10 Sir, if we do not capture the enemy position,\nthe brigade has no safe place to fall back,\nand will surely break and run.\nAre you sure you want the boys to\ncarry out this attack?
11 Sergeant, the brigade was pinned down and is lost.\nCarry the colors back to the lines and inform the general.
12 The defending unit was slaughtered.\nThere were no survivors.
13 The attackers fell for a trap,\nand were annihilated.
14 The defending general received mortal wound,\nand has been replaced by his second-in-command.
15 The attacking general fell to a lucky shot,\nand was replaced by his aide.
16 The attacking general was carried back to the field hospital.\nHis replacement was sent up, double quick.
17 The defending general was gravely wounded.\nHis second-in-command has taken over.
18 Sir, our leader is badly wounded,\nand is unfit to command his men.\nShould we send him to the hospital and replace him?
19 Sir, your wounds are too severe to move you or the unit.\nShould I send for your replacement?
20 The attack is coming from behind.\nDefender: brace yourself for heavy casualties.
21 We have caught 'em with their britches down boys, have at 'em!
22 Which unit do you wish to concentrate your attack on?
23 General, should we target the enemy battery?\nOr blast 'em all, like fish in a barrel?
24 Which unit shall our sharpshooters harass, Sir?
25 We are too low on cartridges to resist their attack.\nTake cover, boys!
26 The defenders have no ammunition,\nand are looking for a hole to hide in.
27 Sir, the unit tried to retreat,\nbut had no place to go, and panicked.\n Now they are fleeing for their lives.
28 Sir, the defender's men have given up their ground.
29 The defensive volley was too much,\nThe attackers withdrew, and the defenders\nwere barely bloodied at all.
30 Your gambit failed, General.\nThe brigade's attack was cut off and the unit destroyed.
31 The brigade was enveloped and forced to surrender.
32 Sir, the routing unit could not escape,\nand was destroyed.
33 That unit's men could not take any more.\nThey have all deserted.
34 The men in this unit could not stomach another death.\nThey have surrendered the colors, Sir.\nThat brigade is lost.
35 Give these boys time to rest and regroup.\nThey would not charge for their own mothers!
36 You can not talk those boys into chargin' now.\nGive 'em some time to recover,\nor win some real victories and raise the Army's morale.
37 They will do it for you, Sir,\nbut you need to put your silver tongue to work.\n(%d Army morale points needed to charge).
38 Sir, these boys have seen enough for today.\nThey's a-headin' home.\nGive 'em some room to run,\nand maybe they come 'round on they own.
39 Sir, these lads might have \ncharged for you earlier today,\nbut they are losing heart.\nTry again when the Army's morale is higher.
40 Sir, there is no chance of attacking that enemy.\nTime is too short, they are too far away,\nand the countryside is unforgiving.
41 This unit is so beat up, they\n wouldn't attack a chicken coop.
42 What shall we do, stone them?\nWe have no cartridges!
43 We have no place to fall back to.\nRally 'round the flag, boys!
44 Sir, cartridges are too low to last through a charge.\nIf we go in in line,\nwe can get off one more good volley.
45 Sir, we cannot engage the enemy in this formation.\nForm the men up proper, and watch what they can do.
46 Sir, you are too wounded to move anywhere\nbut the hospital. Can I call up your replacement,\n to git the boys movin' again?
47 Defender: Will you withdraw your artillery,\nwhile the bombardment is just startin'?
48 We have caught them limbered up!\nButcher them, men!
49 The cannons being attacked cannot return fire.\nThe unit has no shells.
50 Defender: Should we counterfire the enemy's battery?
51 Attacker
52 Defender
53 Firepower
54 Casualties
55 Morale/VPs
56 Supply
57 Do you still wish to reassign your Corps Commanders?
58 Do what with Corps Commander - %s?
59 Attached to unit %s
60 Prev
61 Next
62 Done
63 We have no one to relieve them with, Sir.
64 General, which brigade do you wish to re-assign this Corps Commander to?
65 Two Corps Commanders in one brigade? Sir, please reconsider!
66 Do what with Corps Commander - %s\nAttached to unit %s
67 Save Game
68 Load Saved Game
69 This is not a 'Civil War Generals II' Scenario
70 Cancel
71 Phone number field must be filled in.
72 Continue
73 Setting up chat mode
74 Show Info
75 Hide Info
76 Unable to open video window
77 Unable to open video file (%s)
78 Unable to open smack buffer for video file (%s)
79 Unable to find video %s
80 Yes
81 No
82 This program requires 256 colors to run properly\n\nPlease refer to either the Game Manual or Online Manual\nfor further infomation.
83 Wrong Number of Colors
84 This program has been optimized and tested in\n256 color mode. You may continue but will not receive\nthe optimizations made for 256 colors. Additionally you may\nexperience erratic graphic behaviour.\n\nPlease refer to either the Game Manual or Online Manual\nfor further infomation.\n\nDo you wish to continue?
85 This program has been optimized and tested in\n256 color mode. You may continue but will not receive\nthe optimizations made for 256 colors. Additionally you may\nexperience erratic graphic behaviour.\n\nPlease refer to either the Game Manual or Online Manual\nfor further information.\n\nDo you wish to continue?
86 Please enter phone number
87 Do you wish to abort the connection phase?
88 Modem Connection Abort
89 Waiting for incoming call -- Hit ESC to abort
90 Waiting for connection -- Hit ESC to abort
91 Attempting to make a connection -- Hit ESC to abort
92 Making phone call -- Hit ESC to abort
93 Please wait -- Disconnecting
94 Select Earlier Time
95 Select Later Time
96 Movement Points Remaining
97 Unit's Firepower
98 Unit's Supply Points
99 Unit's Morale
100 Unit's Health
101 Unit's Organization
102 Unit Type
103 Toggle Unit Data
104 Toggle Leader Data
105 LC - Charge Mode, or Rally Routed Unit
106 Toggle Terrain Data
107 Change Leader's Name
108 Change Unit's Name
109 Rest and Resupply this unit
110 Dig-in and Resupply this unit
111 Change Formations
112 Toggle the Menu Bar
113 Go to the Command Tent
114 End This Turn
115 Exit the Game
116 Go To the Command Map
117 Start a Game
118 Return to the Current Game
119 LC - Move Unit to this hex
120 RC - Get Unit Info
121 LC - Move To Hex RC - Get Unit Info
122 LC - Attack Hex RC - Get Unit Info
124 LC - Toggle Unit Info Windows
125 Get next page of information
126 Get previous page of information
127 Exit this screen and continue
128 Select Weapons for Infantry
129 Select Weapons for Cavalry
130 Select Weapons for Artillery
131 Select Weapons for Specialists
132 Return to the game
133 Go back to the armory screen
134 Purchase Weapons for Infantry
135 Purchase Weapons for Artillery
136 Purchase Weapons for Cavalry
137 Purchase Weapons for Specialists
138 Select a weapon to purchase
139 Previous Unit (of selected type)
140 Next Unit (of selected type)
141 Dismiss this Leader
142 Select a unit from the roster
143 Purchase the Selected Weapon
144 Continue a Saved Game
145 Start a solo Campaign Game
146 Start a solo Historical Battle
147 Start a Multiplayer Game
148 Casualty Report
149 Reinforcement Report
150 Objectives Report
151 View Infantry
152 View Artillery
153 View Cavalry
154 View Specialists
155 Re-equip Soldiers
156 Please choose a unit first.
157 Specialists have only one formation.
158 This unit cannot change formation on this terrain.
159 Sir, the men are exhausted,\nand cannot obey.
160 Sir, we have done plenty already,\nand there is only so much time in a day.\nTry again later.
161 Sorry, General, but they must be rallied first!
162 Sir, the men are recovering now,\nand incapable of anything else.
163 You are either on the wrong terrain,\nor in the wrong formation,\nto dig in and defend.
164 Sir, our men lack the strength to obey.
165 Sir, we have done plenty already,\nand there is only so much time in a day. \nTry again later.
166 Sir, we can not prepare cover in this terrain!
167 Sorry, General. We love our country so much,\n we are running back to it!
168 Sir, the men are in no condition to do this.
169 General, you have already run through too much supply.
170 Supply Points Available = %d
171 Enter amount to resupply all units that
172 did not move this turn
174 Over Supply - %s
175 Over Supply - %d lack of supply
176 No Supply - %s
177 No Supply - %d lack of supply
178 Qrtr Supply - %s
179 Qrtr Supply - %d lack of supply
180 Half Supply - %s
181 Half Supply - %d lack of supply
182 Full Supply - %s
183 Full Supply - %d lack of supply
184 General, both armies take dim views\nof turncoats during a battle.
185 Sorry, General, but they must be rallied first!
186 We cannot go in, Sir.\n The lads will never stand for it.
187 Sir, I can scarce see my hand, let alone the enemy.\nNo army can fight by night.\nIf you must move us, then so be it.\nI say let them as can, sleep.
188 Sorry, General, the men are running\nlike jackrabbits from a hounddog.
189 If these boys can move at all, it will be to the rear.\nShould they try to retreat wherever they can?
190 The brigade has reached the supply wagons.
191 Sorry, General, the men are running\nlike the Devil hisself was on they heels.
192 If these boys can move anywhere, it will be rearward.\nShould they try to retreat wherever they can?
193 Unit has retreated as far as it can.
194 It is too crowded in there.
195 Sir, if you try to squeeze two combat brigades in one area,\nneither one will do us a lick of good.
196 General, we can not position two artillery brigades together.
197 Confederate Commander: Prepare to issue orders.
198 Union Commander: Prepare to issue orders.
199 Sir, you already tried that once.\nThe men just will not do it.
200 These boys have one thing on their mind,\n and that is home. Give 'em some time\n and try again later.
201 %d Army morale points are needed. You have %d.\nUnable to rally\n
202 You might talk them into reforming, General, but\n it will take %d Army morale points to do it.\nDo you wish to try?
203 To the flag, boys!\nShow them what you are made of !\n\n%s has rallied and will reform.
204 %s still doesn't want to fight.\nYour glib tongue may impress them, however.\nSpend %d Army Morale Points to gain 5 morale points?
205 %s ( %s) was unable to enter at hex %s\nbecause it was blocked by other units.
206 An artillery company is waiting to move out.\nThe new unit will try again later.
207 The entrance road is blocked by a combat unit.\nThe new reinforcement will try again later.
208 Fresh troops are here!\n%s
209 %s , an Infantry unit, has arrived.
210 %s , an Artillery unit, has arrived.
211 %s , a Cavalry unit, has arrived.
212 %s , a Specialist, has arrived.
213 Do you wish to abort the current game?
214 Do you wish to abort the game in progress?
215 Incorrect File Version.\nThis data file is from an older version of\nthe program.\n\nPlease contact Jeff or Fuzzy (Preferably Jeff)\nto get the latest copy.\nThe file will not be loaded and the program will exit.
216 Son, only a Minie-ball can dismiss me!
217 You cannot dismiss a leader who has not been tested in combat.
218 Do you wish to dismiss this leader?
219 You have no units of this type.
220 Purchase it with what? You have squandered your money!
221 Conf.
222 Union
223 Men Killed
224 Men Wounded
225 Leaders Killed
226 Men Deserted
227 Men Surrendered
228 Supply Captured
229 Weapon Cost Captured
230 Victory Points
231 Turn %d of %d
232 Ending Time : %s on %s
233 A Draw
234 A %s by the Confederate player
235 A %s by the Union player
236 Draw
237 Tactical Victory
238 Minor Victory
239 Strategic Victory
240 Major Victory
241 What type of multiplayer game?
242 Hotseat
243 Modem
244 Back
245 Artillery
246 Combat
247 Just Artillery
248 Both Units
249 Just Artillery
250 Just Combat
251 OK
252 Yes
253 No
254 Cancel
255 A brigade done run back to their farms, General.\nWe'll not see them again for this battle.
256 They're so panicked they can't even find the \nway home. I'm sure they will try again later.
257 General, the brigade has fled to the supply train.\nIf we do not get control of them quick, they'll\nrun all the way back to their farms.
258 Please Wait
259 Loading and Initializing Data
260 Please wait while option change is validated with other player.
261 Your opponent wishes to
262 Do You Agree?
263 on
264 off
265 Limited Visibility
266 Master machine only is allowed to save games
267 Master machine only is allowed to load games
268 Waiting for Master machine to select scenario to play
269 Click anywhere to disconnect
270 No phone number established
271 Please enter a phone number
272 start another game
273 end current game and start another game
274 Master machine only may end games early
275 Please wait. Attempting to make a connection
276 Please wait. Waiting for connection
277 Option can not be toggled during Opportunity Fire
278 Action cannot be chosen at this point
279 Please wait -- File Transferring
280 Please Enter Your Name
281 Remote can not go into chat mode at this point
282 You can not go into chat mode at this point
283 Reinitializing modem
284 Hanging up modem
285 Waiting for incoming call
286 Making phone call
287 Phone call did not come in within allotted time
288 Person who started chat needs to end chat
289 Init String
290 Option can not be changed when doing NULL modem connection
291 Link and Connection Established -- about to enter chat mode
293 Current Modem Game is about to be aborted
294 Are You Sure?
295 Modem game is about to be aborted
296 You must have DOS 3.30 or above to run Civil War Generals II
297 Please Wait - Loading Data
298 Starting Civil War Generals II
299 Starting Demo Version of Civil War Generals II
300 Starting Civil War Generals II Editor
301 Setup VESA mode failure -- error code
302 Floppy Version
303 Copyright (c) Sierra On-Line 1997
304 Version
305 Internal Revision
306 Compact Disc Version
307 Demo Version
308 Saved Game
309 New Game
310 One Player
311 Two Player
312 Modem Game
313 Select Game Type
314 Select who will be playing
315 Please Enter Player #1's Name
316 Please Enter Player #2's Name
317 Unable to save configuration info
318 Unable to load configuration info
319 Unable to find user info, using defaults
320 Invalid number of bytes read
321 Invalid number of bytes written
322 General, the lay of the land is against us.\nWe lack a clear line of fire.
323 Unit is unselectable because it is dead.
324 Unit is unselectable because it has used all of its movement points.
325 Unit is unable to move there.
326 Sorry, Sir, but we cannot get there from here.
327 Please select a new destination.
328 Please wait
329 Saving Game
330 Loading Saved Game
331 Saving Scenario
332 Loading Scenario
333 Game will gracefully exit. Please reboot.
334 Ran out of memory allocating for screen
335 Unable to load palette
336 Unable to load picture
337 Invalid tile set specified
338 Invalid unit set specified
339 Other Error Code of
340 An unanticipated situation has occurred in
341 at line
342 And Furthermore
343 Max Num Of Units already on board
344 Assertion Failed
346 file
347 line
348 Continue
349 No more units available for purchase
350 Buy it with what? We have squandered our money.
351 NOTE:
352 Action can not be chosen during modem player's turn
353 Please wait while Visibility is calculated
354 -s Do not use music\n
355 -x Do not use sound effects and speech\n
356 -p Do not use speech\n
357 -i Skip Intro\n
358 Unable to write to file
359 Not Enough Memory At #1 to open window
360 Sound Config File does not exist -- Rerun setup
361 Unable to create config file
362 Unable To Install MDI Driver, Continuing without sound -- Rerun Setup
363 Unable To Install DIG Driver, Continuing without sound effects -- Rerun Setup
364 Unable to load sound file
365 Unable to load voc file
366 Unknown db_id of
367 Unable to save the game during computer's turn
368 Only able to save game during movement and combat phases
369 Unable to save simultaneous resolution game during combat phase
370 Unable to load a saved game during computer's turn
371 Continue
372 Hotseat
373 Only one copy of this program can be run at a time.\n
374 Turn %d out of %d\n
375 CWG2 Supply = %d, Army Morale = %d
376 Civil War Generals II
377 Question?
378 Nice Try, BUT you cannot alter your opponents settings.\nAnd next turn we are going to let them know that you tried.
379 Waiting for other machine to load and setup game
380 Waiting for other machine
381 Do you want to continue an old game?
384 Leader Replacement Question
386 Multi unit attack Question
387 Morale Boost Question
388 Artillery Retreat Question
389 Artillery Duel Question
390 Corps Commander Reassignment?
392 Disconnect Question
395 Rally Question
396 Out of Flee
397 Too Bad
398 Reinforcements have arrived
399 Is your weapon purchase complete?
400 Please select a unit first.
401 All units are dead, we must wait for reinforcements
402 Morale in camp is too low for that General.
403 Enter amount to resupply:
404 This Attack can not be made.
405 Leaders Wounded
406 Do you wish to exit the board for %d victory points?
407 Our fusilade might kill a few rabbits,\nSir, but we might better save our shells\nfor an enemy as can shoot back!\n Are you sure you want to attack there?
408 %s (%s), %s has arrived.
416 CWG 2 %s %s Supply = %d, Army Morale = %d %s
417 Which Army Will You Command?
418 Options
419 Back
420 Load
421 Start
422 Historical Battles
423 Alternate Battles
424 Infl
425 Org
426 Loyl
427 Hlth
428 Mor
429 Qual
430 Exp
431 #Men
432 MP
433 SP
434 FP
500 Delete
501 Save
502 Do you want to delete this saved game?
600 Zoom
601 Undo
602 Charge
603 Rally
604 Time just ran out.
605 Return to the game, Tactical View
606 Return to the game, Strategic View
607 Command the Confederate Army
608 Command the Union Army
609 Select A Historical Battle
610 Select An Alternate Battle
611 Select a Campaign
612 Map of the Battlefield
613 Set Game Options
614 Return to the Main Menu
615 Load a Saved Multiplayer Game
616 Confirm Selections and Begin Play
617 Send a Message
618 Campaigns
619 Died in Combat
620 Name Health Condition\n\n
621 Died in Hospital
622 Retired From Active Duty
623 Critical and Deteriorating
624 Critical, but Stable
625 Serious and Deteriorating
626 Serious but Improving
627 Granted Furlough to Rest
628 Fully Recovered
629 Promotions\n\n
630 %s has shown valor in battle and has proven his ability to effectively lead %s. He has been promoted from %s to %s.\n\n
632 %s %s has fully recovered and will return to active duty. The temporary commander of %s, %s %s, will return to his former post.\n\n
633 %s %s has temporarily assumed command of %s due to the hospitalization of %s %s.\n\n
634 %s %s of %s suffered a mortal wound while courageously leading his troops in battle.\n\n
635 %s has been promoted from %s to %s.\n\n
636 %s %s of %s, after a valiant struggle, perished in a field hospital, having finally succumbed to the horrible wounds he received in combat.\n\n
637 %s %s of %s, fortunate to have survived the amputation of his leg, has retired from active service.\n\n
638 %s %s of %s had to be hospitalized due to the severity of the wounds that he suffered in combat.\n\n
639 While recovering, %s will be temporarily led by %s %s.\n\n
640 %s %s has been transferred to take command of %s, which will now be known as %s.\n\n
641 Scroll Description Up
642 Scroll Description Down
643 Confederate Army Commander
644 Union Army Commander
645 Map of the Battlefield
646 Continue the Battle
647 Start the Battle
648 His unit is now led by %s %s.\n\n
649 Leaders Wounded
650 Value of Controlled Victory Hexes
651 This scenario is now over. Do you wish to save the game\n before proceeding to the campaign screens?
652 Limited by Enemy
653 Full Supply required
654 LC - Order a Charge
655 LC - Rally this Routed Unit
656 Enemy troop movements detected!\nPlease wait.
657 To reassign commanders, the selected unit\nmust have a commander and\nalso have full movement points.
658 %s %s may be reassigned to any of his subordinate units.\nLeft click to assign, Right click to cancel.
659 Cannot use your Engineers
660 Edit and Create Scenarios
661 Quit Civil War Generals 2
662 Opponent Planning Strategy
663 Enemy Troops Moving
664 Opponent Issuing Orders
665 Enemy Attack Imminent
666 Victory Points from Victory Hexes
667 We cannot get supplies past the enemy.\nThe unit is on its own, Sir.
668 General, this battery is not equipped\nwith weapons capable of indirect fire attacks.\nOrder them to attack a spotted enemy unit\nwithin range or have them change formation to move.
669 Please select a Flag and a Scenario before Starting.\nSome Options can only be set prior to play.
670 Purchase Weapons for All Unit Types
671 Corps Commander, Press to Toggle Data
672 Div. Commander, Press to Toggle Data
673 Unit Commander, Press To Toggle Data
674 Selected Brigade's Current Weapon
675 Army Supply
676 Bullet Cost for Full Supply
677 Minor Defeat
678 Major Defeat
679 Civil War Generals II %s Army Supply = %d
680 Weapons
681 General, our boys are too busy fightin' to be refitted\nwith new weapons. Wait 'til the shootin's over.