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#import "draw.h"
@implementation TextGraphic
* This uses a text object to draw and edit text.
* The one quirky thing to understand here is that growable Text objects
* in NeXTSTEP must be subviews of flipped view (this is a bug and will
* be fixed in 4.0). Since a GraphicView is not flipped, we must have a
* flipped view into the view heirarchy when we edit (this editing view
* is permanently installed as a subview of the GraphicView--see
* GraphicView's newFrame: method).
static NSTextView *drawText = nil; /* shared Text object used for drawing */
+ (void)initClassVars
* Create the class variable drawText here.
if (!drawText) {
drawText = [[NSTextView alloc] init];
[[drawText textContainer] setWidthTracksTextView:YES];
[[drawText textContainer] setHeightTracksTextView:YES];
[drawText setHorizontallyResizable:NO];
[drawText setVerticallyResizable:NO];
[drawText setDrawsBackground:NO];
[drawText setRichText:YES];
[drawText setEditable:NO];
[drawText setSelectable:NO];
[super initClassVars];
+ (NSTextView *)drawText
if (!drawText) [self initClassVars];
return drawText;
+ (BOOL)canInitWithPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard
return IncludesType([pboard types], NSRTFPboardType) ||
IncludesType([pboard types], NSStringPboardType);
- (id)init
* Creates a "blank" TextGraphic.
* This is TextGraphic's designated initializer,
* but be wary because by the time this returns, the
* TextGraphic may not be full initialized (it'll be
* valid, just perhaps not fully initialized).
* Override finishedWithInit if you want that.
[super init];
[[self class] initClassVars];
return self;
- initEmpty
* Creates an empty TextGraphic.
[self init];
return [self finishedWithInit];
- finishedWithInit
* Override this if you want to know when a newly
* initialized TextGraphics is fully init'ed.
return self;
- doInitFromData:(NSData *)data
* Common code for initFromData: and reinitFromData:.
* Looks at the first 5 characters of the data and if it
* looks like an RTF file, then the contents of the stream
* are parsed as RTF, otherwise, the contents of the stream
* are assumed to be ASCII text and is passed through the
* drawText object and turned into RTF (using the method
* (writeRichText:).
if (data) {
if (!strncmp([data bytes], "{\\rtf", 5)) {
[self setRichTextData:data];
[drawText replaceCharactersInRange:(NSRange){0, [[drawText string] length]} withRTF:data];
} else {
[drawText selectAll:self];
[drawText setFont:[NSFont userFontOfSize:-1.0]];
[drawText setString:[NSString stringWithCString:[data bytes] length:[data length]]];
[self setRichTextData:[drawText RTFFromRange:(NSRange){0, [[drawText string] length]}]];
[drawText setSelectedRange:(NSRange){0,0}];
font = [drawText font];
return self;
- (id)initFromData:(NSData *)data
* Initializes the TextGraphic using data from the passed data.
[self init];
if (data) {
[self doInitFromData:data];
[drawText setHorizontallyResizable:YES];
[drawText setVerticallyResizable:YES];
bounds.size.width = bounds.size.height = 10000.0;
[drawText setMaxSize:bounds.size];
[drawText sizeToFit];
bounds.size = [drawText bounds].size;
bounds.origin.x = bounds.origin.y = 0.0;
return [self finishedWithInit];
- (id)initFromFile:(NSString *)file
* Initializes the TextGraphic using data from the passed file.
return [self initFromData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfMappedFile:file]];
- (id)initWithPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard
* Initializes the TextGraphic using data from the passed Pasteboard.
if (IncludesType([pboard types], NSRTFPboardType)) {
return [self initFromData:[pboard dataForType:NSRTFPboardType]];
} else if (IncludesType([pboard types], NSStringPboardType)) {
return [self initFromData:[pboard dataForType:NSStringPboardType]];
} else {
[self release];
return nil;
- (NSRect)reinitFromData:(NSData *)data
* Reinitializes the TextGraphic from the data in the passed data.
[self doInitFromData:data];
return [self extendedBounds];
- (NSRect)reinitFromFile:(NSString *)file
* Reinitializes the TextGraphic from the data in the passed file.
[self doInitFromData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfMappedFile:file]];
return [self extendedBounds];
- (NSRect)reinitWithPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard
* Reinitializes the TextGraphic from the data in the passed Pasteboard.
NSRect ebounds;
if (IncludesType([pboard types], NSRTFPboardType)) {
[self doInitFromData:[pboard dataForType:NSRTFPboardType]];
ebounds = [self extendedBounds];
} else if (IncludesType([pboard types], NSStringPboardType)) {
[self doInitFromData:[pboard dataForType:NSStringPboardType]];
ebounds = [self extendedBounds];
} else {
ebounds.origin.x = ebounds.origin.y = 0.0;
ebounds.size.width = ebounds.size.height = 0.0;
return ebounds;
- (void)dealloc
[richTextData release];
[super dealloc];
/* Link methods */
- (void)setLink:(NSDataLink *)aLink
* Note that we "might" be linked because even though we obviously
* ARE linked now, that might change in the future and the mightBeLinked
* flag is only advisory and is never cleared. This is because during
* cutting and pasting, the TextGraphic might be linked, then unlinked,
* then linked, then unlinked and we have to know to keep trying to
* reestablish the link. See readLinkForGraphic:... in gvLinks.m.
link = [aLink retain];
gFlags.mightBeLinked = YES;
- (NSDataLink *)link
return link;
/* Form entry methods. */
* Form Entries are essentially text items whose location, font, etc., are
* written out separately in an ASCII file when a Draw document is saved.
* When this is done, an EPS image of the Draw view is also written out
* (both of these files are place along with the document in the file package).
* These ASCII descriptions can then be used by other applications to overlay
* fields on top of a background of what is created by Draw.
* The most notable client of this right now is the Fax stuff.
- initFormEntry:(NSString *)entryName localizable:(BOOL)isLocalizable
* The localizeFormEntry stuff is used by the Fax stuff in the following manner:
* If a form entry is localizable, then it appears in Draw in whatever the local
* language is, but, when written to the ASCII form.info file, it is written out
* not-localized. Then, when the entity that reads the form.info file reads it,
* it is responsible for localizing it. This enables the entity reading the
* form to actually semantically understand what a given form entry is (e.g. it
* is the To: field in a Fax Cover Sheet).
[self init];
gFlags.isFormEntry = YES;
gFlags.localizeFormEntry = isLocalizable ? YES : NO;
bounds.size.width = 300.0;
bounds.size.height = 30.0;
[drawText setString:entryName];
[drawText setSelectedRange:(NSRange){0, [[drawText string] length]}];
[drawText setTextColor:[NSColor blackColor] range:[drawText selectedRange]];
[drawText setFont:[NSFont userFontOfSize:24.0]];
[drawText setHorizontallyResizable:YES];
[drawText setVerticallyResizable:YES];
bounds.size.width = bounds.size.height = 10000.0;
[drawText setMaxSize:bounds.size];
[drawText sizeToFit];
bounds.size = [drawText bounds].size;
bounds.origin.x = bounds.origin.y = 0.0;
bounds.size.width = 300.0;
[self setRichTextData:[drawText RTFFromRange:(NSRange){0, [[drawText string] length]}]];
return [self finishedWithInit];
#define LOCAL_FORM_ENTRY(s) NSLocalizedStringFromTable(s, @"CoverSheet", nil)
- prepareFormEntry
* Loads up the drawText with all the right attributes to
* display a form entry. Called from draw.
float width, height;
NSString *formText;
int crLocation;
[drawText setTextColor:[NSColor lightGrayColor]];
[drawText setFont:[drawText font]];
[drawText setAlignment:NSLeftTextAlignment];
formText = [[drawText string] substringWithRange:(NSRange){0, [[drawText string] length]}];
if (((crLocation = [formText rangeOfString:@"\n"].location) != NSNotFound) || gFlags.localizeFormEntry) {
if (crLocation != NSNotFound) {
// Then only use string up to carriage return...
formText = [formText substringToIndex:crLocation];
if (gFlags.localizeFormEntry) {
[drawText setString:LOCAL_FORM_ENTRY(formText)];
} else {
[drawText setString:formText];
[drawText setHorizontallyResizable:YES];
[drawText setVerticallyResizable:YES];
[drawText setMaxSize:bounds.size];
[drawText sizeToFit];
width = [drawText bounds].size.width;
height = [drawText bounds].size.height;
if (width > bounds.size.width) width = bounds.size.width;
if (height > bounds.size.height) height = bounds.size.height;
[drawText setFrameSize:(NSSize){ width, height }];
[drawText setFrameOrigin:(NSPoint){ bounds.origin.x+floor((bounds.size.width-width)/2.0), bounds.origin.y+floor((bounds.size.height-height)/2.0) }];
return self;
- (BOOL)isFormEntry
return gFlags.isFormEntry;
- (void)setFormEntry:(int)flag
gFlags.isFormEntry = flag ? YES : NO;
- (NSFont *)getFormEntry:(NSString **)stringPointer andColor:(NSColor **)color
* Gets the information which will be written out into the
* form.info ASCII form entry description file. Specifically,
* it gets the color value, the actual name of the entry, and
* the Font of the entry.
int crLocation;
NSString *formText;
if (gFlags.isFormEntry) {
[drawText replaceCharactersInRange:(NSRange){0, [[drawText string] length]} withRTF:richTextData];
[drawText setSelectedRange:(NSRange){0,0}];
if (color) {
if ([drawText respondsToSelector:@selector(selColor)]) {
// Old text object...
*color = [(id)drawText selColor];
} else {
*color = [drawText textColor];
formText = [[drawText string] substringWithRange:(NSRange){0, [[drawText string] length]}];
if ((crLocation = [formText rangeOfString:@"\n"].location) != NSNotFound) {
// Then only use string up to carriage return...
formText = [formText substringToIndex:crLocation];
*stringPointer = formText;
return [drawText font];
return nil;
- (BOOL)writeFormEntryToMutableString:(NSMutableString *)string
* Writes out the ASCII representation of the location, color,
* etc., of this form entry. This is called only during
* the saving of a Draw document.
* We MUST write the same format as always because this file is used by the fax
* system and we don't really need/want two different formats. Also, it would
* be nice if we could have forward compatibility such that cover sheets created
* in 4.0 can be user in 3.x.
NSFont *myFont = nil;
NSColor *color = nil;
NSString *formText = nil;
NSColor *convertedColor;
float whiteness;
if ((myFont = [self getFormEntry:&formText andColor:&color])) {
[string appendFormat:@"Entry: %@\n", formText];
[string appendFormat:@"Font: %@\n", [myFont fontName]];
[string appendFormat:@"Font Size: %f\n", [myFont pointSize]];
convertedColor = [color colorUsingColorSpaceName:NSCalibratedWhiteColorSpace];
if (convertedColor) {
whiteness = [convertedColor whiteComponent];
} else {
whiteness = 0.0;
[string appendFormat:@"Text Gray: %f\n", whiteness];
[string appendFormat:@"Location: x = %d, y = %d, w = %d, h = %d\n",
(int)bounds.origin.x, (int)bounds.origin.y, (int)bounds.size.width, (int)bounds.size.height];
return YES;
return NO;
/* Factory methods overridden from superclass */
+ (BOOL)isEditable
return YES;
+ (NSCursor *)cursor
return [NSCursor IBeamCursor];
/* Instance methods overridden from superclass */
- (NSString *)title
return TEXT_OP;
- (BOOL)create:(NSEvent *)event in:(GraphicView *)view
* We are only interested in where the mouse goes up, that's
* where we'll start editing.
NSRect viewBounds;
event = [[view window] nextEventMatchingMask:NSLeftMouseUpMask];
bounds.size.width = bounds.size.height = 0.0;
bounds.origin = [event locationInWindow];
bounds.origin = [view convertPoint:bounds.origin fromView:nil];
viewBounds = [view bounds];
gFlags.selected = NO;
return NSMouseInRect(bounds.origin, viewBounds, NO);
- (BOOL)edit:(NSEvent *)event in:(NSView *)view
id change;
if (gFlags.isFormEntry && gFlags.localizeFormEntry) return NO;
if ([self link]) return NO;
editView = view;
graphicView = (GraphicView *)[editView superview];
/* Get the field editor in this window. */
if (gFlags.isFormEntry) {
gFlags.isFormEntry = NO;
[(GraphicView *)[view superview] cache:[self extendedBounds]]; // gFlags.isFormEntry starts editing
[[view window] flushWindow];
gFlags.isFormEntry = YES;
change = [[StartEditingGraphicsChange alloc] initGraphic:self];
[change startChange];
[self prepareFieldEditor];
if (event) {
[fe setSelectedRange:NSMakeRange(0, 0)]; /* eliminates any existing selection */
[fe mouseDown:event]; /* Pass the event on to the Text object */
[change endChange];
return YES;
- draw
* If the region has already been created, then we must draw the text.
* To do this, we first load up the shared drawText Text object with
* our rich text. We then set the frame of the drawText object
* to be our bounds. Finally, we add the Text object as a subview of
* the view that is currently being drawn in ([NSApp focusView])
* and tell the Text object to draw itself. We then remove the Text
* object view from the view heirarchy.
if (!fe && richTextData && (!gFlags.isFormEntry || [(NSDPSContext *)[NSDPSContext currentContext] isDrawingToScreen])) {
[drawText replaceCharactersInRange:(NSRange){0, [[drawText string] length]} withRTF:richTextData];
if (gFlags.isFormEntry) {
[self prepareFormEntry];
} else {
[drawText setFrame:bounds];
[[graphicView window] setAutodisplay:NO]; // don't let addSubview: cause redisplay
[[NSView focusView] addSubview:drawText];
[drawText lockFocus];
[drawText drawRect:[drawText bounds]];
[drawText unlockFocus];
[drawText removeFromSuperview];
[[graphicView window] setAutodisplay:YES];
if (DrawStatus == Resizing || gFlags.isFormEntry) {
return self;
// This version of performTextMethod: is used when text undo is supported.
- (void)performTextMethod:(SEL)aSelector with:(void *)anArgument
* This performs the given aSelector on the text by loading up
* a Text object and applying aSelector to it (with selectAll:
* having been done first). See PerformTextGraphicsChange.m
* in graphicsUndo.subproj.
id change;
if (richTextData) {
change = [PerformTextGraphicsChange alloc];
[change initGraphic:self view:graphicView];
[change startChangeIn:graphicView];
[change loadGraphic];
[[change editText] performSelector:aSelector withObject:anArgument];
[change unloadGraphic];
[change endChange];
- (void)performTextMethod:(SEL)aSelector with:(void *)anArgument
* This performs the given aSelector on the text by loading up
* a Text object and applying aSelector to it (with selectAll:
* having been done first).
static id tempText = nil;
static id tempWindow = nil;
if (richTextData) {
NSRect graphicBounds;
// Equivalent to [change initGraphic:self inView graphicView] above.
if (!tempText) {
tempText = [[DrawSpellText alloc] initWithFrame:(NSRect){{0,0},{0,0}}];
[tempText setRichText:YES];
if (!tempWindow) {
tempWindow = [[NSWindow alloc] init];
// Equivalent to [change loadGraphic] above.
[tempText replaceCharactersInRange:(NSRange){0, [[tempText string] length]} withRTF:richTextData];
graphicBounds = [self bounds];
[tempText setFrame:graphicBounds];
[tempWindow setNextResponder:graphicView];
[[tempWindow contentView] addSubview:tempText];
[tempText selectAll:self];
[tempText performSelector:aSelector withObject:anArgument];
// Equivalent to [change unloadGraphic] above.
[tempWindow setNextResponder:nil];
[tempText removeFromSuperview];
[tempText setSelectedRange:(NSRange){0,0}];
[self setFont:[tempText font]];
[self setRichTextData:[tempText RTFFromRange:(NSRange){0, [[tempText string] length]}]];
- (void)setFont:(NSFont *)aFont
font = aFont;
- (NSData *)richTextData
return richTextData;
- (void)setRichTextData:(NSData *)data
if (richTextData) [richTextData autorelease];
richTextData = [data copy];
- (void)changeFont:(id)sender
[self performTextMethod:@selector(changeFont:) with:sender];
- (NSFont *)font
if (!font && richTextData) {
[drawText replaceCharactersInRange:(NSRange){0, [[drawText string] length]} withRTF:richTextData];
[drawText setSelectedRange:(NSRange){0,0}];
font = [drawText font];
return font;
- (BOOL)isOpaque
* We are never opaque.
return NO;
- (BOOL)isValid
* Any size TextGraphic is valid (since we fix up the size if it is
* too small in our override of create:in:).
return YES;
- (NSColor *)lineColor
return [NSColor blackColor];
- (NSColor *)fillColor
return [NSColor whiteColor];
- (float)baseline
float ascender, descender, lineHeight;
if (!font) [self font];
if (font) {
// This function is defined in the old NSCStringText class,
// but it doesn't actually have anything to do with the text object.
// It uses only the font info.
NSTextFontInfo(font, &ascender, &descender, &lineHeight);
return bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height + ascender;
return 0;
- (void)moveBaselineTo:(const float *)y
float ascender, descender, lineHeight;
if (y && !font) [self font];
if (y && font) {
// This function is defined in the old NSCStringText class,
// but it doesn't actually have anything to do with the text object.
// It uses only the font info.
NSTextFontInfo(font, &ascender, &descender, &lineHeight);
bounds.origin.y = *y - ascender - bounds.size.height;
- (void)updateEditingViewRect:(NSRect)updateRect
updateRect = [graphicView convertRect:updateRect fromView:editView];
[graphicView lockFocus];
[graphicView drawRect:updateRect];
[graphicView unlockFocus];
[[graphicView window] flushWindow];
- (void)editorFrameChanged:(NSNotification *)arg
NSRect currentEditingFrame = [[arg object] frame];
if (!NSEqualRects(lastEditingFrame, NSZeroRect)) {
if (lastEditingFrame.size.width > currentEditingFrame.size.width) {
NSRect updateRect = lastEditingFrame;
updateRect.origin.x = currentEditingFrame.origin.x + currentEditingFrame.size.width;
[self updateEditingViewRect:updateRect];
if (lastEditingFrame.size.height > currentEditingFrame.size.height) {
NSRect updateRect = lastEditingFrame;
updateRect.origin.y = currentEditingFrame.origin.y + currentEditingFrame.size.height;
[self updateEditingViewRect:updateRect];
lastEditingFrame = currentEditingFrame;
/* Public methods */
- (void)prepareFieldEditor
* Here we are going to use the shared field editor for the window to
* edit the text in the TextGraphic. First, we must end any other editing
* that is going on with the field editor in this window using endEditingFor:.
* Next, we get the field editor from the window. Normally, the field
* editor ends editing when carriage return is pressed. This is due to
* the fact that its character filter is NSFieldFilter. Since we want our
* editing to be more like an editor (and less like a Form or TextField),
* we set the character filter to be NSEditorFilter. What is more, normally,
* you can't change the font of a TextField or Form with the FontPanel
* (since that might interfere with any real editable Text objects), but
* in our case, we do want to be able to do that. We also want to be
* able to edit rich text, so we issue a setMonoFont:NO. Editing is a bit
* more efficient if we set the Text object to be opaque. Note that
* in textDidEnd:endChar: we will have to set the character filter,
* FontPanelEnabled and mono-font back so that if there were any forms
* or TextFields in the window, they would have a correctly configured
* field editor.
* To let the field editor know exactly where editing is occurring and how
* large the editable area may grow to, we must calculate and set the frame
* of the field editor as well as its minimum and maximum size.
* We load up the field editor with our rich text (if any).
* Finally, we set self as the delegate (so that it will receive the
* textDidEnd:endChar: message when editing is completed) and either
* pass the mouse-down event onto the Text object, or, if a mouse-down
* didn't cause editing to occur (i.e. we just created it), then we
* simply put the blinking caret at the beginning of the editable area.
* The line marked with the "ack!" is kind of strange, but is necessary
* since growable Text objects only work when they are subviews of a flipped
* view.
* This is why GraphicView has an "editView" which is a flipped view that it
* inserts as a subview of itself for the purposes of providing a superview
* for the Text object. The "ack!" line converts the bounds of the TextGraphic
* (which are in GraphicView coordinates) to the coordinates of the Text
* object's superview (the editView). This limitation of the Text object
* will be fixed post-1.0. Note that the "ack!" line is the only one
* concession we need to make to this limitation in this method (there is
* another such line in resignFieldEditor).
NSSize maxSize, containerSize;
NSRect viewBounds, frame;
[NSApp sendAction:@selector(disableChanges:) to:nil from:self];
[[graphicView window] endEditingFor:self];
fe = (NSTextView *)[[graphicView window] fieldEditor:YES forObject:self];
if ([self isSelected]) {
[self deselect];
[graphicView cache:[self extendedBounds] andUpdateLinks:NO];
[[graphicView selectedGraphics] removeObject:self];
[fe setFont:[[NSFontManager sharedFontManager] selectedFont]];
/* Modify it so that it will edit Rich Text and use the FontPanel. */
[fe setFieldEditor:NO];
[fe setUsesFontPanel:YES];
[fe setRichText:YES];
[fe setDrawsBackground:NO];
* Determine the minimum and maximum size that the Text object can be.
* We let the Text object grow out to the edges of the GraphicView,
* but no further.
viewBounds = [editView bounds];
maxSize.width = viewBounds.origin.x+viewBounds.size.width- bounds.origin.x;
maxSize.height = bounds.origin.y+bounds.size.height- viewBounds.origin.y;
if (!bounds.size.height && !bounds.size.width) {
// These calls to pointSize in NSFont used to be calls to lineHeight in NSCStringText which was more accurate.
bounds.origin.y -= floor([[fe font] pointSize] / 2.0);
bounds.size.height = [[fe font] pointSize];
bounds.size.width = 5.0;
frame = bounds;
frame = [editView convertRect:frame fromView:graphicView]; // ack!
[fe setMinSize:bounds.size];
[fe setMaxSize:maxSize];
[fe setFrame:frame];
[fe setVerticallyResizable:YES];
lastEditingFrame = NSZeroRect;
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(editorFrameChanged:) name:NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification object:fe];
* If we already have text, then put it in the Text object (allowing
* the Text object to grow downward if necessary), otherwise, put
* no text in, set some initial parameters, and allow the Text object
* to grow horizontally as well as vertically
if (richTextData) {
[fe setHorizontallyResizable:NO];
[[fe textContainer] setWidthTracksTextView:YES];
containerSize.width = bounds.size.width;
containerSize.height = [[fe textContainer] containerSize].height;
[[fe textContainer] setContainerSize:containerSize];
[fe replaceCharactersInRange:(NSRange){0, [[fe string] length]} withRTF:richTextData];
} else {
[fe setHorizontallyResizable:YES];
[[fe textContainer] setWidthTracksTextView:NO];
containerSize.width = NSMaxX(viewBounds) - bounds.origin.x;
containerSize.height = [[fe textContainer] containerSize].height;
[[fe textContainer] setContainerSize:containerSize];
[fe setString:@""];
[fe setAlignment:NSLeftTextAlignment];
[fe setTextColor:[NSColor blackColor] range:[fe selectedRange]];
[fe unscript:self];
* Add the Text object to the view heirarchy and set self as its delegate
* so that we will receive the textDidEnd:endChar: message when editing
* is finished.
[fe setDelegate:self];
[editView addSubview:fe];
* Make it the first responder.
[[graphicView window] makeFirstResponder:fe];
/* Change the ruler to be a text ruler. */
[fe tryToPerform:@selector(showTextRuler:) with:fe];
[fe setSelectedRange:(NSRange){0,0}];
[graphicView cache:bounds];
[NSApp sendAction:@selector(enableChanges:) to:nil from:self];
- (void)resignFieldEditor
* We must extract the rich text the user has typed from the Text object,
* and store it away. We also need to get the frame of the Text object
* and make that our bounds (but, remember, since the Text object must
* be a subview of a flipped view, we need to convert the bounds rectangle
* to the coordinates of the unflipped GraphicView). If the Text object
* is empty, then we remove this TextGraphic from the GraphicView.
* We must remove the Text object from the view heirarchy and, since
* this Text object is going to be reused, we must set its delegate
* back to nil.
* For further explanation of the "ack!" line, see edit:in: above.
NSRect redrawRect;
int len;
if (fe) {
[NSApp sendAction:@selector(disableChanges:) to:nil from:self];
if (richTextData) {
[richTextData release];
richTextData = NULL;
NSAssert1(editView == [fe superview], @"%@", "Fault in Text Graphic: Code 2");
NSAssert1(graphicView == (GraphicView *)[editView superview], @"%@", "Fault in Text Graphic: Code 3");
redrawRect = bounds;
if ((len = [[fe string] length]) != 0) {
[self setRichTextData: [fe RTFFromRange:(NSRange){0, len}]];
bounds = [fe frame];
bounds = [editView convertRect:bounds toView:graphicView]; // ack!
redrawRect = NSUnionRect(bounds, redrawRect);
[[graphicView window] disableFlushWindow];
[graphicView tryToPerform:@selector(hideRuler:) with:nil];
[fe removeFromSuperview];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification object:fe];
[fe setDelegate:nil];
[fe setSelectedRange:(NSRange){0, 0}];
font = [fe font];
fe = nil;
[graphicView cache:redrawRect];
[[graphicView window] enableFlushWindow];
[[graphicView window] flushWindow];
[NSApp sendAction:@selector(enableChanges:) to:nil from:self];
- (BOOL)isEmpty
return richTextData ? NO : YES;
/* Text object delegate methods */
- (void)textDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *)notification
* This method is called when ever first responder is taken away from a
* currently editing TextGraphic (i.e. when the user is done editing and
* chooses to go do something else).
id change;
NSTextView *textObject = [notification object];
NSAssert(fe == textObject, @"Fault in Text Graphic: Code 1");
change = [[EndEditingGraphicsChange alloc] initGraphicView:graphicView graphic:self];
[change startChange];
[self resignFieldEditor];
if ([self isEmpty]) [graphicView removeGraphic:self];
[change endChange];
/* Archiving methods */
#define RICH_TEXT_KEY @"TheText"
- (id)propertyList
NSMutableDictionary *plist = [super propertyList];
[plist setObject:richTextData forKey:RICH_TEXT_KEY];
return plist;
- (NSString *)description
return [(NSObject *)[self propertyList] description];
- initFromPropertyList:(id)plist inDirectory:(NSString *)directory
[super initFromPropertyList:plist inDirectory:directory];
richTextData = [[plist objectForKey:RICH_TEXT_KEY] retain];
[[self class] initClassVars];
return self;