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#import "draw.h"
/* Optimally viewed in a wide window. Make your window big enough so that this comment fits entirely on one line w/o wrapping. */
@implementation Group : Graphic
* This Graphic is used to create heirarchical groups of other Graphics.
* It simply keeps a list of all the Graphics in the group and resizes
* and translates them as the Group object itself is resized and moved.
* It also passes messages sent to the Group onto its members.
* For efficiency, we cache the group whenever it passes the caching
* threshold. Thus, grouping becomes a tool to let the user have some
* control over the memory/speed tradeoff (which can be different
* depending on the kind of drawing the user is making).
/* Factory method */
/* Initialization */
- initList:(NSMutableArray *)array
* Creates a new grouping with list containing the list of Graphics
* in the group. Groups of Groups is perfectly allowable. We have
* to keep track of the largest linewidth in the group as well as
* whether any of the elements of the group have arrows since both
* of those attributes affect the extended bounds of the Group.
* We set any objects which might be cacheing (notably subgroups of
* this group) to be not cacheable since it is no use for them to
* cache themselves when we are caching them as well. We also have
* to check to see if there are any TextGraphic's in the group
* because we can't cache ourselves if there are (unfortunately).
int i;
NSRect r;
Graphic *graphic;
[super init];
gFlags.mightBeLinked = YES;
i = [array count];
graphic = [array objectAtIndex:--i];
bounds = [graphic bounds];
gFlags.arrow = [graphic lineArrow];
linewidth = [graphic lineWidth];
bounds.size.width = MAX(1.0, bounds.size.width);
bounds.size.height = MAX(1.0, bounds.size.height);
while (i) {
graphic = [array objectAtIndex:--i];
r = [graphic bounds];
[graphic setCacheable:NO];
r.size.width = MAX(1.0, r.size.width);
r.size.height = MAX(1.0, r.size.height);
bounds = NSUnionRect(r, bounds);
if (!gFlags.arrow && [graphic lineArrow]) gFlags.arrow = [graphic lineArrow];
if ([graphic lineWidth] > linewidth) linewidth = [graphic lineWidth];
if ([graphic isKindOfClass:[TextGraphic class]] || ([graphic isKindOfClass:[Group class]] && [(Group *)graphic hasTextGraphic])) hasTextGraphic = YES;
components = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:array];
lastRect = bounds;
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[components removeAllObjects];
[components release];
[cache release];
[super dealloc];
/* Public methods */
- (void)transferSubGraphicsTo:(NSMutableArray *)array at:(int)position
* Called by Ungroup. This just unloads the components into the
* passed list, modifying the bounds of each of the Graphics
* accordingly (remember that when a Graphic joins a Group, its
* bounds are still kept in GraphicView coordinates (not
* Group-relative coordinates), but they may be non-integral,
* we can't allow non-integral bounds outside a group because
* it conflicts with the compositing rules (and we use
* compositing to move graphics around).
int i, count;
Graphic *graphic;
NSRect gbounds;
BOOL zeroWidth, zeroHeight;
count = [components count];
for (i = (count - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
graphic = [components objectAtIndex:i];
gbounds = [graphic bounds];
if (!gbounds.size.width) {
zeroWidth = YES;
gbounds.size.width = 1.0;
} else zeroWidth = NO;
if (!gbounds.size.height) {
zeroHeight = YES;
gbounds.size.height = 1.0;
} else zeroHeight = NO;
gbounds = NSIntegralRect(gbounds);
if (zeroWidth) gbounds.size.width = 0.0;
if (zeroHeight) gbounds.size.height = 0.0;
[graphic setBounds:gbounds];
[graphic setCacheable:YES];
[array insertObject:graphic atIndex:position];
- (NSMutableArray *)subGraphics
return components;
/* Group must override all the setting routines to forward to components */
- (void)makeGraphicsPerform:(SEL)aSelector with:(const void *)anArgument
[components makeObjectsPerform:aSelector withObject:(id)anArgument];
[cache release];
cache = nil;
- (void)changeFont:(id)sender
[self makeGraphicsPerform:@selector(changeFont:) with:sender];
- (NSFont *)font
int i;
NSFont *gfont, *font = nil;
i = [components count];
while (i--) {
gfont = [[components objectAtIndex:i] font];
if (gfont) {
if (font && font != gfont) {
font = nil;
} else {
font = gfont;
return font;
- (void)setLineWidth:(const float *)value
return [self makeGraphicsPerform:@selector(setLineWidth:) with:value];
- (void)setGray:(const float *)value
return [self makeGraphicsPerform:@selector(setGray:) with:value];
- (void)setFillColor:(NSColor *)aColor
return [self makeGraphicsPerform:@selector(setFillColor:) with:aColor];
- (void)setFill:(int)mode
return [self makeGraphicsPerform:@selector(setFill:) with:(void *)mode];
- (void)setLineColor:(NSColor *)aColor
return [self makeGraphicsPerform:@selector(setLineColor:) with:aColor];
- (void)setLineCap:(int)value
return [self makeGraphicsPerform:@selector(setLineCap:) with:(void *)value];
- (void)setLineArrow:(int)value
return [self makeGraphicsPerform:@selector(setLineArrow:) with:(void *)value];
- (void)setLineJoin:(int)value
return [self makeGraphicsPerform:@selector(setLineJoin:) with:(void *)value];
/* Link methods */
* Called after unarchiving and after a linkManager has been created for
* the document this Graphic is in. Graphic's implementation of this just
* adds the link to the linkManager.
- (void)reviveLink:(NSDataLinkManager *)linkManager
[components makeObjectsPerform:@selector(reviveLink:) withObject:linkManager];
* This returns self if there is more than one linked Graphic in the Group.
* If aLink is not nil, returns the Graphic which is linked by that link.
* If aLink is nil, then it returns the one and only linked Graphic in the
* group or nil otherwise. Used when updating the link panel and when
* redrawing link outlines.
- (Graphic *)graphicLinkedBy:(NSDataLink *)aLink
int i, linkCount = 0;
Graphic *graphic = nil;
for (i = [components count]-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if ((graphic = [[components objectAtIndex:i] graphicLinkedBy:aLink])) {
if ([graphic isKindOfClass:[Group class]]) return graphic;
return (linkCount <= 1) ? graphic : self;
* When you copy/paste a Graphic, its identifier must be reset to something
* different since you don't want the pasted one to have the same identifier
* as the copied one! See gvPasteboard.m.
- (void)resetIdentifier
[components makeObjectsPerform:@selector(resetIdentifier)];
* Used when creating an NSSelection representing all the Graphics
* in a selection. Has to recurse through Groups because you still
* want the NSSelection to be valid even if the Graphics are ungrouped
* in the interim between the time the selection is determined to the
* time the links stuff asks questions about the selection later.
- (NSString *)identifierString
int i = [components count];
NSMutableString *retval = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:@"%d", identifier];
while (i--) [retval appendFormat:@" %@", [[components objectAtIndex:i] identifierString]];
return retval;
* See the method findGraphicInSelection: in gvLinks.m to see how this
* method is used (it basically just lets you get back to a Graphic
* from its identifier whether its in a Group or not).
- (Graphic *)graphicIdentifiedBy:(int)anIdentifier
int i;
if (anIdentifier == identifier) return self;
i = [components count];
while (i--) {
Graphic *graphic = [components objectAtIndex:i];
if ((graphic = [graphic graphicIdentifiedBy:anIdentifier])) return graphic;
return nil;
* We pass this method onto all the things inside the group since
* there might be linked things inside the group.
- (void)readLinkFromPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard usingManager:(NSDataLinkManager *)linkManager useNewIdentifier:(BOOL)useNewIdentifier
int i = [components count];
while (i--) {
Graphic *graphic = [components objectAtIndex:i];
if ([graphic mightBeLinked]) [graphic readLinkFromPasteboard:pboard usingManager:linkManager useNewIdentifier:useNewIdentifier];
/* Form Entry methods. See TextGraphic.m for details. */
- (BOOL)hasFormEntries
int i = [components count];
while (i--) if ([[components objectAtIndex:i] hasFormEntries]) return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL)writeFormEntryToMutableString:(NSMutableString *)string
BOOL retval = NO;
int i = [components count];
while (i--) {
if ([[components objectAtIndex:i] writeFormEntryToMutableString:string]) {
retval = YES;
return retval;
- (BOOL)writesFiles
int i = [components count];
while (i--) if ([[components objectAtIndex:i] writesFiles]) return YES;
return NO;
- (void)writeFilesToDirectory:(NSString *)directory
int i = [components count];
while (i--) [[components objectAtIndex:i] writeFilesToDirectory:directory];
/* Notification methods */
- (void)wasRemovedFrom:(GraphicView *)sender
[components makeObjectsPerform:@selector(wasRemovedFrom:) withObject:sender];
[cache release];
cache = nil;
- (void)wasAddedTo:(GraphicView *)sender
[components makeObjectsPerform:@selector(wasAddedTo:) withObject:sender];
/* Color drag-and-drop support. */
- (Graphic *)colorAcceptorAt:(NSPoint)point
int i, count;
Graphic *graphic;
count = [components count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if ((graphic = [[components objectAtIndex:i] colorAcceptorAt:point])) return graphic;
return nil;
/* We can't cache ourselves if we have a TextGraphic in the Group. */
- (BOOL)hasTextGraphic
return hasTextGraphic;
- (void)setCacheable:(BOOL)flag
* Sets whether we do caching of this Group or not.
dontCache = flag ? NO : YES;
if (dontCache) {
[cache release];
cache = nil;
- (BOOL)isCacheable
return !hasTextGraphic && !dontCache;
- draw
* Individually scales and translates each Graphic in the group and draws
* them. This is done this way so that ungrouping is trivial. Note that
* if we are caching, we need to take the extra step of translating
* everything to the origin, drawing them in the cache, then translating
* them back.
int i;
Graphic *g;
NSRect eb;
NSRect b;
float sx = 1.0, sy = 1.0, tx, ty;
BOOL changed, changedSize, caching = NO;
if (bounds.size.width < 1.0 || bounds.size.height < 1.0 || !components) return self;
changedSize = lastRect.size.width != bounds.size.width || lastRect.size.height != bounds.size.height;
changed = changedSize || lastRect.origin.x != bounds.origin.x || lastRect.origin.y != bounds.origin.y;
if ((changedSize || !cache) && [[NSDPSContext currentContext] isDrawingToScreen]) {
[cache release];
cache = nil;
if (DrawStatus != Resizing && [self isCacheable] && [components count] > GROUP_CACHE_THRESHOLD) {
caching = YES;
eb = [self extendedBounds];
cache = [[NSImage allocWithZone:(NSZone *)[self zone]] initWithSize:eb.size];
[cache lockFocus];
PStranslate(- eb.origin.x, - eb.origin.y);
if (changedSize) {
sx = bounds.size.width / lastRect.size.width;
sy = bounds.size.height / lastRect.size.height;
i = [components count];
while (i) {
g = [components objectAtIndex:--i];
if (changed) {
b = [g bounds];
tx = (bounds.origin.x + ((b.origin.x - lastRect.origin.x) / lastRect.size.width * bounds.size.width)) - b.origin.x;
ty = (bounds.origin.y + ((b.origin.y - lastRect.origin.y) / lastRect.size.height * bounds.size.height)) - b.origin.y;
b.origin.x = b.origin.x + tx;
b.origin.y = b.origin.y + ty;
b.size.width = b.size.width * sx;
b.size.height = b.size.height * sy;
[g setBounds:b];
if (![[NSDPSContext currentContext] isDrawingToScreen] || !cache || caching) {
[g setGraphicsState]; /* does a gsave ... */
[g draw];
PSgrestore(); /* ... so we need this grestore */
if (cache && [[NSDPSContext currentContext] isDrawingToScreen]) {
if (caching) {
[cache unlockFocus];
} else {
eb = [self extendedBounds];
[cache compositeToPoint:eb.origin operation:NSCompositeSourceOver];
lastRect = bounds;
return self;
- (BOOL)hit:(NSPoint)point
* Gets a hit if any of the items in the group gets a hit.
int i;
NSPoint p;
float px, py;
Graphic *graphic;
if ([super hit:point]) {
if (components) {
p = point;
px = (p.x - bounds.origin.x) / bounds.size.width;
p.x = px * lastRect.size.width + lastRect.origin.x;
py = (p.y - bounds.origin.y) / bounds.size.height;
p.y = py * lastRect.size.height + lastRect.origin.y;
i = [components count];
while (i) {
graphic = [components objectAtIndex:--i];
if ([graphic hit:p]) return YES;
} else {
return YES;
return NO;
/* Archiving methods */
#define COMPONENTS_KEY @"Components"
- (void)convertSelf:(ConversionDirection)direction propertyList:(id)plist
[super convertSelf:direction propertyList:plist];
PL_FLAG(plist, dontCache, @"DontCache", direction);
PL_FLAG(plist, hasTextGraphic, @"HasTextGraphic", direction);
PL_RECT(plist, lastRect, @"LastPosition", direction);
- (id)propertyList
NSMutableDictionary *plist = [super propertyList];
[plist setObject:propertyListFromArray(components) forKey:COMPONENTS_KEY];
return plist;
- (NSString *)description
NSMutableDictionary *plist = [super propertyList];
[plist setObject:components forKey:COMPONENTS_KEY]; // don't expand for description
return [plist description];
- initFromPropertyList:(id)plist inDirectory:(NSString *)directory
[super initFromPropertyList:plist inDirectory:directory];
components = arrayFromPropertyList([plist objectForKey:COMPONENTS_KEY], directory, [self zone]);
return self;