NeXTSTEP 3.2 (Developer)
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Text File
729 lines
Application Kit, Release 2.1J
Copyright (c) 1988, NeXT, Inc. All rights reserved.
#ifndef TEXT_H
#define TEXT_H
#import "View.h"
#import "chunk.h"
#import "color.h"
#import "FontManager.h"
#import "readOnlyTextStream.h"
#import "NXSpellChecker.h"
#import "NXRTFDErrors.h"
#ifdef KANJI
typedef wchar_t wchar; // Basic character type
#else KANJI
typedef unsigned char wchar; // Basic character type
#endif KANJI
#define NX_TEXTPER 512
typedef struct _NXTextBlock {
struct _NXTextBlock *next; /* next text block in link list */
struct _NXTextBlock *prior; /* previous text block in link list */
struct _tbFlags {
unsigned int malloced:1; /* true if block was malloced */
unsigned int PAD:15;
} tbFlags;
short chars; /* number of chars in this block */
wchar *text; /* the text */
} NXTextBlock;
* NXRun represents a single run of text w/ a given format
typedef struct {
unsigned int underline:1;
unsigned int dummy:1; /* unused */
unsigned int subclassWantsRTF:1;
unsigned int graphic:1;
unsigned int forcedSymbol:1; /* did alt-char force use to use symbol */
unsigned int RESERVED:11;
} NXRunFlags;
typedef struct _NXRun {
id font; /* Font id */
int chars; /* number of chars in run */
void *paraStyle; /* implementation dependent paraStyle
* sheet info. */
float textGray; /* text gray of current run */
int textRGBColor; /* text color negative if not set */
unsigned char superscript;/* superscript in points */
unsigned char subscript; /* subscript in points */
id info; /* available for subclasses of Text */
NXRunFlags rFlags;
} NXRun;
* NXRunArray is a NXChunk that holds the set of formats for a Text object
typedef struct _NXRunArray {
NXChunk chunk;
NXRun runs[1];
} NXRunArray;
* NXBreakArray is a NXChunk that holds line break information for a Text
* Object. it is mostly an array of line descriptors. each line
* descriptor contains 3 fields:
* 1) line change bit (sign bit), set if this line defines a new height
* 2) paragraph end bit (next to sign bit), set if the end of this
* line ends the paragraph
* 3) numbers of characters in the line (low order 14 bits)
* if the line change bit is set, the descriptor is the first field of a
* NXHeightChange. since this record is bracketed by negative short
* values, the breaks array can be sequentially accessed backwards and
* forwards.
#if m68k
typedef short NXLineDesc;
typedef int NXLineDesc;
typedef struct _NXHeightInfo {
NXCoord newHeight; /* line height from here forward */
NXCoord oldHeight; /* height before change */
NXLineDesc lineDesc; /* line descriptor */
} NXHeightInfo;
typedef struct _NXHeightChange {
NXLineDesc lineDesc; /* line descriptor */
NXHeightInfo heightInfo;
} NXHeightChange;
typedef struct _NXBreakArray {
NXChunk chunk;
NXLineDesc breaks[1];
} NXBreakArray;
* NXLay represents a single run of text in a line and records
* everything needed to select or draw that piece.
typedef struct {
unsigned int mustMove:1; /* unimplemented */
unsigned int isMoveChar:1;
unsigned int RESERVED:14;
} NXLayFlags;
typedef struct _NXLay {
NXCoord x; /* x coordinate of moveto */
NXCoord y; /* y coordinate of moveto */
short offset; /* offset in line array for text */
short chars; /* number of characters in lay */
id font; /* font id */
void *paraStyle; /* implementation dependent fontStyle
* sheet info. */
NXRun *run; /* run for lay */
NXLayFlags lFlags;
} NXLay;
* NXLayArray is a NXChunk that holds the layout for the current line
typedef struct _NXLayArray {
NXChunk chunk;
NXLay lays[1];
} NXLayArray;
* NXWidthArray is a NXChunk that holds the widths for the current line
typedef struct _NXWidthArray {
NXChunk chunk;
NXCoord widths[1];
} NXWidthArray;
* NXCharArray is a NXChunk that holds the chars for the current line
typedef struct _NXCharArray {
NXChunk chunk;
wchar text[1];
} NXCharArray;
* Word definition Finite State Machine transition struct
typedef struct _NXFSM {
const struct _NXFSM *next; /* state to go to, NULL implies final state */
short delta; /* if final state, this undoes lookahead */
short token; /* if final state, < 0 word is newline,
* = is dark, > is white space */
* Represents one end of a selection
typedef struct _NXSelPt {
int cp; /* character position */
int line; /* offset of LineDesc in break table */
NXCoord x; /* x coordinate */
NXCoord y; /* y coordinate */
int c1st; /* character position of first character
* on the line */
NXCoord ht; /* line height */
} NXSelPt;
* describes tabstop
typedef struct _NXTabStop {
short kind; /* only NX_LEFTTAB implemented*/
NXCoord x; /* x coordinate for stop */
} NXTabStop;
typedef struct _NXTextCache {
int curPos; /* current position in text stream */
NXRun *curRun; /* cache current block of text and */
int runFirstPos; /* character pos that corresponds */
NXTextBlock *curBlock; /* cache current block of text and */
int blockFirstPos; /* character pos that corresponds */
} NXTextCache;
typedef struct _NXLayInfo {
NXRect rect; /* bounds rect for current line. */
NXCoord descent; /* descent for current line, can be reset
* by scanFunc */
NXCoord width; /* width of line */
NXCoord left; /* left side visible coordinate */
NXCoord right; /* right side visible coordinate */
NXCoord rightIndent; /* how much white space is left at right
* side of line */
NXLayArray *lays; /* scanFunc fills with NXLay items */
NXWidthArray *widths; /* scanFunc fills with character widths */
NXCharArray *chars; /* scanFunc fills with characters */
NXTextCache cache; /* cache of current block & run */
NXRect *textClipRect; /* if non-nil, the current clip for drawing */
struct _lFlags {
unsigned int horizCanGrow:1;/* 1 if scanFunc should perform dynamic
* growing of x margins */
unsigned int vertCanGrow:1;/* 1 if scanFunc should perform dynamic
* growing of y margins */
unsigned int erase:1; /* used to tell drawFunc to erase before
* drawing line */
unsigned int ping:1; /* used to tell drawFunc to ping server */
unsigned int endsParagraph:1;/* true if line ends the paragraph, eg
* ends in newline */
unsigned int resetCache:1;/* used in scanFunc to reset local caches */
unsigned int RESERVED:10;
} lFlags;
} NXLayInfo;
* Gives a paragraph fontStyle
typedef struct _NXTextStyle {
NXCoord indent1st; /* how far first line in paragraph is
* indented */
NXCoord indent2nd; /* how far second line is indented */
NXCoord lineHt; /* line height */
NXCoord descentLine;/* distance to ascent line from bottom of
* line */
short alignment; /* justification */
short numTabs; /* number of tab stops */
NXTabStop *tabs; /* array of tab stops */
} NXTextStyle;
/* justification modes */
#define NX_CENTERED 2
#define NX_JUSTIFIED 3
/* tab stop fontStyles */
#define NX_LEFTTAB 0
#define NX_BACKSPACE 8
#define NX_CR 13
#define NX_DELETE ((unsigned short)0x7F)
#define NX_BTAB 25
/* movement codes for movement between fields */
#define NX_ILLEGAL 0
#define NX_RETURN ((unsigned short)0x10)
#define NX_TAB ((unsigned short)0x11)
#define NX_BACKTAB ((unsigned short)0x12)
#define NX_LEFT ((unsigned short)0x13)
#define NX_RIGHT ((unsigned short)0x14)
#define NX_UP ((unsigned short)0x15)
#define NX_DOWN ((unsigned short)0x16)
typedef enum {
} NXParagraphProp;
Word tables for various languages. The SmartLeft and SmartRight arrays
are suitable as arguments for the messages setPreSelSmartTable: and
setPostSelSmartTable. When doing a paste, if the character to the left
(right) of the new word is not in the left (right) table, an extra space
is added on that side. The CharCats tables define the character classes
used in the word wrap or click tables. The BreakTables are finite state
machines that determine word wrapping. The ClickTables are finite state
machines that determine which characters are selected when the user
double clicks.
extern const unsigned char * const NXEnglishSmartLeftChars;
extern const unsigned char * const NXEnglishSmartRightChars;
extern const unsigned char * const NXEnglishCharCatTable;
extern const NXFSM * const NXEnglishBreakTable;
extern const int NXEnglishBreakTableSize;
extern const NXFSM * const NXEnglishNoBreakTable;
extern const int NXEnglishNoBreakTableSize;
extern const NXFSM * const NXEnglishClickTable;
extern const int NXEnglishClickTableSize;
extern const unsigned char * const NXCSmartLeftChars;
extern const unsigned char * const NXCSmartRightChars;
extern const unsigned char * const NXCCharCatTable;
extern const NXFSM * const NXCBreakTable;
extern const int NXCBreakTableSize;
extern const NXFSM * const NXCClickTable;
extern const int NXCClickTableSize;
typedef int (*NXTextFunc) (id self, NXLayInfo *layInfo);
typedef unsigned short (*NXCharFilterFunc) (
unsigned short charCode, int flags, unsigned short charSet);
typedef char *(*NXTextFilterFunc) (
id self, unsigned char * insertText, int *insertLength, int position);
#ifdef KANJI
typedef BOOL (*NXclickFunc) ( id self, int clickPos, NXSelPt * left, NXSelPt * right ) ;
@interface Text : View <NXReadOnlyTextStream, NXSelectText, NXChangeSpelling, NXIgnoreMisspelledWords>
const NXFSM *breakTable;
const NXFSM *clickTable;
const unsigned char *preSelSmartTable;
const unsigned char *postSelSmartTable;
const unsigned char *charCategoryTable;
char delegateMethods;
NXCharFilterFunc charFilterFunc;
NXTextFilterFunc textFilterFunc;
char *_compilerErrorSpacer;
NXTextFunc scanFunc;
NXTextFunc drawFunc;
id delegate;
int tag;
DPSTimedEntry cursorTE;
NXTextBlock *firstTextBlock;
NXTextBlock *lastTextBlock;
NXRunArray *theRuns;
NXRun typingRun;
NXBreakArray *theBreaks;
int growLine;
int textLength;
NXCoord maxY;
NXCoord maxX;
NXRect bodyRect;
NXCoord borderWidth;
char clickCount;
NXSelPt sp0;
NXSelPt spN;
NXSelPt anchorL;
NXSelPt anchorR;
float backgroundGray;
float textGray;
float selectionGray;
NXSize maxSize;
NXSize minSize;
struct _tFlags {
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
unsigned int _editMode:2;
unsigned int _selectMode:2;
unsigned int _caretState:2;
unsigned int changeState:1;
unsigned int charWrap:1;
unsigned int haveDown:1;
unsigned int anchorIs0:1;
unsigned int horizResizable:1;
unsigned int vertResizable:1;
unsigned int overstrikeDiacriticals:1;
unsigned int monoFont:1;
unsigned int disableFontPanel:1;
unsigned int inClipView:1;
unsigned int inClipView:1;
unsigned int disableFontPanel:1;
unsigned int monoFont:1;
unsigned int overstrikeDiacriticals:1;
unsigned int vertResizable:1;
unsigned int horizResizable:1;
unsigned int anchorIs0:1;
unsigned int haveDown:1;
unsigned int charWrap:1;
unsigned int changeState:1;
unsigned int _caretState:2;
unsigned int _selectMode:2;
unsigned int _editMode:2;
} tFlags;
void *_info;
NXStream *textStream;
unsigned int _reservedText1;
unsigned int _reservedText2;
+ initialize;
+ excludeFromServicesMenu:(BOOL)flag;
+ getDefaultFont;
+ setDefaultFont:anObject;
- initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect text:(const char *)theText alignment:(int)mode;
- initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect;
- free;
- renewRuns:(NXRunArray *)newRuns text:(const char *)newText frame:(const NXRect *)newFrame tag:(int)newTag;
- renewFont:newFontId text:(const char *)newText frame:(const NXRect *)newFrame tag:(int)newTag;
- renewFont:(const char *)newFontName size:(float)newFontSize style:(int)newFontStyle text:(const char *)newText frame:(const NXRect *)newFrame tag:(int)newTag;
- setEditable:(BOOL)flag;
- (BOOL)isEditable;
- adjustPageHeightNew:(float *)newBottom top:(float)oldTop bottom:(float)oldBottom limit:(float)bottomLimit;
- getParagraph:(int)prNumber start:(int *)startPos end:(int *)endPos rect:(NXRect *)paragraphRect;
- (int)textLength;
- (int)byteLength;
- (int)getSubstring:(char *)buf start:(int)startPos length:(int)numChars;
- setText:(const char *)aString;
- readText:(NXStream *)stream;
- readRichText:(NXStream *)stream;
- writeText:(NXStream *)stream;
- writeRichText:(NXStream *)stream;
- writeRichText:(NXStream *)stream from:(int)start to:(int)end;
- setCharFilter:(NXCharFilterFunc)aFunc;
- (NXCharFilterFunc)charFilter;
- setTextFilter:(NXTextFilterFunc)aFunc;
- (NXTextFilterFunc)textFilter;
- (const unsigned char *)preSelSmartTable;
- setPreSelSmartTable:(const unsigned char *)aTable;
- (const unsigned char *)postSelSmartTable;
- setPostSelSmartTable:(const unsigned char *)aTable;
- (const unsigned char *)charCategoryTable;
- setCharCategoryTable:(const unsigned char *)aTable;
- (const NXFSM *)breakTable;
- setBreakTable:(const NXFSM *)aTable;
- (const NXFSM *)clickTable;
- setClickTable:(const NXFSM *)aTable;
- setTag:(int)anInt;
- (int)tag;
- setDelegate:anObject;
- delegate;
- setBackgroundGray:(float)value;
- (float)backgroundGray;
- setBackgroundColor:(NXColor)color;
- (NXColor)backgroundColor;
- setTextGray:(float)value;
- setTextColor:(NXColor)color;
- (float)textGray;
- (NXColor)textColor;
- (float)selGray;
- (float)runGray: (NXRun *)run;
- (NXColor)runColor: (NXRun *)run;
- (NXColor)selColor;
- windowChanged:newWindow;
- (NXStream *)stream;
- write:(NXTypedStream *)stream;
- read:(NXTypedStream *)stream;
- readRichText:(NXStream *)stream atPosition:(int)position;
- finishReadingRichText;
- startReadingRichText;
- setRetainedWhileDrawing:(BOOL)aFlag;
- (BOOL) isRetainedWhileDrawing;
#ifndef KANJI
- (NXTextBlock *)firstTextBlock;
- setScanFunc:(NXTextFunc)aFunc;
- (NXTextFunc)scanFunc;
- setDrawFunc:(NXTextFunc)aFunc;
- (NXTextFunc)drawFunc;
- (int)offsetFromPosition: (int)charPos;
- (int)positionFromOffset:(int)offset;
- (int)charLength;
#ifdef KANJI
- setClickFunc: (NXclickFunc) clickFunc ;
- (NXclickFunc) clickFunc ;
- (NXStream *) wstream ;
- disableStream ;
* These methods are now obsolete. The NeXTstep encoding supports diacritical
* marks directly (and these methods were never implemented anyway).
- setOverstrikeDiacriticals:(BOOL)flag;
- (int)overstrikeDiacriticals;
* This method is now obsolete.
* Use writeRichText: and writeRichText:from:to:.
- writeRichText:(NXStream *)stream forRun:(NXRun *)run atPosition:(int)runPosition emitDefaultRichText:(BOOL *)writeDefaultRTF;
* The following new... methods are now obsolete. They remain in this
* interface file for backward compatibility only. Use Object's alloc method
* and the init... methods defined in this class instead.
+ newFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect text:(const char *)theText alignment:(int)mode;
+ new;
+ newFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect;
@interface Text(FrameRect)
- getMaxSize:(NXSize *)theSize;
- getMinSize:(NXSize *)theSize;
- (BOOL)isHorizResizable;
- (BOOL)isVertResizable;
- moveTo:(NXCoord)x :(NXCoord)y;
- resizeText:(const NXRect *)oldBounds :(const NXRect *)maxRect;
- setMaxSize:(const NXSize *)newMaxSize;
- setMinSize:(const NXSize *)newMinSize;
- setHorizResizable:(BOOL)flag;
- setVertResizable:(BOOL)flag;
- sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height;
- sizeToFit;
@interface Text(Layout)
- (int)alignment;
- (int)calcLine;
- (void *)calcParagraphStyle:fontId:(int)alignment;
- (BOOL)charWrap;
- (NXCoord)descentLine;
- getMarginLeft:(NXCoord *)leftMargin right:(NXCoord *)rightMargin top:(NXCoord *)topMargin bottom:(NXCoord *)bottomMargin;
- getMinWidth:(NXCoord *)width minHeight:(NXCoord *)height maxWidth:(NXCoord)widthMax maxHeight:(NXCoord)heightMax;
- (void *)defaultParaStyle;
- (NXCoord)lineHeight;
- setAlignment:(int)mode;
- setCharWrap:(BOOL)flag;
- setDescentLine:(NXCoord)value;
- setLineHeight:(NXCoord)value;
- setMarginLeft:(NXCoord)leftMargin right:(NXCoord)rightMargin top:(NXCoord)topMargin bottom:(NXCoord)bottomMargin;
- setNoWrap;
- setParaStyle:(void *)paraStyle;
@interface Text(LinePosition)
- (int)lineFromPosition:(int)position;
- (int)positionFromLine:(int)line;
@interface Text(Drawing)
- drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects:(int)rectCount;
@interface Text(Event)
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder;
- becomeFirstResponder;
- becomeKeyWindow;
- clear:sender;
- copy:sender;
- cut:sender;
- delete:sender;
- keyDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent;
- mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent;
- moveCaret:(unsigned short)theKey;
- paste:sender;
- pasteRuler:sender;
- pasteFont:sender;
- resignFirstResponder;
- resignKeyWindow;
- selectAll:sender;
- selectText:sender;
- copyRuler:sender;
- copyFont:sender;
@interface Text(Ruler)
- toggleRuler:sender;
@interface Text(Selection)
- getSel:(NXSelPt *)start :(NXSelPt *)end;
- hideCaret;
- (BOOL)isSelectable;
- replaceSel:(const char *)aString;
- replaceSel:(const char *)aString length:(int)length;
- replaceSel:(const char *)aString length:(int)length runs:(NXRunArray *)insertRuns;
- replaceSelWithRichText:(NXStream *)stream;
- scrollSelToVisible;
- selectError;
- selectNull;
- setSel:(int)start :(int)end;
- setSelectable:(BOOL)flag;
- setSelGray:(float)value;
- setSelColor:(NXColor) color;
- showCaret;
- subscript:sender;
- superscript:sender;
- underline:sender;
- unscript:sender;
- validRequestorForSendType:(NXAtom)sendType andReturnType:(NXAtom)returnType;
- readSelectionFromPasteboard:pboard;
- (BOOL)writeSelectionToPasteboard:pboard types:(NXAtom *)types;
@interface Text(Font)
- changeFont:sender;
- font;
- (BOOL)isFontPanelEnabled;
- (BOOL)isMonoFont;
- setFont:fontObj;
- setFont:fontObj paraStyle:(void *)paraStyle;
- setSelFontFamily:(const char *)fontName;
- setSelFontSize:(float)size;
- setSelFontStyle:(NXFontTraitMask)traits;
- setSelFont:fontId;
- setSelFont:fontId paraStyle:(void *)paraStyle;
- setFontPanelEnabled:(BOOL)flag;
- setMonoFont:(BOOL)flag;
- changeTabStopAt:(NXCoord)oldX to:(NXCoord)newX;
- setSelProp:(NXParagraphProp)prop to:(NXCoord)val;
- alignSelLeft:sender;
- alignSelRight:sender;
- alignSelCenter:sender;
@interface Text(SpellChecking)
- showGuessPanel:sender;
- checkSpelling:sender;
@interface Text(Graphics)
- replaceSelWithCell:cell;
- replaceSelWithView:view;
- getLocation:(NXPoint *)origin ofCell:cell;
- setLocation:(NXPoint *)origin ofCell:cell;
- getLocation:(NXPoint *)origin ofView:view;
+ registerDirective:(const char *)directive forClass:class;
@interface Text(Find)
- (BOOL)findText:(const char *)textPattern
ignoreCase:(BOOL) ignoreCase
backwards:(BOOL) backwards
wrap:(BOOL) wrap;
@interface Text (RTFD)
- (NXRTFDError) saveRTFDTo:(const char *)path removeBackup:(BOOL)removeBackup errorHandler: errorHandler;
- (NXRTFDError) openRTFDFrom:(const char *)path;
- writeRTFDTo:(NXStream *)stream;
- readRTFDFrom:(NXStream *)stream;
- writeRTFDSelectionTo:(NXStream *)stream;
- replaceSelWithRTFD:(NXStream *)stream;
- setGraphicsImportEnabled:(BOOL) flag;
- (BOOL) isGraphicsImportEnabled;
@interface Object(TextDelegate)
- textWillResize:textObject;
- textDidResize:textObject oldBounds:(const NXRect *)oldBounds invalid:(NXRect *)invalidRect;
- (BOOL)textWillChange:textObject;
- textDidChange:textObject;
- (BOOL)textWillEnd:textObject;
- textDidEnd:textObject endChar:(unsigned short)whyEnd;
- textDidGetKeys:textObject isEmpty:(BOOL)flag;
- textWillSetSel:textObject toFont:font;
- textWillConvert:textObject fromFont:from toFont:to;
- textWillStartReadingRichText:textObject;
- textWillFinishReadingRichText:textObject;
- textWillWrite:textObject paperSize:(NXSize *)paperSize;
- textDidRead:textObject paperSize:(NXSize *)paperSize;
/* The following delegate methods are obsolete and should not be used. */
- textWillWriteRichText:textObject stream:(NXStream *)stream forRun:(NXRun *)run atPosition:(int)runPosition emitDefaultRichText:(BOOL *)writeDefaultRichText;
- textWillReadRichText:textObject stream:(NXStream *)stream atPosition:(int)runPosition;
- textPath:(char *)path forText:textObject maxLength:(int)maxLength;
@interface Object(TextCell)
* Any object added to the Text object via replaceSelWithCell: must
* respond to all of the following messages:
- highlight:(const NXRect *)cellFrame inView:controlView lit:(BOOL)flag;
- drawSelf:(const NXRect *)cellFrame inView:controlView;
- (BOOL)trackMouse:(NXEvent *)theEvent inRect:(const NXRect *)cellFrame ofView:controlView;
- calcCellSize:(NXSize *)theSize;
- readRichText:(NXStream *)stream forView:view;
- writeRichText:(NXStream *)stream forView:view;
extern void NXTextFontInfo(
id fid, NXCoord *ascender, NXCoord *descender, NXCoord *lineHt);
extern int NXScanALine(id self, NXLayInfo *layInfo);
extern int NXDrawALine(id self, NXLayInfo *layInfo);
extern unsigned short NXFieldFilter(
unsigned short theChar, int flags, unsigned short charSet);
extern unsigned short NXEditorFilter(
unsigned short theChar, int flags, unsigned short charSet);
extern void NXSetTextCache(id self, NXTextCache *cache, int pos);
extern int NXAdjustTextCache(id self, NXTextCache *cache, int pos);
extern void NXFlushTextCache(id self, NXTextCache *cache);
extern void NXWriteWordTable(NXStream *st, const unsigned char *smartLeft,
const unsigned char *smartRight,
const unsigned char *charClasses,
const NXFSM *wrapBreaks, int wrapBreaksCount,
const NXFSM *clickBreaks, int clickBreaksCount, BOOL charWrap);
extern void NXReadWordTable(NXZone *zone, NXStream *st,
unsigned char **smartLeft, unsigned char **smartRight,
unsigned char **charClasses,
NXFSM **wrapBreaks, int *wrapBreaksCount,
NXFSM **clickBreaks, int *clickBreaksCount,
BOOL *charWrap);
#ifdef KANJI
extern BOOL NXClick ( id self, int clickPos, NXSelPt * left, NXSelPt * right );
typedef struct {
unsigned char primary[256];
unsigned char secondary[256];
unsigned char primaryCI[256];
unsigned char secondaryCI[256];
} NXStringOrderTable;
extern int NXOrderStrings(const unsigned char *s1, const unsigned char *s2, BOOL caseSensitive, int length, NXStringOrderTable *table);
extern NXStringOrderTable *NXDefaultStringOrderTable(void);
#endif TEXT_H