OpenStep (Enterprise)
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1,227 lines
#import "draw.h"
#import "compatibility.h"
#define DRAW_VERSION_2_0 184
#define DRAW_DOCUMENT_NAME @"document.draw"
/* Keys used in the property list draw documents are stored as. */
#define VERSION_KEY @"Version"
#define PRINTINFO_KEY @"PrintInfo"
#define FRAME_KEY @"WindowFrame"
#define SIZE_KEY @"ViewSize"
#define GRAPHIC_IDENT_KEY @"GraphicIdentifier"
#define VIEW_KEY @"View"
@implementation DrawDocument
* This class is used to keep track of a Draw document.
* Its view and window instance variables keep track of the GraphicView
* comprising the document as well as the window it is in.
* The printInfo instance variable is used to allow the user to control
* how the printed page is printed. It is an instance of a PrintInfo object.
* The listener is used to allow the user to drag an icon representing
* a PostScript or TIFF file into the document. The iconPathList is the
* list of files which was last dragged into the document.
* The name and directory specify where the document is to be saved.
* haveSavedDocument keeps track of whether a disk file is associated
* with the document yet (i.e. if it has ever been saved).
* The DrawDocument class's responsibilities:
* 1. Manage the window (including the scrolling view) which holds the
* document's GraphicView. This includes constraining the resizing of
* the window so that it never becomes larger than the GraphicView, and
* ensuring that if the window contains an unsaved document and the user
* tries to close it, the user gets an opportunity to save her changes.
* 2. Handle communication with the Workspace Manager which allows icons
* for PostScript and TIFF files to be dragged into the document window
* and be assimilated into the document.
* 3. Saving the document to a disk file.
* 4. Provide an external interface to saving the contents of the GraphicView
* as a PostScript or TIFF file.
#define MIN_WINDOW_WIDTH 50.0
#define MIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT 75.0
static NSRect calcFrame(NSPrintInfo *printInfo)
* Calculates the size of the page the user has chosen minus its margins.
NSRect viewRect;
viewRect.origin = NSZeroPoint;
viewRect.size = [printInfo paperSize];
viewRect.size.width -= [printInfo leftMargin] + [printInfo rightMargin];
viewRect.size.height -= [printInfo topMargin] + [printInfo bottomMargin];
return viewRect;
static NSSize contentSizeForView(NSView *view)
* Calculates the size of the window's contentView by accounting for the
* existence of the ScrollView around the GraphicView. No scrollers are
* assumed since we are interested in the minimum size need to enclose
* the entire view and, if the entire view is visible, we don't need
* scroll bars!
return [SyncScrollView frameSizeForContentSize:[view frame].size hasHorizontalScroller:YES hasVerticalScroller:YES borderType:SCROLLVIEW_BORDER];
static NSWindow *createWindowForView(NSView *view, NSRect *windowContentRect, NSString *frameString)
* Creates a window for the specified view.
* If windowContentRect is NULL, then a window big enough to fit the whole
* view is created (unless that would be too big to comfortably fit on the
* screen, in which case a smaller window may be allocated).
* If windowContentRect is not NULL, then it is used as the contentView of
* the newly created window.
* setMiniwindowIcon: sets the name of the bitmap which will be used in
* the miniwindow of the window (i.e. when the window is miniaturized).
* The icon "drawdoc" was defined in InterfaceBuilder (take a look in
* the icon suitcase).
NSWindow *window;
NSSize screenSize;
SyncScrollView *scrollView;
NSRect defaultWindowContentRect;
if (!windowContentRect) {
windowContentRect = &defaultWindowContentRect;
windowContentRect->size = contentSizeForView(view);
screenSize = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame].size;
#ifndef WIN32
if (windowContentRect->size.width > screenSize.width / 2.0) {
windowContentRect->size.width = floor(screenSize.width / 2.0);
#endif WIN32
if (windowContentRect->size.height > screenSize.height - 20.0) {
windowContentRect->size.height = screenSize.height - 20.0;
windowContentRect->origin.x = screenSize.width - 85.0 - windowContentRect->size.width;
windowContentRect->origin.y = floor((screenSize.height - windowContentRect->size.height) / 2.0);
window = [[NSWindow allocWithZone:(NSZone *)[view zone]] initWithContentRect:*windowContentRect
backing:(InMsgPrint ? NSBackingStoreNonretained : NSBackingStoreBuffered)
defer:(InMsgPrint ? NO : YES)];
if (frameString) [window setFrameFromString:frameString];
scrollView = [[SyncScrollView allocWithZone:(NSZone *)[view zone]] initWithFrame:*windowContentRect];
[scrollView setRulerClass:[Ruler class]];
[scrollView setRulerOrigin:UpperLeft];
[scrollView setRulerWidths:[Ruler width] :[Ruler width]];
[scrollView setHasVerticalScroller:YES];
[scrollView setHasHorizontalScroller:YES];
[scrollView setBorderType:SCROLLVIEW_BORDER];
[scrollView setDocumentView:view];
[window setContentView:scrollView];
[window makeFirstResponder:view];
[window setMiniwindowImage:[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] iconForFileType:DRAW_EXTENSION]];
[window setReleasedWhenClosed:YES];
return window;
+ (NSWindow *)createWindowForView:(NSView *)gview windowRect:(NSRect *)windowContentRect frameString:(NSString *)frameString
return createWindowForView(gview, windowContentRect, frameString);
/* Factory methods */
* We reuse zones since it doesn't cost us anything to have a
* zone lying around (e.g. if we open ten documents at the start
* then don't use 8 of them for the rest of the session, it doesn't
* cost us anything except VM (no real memory cost)), and it is
* risky business to go around NSDestroy()'ing zones since if
* your application accidentally allocates some piece of global
* data into a zone that gets destroyed, you could have a pointer
* to freed data on your hands! We use the List object since it
* is so easy to use (which is okay as long as 'id' remains a
* pointer just like (NSZone *) is a pointer!).
* Note that we don't implement alloc and allocFromZone: because
* we create our own zone to put ourselves in. It is generally a
* good idea to "notImplemented:" those methods if you do not allow
* an object to be alloc'ed from an arbitrary zone (other examples
* include Application and all of the Application Kit panels
* (which allocate themselves into their own zone).
static List *zoneList = nil;
+ (NSZone *)newZone
if (!zoneList || ![zoneList count]) {
return NSCreateZone(NSPageSize(), NSPageSize(), YES);
} else {
return (NSZone *)[zoneList removeLastObject];
+ (void)reuseZone:(NSZone *)aZone
if (!zoneList) zoneList = [List new];
[zoneList addObject:(id)aZone];
NSSetZoneName(aZone, @"Unused");
+ (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)aZone
[NSException raise:@"NSInvalidArgumentException" format:@"*** Method: %@ not implemented by %@", sel_getName(_cmd), [self class]];
return nil;
+ (id)alloc
[NSException raise:@"NSInvalidArgumentException" format:@"*** Method: %@ not implemented by %@", sel_getName(_cmd), [self class]];
return nil;
/* Handles errors encountered by NSFileManager */
+ (BOOL)fileManagerShouldProceedAfterError:(NSDictionary *)info
return NSRunAlertPanel(FILE_ERROR, [info objectForKey:@"Error"], PROCEED_AFTER_FILE_ERROR, ABORT_AFTER_FILE_ERROR, nil);
/* Creation methods */
+ new
* Creates a new, empty, document.
* Creates a PrintInfo object; creates a view whose size depends on the
* default PrintInfo created; creates a window for that view; sets self
* as the window's delegate; orders the window front; registers the window
* with the Workspace Manager. Note that the default margins are set
* to 1/2 inch--that's more appropriate for a draw program than 1 or 1.25
* inches.
NSZone *zone;
NSRect frameRect;
DrawDocument *newDocument = nil;
zone = [self newZone];
newDocument = [super allocWithZone:zone];
[newDocument init];
newDocument->printInfo = [[NSPrintInfo allocWithZone:zone] init];
[newDocument->printInfo setLeftMargin:36.0];
[newDocument->printInfo setRightMargin:36.0];
[newDocument->printInfo setTopMargin:36.0];
[newDocument->printInfo setBottomMargin:36.0];
frameRect = calcFrame(newDocument->printInfo);
newDocument->view = [[GraphicView allocWithZone:zone] initWithFrame:frameRect];
newDocument->window = [self createWindowForView:newDocument->view windowRect:NULL frameString:nil];
[newDocument->window setDelegate:newDocument];
[newDocument resetScrollers];
[newDocument setName:nil andDirectory:nil];
[newDocument setLinkManager:[[NSDataLinkManager allocWithZone:(NSZone *)[newDocument zone]] initWithDelegate:newDocument]];
[newDocument->window makeKeyAndOrderFront:newDocument];
return newDocument;
+ newFromFile:(NSString *)file andDisplay:(BOOL)display
* Opens an existing document from the specified file.
DrawDocument *newDocument = nil;
NSDictionary *plist = nil;
NSString *fileDirectory = nil;
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSString *directoryContainingDocument = nil;
BOOL isDirectory = NO;
if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:file isDirectory:&isDirectory]) {
if (isDirectory) {
fileDirectory = file;
file = [file stringByAppendingPathComponent:DRAW_DOCUMENT_NAME];
} else if ([[file lastPathComponent] isEqual:DRAW_DOCUMENT_NAME]) {
fileDirectory = [file stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
if (![[fileDirectory pathExtension] isEqual:DRAW_EXTENSION]) {
fileDirectory = nil;
if ([self isPreOpenStepFile:file]) {
[fileManager copyPath:file
toPath:[[[file stringByDeletingPathExtension] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"-pre-OpenStep"] stringByAppendingPathExtension:DRAW_EXTENSION]
newDocument = [self openPreOpenStepFile:file];
} else {
if ([fileManager isReadableFileAtPath:file]) {
newDocument = [super allocWithZone:[self newZone]];
[newDocument init];
plist = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:file];
newDocument->printInfo = [[NSUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:[plist objectForKey:PRINTINFO_KEY]] retain];
[Graphic updateCurrentGraphicIdentifier:[[plist objectForKey:GRAPHIC_IDENT_KEY] intValue]];
directoryContainingDocument = fileDirectory ? fileDirectory : [file stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
newDocument->view = [[GraphicView allocWithZone:[newDocument zone]] initWithFrame:rectFromPropertyList([plist objectForKey:SIZE_KEY])
fromPropertyList:[plist objectForKey:VIEW_KEY]
newDocument->window = [self createWindowForView:newDocument->view windowRect:NULL frameString:[plist objectForKey:FRAME_KEY]];
if (!newDocument) {
NSRunAlertPanel(OPEN_TITLE, OPEN_ERROR, nil, nil, nil, file);
} else {
[newDocument->window setDelegate:newDocument];
[newDocument resetScrollers];
newDocument->haveSavedDocument = YES;
[newDocument setName:fileDirectory ? fileDirectory : file];
[newDocument setLinkManager:[[NSDataLinkManager allocWithZone:(NSZone *)[newDocument zone]] initWithDelegate:newDocument fromFile:fileDirectory ? fileDirectory : file]];
// initWithDelegate:fromFile: might dirty our document but the linkManager is obviously not set yet, so let it know now that it is set, catch-22!
if ([newDocument isDirty]) [newDocument dirty:nil];
if (display) [newDocument->window makeKeyAndOrderFront:newDocument];
return newDocument;
+ newFromFile:(NSString *)file
return [self newFromFile:file andDisplay:YES];
- (id)init
[super init];
[self registerForServicesMenu];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[self reset:self];
[printInfo release];
[linkManager release];
[name autorelease];
[directory autorelease];
[iconPathList autorelease];
[[self class] reuseZone:(NSZone *)[self zone]];
[super dealloc];
/* Data link methods -- see gvLinks.m and Links.rtf for more info. */
- (void)setLinkManager:(NSDataLinkManager *)aLinkManager
linkManager = aLinkManager;
[view setLinkManager:aLinkManager];
- (BOOL)showSelection:(NSSelection *)selection
return [view showSelection:selection];
- copyToPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pasteboard at:(NSSelection *)selection cheapCopyAllowed:(BOOL)flag
return [view copyToPasteboard:pasteboard at:selection cheapCopyAllowed:flag];
- (BOOL)pasteFromPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pasteboard at:(NSSelection *)selection
return [view pasteFromPasteboard:pasteboard at:selection];
- (BOOL)importFile:(NSString *)filename at:(NSSelection *)selection
return [view importFile:filename at:selection];
- (NSWindow *)windowForSelection:(NSSelection *)selection
return window;
- (void)dataLinkManager:linkManager didBreakLink:(NSDataLink *)aLink
[view breakLinkAndRedrawOutlines:aLink];
- (void)dataLinkManagerRedrawLinkOutlines:(NSDataLinkManager *)sender
[view breakLinkAndRedrawOutlines:nil];
- (BOOL)dataLinkManagerTracksLinksIndividually:(NSDataLinkManager *)sender
return YES;
- (void)dataLinkManager:(NSDataLinkManager *)sender startTrackingLink:(NSDataLink *)link
[view startTrackingLink:link];
- (void)dataLinkManager:(NSDataLinkManager *)sender stopTrackingLink:(NSDataLink *)link
[view stopTrackingLink:link];
- (void)dataLinkManagerDidEditLinks:(NSDataLinkManager *)sender
[self dirty:self];
[view updateLinksPanel];
- saveLink:sender
NSSelection *selection;
NSDataLink *link;
NSArray *typesDrawExports = TypesDrawExports();
selection = [view currentSelection];
link = [[NSDataLink alloc] initLinkedToSourceSelection:selection managedBy:linkManager supportingTypes:typesDrawExports];
[link saveLinkIn:[self filename]];
[link release];
return self;
* Overridden from ChangeManager (Undo stuff)
- (void)changeWasDone
[super changeWasDone];
[window setDocumentEdited:[self isDirty]];
[linkManager noteDocumentEdited];
- (void)changeWasUndone
[super changeWasUndone];
[window setDocumentEdited:[self isDirty]];
[linkManager noteDocumentEdited];
- (void)changeWasRedone
[super changeWasRedone];
[window setDocumentEdited:[self isDirty]];
[linkManager noteDocumentEdited];
- (void)clean:sender
[super clean:sender];
[window setDocumentEdited:NO];
- (void)dirty:sender
[super dirty:sender];
[window setDocumentEdited:YES];
[linkManager noteDocumentEdited];
/* Services menu support methods. */
/* Services menu registrar */
- (void)registerForServicesMenu
static BOOL registered = NO;
NSArray * validSendTypes = [[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:NSFilenamesPboardType, nil] autorelease];
if (!registered) {
registered = YES;
[NSApp registerServicesMenuSendTypes:validSendTypes returnTypes:nil];
- (id)validRequestorForSendType:(NSString *)sendType returnType:(NSString *)returnType
* Services menu support.
* We are a valid requestor if the send type is filename
* and there is no return data from the request.
return (haveSavedDocument && [sendType isEqual:NSFilenamesPboardType] && (!returnType || [returnType isEqual:@""])) ? self : nil;
- (BOOL)writeSelectionToPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard types:(NSArray *)types;
* Services menu support.
* Here we are asked by the Services menu mechanism to supply
* the filename (which we said we were a valid requestor for
* in the above method).
int save;
if (haveSavedDocument) {
int typeCount = [types count];
int index = 0;
while (index < typeCount) {
if ([[types objectAtIndex:index] isEqual:NSFilenamesPboardType]) {
}else {
if (index < typeCount) {
NSString *filename = [self filename];
if ([self isDirty]) {
if (save == NSAlertDefaultReturn) {
if ([self saveDocument]) [linkManager noteDocumentSaved];
[pboard declareTypes:[[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:NSFilenamesPboardType, nil] autorelease] owner:self];
[pboard setData:[filename dataUsingEncoding:NSNonLossyASCIIStringEncoding] forType:NSFilenamesPboardType];
return YES;
return NO;
/* Other methods. */
- (void)resetScrollers
* Checks to see if the new window size is too large.
* Called whenever the page layout (either by user action or
* by the opening or reverting of a file) is changed or
* the user resizes the window.
SyncScrollView *scrollView;
NSSize contentSize;
NSRect contentRect, windowFrame;
BOOL updateRuler = NO;
if (window) {
windowFrame = [window frame];
contentRect = [[window class] contentRectForFrameRect:windowFrame styleMask:[window styleMask]];
scrollView = [window contentView];
contentSize = contentSizeForView(view);
if ([scrollView horizontalRulerIsVisible]) {
contentSize.height += [Ruler width];
updateRuler = YES;
if ([scrollView verticalRulerIsVisible]) {
contentSize.width += [Ruler width];
updateRuler = YES;
if (contentRect.size.width >= contentSize.width || contentRect.size.height >= contentSize.height) {
contentSize.width = MIN(contentRect.size.width, contentSize.width);
contentSize.height = MIN(contentRect.size.height, contentSize.height);
[window setContentSize:(NSSize){contentSize.width, contentSize.height}];
if (updateRuler) [scrollView updateRuler];
- (GraphicView *)view
* Returns the GraphicView associated with this document.
return view;
- (NSPrintInfo *)printInfo
* Returns the PrintInfo object associated with this document.
return printInfo;
/* Target/Action methods */
- (void)changeLayout:sender
* Puts up a PageLayout panel and allows the user to pick a different
* size paper to work on. After she does so, the view is resized to the
* new paper size.
* Since the PrintInfo is effectively part of the document, we note that
* the document is now dirty (by performing the dirty method).
NSRect frame;
float lm, rm, tm, bm;
NSSize paperSize;
NSPrintInfo *tempPrintInfo;
tempPrintInfo = [[printInfo copy] autorelease];
if ([[NSApp pageLayout] runModalWithPrintInfo:tempPrintInfo] == NSOKButton) {
paperSize = [printInfo paperSize];
lm = [printInfo leftMargin];
rm = [printInfo rightMargin];
tm = [printInfo topMargin];
bm = [printInfo bottomMargin];
if (lm < 0.0 || rm < 0.0 || tm < 0.0 || bm < 0.0 ||
paperSize.width - lm - rm < 0.0 || paperSize.height - tm - bm < 0.0) {
NSRunAlertPanel(nil, BAD_MARGINS, nil, nil, nil);
} else {
[printInfo release]; /* Keep the changed (new) printInfo */
printInfo = [tempPrintInfo retain];
frame = calcFrame(printInfo);
[view setFrameSize:(NSSize){ frame.size.width, frame.size.height }];
[self resetScrollers];
[view display];
[self dirty:self];
- (void)printDocumentWithPanels:(BOOL)panelFlag
* This is the "designated method" for printing.
NSPrintOperation *op;
op = [NSPrintOperation printOperationWithView:[self view] printInfo:[self printInfo]];
[op setShowPanels:panelFlag];
[op runOperation];
- (void)printDocument:sender
* Print the document with UI, etc. The default Print command.
[self printDocumentWithPanels:YES];
- (void)changeGrid:sender
* Changes the grid by putting up a modal panel asking the user what
* she wants the grid to look like.
[[NSApp gridInspector] runModalForGraphicView:view];
- close:sender
[window performClose:self];
return self;
- (BOOL)save:(id <NSMenuItem>)invokingMenuItem
* Saves the file. If this document has never been saved to disk,
* then a SavePanel is put up to ask the user what file name she
* wishes to use to save the document.
if (haveSavedDocument) {
if ([self saveDocument]) {
[linkManager noteDocumentSaved];
[self clean:self];
return YES;
} else {
return [self saveAs:invokingMenuItem];
- (BOOL)saveAs:(id <NSMenuItem>)invokingMenuItem
NSSavePanel *savepanel;
savepanel = [NSApp saveAsPanel:invokingMenuItem];
if ([savepanel runModalForDirectory:directory file:name]) {
NSString *path = [savepanel filename];
[self setName:path];
if ([self saveDocument]) {
[linkManager noteDocumentSavedAs:path];
[self clean:self];
return YES;
return NO;
- (void)saveTo:(id <NSMenuItem>)invokingMenuItem
* This takes the document and saves it as a Draw document file, PostScript
* file, or TIFF file. If the document type chosen is Draw document, then
* this saves the file, but DOES NOT make that file the currently edited
* file (this makes it easy to save your document elsewhere as a backup
* and keep on going in the current document).
* If PostScript or TIFF is selected, then the document is written out
* in the appropriate format. In the case of PostScript and TIFF, the
* actual saving is done using the more general method saveAs:using:.
NSSavePanel *savepanel = [NSApp saveToPanel:invokingMenuItem];
if ([savepanel runModalForDirectory:directory file:[name stringByDeletingPathExtension]]) {
NSString *fileWithExtension = [savepanel filename];
NSString *fileWithoutExtension = [fileWithExtension stringByDeletingPathExtension];
if ([[savepanel requiredFileType] isEqual:@"eps"]) {
[self saveToEPSFile:fileWithoutExtension];
} else if ([[savepanel requiredFileType] isEqual:@"tiff"]) {
[self saveToTIFFFile:fileWithoutExtension];
} else {
BOOL reallyHaveSavedDocument = haveSavedDocument;
NSString *savedName = name; /* save current name */
NSString *savedDirectory = directory; /* save current directory */
name = nil; directory = nil; /* clear current filename */
[self setName:fileWithExtension]; /* temporarily change name */
if ([self saveDocument]) { /* save, then restore name */
[linkManager noteDocumentSavedTo:[self filename]];
[self setName:savedName andDirectory:savedDirectory];
haveSavedDocument = reallyHaveSavedDocument;
- (void)revertToSaved:sender
* Revert the document back to what is on the disk.
NSDictionary *plist;
GraphicView *newView;
NSPrintInfo *newPrintInfo;
NSRect viewFrame, visibleRect;
NSView *oldDocView;
NSString *file;
BOOL isDirectory = NO;
if (!haveSavedDocument
|| ![self isDirty]
|| (NSRunAlertPanel(REVERT_TITLE, SURE_TO_REVERT, REVERT, CANCEL, nil, name) != NSAlertDefaultReturn)) {
visibleRect = [view visibleRect];
[window endEditingFor:nil];
file = [self filename];
if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:file isDirectory:&isDirectory] && isDirectory) {
file = [file stringByAppendingPathComponent:DRAW_DOCUMENT_NAME];
if ((plist = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:file])) {
newPrintInfo = [[NSUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:[plist objectForKey:PRINTINFO_KEY]] retain];
newView = [[GraphicView allocWithZone:[self zone]] initWithFrame:rectFromPropertyList([plist objectForKey:SIZE_KEY])
fromPropertyList:[plist objectForKey:VIEW_KEY]
inDirectory:[file stringByDeletingLastPathComponent]];
if (newPrintInfo && newView) {
[Graphic updateCurrentGraphicIdentifier:[[plist objectForKey:GRAPHIC_IDENT_KEY] intValue]];
[self reset:self];
printInfo = newPrintInfo;
view = newView;
oldDocView = [[window contentView] documentView];
[[window contentView] setDocumentView:newView];
[oldDocView release];
viewFrame = calcFrame(printInfo);
[window disableFlushWindow];
[newView setFrameSize:(NSSize){ viewFrame.size.width, viewFrame.size.height }];
[self resetScrollers];
[newView scrollRectToVisible:visibleRect];
[newView display];
[window enableFlushWindow];
[window flushWindow];
[window makeFirstResponder:view];
[self reset:self];
[window setDocumentEdited:NO];
[view setLinkManager:linkManager];
[linkManager noteDocumentReverted];
[view updateLinksPanel];
- (void)showTextRuler:sender
* Sent to cause the Text object ruler to be displayed.
* Only does anything if the rulers are already visible.
SyncScrollView *scrollView = [window contentView];
if ([scrollView verticalRulerIsVisible] && [scrollView horizontalRulerIsVisible]) {
[scrollView showHorizontalRuler:NO];
[sender toggleRuler:sender];
- (void)hideRuler:sender
* If sender is nil, we assume the sender wants the
* ruler hidden, otherwise, we toggle the ruler.
* If sender is the field editor itself, we do nothing
* (this allows the field editor to demand that the
* ruler stay up).
SyncScrollView *scrollView = [window contentView];
NSText *fe = [window fieldEditor:NO forObject:NSApp];
if (!sender && [scrollView verticalRulerIsVisible]) {
[fe toggleRuler:sender];
[scrollView toggleRuler:nil];
if ([scrollView verticalRulerIsVisible]) [scrollView showHorizontalRuler:YES];
[scrollView resizeSubviewsWithOldSize:NSZeroSize];
} else if (sender) {
if ([scrollView verticalRulerIsVisible]) {
[scrollView showVerticalRuler:NO];
[scrollView showHorizontalRuler:NO];
if (![fe window]) [scrollView toggleRuler:nil];
} else {
[scrollView showVerticalRuler:YES];
if ([fe window]) {
[scrollView showHorizontalRuler:NO];
} else {
[scrollView showHorizontalRuler:YES];
[scrollView toggleRuler:nil];
if ([fe superview] != nil)
[fe toggleRuler:sender];
/* Methods related to naming/saving this document. */
- (NSString *)filename
* Gets the fully specified file name of the document.
* If directory is NULL, then the currentDirectory is used.
* If name is NULL, then the default title is used.
* ???kb NSString - This now returns an autorelease... I tried to fix up
* all users of this, but it may kill something!
NSString *returnString = @"";
if (!directory && !name) [self setName:nil andDirectory:nil];
if (name) returnString = [directory stringByAppendingPathComponent:name];
return returnString;
- (NSString *)directory
return directory;
- (NSString *)name
return name;
- (void)setName:(NSString *)newName andDirectory:(NSString *)newDirectory
* Updates the name and directory of the document.
* newName or newDirectory can be nil, in which case the name or directory
* will not be changed (unless one is currently not set, in which case
* a default name will be used).
static int untitledCount = 0;
if ((newName && ![newName isEqual:@""]) || !name) {
if (!newName || [newName isEqual:@""]) {
newName = UNTITLED;
// Should probably keep count of current UNTITLED documents. When that goes to 0, set untitledCount = 0.
if (untitledCount) {
newName = [newName stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", untitledCount]];
if (![newName isEqual:name]) {
[name autorelease];
name = [newName copyWithZone:(NSZone *)[self zone]];
if ((newDirectory && ![newDirectory isEqual:@""]) || !directory) {
if (!newDirectory || [newDirectory isEqual:@""]) {
newDirectory = [NSApp currentDirectory];
if (![newDirectory isEqual:directory]) {
[directory autorelease];
directory = [newDirectory copyWithZone:(NSZone *)[self zone]];
[window setTitleWithRepresentedFilename:[self filename]];
NSSetZoneName((NSZone *)[self zone], [self filename]);
- (BOOL)setName:(NSString *)file
* If file is a full path name, then both the name and directory of the
* document is updated appropriately, otherwise, only the name is changed.
if (file) {
NSString *lastComponent = [file lastPathComponent];
if (![lastComponent isEqual:@""]) {
[self setName:lastComponent andDirectory:[file stringByDeletingLastPathComponent]];
return YES;
} else {
[self setName:file andDirectory:nil];
return YES;
return NO;
- (void)setTemporaryTitle:(NSString *)title
[window setTitle:title];
haveSavedDocument = NO;
[self setName:title andDirectory:NSHomeDirectory()];
- (BOOL)saveTo:(NSString *)file using:(SEL)writeMethod
* Performed by the saveTo: method, this method uses the writeMethod
* to have the GraphicView write itself in some foreign format (i.e., not
* in Draw archive format). It does some work to make the default name
* of the file being saved to be the name of the document with the appropriate
* extension. It brings up the SavePanel so the user can specify the name
* of the file to save to.
NSData *data;
if (file && writeMethod && (data = [view performSelector:writeMethod])) {
return [data writeToFile:file atomically:NO];
return NO;
- (BOOL)saveToTIFFFile:(NSString *)file
if (![[file pathExtension] isEqualToString:@"tiff"]) file = [file stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"tiff"];
return [self saveTo:file using:@selector(dataForTIFF)];
- (BOOL)saveToEPSFile:(NSString *)file
if (![[file pathExtension] isEqualToString:@"eps"]) file = [file stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"eps"];
return [self saveTo:file using:@selector(dataForEPS)];
- (BOOL)saveDocument
* This just creates a property list with all the pertinent info and writes it
* out to an ASCII file. Not super efficient, but easy to debug and examplary
* of how to use a property list to store a tree of objects.
* See GraphicView's propertylist method for more details on how the GraphicView
* is archived.
BOOL savedOk = NO;
NSString *filename = [self filename];
NSString *backupFilename;
NSString *fileDirectory = nil;
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSMutableDictionary *fileContents;
BOOL alreadyHasFormEntries = NO, isDirectory = NO;
if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:filename isDirectory:&isDirectory] && isDirectory) {
fileDirectory = filename;
filename = [filename stringByAppendingPathComponent:DRAW_DOCUMENT_NAME];
alreadyHasFormEntries = isDirectory && [fileManager fileExistsAtPath:[fileDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"form.info"]];
backupFilename = [[[filename stringByDeletingPathExtension] stringByAppendingString:@"~"] stringByAppendingPathExtension:DRAW_EXTENSION];
if (([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:backupFilename] && ![fileManager removeFileAtPath:backupFilename handler:[self class]]) ||
([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:filename] && ![fileManager movePath:filename toPath:backupFilename handler:[self class]])) {
NSRunAlertPanel(SAVE_TITLE, CANT_CREATE_BACKUP, nil, nil, nil);
} else if (!isDirectory && ([view hasGraphicsWhichWriteFiles] || [view hasFormEntries]) &&
[fileManager createDirectoryAtPath:filename attributes:nil]) {
fileDirectory = filename;
filename = [filename stringByAppendingPathComponent:DRAW_DOCUMENT_NAME];
if ([fileManager isWritableFileAtPath:[filename stringByDeletingLastPathComponent]]) {
[window makeFirstResponder:view];
fileContents = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:10];
[fileContents setObject:propertyListFromInt(NEW_DRAW_VERSION) forKey:VERSION_KEY];
[fileContents setObject:[NSArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:printInfo] forKey:PRINTINFO_KEY];
[fileContents setObject:[window stringWithSavedFrame] forKey:FRAME_KEY];
[fileContents setObject:propertyListFromNSRect([view bounds]) forKey:SIZE_KEY];
[fileContents setObject:propertyListFromInt([Graphic currentGraphicIdentifier]) forKey:GRAPHIC_IDENT_KEY];
[fileContents setObject:[view propertyList] forKey:VIEW_KEY];
savedOk = [fileContents writeToFile:filename atomically:YES];
haveSavedDocument = savedOk;
if (fileDirectory) {
if ([view hasFormEntries]) {
if (alreadyHasFormEntries || NSRunAlertPanel(SAVE_TITLE, FORM_WARNING, YES_BUTTON, NO_BUTTON, nil)) {
[view writeFormEntriesToFile:[fileDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"form.info"]];
[self saveTo:[fileDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"form.eps"] using:@selector(dataForEPS)];
[view allowGraphicsToWriteFilesIntoDirectory:fileDirectory];
} else {
NSRunAlertPanel(SAVE_TITLE, DIR_NOT_WRITABLE, nil, nil, nil);
if (!savedOk) NSRunAlertPanel(SAVE_TITLE, CANT_SAVE, nil, nil, nil);
return savedOk;
- (BOOL)isSameAs:(NSString *)filename
return [[[self filename] stringByResolvingSymlinksInPath] isEqual:[filename stringByResolvingSymlinksInPath]];
/* Window delegate methods. */
- (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id <NSMenuItem>)invokingMenuItem cancellable:(BOOL)cancellable
* If the GraphicView has been edited, then this asks the user if she
* wants to save the changes before closing the window.
* Returning nil from this method informs the caller that the window should
* NOT be closed. Anything else implies it should be closed.
int save;
NSString * action;
action = [invokingMenuItem title];
if (!action || [action isEqual:@""]) action = CLOSE;
if ([self isDirty]) {
if (cancellable) {
save = NSRunAlertPanel(action, SAVE_CHANGES, SAVE, DONT_SAVE, CANCEL, name);
} else {
save = NSRunAlertPanel(action, SAVE_CHANGES, SAVE, DONT_SAVE, nil, name);
if (save != NSAlertDefaultReturn && save != NSAlertAlternateReturn) {
return NO;
} else {
[window endEditingFor:self]; /* terminate any editing */
if ((save == NSAlertDefaultReturn) && ![self save:invokingMenuItem]) return NO;
return YES;
- (void)close
[linkManager noteDocumentClosed];
[linkManager release];
linkManager = nil;
[self reset:self];
[self autorelease];
- (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(NSWindow *)sender
if ([self windowShouldClose:nil cancellable:YES]) {
[self close];
return YES;
} else {
return NO;
- windowDidBecomeMain:(NSWindow *)sender
* Set the cursor appropriately depending on which tool is currently selected.
[self performSelector:@selector(resetCursor:) withObject:[[NSNumber numberWithInt:50] retain] afterDelay:0.1];
return self;
- (void)windowDidUpdate:(NSNotification *)notification
if ([window isMainWindow]) [view updateLinksPanel];
- (NSSize)windowWillResize:(NSWindow *)sender toSize:(NSSize)frameSize
* Constrains the size of the window to never be larger than the
* GraphicView inside it (including the ScrollView around it).
NSRect fRect, cRect;
cRect.size = contentSizeForView(view);
fRect = [[window class] frameRectForContentRect:cRect styleMask:[window styleMask]];
if ([[window contentView] horizontalRulerIsVisible]) fRect.size.height += [Ruler width];
if ([[window contentView] verticalRulerIsVisible]) fRect.size.width += [Ruler width];
frameSize.width = MIN(fRect.size.width, frameSize.width);
frameSize.height = MIN(fRect.size.height, frameSize.height);
frameSize.width = MAX(MIN_WINDOW_WIDTH, frameSize.width);
frameSize.height = MAX(MIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT, frameSize.height);
return frameSize;
- (void)windowDidResize:(NSNotification *)sender
* Just makes sure the selection is visible after resizing.
[view scrollSelectionToVisible];
- windowWillMiniaturize:(NSWindow *)sender toMiniwindow:counterpart
NSString *extension;
NSString *title;
title = [self name];
extension = [title pathExtension];
if ([extension isEqual:DRAW_EXTENSION]) {
title = [title stringByDeletingPathExtension];
[counterpart setTitle:title];
return self;
- windowWillReturnFieldEditor:(NSWindow *)sender toObject:client
if (!drawFieldEditor) drawFieldEditor = [[DrawSpellText alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect];
return drawFieldEditor;
/* Validates whether a menu command makes sense now */
static NSString *showRuler;
static NSString *hideRuler;
static BOOL menuStringsInitted = NO;
static void initMenuItemStrings(void)
showRuler = SHOW_RULER;
hideRuler = HIDE_RULER;
menuStringsInitted = YES;
- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(id <NSMenuItem>)anItem
* Validates whether a menu command that DrawDocument responds to
* is valid at the current time.
SEL action = [anItem action];
if (!menuStringsInitted) initMenuItemStrings();
if (action == @selector(save:)) {
return YES;
} else if (action == @selector(revertToSaved:)) {
return ([self isDirty] && haveSavedDocument);
} else if (action == @selector(saveAs:)) {
return (haveSavedDocument || ![view isEmpty]);
} else if (action == @selector(saveTo:)) {
return ![view isEmpty];
} else if (action == @selector(saveLink:)) {
return (haveSavedDocument && ![view hasEmptySelection]);
} else if (action == @selector(close:)) {
return YES;
} else if (action == @selector(hideRuler:)) {
if ([[window contentView] eitherRulerIsVisible]) {
[anItem setTitleWithMnemonic:hideRuler];
[anItem setEnabled:NO];
} else {
[anItem setTitleWithMnemonic:showRuler];
[anItem setEnabled:NO];
} else if (action == @selector(alignSelLeft:) ||
action == @selector(alignSelRight:) ||
action == @selector(alignSelCenter:) ||
action == @selector(checkSpelling:) ||
action == @selector(showGuessPanel:)) {
return [[window fieldEditor:NO forObject:NSApp] superview] ? YES : NO;
} else if (action == @selector(printDocument:)) {
return(![view isEmpty]);
return [super validateMenuItem:anItem];
/* Cursor-setting method */
- (void)resetCursor:(NSNumber *)countdownNumber
* Sets the document's cursor according to whatever the current graphic is.
* Makes the graphic view the first responder if there isn't one or if
* no tool is selected (the cursor is the normal one).
id fr, cursor = [NSApp cursor];
NSScrollView *scrollview = [window contentView];
if ([scrollview isKindOfClass:[NSScrollView class]]) {
[scrollview setDocumentCursor:cursor];
fr = [window firstResponder];
if (!fr || fr == window || cursor == [NSCursor arrowCursor]) {
[window makeFirstResponder:view];
} else {
int countdown = [countdownNumber intValue];
if (countdown-- > 0) {
[self performSelector:@selector(resetCursor:) withObject:[[NSNumber numberWithInt:countdown] retain] afterDelay:0.1];
[countdownNumber release];
- (void)resetCursor
[self resetCursor:0];
/* Getting the graphicView */
- (GraphicView *)graphicView
return view;
- (NSString *)description
return [(NSDictionary *)[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:name, @"Name", directory, @"Directory", view, @"View", haveSavedDocument ? @"Yes" : @"No", @"SavedDocument", nil] description];