Russian defector Colonel Oleg Penkovsky, knew Russia's military
- weaknesses and warned Khruschev to pull the missiles out. Khruschev was in
- no position to stand up to Kennedy, so he removed the missiles. The story
- has been written many times in books and articles.
- The U2 pilot Roger Chaffee later was chosen as an astronaut on Apollo 1,
- commanded by veteran astronaut Gus Grissom (Mercury and Gemini flights).
- The evidence indicates Chaffee, Grissom and White were murdered, perhaps
- because Grissom did not like to cooperate in the hoax.
- Grissom told his wife, "If there ever is a serious accident in the Space
- Program, it's likely to be me." Grissom tried to get NASA chief
- administrator Joe Shea to go through the Apollo test with him. Chaffee had
- never been in space, but was a veteran of secret intelligence missions such
- as the U2 flights. NASA had 7 oxygen fire accidents before Grissom,
- Chaffee, and White were "accidently" burned up in Apollo I in January,
- 1967.
- General Phillips, Frank Borman's superior, did an investigation which was
- withheld from the public as "classified." Why classified? What were they
- hiding? Eight astronauts died of "accidents" in 1967. Is it any wonder that
- the other astronauts "got with the program?" For more details see *NASA
- Mooned America!* by R. RenΦ. (R. RenΦ, 31 Burgess Place, Passaic, NJ
- 07055.)
- What Kennedy did *not* know when the Cuban Missile Crisis occurred was that
- Russia was very close to deploying a totally new weapons system. Khruschev
- lost much face with his countrymen, temporarily. To regain face with his
- leaders, on April 10, 1963, he tested his new weapons system by destroying
- the *U.S.S. Thresher* nuclear submarine. That is another story for another
- time.
- What all the many books about the Cuban Missile Crisis did not tell you,
- however, was where Khruschev moved those missiles.
- At that time the secret Rockefeller/Soviet alliance was in full swing, and
- the long range joint plans for a controlled Nuclear War were moving right
- along. Both sides were looking ahead toward an eventual double-cross, but
- that still lay far in the future at that time. The deliberate strengthening
- of Russia at America's expense was part of their joint plan for World
- Government and conquest.
- The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 threw a temporary monkey wrench into the
- program when President Kennedy intervened personally and stopped the
- nuclear arming of Cuba; and for doing that, and other humane
- "indiscretions," he lost his life in Dallas barely a year later. For
- additional information on Kennedy's secret plans, read *Final Judgment* by
- Michael Collins Piper, available from *Spotlight* newspaper, 300
- Independence Ave. SE, Washington, D.C. 20003.