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** DBDatabase.h
** Database Kit, Release 3.0
** Copyright (c) 1992, NeXT Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
#import <objc/Object.h>
#import <dbkit/protocols.h>
#import <mach/cthreads.h>
@class List;
@class DBBinder;
** A Database represents a (potential) connection to an external source of
** data. It also represents structural information about that source of
** data. This structural information is represented as a list of properties.
** (See the protocols header for a description of a property.)
** Properties can either be built from scratch by a tool or by a program, or
** they can be provided by the DBDatabase. In the latter case, the complexity
** and completeness of the data dictionary is totally dependant upon the
** database; most will produce a very simple model which reflects their
** structure.
** Given an expressive enough query language, properties can also be built
** by using DBExpressions -- aggregate and compound properties can be built
** this way.
@interface DBDatabase : Object
id delegate;
id _adaptor;
mutex_t _adaptorLock;
id _entityList;
id _bundle;
id _strings;
id _databaseNameString;
char *_namebuf;
id _identityProperty;
id _private;
struct {
BOOL connected:1;
BOOL panelsEnabled:1;
BOOL delegateDoesTrace:1;
BOOL delegateChecksQuery:1;
BOOL transactionInProgress:1;
BOOL useOuterJoins:1;
int _RESERV$ D0;
} _flags;
NXZone *_garbageZone;
+ initialize;
** If there is an open db with this name, it is returned. If there is a
** database file in the search path with this name, it is opened and a
** connection is attempted. If the connection attempt fails, the
** database is freed, so subsequent calls will attempt to connect again,
** possibly using new information...
** Databases found using this method should not be freed!
+ findDatabaseNamed:(const char*)aName connect:(BOOL)yn;
** Databases can use database "bundles" that reside in the filesystem to
** initialize themselves with user and schema information. The documents are
** directories (with a file extension of .db) that contain at least two
** files: db.strings and db.archive.
** Within the bundle, db.strings is a stringTable that can contain a string
** with the key "AdaptorName". It can also contain multiple initStrings,
** indexed by username. A key of "LoginString" will be used as a default
** loginString.
+ (const char**)databaseNamesForAdaptor:(const char*)anAdaptorName;
+ (const char**)adaptorNames;
- initFromFile:(const char*)aPath;
- (const char*)directory;
- (const char*)name;
- (BOOL)setName:(const char*)aName;
- (BOOL)connect;
- (BOOL)disconnect;
- (BOOL)connectUsingString:(const unsigned char*)aString;
- (BOOL)disconnectUsingString:(const unsigned char*)aString;
- (BOOL)isConnected;
- (const unsigned char*)connectionName;
- (BOOL)beginTransaction;
- (BOOL)commitTransaction;
- (BOOL)rollbackTransaction;
- (BOOL)isTransactionInProgress;
- (BOOL)enableTransactions:(BOOL)yn;
- (BOOL)areTransactionsEnabled;
- (BOOL)evaluateString:(const unsigned char*)aString;
- (List*)getEntities:(List*)aList;
- (id<DBEntities>)entityNamed:(const char*)aName;
** These can be used to find information specific to the current db bundle.
- (const char*)currentAdaptorName;
- (const char*)defaultAdaptorName;
- (const unsigned char*)currentLoginString;
- (const unsigned char*)defaultLoginString;
- (const unsigned char*)loginStringForUser:(const char*)aUser;
** This can be used to launch a login panel, or to use a specific adaptor
** in the context of a database. The init string can be NULL.
- (BOOL)connectUsingAdaptor:(const char*)aClassname
andString:(const unsigned char*)aLoginString;
** -emp$ EtaDictionary will free up the currently loaded data dictionary
** so that another can be opened for the db. -loadDefaultDataDictionary
** will attempt to load a data dictionary from the adaptor if one is
** not already loaded.
- emptyDataDictionary;
- loadDefaultDataDictionary;
** Delegate can act as trace of execution, log all query expressions, or
** verify query expressions. It can also override commits and aborts.
- setDelegate:aDelegate;
- delegate;
@interface Object (DatabaseDelegate)
** Commit/abort verification -- no cancelling allowed!
- dbWillCommitTransaction:aDatabase;
- dbDidCommitTransaction:aDatabase;
- dbWillRollbackTransaction:aDatabase;
- dbDidRollbackTransaction:aDatabase;
** Query interposition -- before evaluating an expression, the delegate can
** be given the chance to override a query expression, to examine it, or
** to replace it.
- (BOOL)db:aDb willEvaluateString:(const unsigned char*)aString
** Logging -- the delegate receives a printf style format string and
** arguments, to be used with vsprintf().
- db:aDatabase log:(const char*)fmt, ...;
** Notification -- an object being used by the database has encountered
** an exceptional situation.
** By providing a delegate that responds to this method, the default alert
** panels can be squelched.
- (BOOL)db:aDb notificationFrom:anObject
message:(const unsigned char*)msg code:(int)n;
** setPanelsEnabled:NO must be called if you plan to use the DBDatabase
** without panels or windows, or in a program without an Application object.
- (BOOL)arePanelsEnabled;
- setPanelsEnabled:(BOOL)yn;
- read:(NXTypedStream*)ts;
- write:(NXTypedStream*)ts;