You may freely copy, distribute, and reuse the code in this example.
NeXT disclaims any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, as
to its fitness for any particular use.
Running the Demo
This directory contains the source code for the Visual Basic calculator described in the PDO Plus for Windows Developer's Guide. This demo comes in two parts: the client portion, which is written in Visual Basic, and the server portion, which is written in Objective-C. To reconstruct this example, do the following:
1) Copy the files found in the "Server" subdirectory to a machine running NEXTSTEP 3.3.
2) Compile the server by opening a Terminal window, changing to the directory where you
copied the Server files, and typing the following:
cc -g -Wall -o Calc Calc.m -lFoundation_s
3) Make sure that both MachD and the NEXTORB Server are running. If either one isn't, start
it from the Windows NT Program Manager (both can be found in the NeXT Software Program
4) Start the server on the NEXTSTEP 3.3 machine.
5) Start Visual Basic on your Windows NT machine, and open the file "Calc.mak".
6) Edit Form.Load in Calc.FRM and change server name in the server.connectTo
line to indicate the machine where the server is running.
7) Press theF5 key, or select Start from the Visual Basic Run menu.
For troubleshooting tips, complete source code, and a discussion on how this demo is put together, see the PDO Plus for Windows Developer's Guide.
Visual C++ and Visual Basic are trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
PDO and PDO Plus for Windows are trademarks of NeXT Software, Inc.