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// / //| // || \\| N E W S
// / // |// || |\\ Vol 1, Issue 2 January 1990
R o u n d T a b l e
Items of interest to participants of the GEnie Unix RoundTable
ED editor notes
The GEnie Unix RoundTable started off with a bang, but the pace has wound
to a leisurely stroll since the holidays.If you are not now participating
due to post holiday doldrums or the inevitable need to get new projects
rolling we understand. Hey, we all work for our daily bread, too :-)
However, if you feel the RoundTable SysOps are not providing the services
you expected then please let us know. We are here to help. We cannot read
minds (no matter what Dave [OLORIN] would have you believe), and we also
cannot render unto a vacuum. If you have a *nix itch tell us where we need
to scratch. e-mail to UNIXSYSOPS$ nails us all in one clean shot *
As always, if you have suggestions for this newsletter or items you would
like to see, but don't - or if you would like to contribute with a short
note, article or column (1-2 paragraphs) send e-mail to GARS.
Thanks, Gary texbell!ark!lrark!glsrk!gars
REMINDER - This newsletter is being sent to you 'by request'. If you do
not wish to keep receiving it, e-mail a stop notice to GARS. On the other
hand, we would very much appreciate it if you would pass the word that we
do distribute this item near the tenth (10th) of each month to anyone on
GEnie who requests it, and will gladly add any name that is requested via
the same route - email to GARS.
FAST and NASTY, DOWN and DIRTY quick fix scripts that do something
Send me your little scripts that do neat things. We all use them, now
share them This newsletter is the perfect vehicle for that. e-mail them
to GARS. I will include one or two in each newsletter and eventually
edit them into one library of goodies (with credit, of course)
- Our first comes from Rick Mobley, Unix RT co-SysOp
Rick calls this little gem lfcr. It simply rips through a file and
takes each linefeed character and replaces it with a carriage return.
<control> J to <control> M. Obviously, the reverse can be done very
easily. Invoke it with ... lfcr [file]
It saves the old file and produces a new file.cr
Here's Rick's lfcr :
tr '\012' '\015' <$1 >$1.cr
^ ^ ^ ^ <-- (note the single spaces)
WHO getting to know... Gary Smith (GARS) UNIX RT co-SysOp
Gary Smith. Unlike the other SysOps, who legitimately qualify as
wizzards, I am a relative newcommer to the Unix world. My background is
in hardware, having spent my entire adult working career in some aspect
of field engineering. My language background is in Fortran and Forth. I
am also co-SysOp on the GEnie Forth RoundTable. I became involved in the
Unix world by serving as a fairwitness on Christopher Cilley's (CC) wet
public Unix System in San Francisco and via Usenet. When this RoundTable
was being formulated I volunteered to help get it started, and remained
to tighten my own Unix learning curve. I felt then, and still do, that
the quickest path to Unix literacy was total immersion. 'Clyde', my 3b1
IS my 'home' computer. I have other systems, but in keeping with my plan,
am using them as terminals and servers for 'Clyde'. Like the rest of the
crew, I am here to help.
The RoundTable SysOps are:
Dave Weinstein......OLORIN Gary Smith..........GARS
Christopher Cilley..CC Randy Suess.........CHINET
Rick Mobley.........LRARK All Unix SysOps.....UNIXSYSOPS$
We strongly encourage you to contact any or all of us if you have -ANY-
comments or suggestions. This is -YOUR- RoundTable. We are here to make
your participation as pleasant and beneficial as possible.
EVENTS events worth noting
co-SysOp Randy Suess (CHINET) and Dawn Hendricks begin 1990 as Mr. & Mrs.
Randy Suess. Our congratulations and hearty wishes for a lasting and happy
new to the Bulletin Board:
There is now a 'Selected Discussion Topics' list being posted on the
RoundTable door. This is to point you to the 'HOT' topics of the moment,
only. The list now posted is as follows :
Discuss SCO's Open Desktop in Discuss Emacs and trade Emacs
Category 3 Topic 5 macros in Category 5 Topic 3
Discuss X-Windows window managers * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
and X11.4 in Category 17 Topics * DO YOU LIKE THIS QUICK CHECK OF *
4 and 5 * HOT TOPICS ? Let us know !(y/n) *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
RealTime Conferences: Tuesdays at 9:30 EST
The purpose of these is to help you learn or enhance your knowledge of UNIX.
Guest Conference schedule :
===== ========== --------
Tuesday, January 16th
Dave Rand and George Scolaro will be joining us to discuss the trials and
tribulations of designing the hardware and writing the system software
for modern Unix systems.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Tuesday, January 30th
UNIXHOUSE, Inc. will be joining us to discuss the problems (and successes)
of a Unix startup, as well as the more technical aspects of their products.
In addition to discussing the details of their U4000 machines (with a dual
80486/i860 processor pair), they may discuss "unannounced" hardware...
- - - - - - - - - - -
Tuesday, February 20th
Richard M. Stallman will be joining us to discuss the Free Software
Foundation and the GNU project.
- - - - - - - - - - -
------- Upload Competition
The Unix RoundTable announces an upload competition. The top uploader
for each one month period will receive one (1) day in the RoundTable
free of charge.
Contest Rules were posted in Unix RT NewsLetter V 1, N 1. If anyone
wishes a reprint of the rules leave e-mail to GARS.
Since tabulation for the first contest winner will not be done until
15 January we will have to wait till next issue to know who is doing
the best job of helping fellow NIXen with file uploads.
Two reminders:
- non-Prime time uploads are free !
- Unix RT SysOps are not contest participants
All Right ! The GEnie Unix RoundTable will be featured in the March issue
of GEnie's support publication, 'LiveWire'. Thanks GEnie, Jack and Ken :-)
Trademark and Copyright notices
Unix is a trademark of AT&T, GEnie, LiveWire, and RoundTable are trademarks
of General Electric Information Services Company, Xenix is a trademark of
Microsoft Corporation.The contents of this newsletter are copyright (c) 1990
and may be copied whole or in part only if original credit is included. The
GEnie UNIX RoundTable is not affiliated with AT&T.
ay be copied whole or in part only if original credit is in