OpenStep (Enterprise)
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695 lines
#import "draw.h"
#import "compatibility.h"
const int DrawVersion = 50; /* minor version of the program */
@implementation DrawApp : NSApplication
* This class is used primarily to handle the opening of new documents
* and other application-wide activity (such as responding to messages from
* the tool palette). It listens for requests from the Workspace Manager
* to open a draw-format file as well as target/action messages from the
* New and Open... menu items.
/* Private C functions used to implement methods in this class. */
static DrawDocument *documentInWindow(NSWindow *window)
* Checks to see if the passed window's delegate is a DrawDocument.
* If it is, it returns that document, otherwise it returns nil.
id document = [window delegate];
return [document isKindOfClass:[DrawDocument class]] ? document : nil;
static NSWindow *findDocument(NSString *name)
* Searches the window list looking for a DrawDocument with the specified name.
* Returns the window containing the document if found.
* If name == NULL then the first document found is returned.
int count;
DrawDocument *document;
NSWindow *window;
NSArray *windows;
windows = [NSApp windows];
count = [windows count];
while (count--) {
window = [windows objectAtIndex:count];
document = documentInWindow(window);
if ((!name && document) || [document isSameAs:name]) return window;
return nil;
static DrawDocument *openFile(NSString *directory, NSString *name, BOOL display)
* Opens a file with the given name in the specified directory.
* If we already have that file open, it is ordered front.
* Returns the document if successful, nil otherwise.
NSWindow *window;
if (name && ![name isEqual:@""]) {
NSFileManager *fileMgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
if ([directory isEqual:@""]) directory = @".";
directory = [directory stringByStandardizingPath];
if ([fileMgr changeCurrentDirectoryPath:directory]) {
NSString *newPath = [fileMgr currentDirectoryPath];
newPath = [newPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:name];
window = findDocument(newPath);
if (window) {
if (display) [window makeKeyAndOrderFront:window];
return [window delegate];
} else {
DrawDocument *document = [DrawDocument newFromFile:newPath andDisplay:display];
return document;
} else {
NSRunAlertPanel(OPEN_TITLE, INVALID_PATH, nil, nil, nil, directory);
return nil;
static DrawDocument *openDocument(NSString *document, BOOL display)
* Takes a full path to a document and splits it into the
* directory and document name, ensures that it has a proper
* extension, checks to see if such a file exists, and, if so,
* calls openFile().
NSString *directory;
NSString *name;
if (![[document pathExtension] isEqual:@"draw"]) {
document = [document stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"draw"];
name = [document lastPathComponent];
if (![name isEqual:@""]) {
directory = [document stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
} else {
name = document;
directory = nil;
// Make sure the file exists before we go try to open it.
if (! [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:document]) {
return nil;
return openFile(directory, name, display);
/* Public methods */
+ (void)initialize
* Initializes the defaults.
NSMutableDictionary *registrationDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[registrationDict setObject:@"5" forKey:@"KnobWidth"];
[registrationDict setObject:@"5" forKey:@"KnobHeight"];
[registrationDict setObject:@"1" forKey:@"KeyMotionDelta"];
[registrationDict setObject:@"YES" forKey:@"RemoteControl"];
[registrationDict setObject:@"NO" forKey:@"EnableObjectLinks"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults:registrationDict];
- init
if ((self = [super init])) {
[self setDelegate:self]; // so that we get NSApp delegation methods
return self;
/* General application status and information querying/modifying methods. */
- (Class)currentGraphic
* The current factory to use to create new Graphics.
return currentGraphic;
- (DrawDocument *)currentDocument
* The DrawDocument in the main window (dark gray title bar).
return documentInWindow([self mainWindow]);
- (NSString *)currentDirectory
* Directory where Draw is currently "working."
NSString * cdir = [[self currentDocument] directory];
return (cdir && ![cdir isEqual:@""]) ? cdir : (haveOpenedDocument ? [((NSOpenPanel *)[NSOpenPanel openPanel]) directory] : NSHomeDirectory());
* Call these to enter/exit the TextGraphic tool.
* These are used currently by the Undo architecture.
- (void)startEditMode
[tools selectCellAtRow:1 column:0];
[tools sendAction];
- (void)endEditMode
[tools selectCellAtRow:0 column:0];
[tools sendAction];
/* Application-wide shared panels */
static NSString *cleanTitle(NSString * menuItem)
* Just strips off trailing "..."'s.
NSString *returnTitle = menuItem;
if ([menuItem hasSuffix:@"..."]) {
int index = [menuItem rangeOfString:@"..." options:NSBackwardsSearch|NSAnchoredSearch].location;
returnTitle = [menuItem substringToIndex:index];
return returnTitle;
- (void)changeSaveType:(NSMatrix *)sender
* Called by the SavePanel accessory view whenever the user chooses
* a different type of file to save to. setRequiredFileType: does
* not affect the SavePanel while it is running. It only has effect
* when the user has chosen a file, and the SavePanel ensures that it
* has the correct extension by adding it if it doesn't have it already.
* This message gets here via the Responder chain from the SavePanel.
NSSavePanel *saveToPanel = [self saveToPanel:nil];
switch ([sender selectedRow]) {
case 0: [saveToPanel setRequiredFileType:DRAW_EXTENSION]; break;
case 1: [saveToPanel setRequiredFileType:@"eps"]; break;
case 2: [saveToPanel setRequiredFileType:@"tiff"]; break;
- (NSSavePanel *)saveToPanel:(id <NSMenuItem>)invokingMenuItem
* Returns a SavePanel with the accessory view which allows the user to
* pick which type of file she wants to save. The title of the Panel is
* set to whatever was on the menu item that brought it up (it is assumed
* invokingMenuItem cause the action which requires the SavePanel to come up).
* If you want the currently-in-use saveToPanel, just pass nil to this method.
static NSSavePanel *currentSaveToPanel = nil;
NSString *theTitle;
if (invokingMenuItem || !currentSaveToPanel) {
if (!savePanelAccessory) {
[NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"SavePanelAccessory" owner:self];
currentSaveToPanel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
theTitle = cleanTitle([invokingMenuItem title]);
if (theTitle) [currentSaveToPanel setTitle:theTitle];
[currentSaveToPanel setAccessoryView:savePanelAccessory];
[spamatrix selectCellAtRow:0 column:0];
[currentSaveToPanel setRequiredFileType:@"draw"];
return currentSaveToPanel;
- (NSSavePanel *)saveAsPanel:(id <NSMenuItem>)invokingMenuItem
* Returns a regular SavePanel with "draw" as the required file type.
NSSavePanel *savepanel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
NSString *theTitle;
[savepanel setAccessoryView:nil];
theTitle = cleanTitle([invokingMenuItem title]);
if (theTitle) [savepanel setTitle:theTitle];
[savepanel setRequiredFileType:@"draw"];
return savepanel;
- (GridView *)gridInspector
* Returns the application-wide inspector for a document's grid.
* Note that if we haven't yet loaded the GridView panel, we do it.
* The instance variable gridInspector is set in setGridInspector:
* since it is set as an outlet of the owner (self, i.e. DrawApp).
if (!gridInspector) [NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"GridView" owner:self];
return gridInspector;
- (NSPanel *)inspectorPanel
* Returns the application-wide inspector for Graphics.
if (!inspectorPanel) {
[NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"InspectorPanel" owner:self];
[inspectorPanel setFrameAutosaveName:@"Inspector"];
[inspectorPanel setBecomesKeyOnlyIfNeeded:YES];
[[inspectorPanel delegate] preset];
return inspectorPanel;
- (DrawPageLayout *)pageLayout
* Returns the application-wide DrawPageLayout panel.
static DrawPageLayout *dpl = nil;
if (!dpl) {
dpl = [[DrawPageLayout pageLayout] retain];
[NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"PageLayoutAccessory" owner:dpl];
return dpl;
- (void)orderFrontInspectorPanel:sender
* Creates the inspector panel if it doesn't exist, then orders it front.
[[self inspectorPanel] orderFront:self];
/* Setting up the Fax Cover Sheet menu */
#define aLCSE @selector(addLocalizableCoverSheetEntry:)
- setFaxCoverSheetMenu:anObject
* This goes through all the entries in CoverSheet.strings and makes
* an entry in the cover sheet menu for them. This is kind of a kooky
* method, but it makes Draw much more usable as a Fax Cover Sheet
* editor.
NSMenu *fcsMenu;
id cell;
NSString *coverSheetStringsFileContents;
NSDictionary *table;
NSString *path;
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
NSString *key, *value;
fcsMenu = [anObject target];
if (fcsMenu) {
path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"CoverSheet" ofType:@"strings"];
if (path) {
coverSheetStringsFileContents = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:path];
if (coverSheetStringsFileContents) {
table = [coverSheetStringsFileContents propertyListFromStringsFileFormat];
if (table) {
enumerator = [table keyEnumerator];
while ((key = [enumerator nextObject])) {
value = [table objectForKey:key];
cell = [fcsMenu addItemWithTitle:value action:aLCSE keyEquivalent:@""];
[cell setTarget:nil];
[cell setTag:(int)key]; // Yikes! Casting NSString * to int!
cell = [fcsMenu addItemWithTitle:FAX_NOTE action:@selector(addCoverSheetEntry:) keyEquivalent:@""];
[cell setTarget:nil];
[cell setTag:0];
return self;
/* Target/Action methods */
- (void)info:sender
* Brings up the information panel.
if (!infoPanel) {
[NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"InfoPanel" owner:self];
[infoPanel setFrameAutosaveName:@"InfoPanel"];
[version setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"(v%2d)", DrawVersion]];
[infoPanel orderFront:self];
- help:sender
* Loads up the Help draw document.
* Note the use of NSBundle so that the Help document can be localized.
* Should use the standard OpenStep help mechanism.
DrawDocument *document = nil;
NSString *path;
if ((path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Help" ofType:@"draw"])) {
if ((document = openDocument(path, NO))) {
[document setTemporaryTitle:HELP];
[[[document view] window] makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
if (!document) NSRunAlertPanel(nil, NO_HELP, nil, nil, nil);
return self;
- (void)new:sender
* Creates a new document--called by pressing New in the Document menu.
[DrawDocument new];
- (void)open:sender
* Called by pressing Open... in the Window menu.
int numFiles;
int index = 0;
NSString *directory;
NSArray *files;
NSArray *drawFileTypes = [[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"draw", nil] autorelease];
NSOpenPanel *openpanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[openpanel setAllowsMultipleSelection:YES];
directory = [self currentDirectory];
if (directory) [openpanel setDirectory:directory];
if ([openpanel runModalForTypes:drawFileTypes]) {
files = [openpanel filenames];
numFiles = [files count];
while (index < numFiles) {
NSString *fullPath = [files objectAtIndex:index];
haveOpenedDocument = (openFile([fullPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent], [fullPath lastPathComponent], YES) ? YES : NO) || haveOpenedDocument;
- saveAll:(id <NSMenuItem>)invokingMenuItem
* Saves all the documents.
int count;
NSWindow *window;
count = [[self windows] count];
while (count--) {
window = [[self windows] objectAtIndex:count];
[documentInWindow(window) save:invokingMenuItem];
return nil;
- terminate:(id <NSMenuItem>)invokingMenuItem cancellable:(BOOL)cancellable
* Makes sure all documents get an opportunity
* to be saved before exiting the program. If we are terminating because
* the user logged out of the workspace (or powered off), then we cannot
* give the user the option of cancelling the quit (that's what the
* cancellable flag is for).
int count, choice;
NSWindow *window;
id document;
count = [[self windows] count];
while (count--) {
window = [[self windows] objectAtIndex:count];
document = [window delegate];
if ([document respondsToSelector:@selector(isDirty)] && [document isDirty]) {
if (cancellable) {
} else {
if (choice == NSAlertOtherReturn) {
return self;
} else if (choice == NSAlertDefaultReturn) {
count = [[self windows] count];
while (count--) {
window = [[self windows] objectAtIndex:count];
document = [window delegate];
if ([document respondsToSelector:@selector(windowShouldClose:cancellable:)]) {
if (![document windowShouldClose:invokingMenuItem cancellable:cancellable] && cancellable) {
return self;
} else {
[document close];
[window close];
return nil;
- (void)terminate:(id <NSMenuItem>)invokingMenuItem
* Overridden to give user the opportunity to save unsaved files.
if (![self terminate:invokingMenuItem cancellable:YES]) {
[super terminate:invokingMenuItem];
* Application object delegate methods.
* Since we don't have an application delegate, messages that would
* normally be sent there are sent to the Application object itself instead.
static void deactivateKeyUIinToolWindow(NSMatrix *tools)
NSArray *cellArray = [tools cells];
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [cellArray objectEnumerator];
NSCell *cell;
while ((cell = [enumerator nextObject])) {
[cell setRefusesFirstResponder:YES];
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)notification
* Makes the tool palette not ever become the key window.
* Check for files to open specified on the command line.
* Initialize the menus.
* If there are no open documents (and we are not being
* launched to service a Services request or otherwise
* being invoked due to interapplication communication),
* then open a blank one.
NSPanel *toolWindow;
NSArray *arguments;
NSEnumerator *enumerator;
NSString *arg = nil;
toolWindow = (NSPanel *)[tools window];
[toolWindow setFrameAutosaveName:[toolWindow title]];
[toolWindow setBecomesKeyOnlyIfNeeded:YES];
[toolWindow setFloatingPanel:YES];
[toolWindow orderFront:self];
if (![[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"EnableObjectLinks"]) {
[editMenu removeItem:linkMenuItem]; // ObjectLinks not supported under OpenStep
arguments = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] arguments];
enumerator = [arguments objectEnumerator];
while ((arg = [enumerator nextObject])) {
if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:arg]) {
haveOpenedDocument = (openDocument(arg, YES) ? YES : NO) || haveOpenedDocument;
if (!haveOpenedDocument && ![[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"NSServiceLaunch"]) {
[self new:self];
if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"Quit"]) {
[self activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
[self terminate:nil];
- (BOOL)application:(NSApplication *)sender openFile:(NSString *)path
if (openDocument(path, YES)) {
haveOpenedDocument = YES;
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL)application:(NSApplication *)sender printFile:(NSString *)path
id document;
if ((document = findDocument(path))) {
[[document delegate] printDocumentWithPanels:NO];
return YES;
} else {
if ((document = [DrawDocument newFromFile:path andDisplay:NO])) {
[document printDocumentWithPanels:NO];
return YES;
return NO;
- (void)workspaceWillPowerOff:(NSNotification *)notification
* Give the user a chance to save his documents.
[self terminate:nil cancellable:NO];
/* Global cursor setting */
- (NSCursor *)cursor
* This is called by DrawDocument objects who want to set the cursor
* depending on what the currently selected tool is (as well as on whether
* the Control key has been pressed indicating that the select tool is
* temporarily set--see sendEvent:).
NSCursor *theCursor = nil;
if (!cursorPushed) theCursor = [[self currentGraphic] cursor];
return theCursor ? theCursor : [NSCursor arrowCursor];
- (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent *)event
* We override this because we need to find out when the control key is down
* so we can set the arrow cursor so the user knows she is (temporarily) in
* select mode.
if (event && [event type] < NSAppKitDefined) { /* mouse or keyboard event */
#ifdef WIN32
if ([event modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask) { /* overload ctrl key for both key equivs and temporary select */
if (!cursorPushed && currentGraphic
&& currentGraphic != [TextGraphic class] /* but we need to be able to do ctrl-b for bold */
) {
if ([event modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask) {
if (!cursorPushed && currentGraphic) {
cursorPushed = YES;
[[self currentDocument] resetCursor];
} else if (cursorPushed) {
cursorPushed = NO;
[[self currentDocument] resetCursor];
[super sendEvent:event];
- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(id <NSMenuItem>)anItem
* The only command DrawApp itself controls is saveAll:.
* Save All is enabled only if there are any documents open.
if ([anItem action] == @selector(saveAll:)) {
return findDocument(nil) ? YES : NO;
return YES;
* This is a very funky method and tricks of this sort are not generally
* recommended, but this hack is done so that new Graphic subclasses can
* be added to the program without changing even one line of code (except,
* of course, to implement the subclass itself). One day it'd be nice to
* show dynamically loading a new graphic from a bundle.
* The objective-C runtime function NSClassFromString is used to find the factory object
* corresponding to the name of the icon of the cell sending the setCurrentGraphic:
* message.
* Again, this is not recommended procedure, but it illustrates how
* objective-C can be used to make some funky runtime dependent decisions.
- (void)setCurrentGraphic:(NSMatrix *)sender
* The sender's selectedCell's icon is queried. If that name corresponds
* to the name of a class, then that class is set as the currentGraphic.
* If not, then the select tool is put into effect.
id cell;
NSString *className;
if ((cell = [sender selectedCell])) {
if ((className = [[cell image] name])) {
currentGraphic = NSClassFromString(className);
} else {
currentGraphic = nil;
if (!currentGraphic) [tools selectCellAtRow:0 column:0];
[[self currentDocument] resetCursor];
- (NSString *)description
return [(NSDictionary *)[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[version stringValue], @"Version", cursorPushed ? @"Yes" : @"No", @"Cursor Pushed", haveOpenedDocument ? @"Yes" : @"No", @"Have Opened Document", nil] description];