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// PBBundleHost.h - Functionality available to ProjectBuilder extension bundles
// Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, NeXT Software, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#import "PBSystem.h"
// PB Bundle Loading
// At launch time, a single PBBundleHost inside ProjectBuilder attempts to
// load all bundle wrappers specified in the user's preferences (ProjectBuilder's
// "BundlesLoadedAtLaunch" preference). Functionality in these bundles can be
// registered with the application via calls made from bundle initialization
// method - the preferred method is +initialize on the bundle's principal class,
// since +load can be fired too early before NSBundle methods are guaranteed to
// work. These calls should be made to the PBBundleHost, which is accessible as NSApp.
// PB SCM Integration
// The PBBundleHost can host bundles of any sort. However, it is especially useful
// for loading interfaces to Software Configuration Management systems, such as CVS.
// The PBBundleHost interface was explicitly designed with this capability in mind.
// To register an implementer of the PBConfigManager protocol, call
// registerConfigManager: on the PBBundleHost. Bundles providing a ConfigManager
// are encouraged to also register a series of project- and file-specific
// operations in PB's menus and provide an inspector panel. Preferences specific
// to the integration can be managed with a preferences panel registered with the
// PBBundleHost.
@protocol PBConfigManager <NSObject>
- (BOOL) managesPath: (NSString *) path;
// Should return YES iff this bundle can grant the user write permission to
// path under normal circumstances. Should be a cheap call to just check
// if calling the following more expensive method has a chance in succeeding.
- (BOOL) makePathWritable: (NSString *) path;
// This actually requests the per-file "check out" from the SCM system.
// Called when a file transitions from saved to unsaved (dirty) state and
// the associated file is read only. Should return YES if file was made
// writable to PB.
// PB Panel Controllers
// The PBBundleHost will inform controllers of inspector and preference views that
// they are in need of refreshing their contents. This might happen on initial
// exposure of the panel or if relevant data affecting the browser changes
// (e.g. the selected file/project, in the case of the inspector).
@interface PBInspectorController : NSObject
NSWindow *window;
NSView *contentView;
id tool;
- (NSString *) inspectorName;
// Name that will appear on pop-up to select this panel.
- (NSView *)contentView;
// Lazily called to provide panel as needed.
- (void)revert;
// Called when panel displayed or relevant data changes (e.g. selectedFile)
// Preferences specific to the operation of a PB Bundle can be managed
// and storing preferences as a sub-dictionary of PB's preferences, such as:
// [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] persistentDomainForName: @"MyConfigMgr"]
@interface PBPreferenceController : NSObject
NSWindow *window;
NSView *contentView;
id prefController;
- (NSString *) viewName;
- (NSView *)contentView;
- (void)revert;
@protocol PBBundleHost
// Register bundle functionality
- (BOOL) registerConfigManager: (id<PBConfigManager>) configManager;
- (BOOL) registerProjectSubmenu: (NSMenu *) menu;
- (BOOL) registerFileSubmenu: (NSMenu *) menu;
- (BOOL) registerInspectorController: (PBInspectorController *) inspector;
- (BOOL) registerPreferenceController: (PBPreferenceController*) prefPanel;
// Query app's state:
- (NSString*) selectedProjectName;
// Returns name (as set in inspector panel) of the active project
- (NSString*) selectedProject;
// Returns path to currently active project or nil if none.
- (NSString*) currentlyActiveFile;
// Returns path to currently active file or nil if none. This is the file
// that would receive key events from the user typing.
- (NSArray*) selectedFiles;
// Returns array of paths for all currently selected files or nil if none.
- (NSArray*) dirtiedFiles;
// Returns array of paths of files (including PB.project files)
// that are "unsaved".
// Change app's state:
- (BOOL) openFileOrProject: (NSString *) path;
// equivalent to using Cmd-D and typing in path
- (BOOL) revertPath: (NSString *) path;
// Revert file or all files under directory named by path.
// If files have been modified releative to a loaded buffer, the user
// will be prompted to have the files re-loaded into PB.
// Returns YES on successful reload.
- (BOOL) queryDirtiedFiles;
// Prompts user to save all files and projects with dirtied buffers.
// Returns YES if any files were saved.
- (NSTextView*) viewForFile: (NSString *) path;
// Calls openFileOrProject: on path if not already loaded.
// Returns nil if file could not be loaded as text. This
// allows access to the underlying file contents, the selection, and
// the associated NSTextStorage. Files can be edited programmatically
// this way.
// Project editing:
- (BOOL) addFileWithPath: (NSString *) filePath
toProject: (NSString *) projectPath;
- (BOOL) removeFileFromProject: (NSString *) filePath;
// PB Notifications
// The following notifications can be observed by PB Bundles from the
// [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]. The following notification names
// may be used. The object provided in the subscription to the notification
// should be nil to get all notifications or an NSString containing the path
// to the file or "PB.project" project file in which the observer is specifically
// interested. The object of the notifications is an NSString containing the
// path of the referenced file or project.
// The following four notifications are only sent for top-level projects.
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBProjectWillOpenNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBProjectDidOpenNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBProjectWillCloseNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBProjectDidCloseNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBFileWillOpenNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBFileDidOpenNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBFileWillCloseNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBFileDidCloseNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBFileDidChangeNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBFileWillSaveNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBFileDidSaveNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBFileSaveDidFailNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBFileDirtiedNotification; // File transitioned from saved to unsaved
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBFileWillRevertNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBFileDidRevertNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBFileDeletedNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBFileRenamedNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBProjectBuildWillBeginNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBProjectBuildDidBeginNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBProjectBuildDidSucceedNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBProjectBuildDidFailNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBProjectBuildDidStopNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBSelectedProjectDidChangeNotification;
PB_EXTERN NSString * PBSelectedFileDidChangeNotification;