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- (Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality) -- Page #8
- [7th edition]
- Compiled by 'The Group' -- Edited by 'Branton'
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- continued from Page 7 ........................
- "One possible scenario is that John Lear found out about this Top
- Secret project -- perhaps while eavesdropping -- and this is his
- way of 'spilling the beans' without implicating his father or
- anyone else as the source."
- In 1990, researcher Val Valerian released a peculiar document which was
- sent to him by another researcher. The document is actually a list of
- several military personnel. However, the strange thing about this document
- was the title-heading.
- Some researchers believe that within the deepest levels of the government
- is an on-going 'covert space program' utilizing some very remarkable
- aerospace and propulsion technologies. However, the very nature of this
- program, the clandestine (and possibly illegal) means by which it is
- funded, as well as the possible means by which they came across this
- 'technology', has apparently led the 'Secret' Government into keeping these
- activities one of the world's top secrets, and apparently they have
- enforced this cover-up, as John Lear says, with 'deadly force'. Perhaps one
- of the most important reasons for the secrecy, according to some, is that
- SOME groups within the secret government have allegedly -- in the face of
- 'superior alien technology' -- 'surrendered' to a malevolent alien race and
- have become their 'agents' on earth.
- Is it also possible -- as many researchers and prominent military,
- government and industrial personnel are actually confirming -- that the
- 'secret government' is utilizing this advanced super-technology (which they
- have hidden from the public) to carry out a clandestine space program
- involving not only manned FLIGHTS to the moon, but also manned BASES on the
- moon and, some claim, even Mars as well? There appears to be enough
- mounting evidence to cause the public to at least consider the possibility
- of these claims. Actually, if one carefully examines all of the various
- claims and how they merge together in synchronicity, and if one studies the
- various theories and arguments concerning Einstein's 'unified field' theory
- and the apparent underlying connection between electromagnetism, gravity
- waves, and other 'unified field' forces, such a scenario involving a fleet
- of top secret government antigravity craft would not be outside the realm
- of possibility.
- The document referred to above contains in the title heading both the terms
- 'Starfleet International' and 'United Federated Planets'. Why would such a
- statement appear on a MILITARY document? Could it be that, although perhaps
- somewhat presumptuously, a secret group of 'astronauts' constantly travel
- back and forth from ultra-secret bases on or below the earth, the moon, and
- mars; and have in anticipation of an ever-growing interplanetary network
- named this organization 'Starfleet International' and/or the 'United
- Federated Planets'?
- Val Valerian gives the following 'introduction' and story behind the
- document:
- "...Researcher George Andrews forwarded this puzzle to us. From the
- introduction, it might seem that this thing was complete bunk. There it
- might have stayed, except that WE TRACED 11 PEOPLE ON THE LIST TO ACTUALLY
- BEING IN THE MILITARY. What does it mean?"
- The following introduction is given by George Andrews:
- "A friend who wishes to remain anonymous, who lives in a large
- city, recently woke about 3 A.M. with a strong but apparently
- irrational impulse to get dressed and to go to an all- night
- photostat place. As she was entering, she noticed a man dressed
- in a Navy officers uniform who was just leaving, who threw some
- papers into the trash barrel near the door. She made her copies
- and was about to leave and had another impulse to retrieve what
- the Navy officer had thrown away. She came up with these pages.
- Under normal circumstances, the news that the United States Navy
- has a flying disk named the U.S.S. Excalibur (and U.S.S. Concord?
- - Branton), operated by a crew of four, would be cause for
- celebration... however (unless) this achievement is the result of
- the collaboration of the 'Greys'..."
- Andrews goes on to suggest that they might, because of their collaboration
- with the 'Greys', be forced to take part in offensive attacks against the
- 'Blonds', who have allegedly had ancient conflicts with the Greys.
- The introduction goes on to state that those names which appear with an
- (x), are people who have actually been traced to the military. Take special
- note of names like Ferguson, Caskey, Taylor, Burrall, Stevens, and Miller
- -- which are repeated more than once throughout the list. Possible signs of
- Nepotism?
- George Andrews suspects that 'Starfleet International' consists of
- human-military personnel only, while the 'United Federated Planets' may
- somehow tie-in with the non-human entities' such as the 'Serpent Race' or
- the 'Greys'. However, Andrews' theory that THIS particular Governmental
- establishment has collaborated with the Grays is yet to be confirmed.
- There is a possibility that the UFP involves interaction with the
- 'Federated' human cultures in this small corner of the galaxy. Let us hope
- that this is the case, IF the following information is true. There is
- evidence in fact that certain 'Constituted Government' officials (who are
- loyal to the American- Constitutional 'Republic') -- as confirmed by Guy
- Kirkwood and others -- have secret 'alliances' with the 'Nordics'; wheres
- the 'Secret Government' collaborators (who are loyal to the Bavarian- Roman
- 'Empire') tend to collaborate with the saurian Grays, etc. Below is a
- reproduction of the document:
- COL. MIKE FERGUSON (SFC ST./MC) JUNE 1990*@ SCMC-8901-0002
- LT. LAURA FERGUSON (SFC) JUNE 1990@ SCM-8901-0007
- ENS. REBECCA BURAND (SFC) SEP. 1989@ SCS-8902-0004
- LT. KATRINA CASKEY (SFC) NOV. 1989@ SCE-8906-0005
- 2LT. BOB BURRALL (SFMC) NOV. 1989@ SCMC-8906-0003
- CMDR. BOB TOMPKINS (SFC) DEC. 1989@ SCE-8906-0002
- SGM. RAY CHAMBERS (SFMC) DEC. 1989@ SCMC-8903-0008 (x)
- ENS. RON CASKEY (SFC) JAN. 1990@ SCSY-0906-0005
- LT. DEBRA MCCLARY (SFC) JAN. 1990@ SCSS-8906-0004 (x)
- MSG. IVAN GOODMAN (SFMC) JAN. 1990@ SCMC-8904-0001
- CS. CRYSTAL FERGUSON (SFC) JAN. 1990@ SCM-8906-0011 (x)
- A-ENS. EVERETT NEW (SFC) FEB. 1990@ SCE-8906-0007
- MSG. JOHN HIGGINS (SFMC) FEB. 1990@ SCMC-8906-0010 (x)
- WO3. DOUG TAYLOR (SFMC) MAR. 1990@ SCMC-8906-0001 (x)
- CS. ROSE TAYLOR (SFC) MAR. 1990@ SCS-8906-0012
- SP1. AMANDA TAYLOR (SFC) MAR. 1990@ SCMC-8906-0001 (x)
- A-ENS. KELLY MADDOX (SFC) MAR. 1990@ SCSS-8906-0008
- RADM. ANNE MILLER (SFC STAFF) MAY 1990*@ SMC-8901-0006 (x)
- WO4. CHUCK GRAHAM (SFMC) MAY 1990@ SCMC-8906-0001 (x)
- PO1. DEAN KING (SFC) MAY 1990@ SCO-0906-0015 (x)
- PO. CHUCK STEVENS (SFC) MAY 1990@ SCE-0906-0015
- SP1 WILLIE STEVENS (SFC) MAY 1990@ SCE-8906-0017
- LTJG. JASON MARRS (SFC) JUN 1990@ SCO-8906-0018
- WO. KARREN SULLIVAN OCT 1990@ SCC-14522-12
- WO. KELLY SPANGLER OCT 1990 SCC-14508-12
- @
- (Note: In the original document, 4 of the above names were indicated as
- being members of the crew of the 'U.S.S. EXCALIBUR')
- PEA Research (105 Serra Way., Ste. 176., Milpitas, CA. 95035) made the
- following comments in one of their 'Files' (which consist of collections of
- large amounts of documents and research related to UFO's):
- "...Ramifications of MJ-12.
- "If the U.S.A.F. test-flew a disk and was successful, what's to prevent
- them from using the same saucer to transport men and materials to the moon
- and mars? They would also be in a position to exploit the archeological
- artifacts of the pyramids and sphinx in the valley of Illysium on Mars.
- Also they could recover artifacts of previous races on the surface of the
- moon. With the aid of NASA satellites they could map and mine the rare
- earth (Moon, Mars) minerals at the expense of the tax payers while at the
- same time claim that we have nothing better in our technology than space
- shuttles (rocket power).
- "If the Canadian Geomagnetic project was successful with their free-energy
- geomagnetic motor, then why haven't we seen free-energy engines for the
- home and auto instead of hearing about oil shortages?
- "If the President of the USA is allowed only certain appointed staff by the
- Constitution and Congress - are the members of MJ-12 outside of the limits
- of the Constitution or did Congress give the President the power to set up
- a Secret Government (non-elected) without the public right to vote on this
- choice of the governing of the various military and non-military branches
- of the united states?
- "When the MJ-12 use non-appropriated funds for their Secret operations are
- they using money from the Black Budget? If so, when did we cast a vote
- stating that ANY branch of the Government can use the taxpayers money
- without giving an account or being held accountable for it?
- "When MJ-12 refuse to grant FOIA requests because of National Security
- reasons, is it because the USA won't be secure against foreign earthly
- powers, alien powers or against the wrath of a misled and deceived United
- States public (the Voters)?
- "Can laws be passed to Guarantee that various branches of the Government
- will be held accountable for (the) shredding of classified documents? How
- about passing laws to guarantee stiff jail sentences for underlings
- (secretaries, lower rank personnel) that carry out the command to shred
- confidential files?
- "If the top of the mountain is corrupt, what about the foundation that was
- later raised under it. If a Secret Government is illegal, what about all of
- the secret projects it started and maintains control of? It's one thing to
- classify advances in technology as SECRET, but it's quite different to
- classify non-elected government as SECRET. When that non-accountable
- Government (non- accountable by reason of being SECRET) passes military
- laws that affect all branches of Government (military and non-military) are
- the laws legal or non Constitutional?
- "If the JMP (Justice for Military Personnel) letter is true, are the
- actions of the CIA legal as used AGAINST citizens of the USA? Isn't the
- purpose of the CIA to protect citizens AGAINST foreign threats?
- "If the MIBS exist according to the documents, what has happened to the
- Conscience of the Military Personnel that carry out false ID missions
- against private citizens? Why are Military Personnel carrying out higher up
- orders to impersonate branches of Government they neither represent or have
- Rank in? Is this patriotism or blindness?"
- In the April, 1963 issue of SEARCH Magazine, Will Carson and Jeannie Joy,
- in their regular column 'PRYING INTO THE UNKNOWN', related the following
- incredible story, which involved an apparent encounter with an unknown race
- below the MOJAVE Desert region:
- "It has always been a mystery to us in the first place how Mr. and Mrs.
- P.E. can find and afford the time to do the sort of things most of us only
- dream of doing. After knowing them for more than fifteen years, it is
- inconceivable to suspect their integrity or sanity - and yet they impose
- the following excise upon our credulity...
- "While exploring for petroglyphs in the Casa Diablo vicinity of BISHOP,
- CALIFORNIA, Mr. & Mrs. P.E. came upon a circular hole in the ground, about
- nine feet in diameter, which exuded a sulfurous steam and seemed recently
- to have been filled with hot water. A few feet from the surface the shaft
- took a tangent course which looked easily accessible and, upon an impulse
- with which we cannot sympathize, the dauntless E.'s, armed only with a
- flashlight, forthwith crawled down into that hole.
- "At a depth we've failed to record the oblique tunnel opened into a
- horizontal corridor whose dripping walls, now encrusted with minerals,
- (and) could only have been carved by human hands, countless ages ago - of
- this the E.'s felt certain. The end of the short passage was blocked by
- what seemed to be a huge doorway of solid rock which, however, wouldn't
- yield. The light of their flash was turned to a corner where water dripped
- from a protuberance - which proved to be a delicately carved face,
- distorted now by the crystallized minerals, and from whose gaping mouth
- water issued.
- "As Mr. and Mrs. E. stood there in silent awe - wondering what lay behind
- that immovable door - the strangest thing of all happened...but our
- chronology will not be incorrect if we wait till they return to the surface
- before revealing this, for now the water began gushing from the carved
- mouth and from other unseen ducts elsewhere in that cave and rising at an
- alarming rate!
- "They hurried to the surface, and in less than half an hour there was only
- a quite ordinary appearing pool of warm mineral water on the desert floor.
- "'Do you know,' Mrs. E. said to her husband, 'while I stood down there I
- heard music - the strangest, most weird music I'd ever heard. But it seemed
- to come from everywhere at once, or inside my own head. I guess it was just
- my imagination.'
- "Mr. E. turned pale. 'My God,' he said; 'I thought it was MY imagination,
- but I heard it, too - like music from some other world!'
- "Why do they call that rock formation near where the E's had their strange
- experience Casa Diablo - the Devil's house? And why did the Indians name
- that area Inyo - dwelling place of the great spirit?"
- The following is a quote from Matt Spetalnick's article "IS ANYBODY OUT
- THERE? NASA LOOKS FOR REAL ET'S", in REUTERS Magazine, Oct. 5, 1992:
- "At least 70 times scientists have picked up radio waves that bore the
- marks of communication by beings from other worlds, but they were never
- verified, [Frank] Drake said."
- Through proposed projects such as SETI [Search For Extraterrestrial
- Intelligence], which involves large arrays of Radio Dish receiving
- mechanisms to 'tune in' to cosmic radio waves, Drake and others hoped to
- contact outside intelligences. However, if the incidents related by Forest
- Crawford earlier in this File are correct, this has already occurred. If
- our tax dollars are going toward other SETI type 'experiments', chances are
- that the public will NOT and NEVER be officially told of the outcome, if
- they [once again] receive signals from other nearby stars. Such a
- disclosure might threaten the psychological "control" which the (secret)
- government has imposed on the nations. THE SECRET GOVERNMENT DOES NOT WISH
- HUMAN WORLDS, as the Federation policies would certainly condemn the
- horrendous power-games which the Illuminati has used for centuries to keep
- mankind in its stranglehold of slavery. The Illuminati will only ally
- themselves with aliens (such as the REPTILIAN/GRAYS and some branches of
- the ASHTAR/ASTARTE network which has collaborated with the ILLUMINATI,
- NAZIS and GRAYS in the past) that share their desire to wield absolute god-
- like empirical control of the planet. It is very likely that Frank Drake
- was somehow sold-out to the Bavarian-Roman-Gray (Illuminati "Serpent Cult")
- Combine, when we consider his complicity with the Inter-national UFO
- coverup.
- Incidentally, another possible use of radar-dish antennas has been
- suggested by K.S. of Salt Lake City, Utah, who allegedly talked to a man
- who was involved in setting up top secret underwater radio dishes for
- secret government projects. He claimed that many of these dishes were used
- to communicate with "our" bases on the moon and mars. If this is the case
- could the SETI program be, to some extent, an extension of this?
- Death Valley, California and the Mojave Desert region, as we have indicated
- earlier, has been the sight of numerous UFO sightings in the past. Some
- regard it as no less that a doorway into another world.
- The Paihute Indians as we have also related, tell of a race of Grecian or
- Egyptian-like people with white robes, sandals, and long dark hair held
- back with a band, who thousands of years ago arrived in North America in
- large rowing-sailing vessels. The Paiutes say that when Death Valley was
- still part of an inland sea connected to the Pacific ocean through the Gulf
- of California, these "Havmu-suvs" discovered an underground cavern system
- within the Panamint mountains adjacent to the west edge of Death Valley,
- and within these vast caverns they built their civilization. To briefly
- review the Paihute account:
- The legend says that these ancient people landed their ships near or just
- below large 'quays' or 'doors' high up the eastern slope of the Panamints.
- However after centuries the lake eventually dried up and disappeared, and
- as a result of this they developed new methods of reaching the world
- beyond. This, the Paiutes say, was when they began to experiment with the
- construction of silvery 'flying canoes'. Whether there is any connection
- with the following account is uncertain, but in 1905 an 'airship flap' was
- observed throughout southern California. On August 2, 1905, J. A. Jackson,
- "a well-known resident of Silshee," was out at 1:30 in the morning when a
- bright light appeared in the sky and headed for him. According to an
- account published in the Brawley, California, NEWS on Aug. 4, 1905:
- "He watched it closely until behind the light there appeared the
- form of an airship, apparently about 70 feet in length, with a
- searchlight in front and several other lights aboard. The
- mysterious machine appeared to be propelled by wings alone and
- rose and fell as the wings flapped like a gigantic bird.
- Apparently there was no balloon attachment as is usually the case
- with airships.
- "Mr. Jackson, being close to the home of W.E. Wilsie, woke him up
- in time to see the lights of the machine before it
- disappeared.... The same night, H. E. Allatt, postmaster at
- Imperial, was awakened from sleep by a bright light shining into
- his room. There was no moon, the light was thought to be fire,
- and Mr. Allatt rose to investigate, but no fire was found.
- Looking at his watch, the time was discovered to be 1:30 o'clock
- (a.m.), and it is believed that the brilliant light was caused by
- the searchlight from this mysterious airship."
- A craft of almost identical description was reported only 4 years later in
- the Dec. 15, 1909 issue of the Arkansas GAZETTE:
- "A. W. Norris of Mabelvale, road overseer of District No. 8, is
- of the opinion that an airship passed over his residence at about
- 10 o'clock Monday night (December 12). Mr. Norris states that he
- was standing in his doorway when a strange light appeared,
- apparently about 300 feet above him, traveling south at a rapid
- rate of speed and disappeared a moment or two later in the
- darkness. He said that the light had the appearance of a
- searchlight similar to those used on automobiles, and IT ROSE AND
- FELL like a bird in flight. The night was cloudy, which precludes
- the possibility of the light having been a star or any
- atmospheric phenomena."
- Air ships of this description were apparently common following the turn of
- the century, but few if any of this particular type of craft have been
- reported after the period just described (1900-1910, etc.). Just because an
- 'airship' appears over California or Arkansas does not necessarily indicate
- that the airship was native to either one of those areas. However, there
- are nonetheless many evidences, as indicated elsewhere in this File, that
- the Mojave Desert--Panamint Mountains -- Death Valley areas were apparently
- (in ancient times) a 'cradle', possibly one of many, for an early
- civilization which later developed an advanced form of technology; and
- having done so in relative secrecy, they were unhindered by the
- 'uncivilized' tribes outside of their domain who continued in their
- relatively ignorant lifestyles.
- Perhaps the most remarkable confirmation of this appears in Bourke Lee's
- biography 'DEATH VALLEY MEN' [MacMillan Co., New York. 1932], which also
- dealt with alleged caverns WITHIN the Panamint Mts. region. If indeed the
- Panamint mountains are an ancient 'doorway' to an advanced and hidden HUMAN
- civilization, then one must recognize that it--as well as any of it's
- FACE OF THE EARTH) considered the legal territory of those who have
- possessed it since ancient times. "Borders" need not be entirely
- horizontal, but they can be vertical as well. Un- welcome intrusions into
- such an 'undiscovered country' might be dealt with as in ANY OTHER nation
- on earth, and one should approach such territories with caution. UNLIKE
- other areas where subterraneous and malevolent anti-human or 'reptilian'
- activity is alleged to exist, the independence and national sovereignty of
- those subsurface regions where hidden HUMAN colonies reside should be
- honored as one would honor ANY national border on the face of the earth.
- Even if an archeological discovery is found which belonged to the ancestors
- of an ancient culture which STILL EXISTS, that discovery should be the
- property of that culture alone. One of the arguments FOR making public
- sensitive information on various exterran and subterran cultures would be
- to protect those HUMAN cultures from the secret governments machinations,
- by bringing international public support in favor of that hidden culture
- and its right to maintain their sovereignty and independence (if the secret
- government knowingly violates another "countries" rights, every other
- independent country in the world would feel threatened as well). And in the
- case of the various hidden underground centers utilized by the reptilian
- grays, the public knowledge of this would be necessary to maintain the
- "national security" of each independent nation which might otherwise be
- "infiltrated" via implantation, or other forms of mind control (which
- inevitably leads to other forms of control -- political, spiritual,
- educational, economical, etc.). Even IF various subsurface human cultures
- were driven out of their underground homes by non-human malevolents, AND if
- those territories are somehow regained in a possible future
- counter-invasion against the reptilian incursions, then those territories
- should STILL rightfully and legally belong to or returned to the human
- cultures who formerly possessed them.
- Supposing there IS a counter-invasion in the future, there would no doubt
- still be much territory left over once the reptilians are driven out and/or
- destroyed, territory which might NOT be 'claimed' by a cave-dwelling tribe,
- colony or culture. Such underground systems could then be claimed by an
- outside government if they felt the need to expand their own 'territory'.
- According to some accounts, the U.S. government does know about many such
- underground systems and having found many of them unoccupied in past
- explorations, have claimed them for their own.
- Unfortunately, even in the case of smaller underground repositories of
- ancient artifacts, there are indications that many ancient treasures have
- been 'melted down' by prospectors, tomb robbers, etc., in order to gain the
- metal value of the gold, silver and other precious metals, out of which the
- ancient artifacts were formed, in order to PREVENT the state from taking
- 'their find' away. In doing so, such plunderers have destroyed the immense
- historical and archaeological value of such treasures in exchange for the
- 'relatively' pitiful metallic value. Many of the ancient Egyptian treasures
- fell prey to such vandals and 'grave robbers' in ancient times. Even if one
- does not agree with the religious symbolism's behind such artifacts, their
- historical and archeo- logical value makes them nevertheless worthy of
- preservation. The only reason that 'King Tut's' treasures have made such an
- impact (even though he was a minor 'king'), is that these treasures were
- among the VERY FEW which were not discovered by grave robbers and melted
- down for their metal content.
- There is no telling how much HISTORICAL INFORMATION about ancient cultures
- has been forever lost by such careless actions. Hopefully humankind has
- reached the point of maturity where the discovery of such treasures in the
- future will result in a cooperative scientific study of the ancient
- artifacts for the benefit of all, rather than the violence, death and
- betrayal which has often resulted in the past through the mistakes of
- selfish treasure hunters fighting each other for the 'booty'. According to
- some accounts many of these ancient sites still await discovery, finds
- which may make King Tut's Tomb look insignificant by comparison.
- As we have implied, just as one should honor the ancient archaeological
- SITES of existing cultures, in the same way one should honor the national
- sovereignty of another human CULTURE itself. To fail to do so would be in
- essence to THROW AWAY any 'legal' argument a nation might have FOR the
- protection of their own national sovereignty (CASE IN POINT: the reptilian
- or 'Draconian' Empire with it's major earth-center in the "Bhoga-vita"
- complex below India, and the human 'Illuminati' empires on and beyond earth
- -- which apparently have a secret alliance with each other -- have so
- interfered in the sovereignty of nearly EVERY nation on earth, and have
- done so to the point that they can no longer legally claim any rational
- defense against ANY nation which would decide to abuse THEIR 'sovereignty'.
- The Reptilian empire is of course a problem in itself, having been at war
- (via overt attacks or covert manipulation - against the majority of
- humanity in, on, and above earth) since ancient times and apparently, from
- the accounts given throughout this and other files, does not even
- acknowledge humankind's right to this planet, nor even their 'right' to
- exist).
- Paihute Indian legends say that the 'People of the Panamints' long ago left
- their ancient city within the mountains of California and moved most of
- their civilization into still deeper cavern levels, AND (according to still
- other accounts) to colonies beyond the confines of planet earth itself.
- Although these 'Havmusuvs' may be 'benevolent' in comparison to some
- cultures inhabiting the surface of the planet, they nevertheless --
- according to the documentation in this and other databases -- have the
- ability and technology to defend their 'borders' and their loved ones from
- any potential enemy..
- In his chapter 'OLD GOLD' the author of 'DEATH VALLEY MEN', Bourke Lee,
- relates the allegedly-true account of two prospectors who claimed to have
- discovered this ancient, abandoned 'city' within huge caverns inside the
- heart of the Panamint mountains. Take special note of the INCREDIBLE
- similarity between this account and the one given to the Navajo Oga-Make by
- an old Paihute sage, as recorded in the article 'TRIBAL MEMORIES OF THE
- FLYING SAUCERS'. We will take up the story where two Death Valley residents
- by the name of Bill and Jack are having a conversation with two
- prospectors, 'Thomason' and 'White', from whom the author 'apparently'
- learned the details of the following discussion, if not present at the
- discussion himself:
- ...Thomason looked from Jack to Bill and asked, 'How long have you men been
- in this country?'
- Jack spoke before Bill had a chance. 'Not very long,' said Jack quietly.
- Bill glanced curiously at Jack but said nothing. If Jack thought that 30
- years was not very long, that was all right with Bill.
- Thomason said, 'I've been in and out of the Death Valley country for 20
- years. So has my partner. We know where there is lost treasure. We've known
- about it for several years, and we're the only men in the world [?] who do
- know about it. We're going to let you two fellows in on it. You've been
- good to us. You're both fine fellows. You haven't asked us any questions
- about ourselves, and we like you. We think you can keep a secret, so we'll
- tell you ours."
- Jack blew smoke and asked, "A lost mine?"
- "No, not a mine," said Thomason. "A lost treasure house. A lost city of
- gold. It's bigger than any mine that ever was found, or ever will be."
- "It's bigger than the United States Mint," said White, with his voice and
- body shaking with excitement. "It's a city thousands of years old and worth
- billions of dollars! Billions of Dollars! Billions! Not Millions.
- Billions!"
- Thomason and White spoke rapidly and tensely, interrupting each other in
- eager speech.
- Thomason said, "We've been trying to get the treasure out of this golden
- city for years. We had to have help, and we haven't been able to get it."
- "Everybody tries to rob us," put in White. "They all want too big a share.
- I offered the whole city to the Smithsonian Institution for five million
- dollars -- only a small part of what it's worth. They tried to rob us, too!
- They said they'd give me a million and a half for a discovery that's worth
- a billion dollars!" he sneered. "I had nothing more to do with them."
- Jack got up and found his plug of tobacco. He threw away his cigarette and
- savagely bit off an enormous chew. He sat down and crossed his legs and
- glowered at White as he worked his chew into his jaw.
- Bill's voice was meek as he asked, "And this place is in Death Valley?"
- "Right in the Panamint Mountains!" said Thomason. "My partner found it by
- accident. He was prospecting down on the lower edge of the range near
- Wingate Pass. He was working in the bottom of an old abandoned shaft when
- the bottom fell out and landed him in a tunnel. We've explored the tunnel
- since. It's a natural tunnel like a big cave. It's over 20 miles long. It
- leads all through a great underground city; through the treasure vaults,
- the royal palace and the council chambers; and it connects to a series of
- beautiful galleries with stone arches in the east slope of the Panamint
- Mountains. Those arches are like great big windows in the side of the
- mountain and they look down on Death Valley. They're high above the valley
- now, but we believe that those entrances in the mountain side were used by
- the ancient people that built the city. They used to land their boats
- there."
- "Boats!" demanded the astonished Bill, "boats in Death Valley?"
- Jack choked and said, "Sure, boats. There used to be a lake in Death
- Valley. I hear the fishing was fine."
- "You know about the lake," Thomason pointed his blue chin at Jack. "Your
- geology would tell you about the lake. It was a long time ago... The
- ancient people who built the city in the caverns under the mountain lived
- on in their treasure houses long after the lake in the valley dried up. How
- long, we don't know. But the people we found in the caverns have been dead
- for thousands of years. Why! Those mummies alone are worth a million
- dollars!"
- White, his eyes blazing, his body trembling, filled the little house with a
- vibrant voice on the edge of hysteria. "Gold!" he cried. "Gold spears! Gold
- shields! Gold statues! Jewelry! Thick gold bands on their arms! I found
- them! I fell into the underground city. There was an enormous room; big as
- this canyon. A hundred men were in it. Some were sitting around a polished
- table that was inlaid with gold and precious stones. Men stood around the
- walls of the room carrying shields and spears of solid gold. All the men --
- more than a hundred -- had on leather aprons, the finest kind of leather,
- soft and full of gold ornaments and jewels. They sat there and stood there
- with all that wealth around them. They are still there. They are all dead!
- And the gold, all that gold, and all those gems and jewels are all around
- them. All that gold and jewelry! Billions!" White's voice was ascending to
- a shriek when Thomason put a hand on his arm and White fell silent, his
- eyes darting about to the faces of those who sat around the table.
- Thomason explained quietly, "These ancient people must have been having a
- meeting of their rulers in the council chamber when they were killed very
- suddenly. We haven't examined them closely because it was the treasure that
- interested us, but the people all seem to be perfect mummies."
- Bill squinted at White and asked, "Ain't it dark in this tunnel?"
- "Black dark," said White, who had his voice under control again. His
- outburst had quieted him. "When I first went into that council room I had
- just some candles. I fumbled around. I didn't discover everything all at
- once like I'm telling you. I fell around over these men, and I was pretty
- near almost scared out of my head. But I got over that and everything was
- all right and I could see everything after I hit the lights."
- "Lights? There were lights?" It was Bill asking.
- "Oh, yes," said White. "These old people had a natural gas they used for
- lighting and cooking. I found it by accident. I was bumping around in the
- dark. Everything was hard and cold and I kept thinking I was seeing people
- and I was pretty scared. I stumbled over something on the floor and fell
- down. Before I could get up there was a little explosion and gas flames all
- around the room lighted up. What I fell over was a rock lever that turned
- on the gas, and my candle set the gas off. That was when I saw all the men,
- and the polished table, and the big statue. I thought I was dreaming. The
- statue was solid gold. It's face looked like the man sitting at the head of
- the table, only, of course, the statue's face was much bigger than the
- man's, because the statue was all in perfect size, only bigger. The statue
- was solid gold, and it is 89 feet, six inches tall!"
- "Did you measure it," asked Jack, silkily, "or just guess at it?"
- "I measured it. Now you'll get an idea of how big that one room -- the
- council room -- is. That statue only takes up a small part of it!"
- Steady and evenly, Jack asked, "Did you weigh the statue?"
- "No," said White. "You couldn't weigh it."
- Bill was puzzled. "Would you mind telling me how you measured it?" asked
- Bill.
- "With a sextant," said White. "I always carry a sextant when I'm on the
- desert. Then if I get lost, I can use my sextant on the sun or moon or
- stars to find myself on the map. I took a sextant angle of the height of
- the statue and figured it out later."
- "A sextant," said Bill, frowning heavily.
- Jack said, "It's a part of the church, Bill. Never mind that.... Tell us
- some more about this place. It's very interesting."
- Fred Thomason said, "Tell them about the treasure rooms."
- "I found them later." White polished his shining pate with a grimy
- handkerchief. "After I got the lights going I could see all the walls of
- this big room and I saw some doors cut in the solid rock of the walls. The
- doors are big as slabs of rock hung on hinges you can't see. A big rock bar
- lets down across them. I tried to lift up the bars and couldn't move them.
- I fooled around trying to get the doors open. I must have been an hour
- before I took ahold of a little latch like on the short end of the bar and
- the great bar swung up. Those people know about counter-weights and all
- those great big doors with their barlocks -- they must weigh hundreds of
- tons -- are all balanced so that you can move them with your little finger,
- if you find the right place."
- Thomason again said, "Tell them about the treasure."
- "It's gold bars and precious stones. The treasure rooms are inside these
- big rock doors. The gold is stacked in small bars piled against the walls
- like bricks. The jewels are in bins cut out of rock. There's so much gold
- and jewelry in that place that the people there had stone wheelbarrows to
- move the treasure around."
- Jack sat up in sudden interest. "Wheelbarrows?" he asked...
- "We don't know how old they are," said Thomason, "but the stone
- wheelbarrows are there."
- "Stone wheelbarrows," marveled Jack. "Those dead men must have been very
- powerful men. Only very strong men could push around a stone wheelbarrow
- loaded with gold bars. The wheelbarrows must have weighed a tone without a
- load in them."
- "Yes," said Thomason, slowly, "the wheelbarrows are stone and of course
- they are very heavy--"
- "But they're very easy to push around even with a load in them," White
- explained. "They're scientific wheelbarrows."
- "No," objected Jack in a low tone of anguish.
- "Yes," insisted White, pleasantly sure of himself. A small boy could fill
- one of those stone wheelbarrows full of gold bars and wheel it around. The
- wheelbarrows are balanced just like the doors. Instead of having the wheel
- out in front so that a man has to pick up all the weight with his back,
- these wise people put the wheel almost in the middle and arranged the
- leverage of the shafts so that a child could put in a balanced load and
- wheel the barrow around."
- Jack's heart was breaking. He left the table and threw his chew out the
- door. He went over to the stove with his cup. "Anybody want more coffee?"
- he asked. No one did.
- Bill studied Thomason and White for several minutes. Then he asked, "How
- many times have you been in this tunnel?"
- "I've been there three times," said White. "That's counting the first time
- I fell in. Fred's been in twice; and my wife went part way in the last time
- we was in."
- Mrs. White stroked her blond hair and said, "I thought my husband was
- romancing when he came home and told me what he found in the mountains. He
- always was a romancer. I was sure he was just romancing about this city he
- said he found. I didn't believe it until they took me into it. It is a
- little hard to believe, don't you think?"
- Bill said, "It sure is." Jack stirred sugar into his coffee and sat down at
- the table again. Bill asked, "Did you ever bring anything out of the cave?"
- "Twice," said Fred Thomason. "Both times we went in we filled out pockets
- with gems, and carried out a gold bar apiece. The first time we left the
- stuff with a friend of ours and we went to try and interest someone in what
- we'd found. We thought the scientists would be interested or the
- government. One government man said he'd like to see the stuff and we went
- back to our friend to get the gold and jewels and he told us he'd never
- seen them; and dared us to try to get them back. You see, he double crossed
- us. We were in a little trouble at the time and the loss of that stuff just
- put us in deeper. We couldn't get a stake because we were having hard work
- making anyone believe us. So we made another trip out here for more proof.
- That time we brought out more treasure and buried it close to the shaft
- entrance to the underground city before we went back to the Coast. I
- persuaded some university officials and some experts from the Southwest
- Museum to come out here with me. We got up on the Panamints and I could not
- find the shaft. A cloud-burst had changed all the country around the shaft.
- We were out of luck. The scientists became unreasonably angry with us.
- They've done everything they can to discredit us ever since."
- Jack watched Thomason and White across the rim of his coffee cup. Bill
- said, "And now you can't get into your treasure tunnel. It's lost again.
- That's sure too bad."
- Thomason and White smiled. "We can get in all right," said Thomason in a
- genial voice his cold eyes did not support. Mrs. White smiled confidently
- and her husband bobbed his head. Thomason went on: "You've forgotten about
- the old boat landings on the Death Valley side of the Panamint Mountains.
- All we have to do is climb the mountain to the openings where the galleries
- come out of the city on the old lake shore. Do you know the mountains along
- the west side of Death Valley?"
- "I've been down there," said Bill.
- Thomason turned to White: "How high do you think those galleries are above
- the bottom of Death Valley?"
- White said, "Somewhere around forty-five hundred or five thousand feet. You
- looked out of them; what do you think?"
- "That's about right," agreed Thomason. "The openings are right across from
- Furnace Creek Ranch. We could see the green of the ranch right below us and
- Furnace Creek Wash across the valley. We'll find those windows in the
- mountains, all right."
- "You goin down there now?" asked Bill.
- "That's it," said White. "We're through with the scientists. We tried to
- make a present of our discovery to science because we thought they would be
- interested. But they tried to rob us, and then they laughed at us and
- abused us..."
- Saying thanks and farewell the treasure hunters left, promising to return,
- and drove in their car down to Emigrant Canyon towards Death Valley. Later
- that same afternoon Bourke Lee, the author of DEATH VALLEY MEN, allegedly
- met the three of them on the floor of the valley. Their car was parked
- beside the road between Furnace Creek Ranch and the Salt Beds. The men were
- patching a tube. They did not need any help, so he wished them well and
- said goodbye and went on towards the southern part of the barren valley. He
- never saw Fred Thomason, Mr. White nor his wife again, and ten days later
- when he again visited Bill Cocoran and Jack Stewart they told him that they
- hadn't seen them since either. When another week went by and the
- proprietors of the 'lost city' did not appear, the author and Bill made a
- trip down into Death Valley in their car and took along a pair of field
- glasses, hoping to see some sign of the explorers or of the 'windows' or
- 'quays' allegedly hid among the shadows of the eastern slope of the sun-
- blistered Panamints. They failed to find any sign of either.
- As we have indicated, there are many who suggest that Nevada rather than
- New Mexico may be the 'center' of subsurface 'alien' activity in America.
- This may be true in the sense that the major 'conflict' or 'interaction'
- zone between Evadamic (Govt.- Nordic) and Draconian (Gray-Reptilian) forces
- seems to exist below the Great Western Deserts of southern California,
- Nevada and western Utah. The military installations in this region are
- also, according to many sources, heavily involved in the alien scenario,
- for either good or evil.
- Whereas the 'front lines' so-to-speak may exist below the 'test' ranges of
- Nevada and adjacent states, the 'center' of reptilian activity itself seems
- to be Mt. Archuleta, N.M. and the 'Four Corners' region.
- The American Center of the various subsurface human cultures seems to be
- the Cascade-Sierra Nevada ranges (especially between Mt. Shasta and the
- Panamints) even though some suggest that, at least in the past -- as in the
- case of the U.S. Govt. itself -- 'some' of the human groups below the
- California region made the tragic mistake of opting for a policy of
- 'appeasement' rather than 'retribution' in dealing with the serpent race.
- This does not necessarily mean that this policy continues widespread today,
- although the Mt. Lassen region is reportedly a strong center of current
- 'collaboration' between exterran/subterran reptilian grays AND above
- ground/subterranean branches of the human Illuminati.
- The following account which appeared in the Winter '92 issue of 'FAR OUT'
- Magazine, in an article by H. Leo O'Neal titled 'THE LEGEND OF THE DEATH
- VALLEY MUMMIES', was apparently an attempt to classify the following tale
- as 'fantasy' even though the author of the article does admit that SEVERAL
- people (witnesses) have reportedly been in these ancient chambers below the
- Mojave, mentioned in the story.
- These (more) recent events surrounding the Death Valley catacombs,
- mentioned in the article, are as follows. We ask the readers simply to make
- their own determination as to the authenticity of the account based on
- other similar reports which we have related earlier.
- In 1946, Dr. F. Bruce Russell, a retired Beverly Hills physician, struck of
- a conversation with a Mr. Howard E. Hill in the city of Los Angeles.
- Russell informed Hill that in 1931, while sinking a shaft in a claimsite of
- his in Death Valley, he broke through to an underground cavern. After
- finding some lights he entered and found himself in a cavern with two
- passages, one heading 'left' and the other 'right'. Exploring the left-hand
- passage he came to a cave-in, some 25 yards from the entrance shaft. The
- right-hand path however continued at a steep angle downward for about a
- quarter of a mile. Although some of the passages seemed natural, others
- appeared to have been expanded by artificial means, but all of these went
- off in several directions. One tunnel eventually led to a large room, and
- this room also had branch tunnels leading off in all directions. Laid out
- in this chamber were 3 'mummies' and several strange artifacts, some of
- which appeared 'Egyptian' while others were more 'American Indian' like in
- construction. The strange and shocking thing about the mummies however,
- according to Russell, was that many of them were nearly 8 foot long or
- tall! He described the underground system as a kind of 'underground city'.
- The inhabitants must have been very advanced, Russell concluded from what
- he observed, and he was certain that the find was much more important than
- the famous King Tut's Tomb itself. Following the passages he eventually
- discovered other openings to the surface, but most of these were in obscure
- places, yet all that he explored were within 7 miles of the 'shaft' through
- which he had first entered the underground complex.
- Eventually, Russell discovered 32 caves in all throughout the area.
- Although he could not prove it, since many of them had collapsed, he
- supposed that many of them might have at one time connected with the
- underground system. These 32 caves were all within 180 SQUARE miles of each
- other, and were located in Death Valley and the extreme southwest region of
- Nevada.
- He also stumbled across a large chamber which he referred to as the 'ritual
- hall', and which contained strange markings and symbols. Another tunnel,
- according to Russell, went from this room to another underground hall where
- well-preserved bones of dinosaurs, sabre-toothed tigers, mastodons and
- other extinct animals were displayed in hollowed areas along the walls.
- In 1946, after years of private investigation and secrecy, Russell decided
- to exploit the find. After gathering a group of potential investors he held
- a meeting in which he displayed some of the artifacts which he had taken
- out of the underground system. Mr. Hill was invited to the meeting provided
- that he could help out as an investor. He accepted the invitation and
- attended the meeting. The company was called 'Amazing Explorations', and
- the 'Investors' meeting took place at a suite in Beverly Hills, although
- all of the investors were sworn to absolute secrecy. Hill and the rest of
- the investors were taken, after this meeting concluded, to the underground
- complex itself, to where Russell returned the artifacts which he had
- displayed to the investors as he was convinced that the protected
- atmosphere of the caves would preserve them. The group was taken into the
- cavern in which the 'bones' and the 'temple' were located. According to
- witnesses, it was "chock full of bizarre artifacts of all kinds." Russell
- told them that they could look but not touch, as he realized the necessity
- of preserving such a find in its original condition, both for
- archaeological as well as monetary reasons.
- On August 4, 1947, Howard Hill, acting as spokesman for 'Amazing
- Explorations', issued a brief statement to the press announcing the
- discovery. The story received minimal coverage, to his surprise, and only
- appeared in a few newspapers in which the story was 'balanced' with very
- derogatory and skeptical statements from the 'scientific' community.
- After this, a live press conference was planned, in which Russell planned
- to display a skeleton and/or several artifacts which would "convince even
- the most skeptical reporter." And from that they could discover for
- themselves the reliability of the find. For this, Russell had to return
- once again to the caves to retrieve the necessary artifacts. He also
- planned before leaving or shortly after his return to open a bank account
- at Barstow bank to deposit investment capital. Russell left for Death
- Valley but was never seen again. His CAR was later discovered with a busted
- radiator in a seldom travelled part of Death Valley. Although some suspect
- that he left with the money of the investors, this is unlikely since the
- investors' money which he possessed at the time was not nearly enough to
- warrent his disappearance, or the discontinuance of plans to commercialize
- the site as one of the wonders of the world, and the potential wealth that
- this might bring.
- The investors attempted to re-locate the underground chambers that Russell
- had shown them, but claimed that they could not remember the exact route
- since they did not pay much attention to landmarks on the first trip, and
- besides this, the shifting sunlight and shadows and the uniformity of the
- vast landscape made that difficult. So ended the brief but interesting
- events surrounding what might have turned out to be one of the most popular
- wonders of the world, a 'potential' Federally-protected museum invaluable
- to archeologist, anthropologist and historian alike, as well as millions of
- potential tourists. In spite of the corroborating "circumstantial" evidence
- for the existence of these ancient ruins, this "world" (or perhaps its
- present for former inhabitants?) seems to continually resist all efforts of
- us "outsiders" to probe its secrets in any dramatic way, at least (perhaps)
- until its "protectors" feel that we are ready to discover these historical
- treasures. Perhaps the "greed" that such treasures often arouse in human
- hearts is in itself the very force that prevents their acquisition. Perhaps
- when we set our hearts to search for Truth -- not for our own personal
- greed or profit, but for the benefit of all humanity -- perhaps only then
- will the TRUTH make itself available to those who are "ready" to recieve
- it.
- The following letter was sent to researcher Tim Beckley, and confirms much
- of the information which has been 'surfacing' in recent years:
- "...I enjoy your magazine very much. Thank you for such a fine
- publication. I have seen UFOs, and it seems after you have seen
- one you're never the same. I separated from the U.S. Air Force in
- December of 1987. In the Air Force I was a 'Security Specialist.'
- It was my duty to safeguard Top Secret aircraft, weapons and
- equipment. I also guarded nuclear warheads. I was stationed at
- David-Monthan A.F.B. in Tucson, Arizona. In January of 1987 I was
- training in the desert for a Desert Survival Course. This area is
- between Indian Springs, Nevada and Las Vegas, Nevada. It is known
- as Silver Flag Alpha. There is a huge mountain range and on the
- other side of this range lies the 'Area 52', also known as
- 'Dreamland.'
- "I asked an instructor what would happen if somebody went over
- the ridge. he said, 'No one can make it over that ridge,' and
- then gave me a foxish grin. One night about 0300 hours I was
- sitting in my foxhole gazing at the stars when a white light rose
- over the ridge. It performed two vertical loops then shot up into
- the sky at a speed you would not believe. Also it didn't make any
- noise.
- "After separating from the Air Force I stayed in Tucson for 19
- months. During this time my best Air Force buddy received orders
- for 'Area 52.' I told him to stay in touch. He called one day and
- told me he DIDN'T LIKE the assignment. I asked him about 'Area
- 52' and he said he wasn't at liberty to discuss it. He did say he
- was stationed at Nellis A.F.B. Nevada and forced to live off
- base. He said an Air Force vehicle would pick him up and transfer
- him to 'Area 52' where he would spend 48 hours in an underground
- complex. After 48 hours he was then returned to his apartment for
- 48 hours off time. I asked him what kind of things he had seen.
- He only said don't be surprised if one day we are living in
- space. After this we talked about normal guy stuff. I never have
- heard from him since, which is PECULIAR. I wonder if the Air
- Force had his apartment phone tapped? - Steve Blankenship -
- Somerset, TX."
- The January, 1957 issue of FATE magazine, p. 10, carried an account of the
- following strange discovery:
- "Dear Douglas, Ga., in Coffee County, workmen of the Head Well
- and Pump Company were drilling a 145-foot deep hole on the
- property of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Meeks, seven miles from Douglas.
- They stopped drilling when an unusual noise began to come out of
- the hole.
- As soon as they heard it, the drillers stopped. Driller Scott
- Dinking said he never heard anything like it before -- not in 27
- years in the business.
- "Joe Sports of the Associated Press went out to look at the hole.
- He found it was making so much noise that the Meeks had covered
- it partially by a plank because it kept them awake as night.
- OF SUCTION. He lighted a match atop the hole -- the smoke was
- drown downward. Sports borrowed a mirror and reflected light so
- he could see the bottom. He saw water down there. It all 'looked'
- quite and peaceful."
- The following passages are quoted from the Greek philosopher Seneca's
- pp. 99-105, 151-157 (English translation by Thomas H. Cocoran, PH.D.,
- Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., & William Heinmann Ltd.,
- London. 1972). Seneca begins by postulating that:
- "...rivers are no less existent under the earth merely because
- they are not seen. You must understand that down there rivers as
- large as our own glide along, some flowing gently, others
- resounding in their tumbling over the broken ground. What then?
- Will you not equally allow that there are some lakes underground
- and some waters stagnating there without exit?
- "...Throughout the entire earth, one of them says, runs many
- different kinds of water. In some places there are perpetual
- rivers large enough to be navigable, even without the help of
- rains.
- "...Moving air in the lower region inside the earth bursts the
- atmosphere, which is thick and complete with clouds, with the
- same force that clouds in our part of the world are usually
- broken open.
- "...Now permit me to tell you a story. Asclepiodotus is my
- authority that many men were sent down by Philip (i.e. Philip II
- of Macedon, 382-336 B.C., the father of Alexander the Great who
- according to Diodorus opened several new mines - ed) into an old
- mine, long since abandoned, to find out what riches it might
- have, what its condition was, whether ancient avarice had left
- anything for future generations. They descended with a large
- supply of torches, enough to last many days. After a while, when
- they were exhausted by the long journey, they (after breaking
- into vast cavities - ed) saw a sight that made them shudder: huge
- rivers and vast reservoirs of motionless water, equal to ours
- above ground and yet not pressed down by the earth stretching
- above, but with a vast free space overhead.
- "I read this story with great enjoyment. For I realized that our
- age suffers not from new vices but from vices that have been
- handed down all the way from antiquity, and it is not our age
- that avarice first pried into the veins of earth and rock
- searching for treasure poorly hidden in the darkness.
- "...Even before King Philip of Macedon there were men who
- followed after money down into the deepest hiding-places and, of
- upright and freeborn spirit as they were, let themselves down
- into those caverns where no difference between night and day
- reaches.
- "...What powerful necessity bent men down, man ordinarily erect
- to the stars, and buried him to the bottom of the innermost earth
- so that he might dig out gold, no less dangerous to search for
- than it is to possess? On account of this he dug shafts and
- crawled around the mud-smeared, uncertain booty, forgetful of
- day, forgetful of the better nature of things from which he had
- turned himself away.
- "...They dared to descend to a place where they found a strange
- order of things, layers of earth hanging overhead, dead winds in
- the darkness, dreadful springs of water flowing for no man, and a
- night other than our own, and perpetual. Then, after doing these
- things, they fear the Underworld!"
- The following appears on p. 169 of Daniel Cohen's book 'THE ANCIENT
- VISITORS' (Doubleday & Co., N.Y. 1976):
- "...For centuries hell was a very real and tangible place found
- somewhere underground. The 'entrance to hell' has been located
- countless times. Usually it was found in the country of one's
- enemy.
- "There were serious and scholarly speculations about huge
- underground caves. One seventeenth-century scholar said that
- dragons lived in underground caves, and that is why we saw so few
- of them. Siberian tribesmen who found the frozen remains of
- woolly mammoths, assumed that they were the remains of creatures
- that lived in a subterranean world. The Siberians could not
- conceive of extinct animals that had lived thousands of years
- ago, but vast underground worlds came quite naturally to them.
- According to legend, dwarfs lived in underground caves, and most
- accounts placed the realm of fairies under the earth as well."
- In reference to the 'caverns of hell' or 'hades', this belief pre- dates
- Christianity itself and can be traced back to ancient Greece. The Greeks
- spoke of 'Hades' as a vast series of deep caverns, some containing frozen
- conditions while others filled with smoking flames. The real tormentors of
- hades however were the fallen angels of ancient tradition, who are said to
- torment all souls that enter here. Also traditionally, over the entrance to
- Hades can be read the words "ABANDON ALL HOPE, ALL YE WHO ENTER HERE".
- Hades is said to be the center of the Satanic Kingdom established by the
- fallen archangel Lucifer after his failed coup de'etat against the throne
- of the Creator. It is said to contain vast fortresses created by his
- infernal followers over the eons, possibly created of insubstantial or
- etheric 'matter'.
- As one descends through the caverns of Hades, according to Greek tradition,
- things only become worse, until at last one reaches the realm of 'Tartarus'
- itself. Tartarus, according to the Greeks, is "as far below Hades as Hades
- is beneath the earth". It is a great "chasm" in the extreme depths that is
- diffused throughout the entire earth. The Christian Bible refers to
- Tartarus as the 'Bottomless Pit'. 'Bottomless' might indicate an absence of
- gravity and a sense of eternal 'falling' for those unfortunate enough to
- enter therein. Apparently physical life could not possibly exist there
- because of the suffocating heat and darkness, and the lack of oxygen which
- must instantly be consumed by the volcanic flames of terrifying realm. The
- Bible also adds that there is a third level to 'Hell' called Gehenna, or a
- 'lake' of boiling magma or fire... a place almost too horrifying to
- imagine.
- This certainly does not conflict with present geological theory concerning
- the interior of the earth, which is said to increase in temperature as one
- passes the crust, the moho, the upper and lower mantle and finally the
- outer and inner molten core. However there is another 'theory' as to the
- configuration of the center of the earth, one which is steadily growing in
- popularity. This theory states that the earth is more like a gigantic
- "geode" with a hollow interior. In this case the "hollow" would not
- coincide with the "bottomless" pit simply because the "inner surface"
- pushes out- ward as opposed to the inward gravitational push of the outer
- surface. However, if one were standing on the inner surface they would not
- drift off to the center of the planet because they are attached or drawn to
- the inner surface, not gravitationally but through centrifugal force (the
- same force that one can see at work in a washing machine as the "spin"
- cycle pushes everything against the inner surface, leaving a "hollow"
- center). Several people in the past have proposed this theory, among them
- Edmund Halley after whom "Halley's" comet is named; Capt. John Cleves
- Symmes whose writings actually inspired a government expedition to the
- North Pole -- as the theory states that the entrances to the inner hollow
- exist somewhere near the north and south poles; and Cotton Mathers who was
- a central figure in the "Salem Witch Trials". Also, countless science and
- fantasy fiction writers have used this theme in their writings, some of the
- more well-known authors being Edgar Rice Burroughs and Edgar Allen Poe.
- If such a concavity exists, then how would the traditions of Hades,
- Tartarus and Gehenna fit in to this new cosmography of a "Geoditic" planet?
- One possibility is given by Dr. Hank Krastman, who claims that he was shown
- an underground city below the Grand Canyon area by a blond-haired,
- blue-eyed "Hopi" Indian. This city was connected to its counterpart on the
- inner surface of the earth's (alleged) concavity, a city of Grecian-like
- architecture called PALATKWAPI. In 1994 researcher B. Alan Walton sent
- Krastman a letter in which he posed the following questions:
- "...Have your Hopi sources mentioned anything about the nature of the earth
- BETWEEN the outer and inner (hollow) crusts? I am particularly interested
- in learning of conditions within the terminal zone where gravitational
- "pull" and centrifugal "push" cancel each other out. My "theory" is that
- there would be no gravity, and thus vast cavernous spaces. I would guess
- that this would also include a chaotic environment similar to the Greek
- tradition of Tartarus or the "Bottomless" (non-gravitational) Pit where
- earth-material, magma, various chemicals and gases are being slammed
- together in weightlessness by the rotational movement of the earth itself,
- causing an inferno-like region where physical life could not exist, as it
- (apparently) does on the inner and outer crusts of this giant "geode" known
- as earth."
- Hank Krastman's response, dated 11-27-94, was as follows:
- "...The nature of the Earth between the outer and inner Earth is molten
- Lava type rock... When I walked on the inside of the Earth it was the same
- gravity pull, no difference, however the Air machines powered by the
- eternal Sun, the sky is blue without any clouds 24 hours a day (Note: the
- logistics of an internal "sun" at the center point, as suggested by several
- earlier theorists, would seem to violate the laws of physics when com-
- pared to the mass necessary for a "sun" or "star" to gain nuclear fusion
- ability -- or whatever process is at work. Perhaps the "sun" that is
- described is actually a "focal point" of the electro- magnetic currents
- passing through the earth, similar to the pinpoint of light that can
- sometimes be seen in the center of a spherical crystal. - Branton).
- "The INFERNO region does exist in cavities between the two worlds. If you
- saw the Movie STARGATE it is similar going through the gate to the inner
- world."
- Elsewhere Krastman stated that when he was transported to the interior
- surface from the underground city below Arizona it was at the "speed of
- light", suggesting that instantaneous travel was and is accomplished
- between the two worlds via time-space windows, or teleportation rather then
- via tunnels that pass through the "infernal" zones. Depending on the
- source, the distance between the outer and inner surfaces may be anywhere
- from 500 to 1500 miles!
- In the Book of Revelation as well as other sections of Judeo- Christian
- scripture there is a prophetic event described which some refer to as the
- 'rapture' (the word doesn't exist in the Bible although the 'concept'
- does). This event is said to coincide with the disappearance of deceased
- Christian believers from their graves. Since certain (non-human) alien
- species have been known to 'counterfeit' divine or 'Biblical' events
- through the application of high occult-technology, is it possible that this
- prophetical event of the 'rapture' may also be 'counterfeited' for some
- psychological or manipulative purpose?
- The following incident was reported in the Oct. 1964 issue of SEARCH
- magazine, by Will Carson in his column 'PRYING INTO THE UNKNOWN':
- "A GRAVE MATTER -- J.E. was born in Spain, to which country her late
- parents originally had immigrated from what was then called Bohemia. Their
- native village has long since been submerged by the waters of a
- hydro-electric project -- all of which pretty well obliterates our chances
- of pinpointing the exact time and date. But as J.E. recalls her parents
- relating many times, one day all the graves in the cemetery behind the now
- vanished village were found to be empty, but there were no mounds of dirt
- beside each grave. Upon further investigation the excavations proved to be
- apparently bottomless!
- "Authorities were never able to solve the mystery, and finally (since it
- was impossible to refill the graves) they were boarded over and sealed with
- mortar and a high stone fence built around the area."
- The following is from an add describing a book written by 'Michael X' (no
- relation to 'Commander X'), titled 'WE WANT YOU -- HITLER ALIVE', published
- by UFO Review., Box 753., New Brunswick, NJ 08903:
- Here is proof Hitler escaped death, and tried to reorganize his
- mighty forces at the South Pole in underground bases...
- "Here also are clear--close up--photos of Hitler's own secret
- flying disks which he hoped would someday enable him to rule the
- world.
- "Discussed for the first time is the mysterious 'Mr. Michalek'
- who had toured Europe telling of his contacts with aliens and the
- establishment of the majestic government of the 'World Republic
- of Earth,' and how both Moscow and Washington would be 'wiped
- out' if they did not 'give in' to other worldly advice. Was he
- speaking on behalf of the Fuhrer?"
- In reference to any possible International counter-offensive against the
- 'Grays', some have suggested that the 'threat' will be used by the
- Illuminati as an excuse to unite the world together in a one-world
- government. If in fact the Korean and Vietnam wars were 'orchestrated' by
- the Serpent Cults as some have suggested, is it not likely that a United
- Nations-backed counteroffensive against the grays will result in the same
- type of no-win war with an eventual loss on our side? Especially if the
- 'One Worlders' are collaborating with the Grays and Reptons?
- Perhaps it would be best for each individual nation to deal with the
- reptilian infestation or undermining of their own countries in their own
- way, without the help of a 'World Militia', or keep the battle at a 'grass
- roots' level? Global COOPERATION on an ECONOMIC level might be tolerated by
- freedom loving peoples, but Global CONTROL on a POLITICAL level definitely
- will not be! A world 'Federation' may be maintained without surrendering
- all national sovereignties to a one-world political force (namely, the NEW
- WORLD ORDER). Those extraterrestrials who profess the need for a One World
- Government on earth as a prerequisite to join their Alliances or
- Federations should realize that the cultural diversity on Earth is unique
- in the universe, and therefore a 'unique' answer to the problem should be
- suggested, namely that they attempt to align themselves with the
- governments of individual sovereign nations, and offer them memberships
- within their Confederations, rather than wait for the world to turn into a
- global police state.
- The one-world Republic that 'they' so desperately seek could just as easily
- become a one-world dictatorship that would be controlled by despotes,
- allied to the Grays for instance, who might bear animosity to the
- Federation(s). On the other hand if an individual nation were to become a
- member of such a Fed- eration, they could enjoy the benefits of such
- cooperation. Such a plan must include the promise of the Federation(s) to
- come to the aid of that nation in a DEFENSIVE manner if it is being
- threatened by another nation, especially one backed by an opposing
- interstellar group. But such an agreement must absolutely prohibit any type
- of OFFENSIVE attack on the part of the host nation across its borders and a
- strict compliance with an inter- national non-interference policy. It goes
- without saying that, for instance, such a nation would have the right to
- root-out any subsurface "base" utilized by parasitical groups such as the
- grays that are being used as centers of abduction, mutilation, implant-
- ation and other such activities AGAINST the inhabitants of that nation. The
- Federation is fully justified in admitting individual nations into its
- fold, and this should not be misconstrued as a violation of their "Prime
- Directive", ESPECIALLY since the reptilian grays have already established
- their own destructive alliances with various national governments
- throughout the world. In light of this such a plan is the ONLY way that the
- Federations, Alliances, etc., can salvage their own interests for the
- future of planet earth.
- Now to continue with the subject of how individual nations are responding
- to the reality of alien contact, the Oct-Nov. issue of NEXUS Magazine
- related the following information in an article titled 'UK RADIO PROGRAMME
- "...The following is an example of what one can pick up off the computer
- networks. The network in this case is called EarthNet, run by Pegasus
- Networks based in Byron Bay (P.O. Box 201., Byron Bay NSW 2481).
- ** Topic: Aliens from outer space... **
- ** Written 12:14 am, Aug. 5, 1991 by huw in peg:sci.astro **
- "'I recently heard a Radio One program in the UK that contained an
- interview with a leading proponent of the popular 'US Government has aliens
- locked up and is experimenting with their space planes' conspiracy theory.
- However this particular individual sounded very reasonable, did not make
- any outrageous claims, and further had some interesting facts to disclose.
- In particular he mentioned several verifiable facts which I would like some
- follow up on:
- "'Rockwell International and NASA were planning a *massive* joint
- exhibition of space exploration this year (1991) but it was delayed
- inexplicably until 1992. In the *official* prospectus for this exhibition,
- one of the exhibits was clearly stated to be 'an extraterrestrial
- spacecraft'. When asked about this by various individuals, all enquiries
- were referred by NASA to the US DoD. An unnamed Pentagon spokesman speaking
- off the record is meant to have indicated that they 'had a number of such
- space vehicles to choose from...'
- "'The Pentagon also held a press conference to deal with press inquiries on
- this matter -- and refused to answer any questions. In fact reporters later
- said that the Pentagon had asked most of the questions, and they all
- pertained to 'what would be the public reaction if...'.
- "'The guy on the radio program referred extensively to two NASA consultant
- engineers who claimed to have worked on alien spacecraft studying
- propulsion systems for NASA -- both had high level security clearances in
- the States...'"
- Tim Beckley's UFO REVIEW [issue #37] carried the following article by the
- editor titled 'ET SAUCERS VS. EARTH MADE UFOS'. We quote excerpts here
- beginning with a reference to researcher William Cooper:
- "...(William Cooper) will, he says, 'prove once and for all that the Secret
- Societies, NOT our [Constitutional] government, murdered President Kennedy
- as a sacrifice to the ancient god Baal in an outdoor temple.' Cooper will
- also [in future lectures] 'explain the true meaning of the movie 2001 as a
- message of the secret societies to their followers, and will show a
- first-generation color copy of the Zapruder film with all the previously
- missing frames...'
- "...According to Terziski, the Nazi's were building flying saucers that
- took them to other planets even before the start of World War II. Being a
- Slav, Vladimir says he cannot but have the 'utmost revulsion towards
- everything Hitler's racial and political philosophies stood for,' and it is
- because of his revulsion he decided to look into various 'black
- technologies' developed by THE NAZIS, whom he now believes were secretly
- backed by the sinister Illuminati operating way behind the scenes (Note: As
- can be seen elsewhere in this File the 'link' between the Illuminati and
- the Nazi's seems to have been the gnostic Jesuit and Thule Societies -
- Branton).
- "In his vast collection of photos and other documents, Terziski has many
- pictures and drawings of the various disk-shaped craft constructed by the
- Nazi scientists that were powered by Schauberger turbines and Kohler
- TACHYON magneto-gravitic drives (all based upon free energy or anti-gravity
- principles). Actually, Vladimir says that we've known all about
- anti-gravity for a long time and that THE BRITISH (Marconi Group) MAY
- "Meanwhile, deep underground at Area 51's 'Dream Lab' in the Nevada desert,
- a renegade branch of the CIA -- protected by a private security SS-like
- police force that the Illuminati supplies -- is constructing their own
- fleet of 'flying saucers' utilizing Hitler's forbidden technology..."
- Elsewhere in this File we have written of the alleged 'Federation' which
- loosely ties together such human colonies as those in TAU CETI, EPSILON
- ERIDANI, the TAYGETA and other systems of the PLEIADES, VEGA in LYRA,
- various colonies in the HYADES, the alleged SOLARIAN Tribunal on the moons
- of SATURN, ALPHA CENTAURI, various cultures from the ANDROMEDA
- constellation, the KOLDASIAN and other systems from the DAL or antimatter
- universe, and the 'UMMITES' in WOLF 424 [all of which have been repeatedly
- described by numerous and apparently separate 'contactees]'. One additional
- allegation is that the 'UMMITES', a 'Scandinavian' appearing race who live
- on a planet with a magnetic field much more intense than that of earth,
- have apparently made contact with scientists associated with the French and
- Spanish governments. It is interesting that M.K. Jessup's annotated version
- of the 'CASE FOR THE UFO' contains comments by alleged members of an
- ancient terran race who have access to inter- planetary craft technology.
- These have stated that France, for instance, has been the subject of much
- interest among certain ex-terran cultures because of it's unique social
- atmosphere. The UMMITES allegedly come from the star system we know of as
- Wolf 424, a star which they themselves refer to as IUMMA. Their 'insignia'
- resembles an 'H' with an extra vertical 'bar' in the middle and the four
- corners of the 'H' tapered into an outward curve. This symbol has been
- PHOTOGRAPHED on the underside of some UFO's which have been encountered in
- the 20th century. Also the UMMITES speak of themselves as belonging to a
- large 'Federation' of planets, possibly consisting more or less of the
- interstellar regions described above. They seem to have a particularly
- strong alliance with the Oriental-like Vegans, who are a remnant of the
- ancient Lyran civilization that gave rise to the present human cultures in
- the Pleiades.
- The following are several abbreviated excerpts taken from 'THE OMEGA
- PROJECT', by Kenneth Ring, PH.D. (William Morrow & Co., N.Y. 1972). The
- following points were brought out in the book:
- ---- Most abductions (possibly between 60%-80%? - Branton) are conducted by
- the 'greys' of traditional description.
- ---- Many state that their experiences are often 'dreamlike' yet with
- evidence suggesting real events.
- ---- The 'greys' (and in some cases black creatures in 'capes' that act as
- 'guards' during the painful and terrifying 'medical operations') have a way
- of 'blurring' their faces in the minds of the abductees, so that the
- abductee cannot later recall what the aliens' 'face' looked like.
- ---- Many abductees experience sleeping problems (not to mention severe
- social-relational-sexual problems) after being abducted by the saurian or
- reptilian grays, and these problems often last for years afterwards.
- ---- Some abductees who resist are 'shocked' repeatedly with an 'electric
- gadget' which may induce paralysis and/or unconsciousness.
- ---- A majority of the 'greys' seem to be of the grey-white variety, some
- with opaque 'black' eyes and some with vertically slit (snake or
- lizard-like) pupils.
- ---- Some of the greys are described as 'sinister', and one abductee stated
- that when she was taken "one alien was by my head and attempted to frighten
- me with his large eyes," as three other creatures mechanically performed
- painful operations, unheeding of her terrified cries to make them stop. She
- (Clair Chambers) stated that "In my many encounters where I have always
- been kidnapped from my home, the aliens have shown no compassion. I have
- several times felt them exhibit FEAR when I have hit them as they do feel
- FEAR... their reaction behavior patterns do NOT indicate an intelligence as
- high as I would expect from their technology (Due to their "collective-
- consciousness" nature? - Branton)... these experiences have been dreadful,
- terrifying, and I would like them to stop!" (Note: Four separate doctors
- have confirmed various wounds and injuries in Clair Chambers which she
- insists resulted from the abductions).
- ---- Some 'greyish' aliens, with 3-digit fingers, have been described as
- being 7 ft. tall (Reptons? - Branton). One woman who was abducted by them
- felt as if the creatures wanted her to have the IMPRESSION that they were
- 'friendly', but after being returned to her car from which she was abducted
- "I then broke to pieces as my whole body shook uncontrollably. I cried 'OH
- GOD, WHY ME?' I couldn't calm myself as I cried like a baby..."
- ---- A woman with an M.S.W. [degree?] (who was at the time of this
- revelation 51 years old), stated:
- "...The first experience was when I was a child of about 5. For
- years I had a RECURRING 'dream' of standing beside a field WHEN A
- HOLE OPENS UP IN THE GROUND in front of me. The dream ends with
- me looking into the hole. I was just standing there looking at
- the hole. Under hypnosis I [recall that I] stepped into the hole
- and walked down a short tunnel. The tunnel widened into a small
- waiting area where there was a bench just at the right height for
- a 5 year old. I sat down and waited. A tall black 'featureless'
- being came through a doorway, walked to me and held out his hand.
- I took his hand and went back through the doorway with him. He
- placed me on a table that appeared to be about 3 to 4 feet high.
- He laid me on my back and took one big hand and held my upper
- body flat on the table. The other beings were behind him looking
- at instruments on the wall. I was held this way for several
- minutes. When the being turned to look at the other two, it was
- as if he lost CONTROL over me and I jerked out from under his
- hand, fell off the end of the table and ran for the door. When I
- got to the door, I knew I wasn't 'supposed' to go any further. I
- stopped and turned around. The being who had been holding me came
- to me, took hold of my left arm and looked into my eyes. I was
- looking at where the eyes should be on a HUMAN, BUT I don't
- REMEMBER actually SEEING eyes. I feel something was communicated,
- but I don't know what."
- ---- The author states that some of the large opaque-black 'eyes' seen by
- many abductees, after being taken by the greys, seemed to have been
- 'coverings' for real 'eyes' which they felt might have been hidden behind
- or inside of what might have been artificial opaque-black visual coverings.
- At least this was the 'impression' that some abductees had.
- Helga Morrow, also appeared in UFO REVIEW - issue #37, with the following
- heading: "He Escaped From Nazi Germany At The Height Of World War II And
- Came To America To Work For The U.S. Military On Top Secret Projects
- Involving Invisibility, Time [Manipulation], Anti-Gravity Research And
- Teleportation:
- "Editors Note: The following is a highly-abbreviated account of
- Helga Morrow's recollections of her late father, Dr. Fred A.
- Kueppers, a German-born engineer who defected to the U.S. during
- World War II...
- "[Helga's Story] 'I have learned from various sources that my
- father was one of the scientists who worked on the Philadelphia
- Experiment; had invented the timing device for the A-bomb; had
- been chosen by the bomb scientists to represent them to Harry
- Truman, asking him NOT to drop the bomb; had invented the
- mathematical formula that brought the astronauts back; had
- designed the miniaturized electrical system of Sputnik, the first
- space launching; had worked on Project Blue Book/Black Book,
- UFOs; had initiated the use of aluminum wiring to replace the
- heavier wiring in World War II planes; had worked with mind
- warfare, using psychics to communicate with astronauts in case
- communication systems failed; and had trained extraterrestrials
- to fit into human society.
- "'My head spun; in it wheels were turning, and a thousand things
- began to make sense. Suddenly the things my father had told me in
- my childhood and youth snapped into place. It was as if nineteen
- years after I attended my father's funeral, I began to know him
- for the first time as only a few others knew him -- a man who,
- for obvious reasons, could never be mentioned in public records,
- but who had clearly deserved such recognition for the valuable
- service he had given the nation. My mind began to go back to my
- earliest remembrances...
- "'When I was in the second or third grade, I watched him hang up
- an award from RCA in his room. I asked, 'Why did you get this
- award?' He told me it was too lengthy to go into. I said, 'Try
- me!' and he did. He said it was an award for an experiment in
- time, and then proceeded to put two ashtrays on his bed, and
- through simple gestures and explanations, show how two objects
- could transpose in time and return the same way. Then he took me
- into the cellar, where he put some steel shavings in a cigar box
- with a large U-shaped magnet taped underneath. He gently tapped
- the steel shavings, and to my amazement, two distinct series of
- concentric circles gradually appeared! He then simplified this by
- saying that if one could transpose these circles, one could
- transpose time [or 'bend' time such as to speed it up or slow it
- down, or even stop it altogether? - Branton]. He said that alien
- spacecraft were partly moved by 'reverse magnetism.' He showed me
- how to get this effect by holding two opposite magnets.
- "'I never forgot this lesson. And this was BEFORE anyone really
- talked about flying saucers. I was Daddy's confidant. I never
- discussed this information with anyone; he had sworn me to
- secrecy.
- "'My father was not home much -- only several times a year. He
- was completely focused on his work, so normal family life was
- difficult for him...
- "'Daddy was a popular innovator in many fields of science and
- technology. All his patents became the property of either the
- company that employed him or the U.S. Government [Such patents,
- which have been established by various scientists working in
- anti-gravity research, allegedly exist in the patent offices for
- all to see, IF they only knew how and where to find them -
- Branton].
- . "'The third winter of 1961 before he died (February 12, 1962,
- Lincoln's birthday), my father confided many things to me. He
- told me that what he was about to tell me was bizarre,
- unbelievable and might sound absolutely crazy. I was 27 at the
- time, and thought he had gone off the deep-end (my mother had
- always thought so). Daddy assured me that by the time I reached
- 55 or so, all these bizarre statements that he was about to make,
- as well as everything he had ever explained to me when I was a
- child, would come back to me and make sense.
- "'He told me that he had three months to live. 'They' had given
- him three months to conclude his personal affairs, he said. I
- asked, 'Who are they?' He said I wouldn't understand. So I
- realized that I was taking my last walk with him through
- Guilford. He turned around to see if he was being followed, as
- always, aware of intrusion. He confided that he had not only been
- on the moon but INSIDE it, and that he had both spoken to and
- trained extraterrestrials who looked like us to blend into human
- society. He had been in spaceships and had traveled in space.
- "'He told me of the riots where we would kill or be killed in a
- period of racial intolerance that would occur around 1966 --
- which is now history. He told me that red-baiting propaganda was
- a lie to keep humanity occupied with worry over 'fighting
- communism.' And that in reality the two nations were great
- friends; Russian scientists got along well with their American
- counterparts and worked amiably together. The Russian 'threat'
- was nothing but B.S. and a distraction for the public.
- "'In the meantime, there were alien bases all over the world and
- on the moon. He said that whoever controls the moon can target
- anyplace on Earth; no place would be safe. Therefore, Russians
- and Americans must remain friends or eliminate each other. He
- told me he had worked with Tesla, Einstein, Von Broun, Von
- Neumann and many others.
- "'My father broke down and cried when I visited him that
- Christmas. He said, 'If you only knew the real truth!' But as
- long as I didn't I was safe, he said. He seemed a frightened man
- alone with his thoughts, afraid to speak out, trusting no one. He
- rarely spoke on the phone (our phone had always been tapped) and
- always thought he was being followed.
- "'My father died in the hospital in the arms of a nun, we were
- told. When my mother wanted to send flowers and candy to this
- unknown nun, she was told that there had been no nun in his room
- (though we had seen her) at the time of his fatal 'heart attack'.
- She couldn't be traced. At his funeral, I saw two Secret Service
- men at his coffin (wearing the obvious trench coats)...
- "'There was something strange about the body in the coffin. I
- always remember my father's hairy arms and hands. But there was
- NO HAIR ON THOSE HANDS! His face felt like cold stone, and it had
- so much makeup that it looked like wax. Was it really my father
- in the coffin? If so, why had his grave 'disappeared' when I
- looked for it in the family plot in 1985 -- a plot that dated
- back hundreds of years? There was no trace that it had ever
- existed; there were no grave records!
- "'And then on May 30, 1962, several months later, he materialized
- before me and told me he was not dead but only in 'another
- dimension IN TIME!' I felt his suit, smelled his Molle shaving
- cream -- and his weight pushed down the mattress on my daybed. He
- was wearing his usual conservative grey suit; I even felt the
- material as I touched his knee. He told me to continue his work,
- but not call on him unless absolutely necessary, as appearing to
- me was painful. He said that he would make himself known to me
- 'at the crossroads of my life' to help me (and he has kept his
- promise).'"
- Based on other accounts, "another dimension in time" would probably
- indicate that the dimension into which he had been "phased" was and is a
- dimensional 'branch' off from the main- stream multi-dimensional reality
- that is visible to us. Since time, space and matter are all integral parts
- of the unified field, it has been theorized that another dimension "in
- time" -- for instance a dimension in which the time-flow is accelerated
- (one of 'their' days may equal one of 'our' hours, for instance) -- would
- also include a spacial and molecular shift as well. This could be perceived
- either as 'entering' another dimension or simply as a 'phasing' of an
- individual to the point that he or she begins to 'perceive' and become part
- of a dimension that was always there yet one which they could not
- comprehend or interact with until they were 'tuned in' to it on the
- molecular level. This dimension would be invisible to most of those within
- the 'mainstream' of reality, and we would be invisible to them to some
- extent (possibly an extent which is determined by the depth of the
- molecular-time-space phasing).
- Returning to the subject of alien activity, in particular the 'Grays',
- there are those who believe that such activity has some apocalyptic and
- theological significance. Could such activity have been prophesied in
- ancient spiritual texts?
- Leviticus 26:22 (in the TORAH or OLD TESTEMENT) relates a strange warning,
- possibly directed against those nations who tend to ignore the command of
- the Almighty or the Creator to live together in brotherly love... Could
- this be a prophecy of a coming invasion of alien 'beasts' such as the
- Grays? The Torah describes the serpent race as 'beasts' in Genesis chapter
- 3, although it also makes it clear that these reptilians were by far the
- most superior, "subtil" and intelligent members of the entire 'animal'
- kingdoms. We quote this passage as follows (see also: Amos 9:2-3):