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- by "One Who Knows"
- PART 23:
- Immediately after Kennedy was assassinated there were three main
- investigations launched - by the Texas Attorney General, the FBI, and the
- U.S. Congress. On Dec. 9, 1963, seventeen days after the assassination, the
- Communist *Worker* Newspaper demanded that the three investigations be
- stopped and that only Earl Warren do the investigation. Three days later,
- President Johnson ordered the three groups to stop and put Earl Warren in
- charge, exactly as the Communists had ordered.
- Warren immediately began destroying evidence. While the other groups were
- finding information of multiple people involved, Arlen Specter came up with
- the "magic bullet" theory to explain what happened. No one else supported
- that theory except Gerald Ford, but that became the conclusion of the
- Warren Commission. Gerald Ford, whose real name was Leslie Lynch King
- (*American Heritage Dictionary,* 1979), in his book *Portrait of the
- Assassin,* page 51, tells about Lee Harvey Oswald being on the payroll of
- the American Red Cross while in Russia. The current head of the Red Cross
- is Elizabeth Dole, the wife of Senator Bob Dole. Specter has become
- prominent recently in the Waco and Ruby Ridge investigations, and is
- campaigning for President. Does it sound like maybe the Communists were
- behind the assassination of Kennedy?
- If only it were that simple! We need to pay attention to who and what these
- people are, as their names come up in all kinds of strange places.
- Ruth Paine's husband Michael worked as an engineer at Bell Aerospace for
- the German ex-General Dornberger, head of research for Bell. Paine was part
- of the Gehlen operation.
- Werner von Braun became a close personal friend of J. Edgar Hoover and soon
- after he came to the U.S. he also became a close personal friend of Lyndon
- B. Johnson. Von Braun worked with Hoover in security projects at the
- Tennessee Valley Authority, the Redstone Arsenal and later in the National
- Space Agency. In 1958 Lyndon Johnson, majority leader of the Senate, helped
- push through the National Space Act, which gave funding to von Braun.
- The Navy and Air Force were in charge of the U.S. missile programs when
- Russia launched its Sputnik satellite in October of 1957. Two weeks later,
- they launched the much larger Sputnik II which carried a dog into space.
- The Russians had put a six-ton package into orbit, while two months later
- the Navy tried to launch a three-and-half-pound grapefruit-size satellite
- on their Vanguard missile. It rose a grand height of four feet and blew up,
- on national television. Eisenhower was reminded about the little-known
- bunch of Nazis at Huntsville, so he gave them the go-ahead. Less than two
- months later, the (ex) Nazis put America's first satellite, Explorer I,
- into orbit on January 31, 1958.
- "Sputnik forced two space agendas on the United States, one public, the
- other top secret." (Burrows, William E., *Deep Black - Space Espionage And
- National Security,* Random House, 1986, p. 138.)
- Reinhard Gehlen was head of the Nazi Abwehr spy organization during WW II,
- and at the end of the war he approached the OSS and offered to work for
- them, with his team and records. They accepted and brought many of his team
- into the U.S. under Projer Paperclip.
- Gehlen remained chief of the West German Intelligence service until he
- retired in 1968. Frank Wisner, who worked for Allen Welsh Dulles, was a
- Wall Street lawyer who became head of Dulles' Secret Intelligence Branch
- and was responsible for the Gehlen organization. Working with Wisner were
- Harvard grad Harry Rositzke who worked in the same room with Arthur
- Schlesinger, Jr. and Richard Helms, who later became Director of the CIA in
- 1966.
- One of Wisner's team was George Bookbinder, who later became President of
- the Rand Development Corporation. It was the Gehlen organization that dug
- the famous Berlin tunnel. They, especially the Rand Corporation, became
- good at digging tunnels (except they have not quite conquered that annoying
- "hum"!).
- The book *Air America* says, during the Vietnam conflict, "An HQ was
- established in Singapore where Frank Wisner, the Deputy Director of Plans
- for the CIA, went personally to head the operation." (Robbins, Christopher,
- *Air America,* New York: Avon Books, 1979, p. 70).
- Air America was the secret CIA airline involved in Operation Phoenix in the
- Vietnam war. One of the pilots was John Lear of UFO fame. The name Phoenix
- was a translation from the Phung Hoang, a mythical bird the Vietnamese said
- had magical powers to bring news of peace. The CIA bought drugs from Khun
- Sa, leader of the "Shan" people.
- Bo Gritz, in *Called To Serve,* tells that Khun Sa tried to STOP the drug
- trade and was forced to continue by the Americans. On page 300, Gritz tells
- that President Reagan offered to recognize Shanland as a new and
- independent nation. I suppose it is "only coincidence" that the command
- ship ("flying saucer") of the ships involved with UFO legend Billy Meier
- was called the "Phoenix" and the extraterrestrials involved said that their
- name for Earth was "Shan."
- The man in charge of the CIA Vietnam drug operation was Richard Armitage,
- who later became Assistant Secretary of Defense. Armitage shipped the drugs
- to Manuel Noriega in Panama, who shipped them to George Bush, head of the
- CIA and later President, at Bush's drug bases in Mena, Arkansas, Homestead
- Air Force Base in Florida, and through the Zapata and Black Rose and such
- Bush family operations.
- Armitage had a best friend named Erich von Marbod, also a Gehlen
- Organization person and a friend of Bo Gritz. At the end of the war in
- Vietnam, "he [Armitage] and Erich secreted tons of munitions in strategic
- caches around Southeast Asia. Erich's friends read like a global Who's Who.
- He was a best friend to the Shah of Iran. He is also very close to James
- Schlesinger, who was appointed Director of the CIA by Richard Nixon in
- December 1972. Schlesinger later became Secretary of Defense from 1973-1975
- and Secretary of the Department of Energy from 1977-1979" (Gritz, p. 300).
- Erich "...was a protege of Henry Kissinger."
- On page 572 of his book, Gritz says: "The Indonesian campaign marked the
- entry of the CIA into large-scale operations, and although it was a
- failure, the more the Agency failed in the future, the more it grew and
- prospered. Oddly enough, the man who had helped back Dulles and Frank
- Wisner [remember, Wisner was over Gehlen's Nazi spy network] on the
- campaign was Richard Nixon."
- In 1969, Richard Nixon was in California campaigning and one of his
- campaign supporters was Reinhard Gehlen, former Nazi head of the German
- Secret Service (Abwehr). Gehlen was with a high-tech firm called TCI
- (Transinternational Computer Investment Corp.) that worked on classified
- Defense Department projects. His translator for German projects was Helene
- von Damme, who was also Governor Ronald Reagan's personal appointments
- secretary and personal secretary to Reagan when he became President. Von
- Damme later became U.S. Ambassador to Austria. Von Damme was former
- secretary to the Nazi German High Command.
- William Donovan, head of OSS, and Allen Dulles, head of OSS in Europe under
- Donovan (who later became head of the CIA until President Kennedy fired him
- - it was said that he told Kennedy, "You can't fire me, you don't even know
- who I work for!"), and J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, brought Reinhard
- Gehlen and his Abwehr spy group into the United States. One of the men
- involved was counter-intelligence officer William P. Clark. Clark married
- Werner von Braun's niece, Joan von Braun (Brauner). Clark at one time was a
- member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
- Clark moved to San Luis Obispo in California and joined Ronald Reagan. He
- became President Reagan's National Security Advisor on the National
- Security Council. A suit was filed in Southern California naming William
- Clark as being involved in the Kennedy assassination. Researchers Mae
- Brussell, William Torbitt, District Attorney Garrison, and others say
- Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover, Werner von Braun, and Walter Dornberger
- were involved in the Kennedy assassination. Also involved were Richard
- Nixon, George Bush and Allen Dulles.
- Col. Bo Gritz, in *Called To Serve* (p. 534), quotes a memo written by an
- FBI staff assistant in 1947: "Nixon intervened on behalf of a Chicago
- gangster who was about to be called as a witness before a congressional
- committee... It is my sworn statement that one Jack Rubinstein of Chicago,
- noted as a potential witness for hearings of the House Committee on
- Un-American Activities, is performing information functions for the staff
- of Congressman Richard Nixon, Republican of California. It is requested
- Rubinstein not be called for open testimony in the aforementioned hearings.
- That same year Rubinstein moved to Dallas, Texas, and changed his name to
- Sam Giancana bragged that Nixon was controlled by the "Mob," see the book
- *Double Cross* written by his brother.
- Dick Russell in *The Man Who Knew Too Much* is one of the researchers with
- many details of the involvement of Nixon, Bush, and Dulles and said,
- "Willoughby was in regular correspondence with Allen Dulles - before JFK
- fired Dulles - and with ex(?) Nazis who ran the CIA's European-based spy
- network" (p. 707).
- Gehlen was responsible for reviving the Nazi German General Staff after the
- war by placing his agent Adolph Heusinger in charge of the German General
- Staff. *Der Spiegel* said: "It is quite true that General Gehlen had
- engaged the former Chief of Wehrmacht Opertions for a purpose other than
- his espionage service. The West German spy boss did not at that time think
- of confining himself to merely collecting and sifting information. Two
- years before Adenauer offered soldiers to the Allies, General Gehlen was,
- with General Heusinger, already engaged in assembling a new general staff
- high command." (*Der Spiegel,* Feb. 29, 1956.)
- The Heusinger Wehrmacht were involved in the space race (remember, it was
- the Germans who started rockets, "flying saucers," etc.). The book
- *Heusinger of the Fourth Reich* by Charles R. Allen, Jr., said: "The
- conservative columnist Edgar Ansel Mower on September 28, 1962 reported
- that the West German newspaper *Die Welt* of Hamburg devoted a lengthy
- series to the vigorous efforts being made by the West German Defense
- Ministry to perfect 'death rays' (LASERS) which, when fired from a space
- Island Daily Press,* September 28, 1962). Note they were talking, in 1962,
- of lasers from a Moon base.
- Paperclip Operation member William Clark was one who pressured to pardon
- Ollie North. Clark has a ranch in California called the "Eagles Nest."
- There was (is?) a machine gun in Clark's living room which came from a
- National Guard Armory robbery in Oxnard, California. The rest of the
- weapons from the robbery were stored at a hideout at the Branch Davidian
- compound in Waco, Texas. When "they" wanted "their" guns back, David Koresh
- did not want to give them back. Oh, friends, why don't you check up on your
- leaders?! Why waste your time on soap operas, when the real thing is so
- much more "interesting"?!
- As another interesting "coincidence," not that our present Jewish Chairman
- of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. John Shalikashvili (who succeeded the
- part-Jewish, part black CFR member Gen. Colin Powell) speaks English with a
- foreign accent and was born in Soviet Georgia. The media has reported that
- his father was a major in the Nazi Waffen SS. In spite of this, he is the
- darling of the Zionists, with strong support from Les Aspin, the Simon
- Wiesenthal Center, Senator Carl Levin, etc.
- When Reagan became Governor of California, he appointed William Clark as
- Superior Court Judge in San Luis Obispo County. Later Reagan appointed him
- Deputy Secretary of State. When James Watt resigned as Secretary of the
- Interior, William Clark replaced him. Reagan appointed Clark's wife Joan
- Brauner (von Braun) Clark as alternate United States representative to the
- United Nations General Assembly.
- Ray Renick says: "The American headquarters of the Gehlen Organization is
- in San Luis Obispo County. The main office is called "Eagles Nest." Many
- public officials, judges, supervisors and law enforcement personnel are
- personal friends and business associates (in drug trafficking, no less)
- with the Gehlen Organization and "Eagles Nest." Judge William P. Clark and
- Mrs. Joan Clark (nee von Braun, Brauner) are the executives behind the
- Gehlen Organization, "Eagles Nest" and the Zapata Cattle Company's drug
- trafficking interest. [The cattle are brought in from Mexico. Cattle have
- four stomachs.] Ronald Reagan is a slient partner in the San Luis Obispo
- cattle/drug business. Remember, Clark was one of the original architects of
- "Project Paperclip"! The Zapata Cattle Company is affiliated with George
- Bush's Zapata Oil Company of Houston, Texas (REF: "The SLO Connection,"
- Barrons article "The Mexican Connection") - Sept. 19, 1988.
- A major law firm for the Gehlen Organization is Sinsheimer, Schiebelhut,
- and Baggett.
- The Gehlen Organization, copying Hitler's New Order, established a
- concentration camp system in San Luis Obispo County. It was called the
- California Specialized Training Institute. It developed plans called the
- *King Alfred Plan, Operation Cable Splitter, Operation Garden Plot,* and
- *REX-84* and was later renamed as the Federal Emergency Management Agency
- (FEMA). You can get more information on these subjects from Militia of
- Montana, Bo Gritz, *Spotlight Newspaper,* etc.
- Also brought in under *Paperclip* was Henry Kissinger. The U.S. Army 44th
- CIC and 970th CIC Detachments negotiated the surrender of the German Army
- in Northern Italy and Austria in Operation Sunrise from which Paperclip
- took over. Later the Vatican provided documents and help for many Nazis to
- escape to South America, including Martin Bormann.
- Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands created a group that became known as the
- Bilderbergers. Many "conservative" researchers have come to recognize the
- Bilderbergers as an important force for the "New World Order." What they
- probably don't know, though, is that Bernhard was a former Nazi SS storm
- trooper.
- Some of the *Paperclip* surrender operation personnel included Theodore
- Shackley and Heide Kingsbury (daughter of General Galland, designer of the
- Messerschmidt ME 262). Kingbury became secretary and court transcriber to
- Judge William Clark. Shackley became head of Operation *Phoenix* in Vietnam
- (Laos). Shackley was head of JM Wave, code name of the CIA Miami office
- during the Bay of Pigs and Kennedy assassination events (Furiati, p. 41).
- (Furiati, Claudia, *ZR Rifle - The Plot To Kill Kennedy And Castro,* Ocean
- Press, Victoria, Australia, 1994. From declassified Cuban records of the
- Kennedy assassination.)
- For more information see *Reinhard Gehlen, Master Spy* (I can't find my
- copy at the moment and don't remember the author). In 1968, after the
- Kennedy assassination, Gehlen retired to his chalet in Bavaria. The chalet
- was a gift from Allen Dulles. *The General Was A Spy* by Heinz Hohne and
- Hermann Zolling,, *Project Paperclip* by Clarence Lasby, *Shootdown* by
- R.W. Johnson (tells about Clark's involvement in the shootdown of Korean
- Airlines 007), *Project Paperclip* by Ray Renick, and the *Torbitt
- Document* by William Torbitt are all resources for more information. The
- most accurate source of information for a general overview are the *Phoenix
- Journals* and *CONTACT* newspaper.