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Text File
775 lines
#import "draw.h"
#import "compatibility.h"
* This file is for compatibility with reading old draw files.
* Once we start using property lists for the pasteboard, we can even
* remove the -encodeWithCoder: and +initialize: methods below.
* This is just a convenience method for reading old Draw files that
* have List classes archived in them. It creates an NSMutableArray
* out of the passed in List. It frees the List (it does this because
* it assumes you are converting to the new world and what nothing to
* do with the old world).
@implementation NSMutableArray(Compatibility)
- (id)initFromList:(id)aList
int i, count;
if ([aList isKindOf:[List class]]) {
count = [aList count];
[self initWithCapacity:count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
[self addObject:[aList objectAt:i]];
} else if ([aList isKindOf:[NSArray class]]) {
return [self initWithArray:aList];
} else {
/* should probably raise */
return self;
@interface Graphic(FileCompatibility)
- (Graphic *)replaceWithImage;
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream;
- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream;
@interface Tiff : Graphic
NSData *newData;
- (Graphic *)replaceWithImage;
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream;
@interface PSGraphic : Graphic
NSMutableData *newData;
- (Graphic *)replaceWithImage;
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream;
@implementation Circle(FileCompatibility)
+ (void)initialize
* This bumps the class version so that we can compatibly read
* old Graphic objects out of an archive.
[Circle setVersion:1];
@implementation Curve(FileCompatibility)
+ (void)initialize
* This bumps the class version so that we can compatibly read
* old Graphic objects out of an archive.
[Curve setVersion:1];
@implementation Graphic(FileCompatibility)
+ (void)initialize
* This sets the class version so that we can compatibly read
* old Graphic objects out of an archive.
[Graphic setVersion:5];
/* Compatibility method for old PSGraphic and Tiff classes. */
- (Graphic *)replaceWithImage
return self;
- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream
gFlags.linewidthSet = (linewidth != 0.0);
gFlags.lineColorSet = lineColor ? YES : NO;
gFlags.fillColorSet = fillColor ? YES : NO;
[stream encodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"ffffii", &bounds.origin.x, &bounds.origin.y,
&bounds.size.width, &bounds.size.height, &gFlags, &identifier];
if (gFlags.linewidthSet) [stream encodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"f", &linewidth];
if (gFlags.lineColorSet) [stream encodeObject:lineColor];
if (gFlags.fillColorSet) [stream encodeObject:fillColor];
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream
int version;
float gray = NSBlack;
version = [stream versionForClassName:[NSString stringWithCString:"Graphic"]];
if (version > 2) {
[stream decodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"ffffii", &bounds.origin.x, &bounds.origin.y,
&bounds.size.width, &bounds.size.height, &gFlags, &identifier];
} else if (version > 1) {
[stream decodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"ffffsi", &bounds.origin.x, &bounds.origin.y,
&bounds.size.width, &bounds.size.height, &gFlags, &identifier];
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
*(unsigned int *)&gFlags = *(unsigned int *)&gFlags <<= 16;
} else {
[stream decodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"ffffs", &bounds.origin.x, &bounds.origin.y,
&bounds.size.width, &bounds.size.height, &gFlags];
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
*(unsigned int *)&gFlags = *(unsigned int *)&gFlags <<= 16;
identifier = [[self class] nextCurrentGraphicIdentifier];
if (version > 1 && identifier >= [[self class] currentGraphicIdentifier]) [[self class] updateCurrentGraphicIdentifier:identifier+1];
if (gFlags.linewidthSet) [stream decodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"f", &linewidth];
if (version < 1) {
if (gFlags.lineColorSet) [stream decodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"f", &gray];
if (gFlags.fillColorSet && (gFlags.eofill | gFlags.fill)) {
lineColor = NSZoneMalloc((NSZone *)[self zone], (1) * sizeof(NSColor *));
lineColor = [[NSColor blackColor] retain];
fillColor = NSZoneMalloc((NSZone *)[self zone], (1) * sizeof(NSColor *));
fillColor = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:gray alpha:1.0] retain];
} else if (gFlags.eofill | gFlags.fill) {
fillColor = NSZoneMalloc((NSZone *)[self zone], (1) * sizeof(NSColor *));
fillColor = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:gray alpha:1.0] retain];
[self setOutlined:NO];
} else {
lineColor = NSZoneMalloc((NSZone *)[self zone], (1) * sizeof(NSColor *));
lineColor = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:gray alpha:1.0] retain];
} else {
if (gFlags.lineColorSet) {
if (version < 5) {
lineColor = [stream decodeNXColor];
} else {
lineColor = [stream decodeObject];
if ([lineColor isEqual:[NSColor clearColor]]) {
lineColor = NULL;
[self setOutlined:NO];
} else {
[lineColor retain];
if (gFlags.fillColorSet) {
if (version < 5) {
fillColor = [stream decodeNXColor];
} else {
fillColor = [stream decodeObject];
if ([fillColor isEqual:[NSColor clearColor]] || ([fillColor alphaComponent] == 0.0)) {
fillColor = NULL;
[self setFill:FILL_NONE];
} else {
[fillColor retain];
// from old awake method
[[self class] initClassVars];
return self;
@interface GraphicView(PrivateMethods)
- (void)resetGUP;
- (NSView *)createEditView;
@implementation GraphicView(FileCompatibility)
+ (void)initialize
* We up the version of the class so that we can read old .draw files.
* See the read: method for how we use the version.
[GraphicView setVersion:1];
- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream
[super encodeWithCoder:stream];
[stream encodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"@sf", &glist, &gvFlags, &gridGray];
[stream encodeObject:editView];
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream
// Comment from the old awake method...
* After the GraphicView is unarchived, its cache must be created.
* If we are loading in this GraphicView just to print it, then we need
* not load up our cache.
int i;
NSArray *evsvs;
Graphic *graphic, *newGraphic;
self = [super initWithCoder:stream];
[stream decodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"@sf", &glist, &gvFlags, &gridGray];
glist = [[NSMutableArray allocWithZone:[self zone]] initFromList:glist];
for (i = [glist count]-1; i >= 0; i--) {
graphic = [glist objectAtIndex:i];
newGraphic = [graphic replaceWithImage];
if (graphic != newGraphic) {
if (graphic) {
[glist replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:newGraphic];
} else {
[glist removeObjectAtIndex:i];
slist = [[NSMutableArray allocWithZone:[self zone]] initWithCapacity:[glist count]];
[self getSelection];
[self resetGUP];
if ([stream versionForClassName:@"GraphicView"] < 1) {
editView = [self createEditView];
} else {
editView = [[stream decodeObject] retain];
evsvs = [editView subviews];
for (i = [evsvs count]-1; i >= 0; i--) {
[[evsvs objectAtIndex:i] release];
// from the old awake method
if (!InMsgPrint) {
NSRect bounds = [self bounds];
cacheImage = [[NSImage allocWithZone:[self zone]] initWithSize:bounds.size];
[self cache:bounds andUpdateLinks:NO];
[[self class] initClassVars];
[self registerForDragging];
return self;
@implementation Group(FileCompatibility)
- (Graphic *)replaceWithImage
* Since we got rid of Tiff and PSGraphic and replaced them
* with the unified Image graphic, we need to go through our
* list and replace all of them with an Image graphic.
int i;
Graphic *graphic, *newGraphic;
for (i = [components count]-1; i >= 0; i--) {
graphic = [components objectAtIndex:i];
newGraphic = [graphic replaceWithImage];
if (graphic != newGraphic) {
if (graphic) {
[components replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:newGraphic];
} else {
[components removeObjectAtIndex:i];
return self;
+ (void)initialize
* This bumps the class version so that we can compatibly read
* old Graphic objects out of an archive.
[Group setVersion:3];
- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream
[super encodeWithCoder:stream];
[stream encodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"@", &components];
[stream encodeValueOfObjCType:"c" at:&dontCache];
[stream encodeRect:lastRect];
[stream encodeValueOfObjCType:"c" at:&hasTextGraphic];
static BOOL checkForTextGraphic(NSArray *list)
int i;
Graphic *graphic;
for (i = [list count]-1; i >= 0; i--) {
graphic = [list objectAtIndex:i];
if ([graphic isKindOfClass:[TextGraphic class]] || ([graphic isKindOfClass:[Group class]] && [(Group *)graphic hasTextGraphic])) return YES;
return NO;
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream
self = [super initWithCoder:stream];
[stream decodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"@", &components];
components = [[NSMutableArray allocWithZone:[self zone]] initFromList:components];
lastRect = bounds;
if ([stream versionForClassName:[NSString stringWithCString:"Group"]] > 1) {
[stream decodeValueOfObjCType:"c" at:&dontCache];
lastRect = [stream decodeRect];
if ([stream versionForClassName:[NSString stringWithCString:"Group"]] > 2) {
[stream decodeValueOfObjCType:"c" at:&hasTextGraphic];
} else {
hasTextGraphic = checkForTextGraphic(components);
return self;
@interface Image(PrivateMethods)
- doInitFromImage:(NSImage *)anImage;
@implementation Image(FileCompatibility)
+ (void)initialize
[Image setVersion:7];
- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream
[super encodeWithCoder:stream];
[stream encodeValueOfObjCType:"c" at:&amLinkButton];
[stream encodeValueOfObjCType:"c" at:&amIcon];
if (!amLinkButton) {
[stream encodeObject:image];
[stream encodeSize:originalSize];
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream
BOOL alphaOk;
NSRect savedBounds;
int version, linkNumber;
self = [super initWithCoder:stream];
version = [stream versionForClassName:[NSString stringWithCString:"Image"]];
if (version > 5) [stream decodeValueOfObjCType:"c" at:&amLinkButton];
if (version > 6) [stream decodeValueOfObjCType:"c" at:&amIcon];
if (amLinkButton) {
savedBounds = bounds;
[self doInitFromImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"NSLinkButton"]];
bounds = savedBounds;
} else {
image = [[stream decodeObject] retain];
originalSize = [stream decodeSize];
if (version <= 2) [stream decodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"c", &alphaOk];
if (version == 4) {
[[stream decodeObject] retain]; // used to be the NSDataLink
} else if (version > 2 && version < 6) {
[stream decodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"i", &linkNumber];
return self;
@implementation Line(FileCompatibility)
+ (void)initialize
[Line setVersion:1];
- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream
[super encodeWithCoder:stream];
[stream encodeValueOfObjCType:"i" at:&startCorner];
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream
self = [super initWithCoder:stream];
if ([stream versionForClassName:[NSString stringWithCString:"Line"]] > 0) {
[stream decodeValueOfObjCType:"i" at:&startCorner];
} else {
startCorner = LOWER_LEFT;
return self;
@implementation Polygon(FileCompatibility)
+ (void)initialize
* This bumps the class version so that we can compatibly read
* old Graphic objects out of an archive.
[Polygon setVersion:1];
@implementation PSGraphic
- (Graphic *)replaceWithImage
Image *retval = [[Image allocWithZone:(NSZone *)[self zone]] initWithData:newData];
[retval setBounds:bounds];
if (!gFlags.selected) [retval deselect];
if (gFlags.locked) [retval lockGraphic];
[self release];
return retval;
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream
int length;
float bbox[4];
self = [super initWithCoder:stream];
[stream decodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"ffffi",&bbox[0],&bbox[1],&bbox[2],&bbox[3],&length];
newData = [[NSData alloc] initWithLength:length];
[stream decodeArrayOfObjCType:"c" count:length at:[newData mutableBytes]];
return self;
* No write: because PSGraphic is no longer used (replaced by Image).
* It is here only for compatibility.
@implementation Rectangle(FileCompatibility)
+ (void)initialize
* This bumps the class version so that we can compatibly read
* old Graphic objects out of an archive.
[Rectangle setVersion:1];
@implementation Scribble(FileCompatibility)
+ (void)initialize
* This bumps the class version so that we can compatibly read
* old Graphic objects out of an archive.
[Scribble setVersion:1];
- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream
int i, numFloats;
[super encodeWithCoder:stream];
[stream encodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"iffff",&length,&bbox[0],&bbox[1],&bbox[2],&bbox[3]];
numFloats = (length + 1) << 1;
for (i = 0; i < numFloats; i++) {
[stream encodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"f", &points[i]];
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream
int i;
float *p;
self = [super initWithCoder:stream];
[stream decodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"iffff",&length,&bbox[0],&bbox[1],&bbox[2],&bbox[3]];
points = NSZoneMalloc((NSZone *)[self zone], ((length + 1) << 1) * sizeof(float));
userPathOps = NSZoneMalloc((NSZone *)[self zone], (length + 1) * sizeof(char));
p = points;
for (i = 0; i <= length; i++) {
[stream decodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"f", p++];
[stream decodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"f", p++];
userPathOps[i] = dps_rlineto;
userPathOps[0] = dps_moveto;
return self;
@interface TextGraphic(PrivateMethods)
+ (NSTextView *)drawText;
@implementation TextGraphic(FileCompatibility)
+ (void)initialize
[TextGraphic setVersion:6]; /* class version, see initWithCoder: */
- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream
int length;
[super encodeWithCoder:stream];
length = [richTextData length];
[stream encodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"i", &length];
[stream encodeArrayOfObjCType:"c" count:length at:[richTextData bytes]];
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream
int version = [stream versionForClassName:[NSString stringWithCString:"TextGraphic"]];
self = [super initWithCoder:stream];
if (version < 1) {
NSCell *cell;
NSTextView *drawText = [[self class] drawText];
[stream decodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"@", &cell];
[drawText setString:[cell stringValue]];
font = [cell font];
[drawText setFont:[cell font]];
[drawText setTextColor:[self lineColor]];
[self setRichTextData:[drawText RTFFromRange:(NSRange){0, [[drawText string] length]}]];
} else {
int length;
char *unarchivedText;
[stream decodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"i", &length];
unarchivedText = (char *)NSZoneMalloc([self zone], length*sizeof(char));
[stream decodeArrayOfObjCType:"c" count:length at:unarchivedText];
richTextData = [[NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:unarchivedText length:length] retain];
if (version > 2 && version < 5) {
int linkNumber;
[stream decodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"i", &linkNumber];
} else if (version == 2) {
int linkNumber;
link = [[stream decodeObject] retain];
linkNumber = [link linkNumber];
link = nil;
if (version > 3 && version < 6) {
BOOL isFormEntry;
[stream decodeValuesOfObjCTypes:"c", &isFormEntry];
gFlags.isFormEntry = isFormEntry ? YES : NO;
[[self class] initClassVars];
return self;
@implementation Tiff
- (Graphic *)replaceWithImage
Image *retval = [[Image allocWithZone:(NSZone *)[self zone]] initWithData:newData];
[retval setBounds:bounds];
if (!gFlags.selected) [retval deselect];
if (gFlags.locked) [retval lockGraphic];
[self release];
return retval;
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)stream
NSBitmapImageRep *tempImageRep = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithCoder:stream];
newData = [tempImageRep TIFFRepresentation];
[tempImageRep release];
return self;
@implementation DrawDocument(FileCompatibility)
#define DRAW_VERSION_3_0 245
- (BOOL)loadDocument:(NXStream *)stream frameSize:(NSRect *)frame frameString:(NSString **)frameString
* For backwards compatibility only.
* Not used by the OpenStep version of this application except to read
* files created by pre-OpenStep versions of Draw.
* Loads an archived document from the specified filename.
* Loads the window frame specified in the archived document into the
* frame argument (if the frame argument is NULL, then the frame in
* the archived document is ignored). Returns YES if the document
* has been successfully loaded, NO otherwise. Note that this method
* destroys the receiving document, so use with extreme care
* (essentially, this should only be called when a new document is
* being created or an existing one is being reverted to its form
* on disk).
* An NS_DURING handler is needed around the NXTypedStream operations because
* if the user has asked that a bogus file be opened, the NXTypedStream will
* raise an error. To handle the error, the NXTypedStream must be closed.
char *archivedString;
int cgi, version;
volatile NSRect docFrame;
volatile BOOL retval = YES;
char *streamBuff = NULL;
int streamLen, streamCapacity;
NSData *streamData = nil;
NXGetMemoryBuffer(stream, &streamBuff, &streamLen, &streamCapacity);
if (streamBuff) {
streamData = [NSData dataWithBytes:(const void *)streamBuff length:(unsigned)streamLen];
if (streamData) {
NSUnarchiver *unarchiver = [[[NSUnarchiver allocWithZone:(NSZone *)[self zone]] initForReadingWithData:streamData] autorelease];
if (unarchiver) {
[unarchiver setObjectZone:(NSZone *)[self zone]];
[unarchiver decodeValueOfObjCType:"i" at:&version];
printInfo = [[unarchiver decodeObject] retain];
if (version >= DRAW_VERSION_3_0_PRERELEASE) {
[unarchiver decodeValueOfObjCType:"*" at:&archivedString];
if (frameString) {
*frameString = [[NSString allocWithZone:(NSZone *)[self zone]] initWithCString:archivedString];
} else {
NSZoneFree([self zone], archivedString);
} else {
docFrame = [unarchiver decodeRect];
if (version >= DRAW_VERSION_3_0) {
[unarchiver decodeValueOfObjCType:"i" at:&cgi];
[Graphic updateCurrentGraphicIdentifier:cgi];
view = [[unarchiver decodeObject] retain];
} else {
retval = NO;
} else {
retval = NO;
} else {
retval = NO;
retval = NO;
if (retval && frame) *frame = docFrame;
return retval;
/* This is kind of an expensive way to check. Should find a better way. */
+ (BOOL)isPreOpenStepFile:(NSString *)file
NSData *fileData;
NSUnarchiver *unarchiver = nil;
fileData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:file];
if (fileData) {
unarchiver = [[NSUnarchiver allocWithZone:(NSZone *)[(NSObject *)self zone]] initForReadingWithData:fileData];
if (unarchiver) [unarchiver decodeValueOfObjCType:"i" at:(int *)&version];
if (unarchiver) [unarchiver release];
return (version < FIRST_OPENSTEP_VERSION);
+ openPreOpenStepFile:(NSString *)file
DrawDocument *newDocument = nil;
NSRect contentViewFrame;
NXStream *stream;
NSString *frameString = @""; // will come back still "" if an old file is read
if ((stream = NXMapFile([file cString], NX_READONLY))) {
newDocument = [super allocWithZone:[self newZone]];
[newDocument init];
if (stream && [newDocument loadDocument:stream frameSize:&contentViewFrame frameString:&frameString]) {
newDocument->window = [self createWindowForView:newDocument->view windowRect:&contentViewFrame frameString:[frameString isEqual:@""] ? nil : frameString];
} else {
[newDocument release];
newDocument = nil;
NXCloseMemory(stream, NX_FREEBUFFER);
return newDocument;