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PowerVR Tomb Raider Zip Files Version 1.03
This PowerVR version of Tomb Raider supports both the PCX1 and
PCX2 chips. Version 1.03, 08 July 1997. It allows you to run
at 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768. Even if your 2D graphics
board has only 2MB, you will still be able to run at 1024x768
in Single Buffered mode. Linear MIP mapping is supported and on
the PCX2 Bilinear filtering is also used.
Unzip the files in the Tomb Raider directory and read the README.TXT
PowerVR Tomb Raider Installation. Version 1.03
After unzipping the files in the 'C:\TOMBRAID' directory you will find
included two short cuts that are set-up already to run the PowerVR
version of Tomb Raider. Just double click the short cut for your
PowerVR board.
If any of the following apply to you then you should read over
the additional install notes below.
- If you do not have your CD configured in CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT
to run under DOS.
- If you have not yet configured the audio with the Tomb Raider
SETUP.EXE program.
- If you have installed the Tomb Raider files to a directory other
than 'C:\TOMBRAID'
PowerVR Tomb Raider Game Notes. Version 1.03
The following Keys perform the following operations.
F1 - Decreases the screen resolution.
F2 - Increases the screen resolution.
F3 - Displays the current resolution, frames per second and
whether Single Buffered mode is on.
F4 - Toggles the PowerVR logo. (Full version only).
F8 - Toggles Singled Buffered mode. To switch mode
the graphics will be reset to the starting resolution
of 640x480.
Z - Zoom the camera in.
X - Zoom the camera out.
All other keys operate as in the original game.
Single Buffered mode allows the use of high resolutions on
a 2MB 2D graphics board and it will improve the average frame rate.
However as the 3D image is being sent to the screen at the same time
as the monitor is displaying the image you may be able to see a line across
the screen from time to time. This is called 'Cut Line' and is normal in
a Single Buffered mode.
Note that the PowerVR version tries to keep as faithful as possible to
lighting and shading of the original Tomb Raider game. Some areas,
especially in later levels, are meant to be quite dark.
PowerVR Tomb Raider Install Notes. Version 1.03
1. Running under windows.
The PowerVR version of Tomb Raider runs in DOS only - not in
a "DOS box" within Windows95. You must either exit Windows95 (using
the "Start" Menu, "Shutdown", and "Restart the computer in MS-DOS mode"),
or alternatively, by not running Windows95 when the PC is started.
We recommend exiting Windows95 using a short cut such as the ones supplied.
This is more convenient and makes the audio set-up easier. If you
have not installed in the 'C:\TOMBRAID' directory then you should
create short cuts similar to the ones supplied. Note that it is
important to have your CD installed for operation under DOS. This
will mean you should have entries for a CD driver in CONFIG.SYS and
that you should be using MSCDEX in AUTOEXEC.BAT.
2. Test the software version first.
If the software version, TOMB.EXE, doesn't run then neither
will the PowerVR version! If you have only downloaded the PowerVR Demo
version and you are having problems, download and check the software
version operates correctly under DOS and not just in a "DOS Box".
3. Check the audio set-up.
If the audio is not correctly set up, then the movies will not
play correctly. Please note that the set-up for the sound card may
be different depending on whether windows has been run or not. Check
the settings with the Tomb Raider SETUP.EXE program.
4. PCX1/PCX2 support.
There are two Tomb Raider executables: TOMBPCX1.EXE for earlier
PowerVR cards with the PCX1 chip (e.g. Apocalypse 3D,or NEC PC3D Engine)
and TOMBPCX2.EXE for those with PCX2 (e.g. Apocalypse 3Dx or Apocalypse 5D).
Either program will inform the user if the wrong one has been run.
5. Using SciTech UNIVBE.
The PowerVR Tomb Raider uses the VESA 2.0 graphics card BIOS standard.
Most modern cards come with this. However, for cards which do not,
the game uses SciTech's UNIVBE technology to supply a VESA 2.0 BIOS.
If the game detects a card which does not supply VESA 2.0, it will run
the UVCONFIG.EXE program which will create a suitable driver.
Although some graphics cards do supply VESA 2.O, they may not provide
very many resolution modes, or they may be causing a problem. You
can override the card's BIOS and use SciTech's, by using the command
line option UVBE.
6. Command line options.
The command line options should not normally be needed. They
are case insensitive.
UVBE - Forces the game to use SciTech's UNIVBE VESA 2.0 driver rather
than the one supplied with the card (if any). This may also
increase the number of resolution modes available to the game.
INFO - Prints out Program and Driver version numbers
16 - Forces the game to try to run even if the PC has less
than 16Mb of memory.
FIX1OSM - If the display appears to be wrapping around, it could
indicate that incorrect information for the display
has been supplied by the BIOS. This attempts to compute the
information in a different way. Note that the 'O' in OSM is for
'Off Screen Memory' and not a number Zero.
PowerVR Tomb Raider Known Issues. Version 1.03
1. Graphics cards with Tseng ET6000 and UVBE option.
The Tseng ET6000 should come with VESA 2.0 support on the board's
BIOS so you should not have to use the UVBE option. However, if you do,
on some systems using the UVBE option causes the program to hang.
An interrupt clash is suspected.
2. Changing 2D Graphics Cards.
If the UVCONFIG.EXE has been used to create a VESA 2.0 driver for your
graphics card, then changing the graphics card may confuse the driver
software. If this appears to be the case, we suggest deleting
UVCONFIG.DRV and UVCONFIG.DAT in the Tomb Raider directory. This will
force the game to regenerate driver information.
3. Black Screen on Exit.
Some systems may not return you to a normal DOS prompt. You are still
in DOS - it is just the graphics mode has not been restored. To clear
the screen type 'mode co80' and hit return.
4. Using saved games between the software and PowerVR versions.
Saved games between the PowerVR and software versions are not compatible.
You will not be able to load the games from the other version.
PowerVR Tomb Raider End of File. Version 1.03