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// // //| // // \// N E W S
//_// // |// // /\\ Vol 4, Issue 6 - June 1993
R o u n d T a b l e (tm)
Items of interest to participants of the GEnie Unix RoundTable
ED: editor notes - (GARS) Gary Smith
- Unix Basics Tutorial RTC's resume
- 7000 files and counting
- Library Survey
NeXT Column (ERICTREMBLAY) Eric "E.T." Tremblay
- Improv - Improving the Spreadsheet
Lock and Key Unix Security (SARAH) Sarah Collier
- 1st Cut of Unix Security Lore
Foo.Bar! Unix Humor:
- Selecting a Programming Language Made Easy (ANDY) Andy Finkenstadt
Down and Dirty: Quick Scripts that do something useful (GARS) Gary Smith
- RNELM - Reply to news articles with ELM
- How to export variables from Child to parent
usr/local: Items (scripts and news) snarfed from various sources
- shell programming report (new version) (GARS) Gary Smith
- Reclaiming Lost Data (MIKE.NOLAN) Mike Nolan
- Rookie Review (JANS) Janet McNeely
eot ------
The RoundTable Staff is:
ANDY Andy Finkenstadt Chief SysOp
MIKE.NOLAN Michael Nolan Assistant SysOp
SARAH Sarah Collier Administrative Assistant
GARS Gary Smith Library Manager
MIKE.MC Mike McCabe Linux & 386BSD Support SysOp
JANS Janet McNeely Bulletin Board Manager
LRARK Ricky Mobley Network Comm Liaison
ERICTREMBLAY Eric Tremblay NeXT Support SysOp
DELPHI Brian T. Riley RTC Conference Manager
UNIX$ The Whole Crew
We strongly encourage you to contact any or all of us if you have -ANY-
comments or suggestions. This is -YOUR- RoundTable. We are here to make
your participation as pleasant and beneficial as possible.
LIVE Help Desks (type MOVE 400;4 and choose channel #4):
LIVE in-person Conferences (select #2 on the menu):
ED: editor notes - (GARS) Gary Smith
After a brief suspension, due to RTC SysOp Mike McCabe's business trip
to Japan, the Unix basics tutorial RTC's (Real Time Conferences) have
resumed on Sunday nights at 9pm Eastern. If you have a need to learn
Unix commands this is your opportunity to get guru level hand-holding.
Gars recommends these with a BIG check mark for quality.
We have achieved a bit of a landmark in the Unix Software Libraries. We
passed the 7000 "files posted" mark and are on a fast track to 7500. If
you haven't checked the files out lately, you are probably missing one or
two your system could benefit from. If there's one you want, we have
somehow failed to post, drop us an e-mail. We'll be glad to do an archie
search and FTP it in here for you.
I have posted the following note in the New Files area of the Bulletin
Please take a moment to copy and respond to the following survey.
Your opinion is important. We are going to base our decision 100%
on user response.
At issue is the posting of new library uploads to the Bulletin
Board. This is one of the very few RoundTables that does so.
When we first began this practice it made some sense to make
all users aware of new files. With the rate of new file additions,
the ability of scripting programs to automatically capture such
lists, and the time it takes to filter through this information
if it is not of value make the continuance of the practice highly
------------------- clip here ----------------------
Do you wish to have the New Library Uploads Posted to the
Bulletin Board as is now the practice? [Y/N]
Would you prefer No Listing, a Short Listing or a Long
Description? [N/S/L]
Mail your response to GARS.
The vote will only be tabulated by mail and only through
21 June 1993. At that time YOU will have made our decision.
Thank you for your interest and participation.
If you managed to overlook the above, please clip and respond to it
as soon as possible. Your opinion is important!
Gary gars@genie.geis.com
eot ------
NeXT Column (ERICTREMBLAY) Eric "E.T." Tremblay
Improving the Spreadsheet
April 9, 1993
By Eric "E.T." Tremblay
It all started in 1986 in the mind of a bright developer at
Lotus called Pito Salas. He's the one who came up with the basic
idea for Improv.Unfortunately the project was stalled for almost
a year until Lotus hired a hot programmer named Glenn Edelson,
whose job was to implement Salas's ideas. Improv was supposed to
be introduced to the world under the OS/2 and Microsoft's
Presentation Manager operating systems, but on October 1988 Steve
Jobs visited Lotus and changed the future.
Steve Jobs came to Lotus to show off his new computer. After
a private meeting, the top management at Lotus decided to show
off its newest products under development. While seeing a demo of
Improv, Steve Jobs was getting more and more excited. Improv fit
right in with the vision he had of his new computer. A product
that was totally new and bold. Something that no one had seen
before on any computer. A software the would reflect his vision
of computing.
Why did Lotus change their idea to developing Improv on the
NeXT instead of on the PC? Well, there are a couple of very good
reason for the switch. The developers at Lotus were trying to
build a totally new spreadsheet application on top of a buggy
initial release of OS/2 and Presentation Manager, and having a
difficult time because of the instability of the operating
system. Plus, ever since the developers had seen the demo of the
NeXT, the black machine was constantly coming back in their
minds. They wanted to experiment with what the NeXT had to offer
and with the level of problems they were having with the PC
environment, the team finally decided to switch to the NeXT.
Another key factor for the move to the NeXTSTEP environment was
the lack of 1-2-3 spreadsheet available for the NeXT. Because
Improv was the only spreadsheet available at the time for the
NeXT, it would not interfere and be in conflict with 1-2-3 on the
PC platform and Lotus would not have to explain the differences
to it's customers. So they could take a chance with a new product
and not run the risk of hurting the PC sales of 1-2-3. Everyone
was a winner. Steve Jobs had a new generation of spreadsheets on
his new computer and Lotus had the opportunity to introduce a new
kind of spreadsheet without taking any risks.
Improv is now available to the PC world under the Windows
platform, Lotus is currently selling Improv for Windows at a very
low introductory price. At this price it is a very good deal
believe me. Please be warned that Improv is a totally new way of
looking at spreadsheets and that the current spreadsheet experts
are going to look like beginners when faced with Improv.
The best way to approach Improv is to forget everything you
know about spreadsheets and start over from scratch. Open the
documentation and do the exercises a couple of times. The best
way to learn Improv is to use it. I have been using Improv for
over a year now and I'm learning something new every week.
I keep all my personal financial information in Improv and I
have over two years of daily financial reports for the family
business. A good way to start is to redo an old spreadsheet in
Improv. Please note that it is important to redo a spreadsheet
the Improv way and not simply import an old 1-2-3 spreadsheet and
fix it up after. A spreadsheet that is done from scratch will
really give you the Improv advantage. Imported 1-2-3
spreadsheets work well, but when you import a 1-2-3 spreadsheet
you cannot take full advantage of all the features of direct
manipulation that Improv offers.
Should you get Improv? Well that's up to you but would I
change my Improv for a 1-2-3? No, way! The transition is
difficult but when you are finally over the shock, the change is
for the better. When you know how Improv works, you will look at
1-2-3 in a completely different way and only then will you
realize the power of Improv.
If you wish to discuss Improv for the NeXT, come and visit
us in the Unix RT bulletin board category 16. If you have Improv
for Windows, you can also discuss this in the Windows RT bulletin
board category 14 topic 7. There you will find many users of
Improv including myself that have the experience and knowledge to
help and guide you with Improv. Hope to see you there...
eot ------
Lock and Key Unix Security: (SARAH) Sarah Collier
Questions on Unix Security
-- from the Security Digest, Volume 1, Number 063
From: bgt@cbnewsh.cb.att.com (barbara.tongue)
Subject: 1st Cut List of Unix Security Lore
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1993 17:26:06 GMT
if someone were to come to you and ask, what are the most crucial
aspects of unix networked security to know, what would you answer
and in what list of priority? here's my cut:
1.) secure from outside machines
a) ftp
b) telnet
c) nfs
2.) secure from software holes
a) sendmail
b) setuid scripts
3.) secure from users
a) educated
b) unknowing
4.) ???
i'm a tad new at this game, and decided that the best way
to start was to ask those in the know.
thanx in advance,
%% The Speaking Tongue, AT&T %% C Code. C Code Run. Run, Code, RUN! %%
%% bgt@hogpf.att.com %% PLEASE!!!! %%
From: mjr@tis.com (Marcus J Ranum)
Subject: Re: 1st Cut List of Unix Security Lore
Date: 27 Apr 1993 21:54:20 GMT
bgt@cbnewsh.cb.att.com (barbara.tongue) writes:
>if someone were to come to you and ask, what are the most crucial
>aspects of unix networked security to know, what would you answer
>and in what list of priority?
I'd start off by looking at it at a higher level. First I'd
ask myself what the possible points of attack are. Then I'd ask myself
what security I have in place to protect each possible point of attack.
In some cases, it may be OK to have no security for a given service,
but you want to note that down as a form of security. ;)
For example, if you do a 'netstat -a' on any system that might
come under attack via the network, you'll get a listing of all the
services you need to worry about. If you're running lots of SunRPC
services, you'll notice a lot of upd services, and it's hard to tell
what is what. That, in and of itself is a clue.
Anyhow, so you get a list of services that you present to the
world, and then check them off one by one. Another fairly important
consideration for each service is who/what it runs as and whether
it's privileged already. For example: sendmail. I'd put a big purple
star opposite sendmail as a potential problem. ;)
> here's my cut:
>1.) secure from outside machines
> a) ftp
> b) telnet
> c) nfs
NIS/yellow pages
rwalld (some versions of rwalld permit escape codes)
There's a long list. I have a (well deserved) reputation on the
net for being a paranoid. I believe that, depending on the level of
security you require, it's sometimes best to shut all network services
down and turn them on one by one, rather than the other way around.
What kind of system you're going to run is a real important
** Is this for a firewall/gateway system, or is this for a
general use system?
** Will it be exposed to external attack or only to internal attack?
** How important is the data on it? How much will it cost if it is
destroyed, stolen, or modified?
If the system is a general use system without very important data
on it, and it's on a private LAN, obviously your security concerns are
less than if it's a firewall system protecting a network with corporate
sensitive data from the Internet.
Security, outside of the context of the level of threat you need
to deal with, and the level of risk you need to protect against, is
>2.) secure from software holes
> a) sendmail
> b) setuid scripts
Another approach is to try to identify the types of threats that
software holes pose, and then address those globally through policy. For
example, setuid shell scripts come into existence because they are easy
to write(apparently) and use. Approach a general solution by providing
a mechanism that is secure, and solves the problem, instead of fixing
holes. Sendmail has a bad rap because of the Morris worm. Part of the
problem, though, is that it's a big, complex program that runs with
privs. Depending on your mail requirements, maybe some kind of mailer
that doesn't require privs would work. I believe MMDF solves a number
of the security problems of sendmail, while retaining the bigness and
complexity. ;)
>3.) secure from users
> a) educated
> b) unknowing
First formulate a statement of what your users should and should
not be able to do. Users always pose a threat. If that's OK, then figure
out what what the limits of the threat they should be able to pose is, and
figure out how to give them an environment that enforces that limit. This
is not an easy problem.
>4.) ???
IMHO, making a list isn't the best way to start. Figure out what
risks you're afraid of, and what the ground rules are. Figure out what you
need to protect against and what services you need to provide. The latter
two will be in conflict, so you have to decide which side of the spectrum
your policy favors. Only then do you have to start listing stuff, and
I'd approach that by splitting my paper down the middle and listing
user requirements on one side and security requirements on the other. Then
you're into slogging through the mud.
eot ------
Foo.Bar! Unix Humor:
Item forwarded by ANDY to GARS
Sub: Programming
Selecting a Programming Language Made Easy
Daniel Solomon & David Rosenblueth
Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
With such a large selection of programming languages it can be
difficult to choose one for a particular project. Reading the manuals to
evaluate the languages is a time consuming process. On the other hand,
most people already have a fairly good idea of how various automobiles
compare. So in order to assist those trying to choose a language, we
have prepared a chart that matches programming languages with comparable
Assembler - A Formula I race car. Very fast, but difficult to drive and
expensive to maintain.
FORTRAN II - A Model T Ford. Once it was king of the road.
FORTRAN IV - A Model A Ford.
FORTRAN 77 - A six-cylinder Ford Fairlane with standard transmission and
no seat belts.
COBOL - A delivery van. It's bulky and ugly, but it does the work.
BASIC - A second-hand Rambler with a rebuilt engine and patched
upholstry. Your dad bought it for you to learn to drive.
You'll ditch the car as soon as you can afford a new one.
PL/I - A Cadillac convertible with automatic transmission, a two-
tone paint job, white-wall tires, chrome exhaust pipes, and
fuzzy dice hanging in the windshield
C - A black Firebird, the all-macho car. Comes with optional
seat belts (lint) and optional fuzz buster (escape to
ALGOL 60 - An Austin Mini. Boy, that's a small car.
Pascal - A Volkswagon Beetle. It's small but sturdy. Was once
popular with intellectuals.
Modula II - A Volkswagon Rabbit with a trailer hitch.
ALGOL 68 - An Astin Martin. An impressive car, but not just anyone
can drive it.
LISP - An electric car. It's simple but slow. Seat belts are not
PROLOG/LUCID - Prototype concept-cars.
Maple/MACSYMA - All-terrain vehicles.
FORTH - A go-cart.
LOGO - A kiddie's replica of a Rolls Royce. Comes with a real
engine and a working horn.
APL - A double-decker bus. Its takes rows and columns of
passengers to the same place all at the same time. But, it
drives only in reverse gear, and is instrumented in Greek.
Ada - An army-green Mercedes-Benz staff car. Power steering,
power brakes and automatic transmission are all standard.
No other colors or options are available. If it's good
enough for the generals, it's good enough for you.
Manufacturing delays due to difficulties reading the
design specification are starting to clear up.
eot ------
Down and Dirty: Quick Scripts that do something useful (GARS) Gary Smith
RNELM - Reply to news articles with ELM
From: ctuel@overpass.seng.calpoly.edu (Cliff Tuel)
Subject: Rnelm -- reply to news articles with ELM
This is one of those "why didn't I think of that" programs: when
pressing 'R' or 'r' in rn or trn to reply to an article by mail,
you get thrown into ELM, instead of mail. See the comments for
--- cut here ---
: to unbundle, "sh" this file -- DO NOT use csh
: SHAR archive format. Archive created Mon May 17 16:57:36 1993
echo x - Rnelm
sed 's/^X//' > Rnelm <<'+FUNKY+STUFF+'
X# Rnelm -- use ELM to reply to news articles
X# Cliff Tuel, ctuel@overpass.calpoly.edu
X# May 17, 1993
X# To make (t)rn call this instead of Rnmail: setenv MAILPOSTER Rnelm
Xumask 66
Xto=`grep "^To: " $orig | head -1 | sed -e 's/^To: //'`
Xsubject=`grep "^Subject: " $orig | head -1 | sed -e 's/^Subject: //'`
Xrm -f $letter
Xsed -e '1,/^$/d' < $orig >> $letter
Xelm -i "$letter" -s "$subject" $to
Xrm $letter
echo '-rwxr-xr-x 1 ctuel staff 480 May 17 1993 Rnelm (as sent)'
chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx Rnelm
ls -l Rnelm
exit 0
__o o__ Cliff Tuel, System Admin
\( v )/ Departments ARDFA, CE/ENVE ART OF NOISE, YELLO mailing lists
/___\ Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo aon-request@polyslo.calpoly.edu
^ ^ ctuel@overpass.calpoly.edu yello-request@polyslo.calpoly.edu
eot ------
How to export variables from Child to parent
From: SYST8103@RyeVm.Ryerson.Ca (Ron Wigmore)
Subject: Re: How to export variables from Child to parent
>I am writing a small shall script. I want to invoke a child process by
> program and the program changes some of the variables.
>How can I check the changes variable. I can used exit # and check the # .
>If there is any other way to check the variables, please send me a note ...
This is easy to handle if you are using Bourne/Korn shells. Simply use
shell functions instead of separate shell scripts. eg.
grand_daughter() {
echo Hi ma! Hi grandma!
daughter() {
echo Hi ma! Hi daughter!
mother() {
echo Hi children!
Functions really make shell programming easier, although they are
not supported by all shells. The "{" and "}" are actually the curly
braces that VM likes to display as hypens! Functions act a lot like
"Call Routines" in REXX ie. you do not have to worry about "results"
not being passed to the "caller", since a new process is not created
when the shell function is invoked, everything available to the "caller"
is available to the function and visa versa. You don't have to worry
about exporting variables either. :-)
eot ------
usr/local: Items (scripts and news) snarfed from various sources
shell programming report (new version) (GARS) Gary Smith
From: mario@wdc.sps.mot.com (Mario Nigrovic)
Subject: Re: shell programming report (new version)
In article <1993May7.031135*Harald.Eikrem@delab.sintef.no>,
Harald.Eikrem@delab.sintef.no writes:
! I got many answers for my answers, thank you all. follow is my report:
! 1. rm output
! exec > output ******** only this works ***********
! report: work under "sh", dont work under "csh"
! "csh" told me: exec: too few arguments
! 2. cp /dev/null output
! report: dont work under "csh" & "sh"
! the file output will be filled by NULL, so size still large
! 3. > output
! report: dont work under "csh" & "sh"
! the file output will be filled by NULL, so size still large
! 4. rm output
! touch output
! report: dont work under "sh" and "csh"
! So,it is obvious that there is a command just work under sh.Unfortunately,
!I use "csh".... Any one have solution using "csh"?? Or I have to change
!the shell I use...
|> To bad people that responds doesn't seem to know better. If I remember
|> the thread correctly, the issue were about nulling out a file, and the
|> following should work globally (in whatever *ix shell):
|> : >file
|> ~~h
Anyone else just a little curious about (2) above? That seemed to me to
be the way to solve the problem, too. But, trying it, I realized that no
matter what you do, you can't reset the csh's write pointer into it's
output stream.
Still, writing past the end of a file is the conventional way to create
holes in a file. This has been done as copy-protection by sun in the
Conclusion: (2) works, but doesn't look like it.
Explanation: Unix can create files with large apparent sizes but
minimal allocated sizes. When any program attempts to read an
un allocated section of the file, it gets... nulls. The only way I
know to directly determine the allocated size of a 'holed' file is
via dump. Consider the following script:
#! /bin/csh -f
@ count=1
while ( $count < 2000 )
if ( $count % 25 == 0 ) cp /dev/null output
echo "$count this is a large amount of text. Please let me know."
@ count++
This produces a seemingly large output file:
% ls -l output
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mario 114835 May 10 12:36 output
But the difference in 'df .' before and after is only 24K!
To verify, I ran 'dump':
% dump 0f output.dump output # (Yes 'mario' is in group 'operator')
DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Mon May 10 12:40:00 1993
DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
DUMP: Dumping /dev/rsd0d (/local) to output.dump
DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
DUMP: estimated 118 blocks (59KB) on 0.00 tape(s).
DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
DUMP: Tape rewinding
DUMP: 96 blocks (48KB) on 1 volume
Unix 'cp' is not as smart as dump at avoiding 'holes', so to
verify, I copied the file and ran dump again...
% cp output output2
% dump 0f output2.dump output2
DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Mon May 10 12:41:59 1993
DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
DUMP: Dumping /dev/rsd0d (/local) to output2.dump
DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
DUMP: estimated 296 blocks (148KB) on 0.00 tape(s).
DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
DUMP: Tape rewinding
DUMP: 304 blocks (152KB) on 1 volume
Quite a difference, eh? Looking at the dump outputs...
% ls -l *dump
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mario 40960 May 10 12:40 output.dump
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mario 153600 May 10 12:42 output2.dump
So we may reasonably conclude that, while apparently large,
the output file's data could potentially be small.
The only limit here is that the apparent size has a limit of
2GB or so, totally independent of the size of the actual data.
Oh, yes. Make sure you use dump(8) for backups, not any
program which will expand all those nulls!
Mario **NEW**
Mario Nigrovic <mario@wdc.sps.mot.com> *NEW* voice: (602) 814-4264
Motorola Western MCU Design Center *NEW* fax: (602) 814-4058
* - - - - - - - - - - -*- - - - - - - - - /|\ - *
"I just need enough to tide me over until I need more."
-- Bill Hoest
* - - - - - - - - - - -*- - - - - - - - - - - *
eot ------
UnixNews (DELPHI) Brian T. Riley
eot ------
Reclaiming Lost Data, or, Oops! (MIKE.NOLAN) Mike Nolan
There are certain commands in Unix that are so powerful that they are
downright dangerous. 'rm' is one of them.
Recently I was trying to create some additional file space on a tight
system by cleaning up some old unused directories and did 'rm -rf *' to
delete all the files in one directory tree. This removed all the
non-hidden files, leaving files like .profile, .newsrc, etc.
So, without thinking much, I typed 'rm -rf .*'. Unfortunately, this not
only deletes the files in the current directory tree, but in the
parent ('..') directory tree as well. I figured it out before it deleted
the ENTIRE parent directory (which was /home, the primary user directory
in SVR4), but it did manage to delete around 120MB of data files.
A quick check of the unix FAQ (in news.answers) confirmed my suspicion
that the data was not easily recoverable. However, the FAQ goes on to
suggest that if the system can be halted IMMEDIATELY it might be possible
to reclaim some of the data. Although I think this comment is tied to
halting the system without rewriting the superblock (where the inode
information is stored), it did get me to thinking about HOW Unix stores
(and deletes) files.
Although the particulars vary depending on what filesystem type you have
(UFS, BFS, System V, etc.), in general files in a Unix filesystem are
identified by their inode number, and there are links to these inodes
that indicate where the file is placed in the directory tree structure and
what the file name is. An active inode has at least one link entry to it,
and can have many more. When a file is deleted, the link and inode
information is deleted, but the data contents of the file are not erased.
(This may not be true on secure systems.)
So, my 120MB of data was still out there, and as long as I didn't write on
those blocks there was a chance I could reclaim the data, or at least some
of it. So, I disconnected this system from the rest of the network, to
prevent most file activity.
The first step was to figure out HOW to access the deleted data. Unix
devices are accessible two ways, by blocks or as streams of characters.
In the /dev directory, block special files are identifiable by a 'b' in
the first position of the long (ls -l) entry, and character special files
by a 'c'. A character special file is also sometimes called a 'raw' file
because Unix will consider it as a continuous stream of characters.
So, I wrote the entire raw disk image to a streamer tape. (I used the
command: 'dd if=/dev/rroot of=/dev/rmt/c0t3d0s0') This took about two
hours, because the partition involved had 700,000 blocks on it, and
streamer tapes are generally not noted for their speed.
Now that I had a copy of the data in a non-volatile form, I had to figure
out how to locate and reclaim the missing information. (By this time I
had determined that at least 90MB of the missing data was sample data for
a project I'm working on, easily regenerable. However, most of my programs
and shell scripts would be much harder to reproduce. This system is not
yet in production mode, so we had not yet set up a meaningful backup
Using an existing program as a starting point, I developed 'reclaim', which
takes the information from the streamer tape, processes it in 512 character
blocks, and looks for my missing data. Two keys to making this work was
having some idea of what was IN the missing files, and the realization that
since only TEXT blocks needed to be examined, I could skip any blocks that
were non-text.
Reclaim examines each block to see if it has non-ascii characters in it.
(IE, greater than 177 octal, or below 040 octal, except for new line, tab,
new page, and perhaps a few others.) Within a valid text block, reclaim
searches for specific character strings that would be part of the data.
(The search strings are currently hard coded into the program, although it
would be possible to have them input from the keyboard or from a data file.)
The output consists of the block number, followed by the 512 characters of
Each pass with reclaim takes me at least 90 minutes, more if it finds lots
of data. Some forethought needs to go into determining what characters
sequences to search for. (One would NOT want to search for the string
'char', for example, but 'char my_weird_variable_name' might work.
I quickly determined that for the most part my programs and scripts tended
to be in consecutive blocks, and so added to reclaim the option to save
text blocks that are 'close' to blocks with matching character strings. It
also helps to specify more than one string that will appear in a target
file, because the first string might overlap two blocks. An additional
refinement that could be added to reclaim would be a regular expression
search, but that is a LOT more work!
Anyway, the good news is I've been able to reclaim the most important parts
of my lost data, and I'm holding on to the tape for a while.
The current version of 'reclaim' has been uploaded to the Unix RoundTable
library, and will be available as file # 7136. I hope nobody ever needs to
use it, though!
eot ------
Rookie Review (JANET.S) Janet McNeely
Part 5 of a continuing series
eot ------
REMINDER - This newsletter is being sent to you 'by request'. If you do
not wish to keep receiving it, e-mail a stop notice to GARS. On the other
hand, we would very much appreciate it if you would pass the word that we
do distribute this item near the tenth (10th) of the month of issue to any-
one on GEnie who requests it.
P L E A S E also remember contributions are most welcome. Please e-mail
items and/or suggestions to GARS.
etx ------
Trademark and Copyright notices:
Unix is a Trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.; GEnie, LiveWire, and
RoundTable are Trademarks of General Electric Information Services Company;
Xenix and ms-dos are Trademarks of Microsoft Corporation; NeXT NeXTstation
and NeXTstep are Trademarks of NeXT Computer Systems, Inc., Coherent is a
Trademark of Mark Williams Company, Sun, SPARC, SunOS are Trademarks of Sun
Microsystems, Inc., SCO is a Trademark of Santa Cruz Operations, Telebit is
a Trademark of Telebit Corporation, Hayes and Smartmodem are Trademarks of
Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc.
The contents of this newsletter are copyright(c) 1992 and may be copied whole
or in part only if original credit is included. The GEnie UNIX RoundTable is
not affiliated with AT&T or UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.
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