"NILoginFailM" = "The attempt to log in to the NetInfo database failed. Please try again.";
/* NetInfo alert panel title & message. The first %s is the name of the operation that failed and the second %s is an error message from ni_error() */
"NIErrorT" = "NetInfo Error";
"NIErrorM" = "The NetInfo operation \"%s\" failed with the following error: %s";
/* Left, middle, and right titles for the imported directories table */
"ImpLeftT" = "NFS Server";
"ImpMiddleT" = "Remote Directory";
"ImpRightT" = "Local Directory";
/* Alert panel title & message -- comes up if user closes a window with unsaved changes. The %s will be a directory name */
"ImpUnsavedT" = "Unsaved Imports Entry";
"ImpUnsavedM" = "The imports entry for %s has been modified";
/* Alert panel title & message -- used when the user changes options in the imports window without first having selected a directory. */
"ImpNoDirsT" = "No directories selected";
"ImpNoDirsM" = "Please select a directory before changing any options";
/* Alert panel title & messages (either one is chosen) */
"ImpBadHostT" = "Import Directory";
"ImpNoHostM" = "Please specify a hostname for the NFS server.";
"ImpUnHostM" = "The host \"%s\" is not known to this machine. Please choose a different name.";
/* NetInfo open panel title & subtitle */
"ImpOpenT" = "Import Directory";
"ImpOpenS" = "Select a directory";
/* Mount point open panel title */
"ImpMntPointT" = "Select Mount Point";
/* Title of the exported folders table */
"ExpTableT" = "Directory Name";
/* Alert panel title & message */
"ExpNoAccT" = "Exporting Directory";
"ExpNoAccM" = "Can't access directory named '%s'";
/* Alert panel title & message */
"ExpNoDirT" = "Exporting Directory";
"ExpNoDirM" = "%s is not a directory";
/* Alert panel title & message */
"ExpNoLocalT" = "Exporting Directory";
"ExpNoLocalM" = "You can only export directories off your local disk";
/* Alert panel title & message */
"ExpAlreadyT" = "Exporting Directory";
"ExpAlreadyM" = "That directory has already been exported";
/* Alert panel title & message; the two %s's are the old and new directories */
"ExpTwoDirT" = "Export Directory";
"ExpTwoDirM" = "You can't export two directories (%s and %s) that are within each other and on the same disk";
/* Alert panel title & message */
"ExpROWarnT" = "Export Directory";
"ExpROWarnM" = "Warning: With a default read only access, the list of read only hosts will not be used. Do you want to continue with a default read only access?";
/* Alert panel title & message */
"ExpRWWarnT" = "Export Directory";
"ExpRWWarnM" = "Warning: With a default read/write access, the lists of read only and read/write hosts will not be used. Do you want to continue with a default read write access?";
/* Alert panel title & message telling the user that there are unsaved changes. The %s will be a directory name */
"ExpUnsavedT" = "Unsaved Exports Entry";
"ExpUnsavedM" = "The exports entry for %s has been modified.";
/* Alert panel title & message */
"ExpNoHostM" = "Add Access to Host";
"ExpNoHostT" = "Please specify a hostname to add";
/* Open panel title */
"ExpOpenT" = "Export Directory";
/* Alert panel title & message */
"ExpRebootT" = "Export Directory";
"ExpRebootM" = "Note: The remote host will have to be rebooted before any changes will take effect.";
/* Alert panel title & message */
"ExpHelperT" = "Export Filesystem";
"ExpHelperM" = "Helper process failed";
/* Alert panel title & message; the %s string is produced by a UNIX command (\320 is an m-dash) */