This document accompanies the FTP release of WriteUp 1.2. It contains FTP download instructions, installation instructions and release notes. Please read this document in its entirety before using WriteUp 1.2, even if you're the kind of person who doesn't believe in instructions. You'll thank us later.
WriteUp 1.2 FTP instructions
WriteUp 1.2 is more than just a word processor; it has evolved into a comprehensive document handling environment. As a result, you will probably have to download more than one package to get everything you need. This document describes what is available so you can decide in advance what to get from the FTP site. It is assumed you are already familiar with FTP procedures. If you have any trouble downloading or installing the application, please contact AFS by email at, by phone at +1-215-653-0911, or by fax at +1-215-653-0711.
WriteUp 1.2 is stored on in the /software/NeXT/demos/productivity directory. We have tried to provide flexibility in how much you need to download, without making the installation process overly time-consuming or burdensome. Items marked 'Mandatory' below must be downloaded and installed in order for WriteUp to work correctly. Items marked 'Optional' only need to be downloaded if your site requires them, based on hardware architectures and other word processors in use.
WriteUp.README - This document. Describes what to download and how to install it. Also contains current release notes.
WriteUp.pkg.tar - The WriteUp application: Motorola and Intel binaries, on-line help system, and import/export bundle. 3.6MB, mandatory.
WriteUpHPPA.pkg.tar - The WriteUp HPPA binary, if you also want to run WriteUp on HPPA hardware. 1MB, optional.
WriteUpSPARC.pkg.tar - The WriteUp SPARC binary, if you also want to run WriteUp on SPARC hardware. 820K, optional.
WriteUp_NS3.0.pkg.tar - If you are still running NEXTSTEP 3.0, this overlay package is mandatory, because NS3.0 cannot load FAT dynamic bundles. 125K.
WriteUpSamples.pkg.tar - Sample templates, sample graphics, and source documents to run the tutorials in the user manual. 350K, optional.
WriteUpASCIIFilter.pkg.tar - A service which allows native WriteUp 'wub' files to be indexed by Digital Librarian. 125K, optional.
WriteUpLibrarianIcons.pkg.tar - A few small icons which will appear next to WriteUp document names in Digital Librarianfile browsers. 32K, optional.
AFSDocumentFilter_Main.pkg.tar (NEXTSTEP 3.1 or later) or AFSDocumentFilter_Main_3.0.pkg.tar (NEXTSTEP 3.0) - The main bundle for the service which allows WriteUp to read and write foreign document formats. The basic service supports RTF importing/exporting, WriteNow importing, and non-graphic WordPerfect 5.0 (the NeXT file format) importing. For additional foreign document types, you must also download some or all of the extension filters listed below. 850K or 227K, mandatory.
Extension Filters - Provide support for importing and exporting foreign documents on specific hardware architectures. All of these files use the same naming convention:
'DocType' is an obvious abbreviation of the foreign document type, like MSWord, WordPerf, or AmiPro. 'Arch' is 'M' (Motorola/NeXT hardware), 'I' (Intel), 'H' (HPPA), or 'S' (SPARC). For example, the file
contains all of the filters you need to read and write Microsoft Word documents when WriteUp is running on Intel hardware. The 'Graphics' package is a special case. It contains general graphics filters for formats that may be found in many different document types, like JPEG and BMP. This package is mandatory if your foreign documents contain graphics.
All of the extension filters are optional, based on your hardware architectures and foreign document needs. Sizes run from 300K to 1.3 MB.
Installing WriteUp 1.2 from FTP tar files
To provide consistency with disk-based installations, the FTP files are simply tarred versions of the packages supplied on physical media. After downloading all of the packages you need to a temporary directory like /tmp, untar them with the Workspace File->Decompress option. This action will turn them into packages. The rest of this document describes the order in which the pieces should be installed, plus preferred installation locations.
WriteUp.pkg - This package must be installed in a 'visible' applications location, like /LocalApps or ~/Apps. If you are already using a copy of WriteUp 1.1 or WriteUp 1.0, be sure you have a good backup (or access to the original disks) before installing this package over the old version. WriteUp.pkg contains Motorola and Intel binaries. If you only need one architecture, you can use Installer to strip out the one you don't need.
WriteUpHPPA.pkg and WriteUpSPARC.pkg - If you need a tri-FAT or quad-FAT version in a networked environment, install these packages after WriteUp.pkg. You must be logged in as the same user who installed WriteUp.pkg, because these packages change files inside the wrapper. The installation path is /[main_path]/, where [main_path] is the folder in which you installed You will get a warning that the package contains a post-installation script; this is normal and must be allowed.
WriteUp_NS3.0.pkg - If you are still running NEXTSTEP 3.0, you MUST install this overlay package after the main app. NS3.0 does not understand how to load dynamic bundles with multi-architecture binaries ('FAT' files). This package replaces a few FAT bundles inside with thin versions. You must be logged in as the same user who installed WriteUp.pkg, because this package change files inside the wrapper. The installation path is /[main_path]/, where [main_path] is the folder in which you installed
WriteUpASCIIFilter.pkg - This package must be installed in a 'visible' services location, like /LocalLibrary/Services or ~/Library/Services. Since it's small, this package contains a quad-FAT binary. You can use Installer to strip out the architectures you don't need.
WriteUpLibrarianIcons.pkg - This package must be installed as root, because it adds a few icons to the Images folder inside /NextApps/ If every host on a network has a common mount point for /NextApps, you only need to install this package once. If every host has its own private copy of /NextApps on a local hard disk, this package must be installed on each machine individually.
WriteUpSamples.pkg - This package contains source documents for the tutorials in the user manual, plus some creative ideas about using templates and graphics. This package should be installed in /LocalLibrary/WriteUp or ~/Library/WriteUp.
AFSDocumentFilter_Main.pkg or AFSDocumentFilter_Main_3.0.pkg - This package must be installed in a 'visible' services location, like /LocalLibrary/Services or ~/Library/Services. Since it's reasonably small, this package contains quad-FAT binaries. You can use Installer to strip out the architectures you don't need. AFSDocumentFilter.service is a functional replacement for the Igor.service provided with WriteUp 1.1. It does not conflict with Igor.service, so you can keep using both versions of WriteUp until you make a full transition to the latest release. Once you stop using WriteUp 1.1 (and PasteUp 2.5, if you also have that application), you can remove Igor.service from your system.
Extension Filters - These packages must be installed after AFSDocumentFilter_Main.pkg. You must be logged in as the same user, because these packages change files inside AFSDocumentFilter.service. The installation path is /[main_path]/AFSDocumentFilter.service/, where [main_path] is the folder in which you installed AFSDocumentFilter.service. For each extension filter package, you will get a warning that it contains a post-installation script. In addition, if you install more than one architecture for the same document type, you may get a warning that certain files already exist. Both warnings are normal and must be allowed. Repeat the process for each extension filter set you need.
Language dictionaries - If you previously installed a language dictionary in WriteUp 1.0 or 1.1, at this point you should find that disk and reinstall it. The FTP site does not have foreign dictionary packages at this time. If you need a foreign language dictionary, contact AFS and we will send it to you directly.
This completes the basic installation process. Now, to ensure that Workspace picks up all the new filter services, logout and log back in. If you will be registering a site license, you must log back in as the user who installed the application. Launch and wait for the registration panel. If you don't have a license key, you can ignore this panel and run in demo mode, which will disable saving and printing. Otherwise, enter your name, company, and license key in the fields on the license panel. If the key is valid, the panel will provide details of the license entitlements. The app is ready to run!
WriteUp 1.2 Release Notes
Thanks for purchasing or upgrading to WriteUp 1.2. We are quite excited about this release, because it represents a significant feature set improvement over WriteUp 1.1, without losing the ease of use for which WriteUp has become known.
After installing and licensing WriteUp, click on the Info->Help menu and pick the topic labeled "release notes on Version 1.2". This will take you quickly through the new features, and point you to additional information about how to use them.
WriteUp 1.2 underwent almost three months of beta testing by a dedicated group of about 30 existing users. As a result, we think it is ready for an immediate transition from older versions. Of course, no piece of complex software is entirely without bugs and glitches. Here are a few problems that you may experience while using the product. Most of these were discivered fairly late in the beta test cycle, but since they do no harm, we decided to err on the side of caution by limiting late-minute changes.
Imporing and exporting - The proper interpretation of formatting codes from other word processors is a tricky business that sometimes requires more art than science. As a result, we cannot guarantee that every document will import and export perfectly the first time. However, we will make the following offer: If you send us a document that does not import properly (within the bounds of the WriteUp 1.2 feature set), we will make every effort to fix the importer and send you an update as soon as possible.
Because of the possibility of formatting lossage, we have taken a conservative approach to loading and saving foreign documents in this release. WriteUp auto-recognizes a wide variety of extensions, and it will automatically call whatever translation filters are required to import and export documents that you open. However, to ensure that your original documents are not corrupted, all imported files are switched to an "Untitled" state. That way you cannot corrupt your original document accidentally. For the time being, we recommend that you save and work on imported documents in native WriteUp "wub" format, and only export to foreign file formats when you need to share the document with others. As we gain more experience with the ins and outs of the filter set, this restriction will be relaxed. In the meantime, better to play it safe.
When importing foreign documents that contain graphics, WriteUp will try to convert everything to TIFF. Due to restrictions in MasterSoft filters, graphics which are vector-based, such as EPS, may be lost. When exporting documents with graphics, vector-based and upsupported TIFF variations (such as those with color palettes) may be dropped.
Foreign document names must not contain spaces, parentheses, dollar signs, and other characters that have special meaning to csh. This should not happen frequently with documents that were created in MSDOS or Windows, but it may affect Macintosh documents. This restriction will be relaxed in the next maintenance release.
Spelling and hyphenation are not available in the SPARC binary. These capabilities will be added and distributed free of charge by the end of May.
Widow and orphan control - WriteUp may experience minor redraw problems when you are typing near pagination breaks. This occurs especially when you break a paragraph that used to be forced entirely onto the second page, but whose first part nows fit on the first page without leaving an orphan. This is a redraw problem only. It does not affect final output, and will correct itself when you click in the margins or scroll away from the area and then come back.
Underline/redline/strikeout - Under some circumstances, if you use the arrow keys to move through an area of text with these attributes, the attributes may get "splotchy". Again, this is a redraw problem only. Click in the margins to clean things up.
Autonumbering does not copy/paste properly for non-styled paragraphs. As a workaround, simply assign an autonumber level to the receiving paragraph. Also, if you accidentally remove the autonumber token from a paragraph, the token does not regenerate until you change something about an autonumbered paragraph above that point.
The Page Layout Panel does not validate all combinations of header and footer positions and sizes. If you want to create malicious regions, WriteUp will not stop you. Play nice or suffer the consequences of working in negative document space.