140 print"[147]"b1$:fory=0to6:printb2$:printb3$:next:printb2$:printb4$:print""tab(29)"scores":printtab(29)"[192][192][192][192][192][192]":printleft$(d$,6)tab(n1)p1$:printleft$(d$,12)tab(n2)p2$:n3=n1-20:n4=n2-20:printl$tab(10)"please wait a moment":r=1:forc=1to64:a(c)=c:next:forc=64to1step-1:readd:e=int(rnd(0)*c)+1:v=a(e)-1
760 print" addit is a board game for 1-2 players.":print" every square on the board has a value,":print" and you score points by landing on the":print" squares. you may move in one direction":print" only - horizontally or vertically. you"
810 print" must press the space bar to move from":print" square to square and then press return":print" to score, but beware - some squares on":print" the board contain minus values !":printtab(6)"press space bar to continue."