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NeXT TypedStream Data  |  1992-07-07  |  7KB  |  138 lines

  1. typedstream
  2. IBObjectData
  3. Object
  4. CustomObject
  5.     Inspector
  6. RelationshipInspector
  7. Button
  8. Control
  9.     Responder
  10. Matrix
  11. @:@iiii
  12. FormCell
  13. ActionCell
  14.     Helvetica
  15. Name:
  16. Internal Name:
  17. ff@@#::s
  18. Field:
  19. ButtonCell
  20. String
  21. NXImage
  22. NXradio
  23. NXradioH
  24. Integer
  25. Float
  26. Double
  27. Radio
  28.     TextField
  29. TextFieldCell
  30. Class:
  31. Format:
  32.     Data Type
  33. Properties
  34.     Read-only
  35. NXswitch
  36.     NXswitchH
  37. Unique Key
  38. To many
  39. To one
  40. Arity
  41.     NXBrowser
  42. @@::#@ssssi**
  43. NXBrowserCell
  44. BrowserItem
  45. Browser
  46. CustomView
  47. Title
  48. Helvetica-Oblique
  49.     Lazy Join
  50. Equijoin
  51. Outer Join
  52. WindowTemplate
  53. iiii***@s@
  54. nothingPanel
  55. Panel
  56. Nothing to Inspect
  57. AttributePanel
  58. Model Notes
  59. Helvetica-Bold
  60. ScrollView
  61. ClipView
  62. ciifffcfffs
  63. [233c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
  64. \margl40
  65. \margr40
  66. \pard\tx520\tx1060\tx1600\tx2120\tx2660\tx3200\tx3720\tx4260\tx4800\tx5320\f0\b0\i0\ulnone\fs24\gray333\fc0\cf0 Something about the model, how to use it, and what for...
  67. NXCursor
  68. NXibeam
  69. Scroller
  70. _doScroller:
  71. @@@ffs]
  72. remove
  73. replace
  74. sa@SYBASE/pubs
  75. Login Strings
  76. RelationshipPanel
  77. AttributeInspector
  78. No Inspector
  79. Matrix1
  80. Field11
  81.     Data type
  82. Button2
  83. Opaque
  84. Field121
  85. AttributeInspectorInstance
  86. Field1
  87. Field12
  88. RelationshipInspectorInstance
  89. Field2
  90. CustomView1
  91. NXBrowser1
  92. Internal name
  93. ScrollingText
  94. File's Owner
  95. Field211
  96. [45@]
  97. IBOutletConnector
  98. IBConnector
  99. dataType
  100. isKey
  101. isReadOnly
  102. internalName
  103. fromAttributeBrowser
  104. toAttributeBrowser
  105. innerOuter
  106. arity
  107. attributePanel
  108. relationshipPanel
  109. inspectorView
  110. relationshipInspector
  111. window
  112. attributeInspector
  113. IBControlConnector
  114. takeNameFrom:
  115. takeInternalNameFrom:
  116. akeDataTypeFrom:
  117. takeIsKeyFrom:
  118. takeIsReadOnlyFrom:
  119. delegate
  120. browserClick:
  121. takeInnerOuterFrom:
  122. fromEntityIcon
  123. toEntityIcon
  124. owner
  125. relationshipText
  126. classField
  127. pboardTypeField
  128. noSelectionPanel
  129. takeObjectClassFrom:
  130. takepbTypeFrom:
  131. nextText
  132. takeArityFrom:
  133. classLabel
  134.     attribute
  135. pboardTypeLabel
  136.     expensive
  137. takeLazyFrom: